OS X :: Unable To Run System With Battery / Starts Up But Immediately Shuts Down
Feb 16, 2008
Just wondering if anyone has ever encountered this or if any experts out there know of the issue.
I have a spare White Macbook (late 2008: Core 2 Duo 2.1GHz, 1GB, 120GB) that I'd like to set up for my brother to use to introduce him to the wonderful world of Macs. The problem it is having is that when I have a battery connected to it (I tried 2 different ones included a known-good one that is brand-new just purchased from Apple) it powers on and gives me the chime, but then immediately shuts off unexpectedly giving that little "whine" sound like if it just lost power all of a sudden. However, when i take out the battery, and just plug it into the Magsafe AC charger it works fine. Also when just trying to run on battery it does not turn on at all. Here's some cliffs:
1) Macbook with just battery does not turn on
2) Macbook with battery + Magsafe AC charger connects powers on, gives the chime, but then immediately shuts off making the "whine" sound as if the power was suddenly cut off
3) Macbook with no battery connected and just the Magsafe AC charger connected works fine.
Do you guys think this is either:
A) battery connector issue (the little piece with the metal wires that the battery connects to. ~$50 part)
B) Logic Board issue
I already tried resetting the PRAM and SMU to no avail.
My battery needed replacing for a couple of months before i dropped it from about knee level onto a sidewalk. After the drop I got the not charging icon. I thought maybe the battery had just finally died. so I did not panic about the no charge. The laptop works fine when plugged in to power with the old battery on or no battery at all. Not at all when unplugged.
When I put the brand new battery on the lap top, the computer shuts down halfway through boot up. I tried holding the power button down through boot up reset, as well as removing all power (plug and battery) and holding down the power button for 10 seconds reset.
Okay...so I'm literally going crazy. My father ripped a bunch of dvds of mine using his pc (I haven't converted him...yet!) with DVDfab Platinum. I'm working on backing up my movies on hard drive and I have tried to rip them to my Macbook with MTR as well as burning them with Popcorn.
I have never had any difficulty with either program except when it comes to trying to re-rip these dvds copied on pc first.It doesn't seem logical that this can be a pc to mac problem...but who knows? MTR shuts down immediately when trying to rip the movie. Popcorn won't burn the TS file from the DVD or an image file of the DVD. I'm lost. Does anyone have any suggestions...?
Starting abnormally, Like when I start my MacBook pro which is almost new. A bar runs on the white screen and then when it reached half way system shut down. Any way to reset my computer.
Also, when I am going to option, the system doesn't allow me by saying hard disk is locked.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
Sometimes my MacBook will shut off for no reason, and then it won't charge anymore. It takes a lot of effort to get it to start charging again, but I don't get it. I don't know what's wrong with it. It just started happening randomly, I don't know what to do. It's under warranty, but I wanted to see if anyone else was having this problem as well? If there's any quick fixes please let me know
New Macbook Pro. Fan starts running almost immediately. It has just started doing this in the last two days. I have used my computer for hours and hours and it hasn't run like this before.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Early 2013), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
When sharing "Apple 1080p" the progress bar jumps right to 9% then stays there no matter how long you leave it.I have restarted, shut down, cleared memory, and tried three different destinations (USB, Ex HD, iMac HD)
This has happened once before but randomly stopped happening a few hours later but it doesn't seem to be the case this time.
Sometimes when I turn my iMac on, it'll start doing its thing�light comes on, chime goes, fan whirrs, but then it'll make a strange click/"werrrrh" noise and turn off.It's happened twice to me since I've brought it home from school and each time I just tilted the monitor around while turning it on and it worked.I have been avoiding turning off / restarting my computer because I'm afraid its going to happen and I won't be able to get past it.Could the powersupply be loose or something?
I have an old g4 , the kind shaped like half a golf ball, which starts up and then quits at different places during the process. Sometimes with the gray screen and Apple logo, sometime later when the OS has fully installed,but fails quite rapidly after that. Then tries to reboot itself with varying degrees of failure.
I have a 2009 iMac with SSD drive and 2TB drive.For the last 6 months, I'd get kernel errors every now and again, and I would reboot and things would be fine. A few days ago, the computer totally froze, and when I turned it on, it would shut right off. I tried booting to recovery partition, nothing worked. I took it to the apple store yesterday and they hooked it up to an external drive and then did a diagnostic test and the genius said it needed a fresh install of lion, that something was corrupting it. So we did that (for some reason though, it took about 4 tries for him to get it), and then I took the computer home and ran time machine.
Every thing worked as it should for about 12 hours, I did reboot a few times in that time. Anyways, now, it's back to where it was where I turn it on, there's a status bar on the bottom that fills about halfway and then the iMac shuts down. The apple genius said that a corrupt program/application might be causing that. I find this hard to believe ... I can understand a corrupt program crashing or not starting, but is it possible for that to not allow the computer to even turn on? The other thing is that when the computer crashed a few days ago, I hadn't installed anything new/etc .... ???
I can turn on my mac, the beach ball starts spinning and stays spinning for awhile, finally starts up but then quickly shuts back down? I have never encountered this type of problem with my desktop before! I have checked all the power supplies and reset the powercord, I unplugged the computer and tried to reboot it to no avail. Does anyone know how to do the type of reboot where you hold down the power button and two keys (?) wait for the 2nd chime then let go of the keys? I believe that is how it's done.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1), operating system- not 100% sure?
My MacBook Pro will not start. It chimes and the gray progress bar starts and then the computer shuts off. I am able to start it holding the Command +R keys and access Disk Utility. That is where it says my S.M.A.R.T. drive is "failing". I have a backup from Time Machine from a week ago. I am concerned the computer is going to die. What should I do and is my computer going to die?.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 8GB RAM
My MacBook does not sleep immediately, I have already tried removing safe sleep and it gives me no effect. It is not a hardware problem as my Windows Vista on the Machine sleeps just how I would like it. For info, the Hard Drive that is in it (320GB WD Scorpio Black) was used in an EFI Hackintosh install for my MSI Wind (but EFI installs do not modify the main operating system so I do not know what the heck is causing this)? By the way, the MacBook is custom, made by me. I built it out of three dead MacBooks.
One Black Core duo which was stepped on and had a broken screen and hinges which gave me: Only working Logic board of the Pack (2.0GHZ Core Duo) I paid 140$ for this one 2 512MB sticks (Removed one and added a 1GB Stick, yes I know matched pairs, gonna find another 1GB soon) Bottom case. Top lid Half the keys for the keyboard.
The Second MacBook Free: 2.0GHZ Core Duo white gave me with coffee spilled on it Top case with trackpad, and half of the keys Bezel Hinges Screen other screws etc. Fan (The one inside was going clack clack clack)
One 2.2GHZ Core 2 Duo which a dog peed on, Free for getting data off of: DVD-R Drive one that was in it wouldn't eject Sleep Light, the one that was there originally was borked and did not light, and IR did not work. Now it does alternative screen with no pressure marks like the one I have now but one noticeable 1/2 inch scratch. Various screws.
I am yet to finish it. I am still prototyping the new top screen assembly using the Black lid, a red apple, and the screen with a scratch on it, and the bezel from the 2.2GHZ which is really beat up. The current top assembly is straight from the 2.0GHZ White. Here's a pic of it in it's current state.
Edit: Clumsy me, of course I managed to break the battery holder (the little metal thing connecting to the + of the battery) Any chances of fixing it without replacing the motherboard or such? Every time I disconnect the power cord from my 2008 Mac Pro the system time is reset and my key-chain starts fuzzing (I have to re-enter my e-mail password). What could be the problem and what solutions are there? I'm thinking maybe it's the battery but I would like to hear from someone who knows a bit better, that is you lot , before I try to correct the problem.
I'm having a slight problem with Finder, and it's quite annoying. When I right-click and select new folder, it doesn't let me rename it immediately. I have to press enter first.
The strange thing is, it only does this in List view.
All of the other views let me rename the folder immediately after I select 'new folder' on the context menu.
Mac Book Pro shuts off when using the battery after about 20 minutes. System Profile information says it is fully charged. Health Information, cycle count:108, Condition: check battery. I believe I have two weeks left on the Applecare Protection Plan.
Is it strange that my MacBook now just shuts down when it runs out of battery instead of just going into sleep mode? It's about two weeks old now. It used to go into sleep mode, but now it just shuts down once the battery is down. Also, I had the most wonderful experience with Apple. My first macbook (three weeks ago) had a small chip on the screen. When I finally noticed it, I thought it was a large piece of dust so it wasn't too terrible. I tried to exchange it at the local store where I purchased it, but it had already been four days and I had cut out the UPC for the printer and ipod rebate the day before and sent it out. So they recommended that I go see a mac genius and see if I can get the screen replaced because I could no longer exchange it or return it (risk losing my rebates).
So, a bit upset that I was too prompt about getting the rebates in, I scheduled an appointment with a genius. When I spoke to him, he just went to the back and got the manager. The manager said instead fixing the screen, he'd liked to give me a new macbook and instant reimbursement for the ipod and printer! (the rebates I sent in will be rejected since the mac has been returned). The new macbook I noticed has a much louder superdrive seems to be working hard every time the computer wakes up and when I open it, but that definitely beats a chip on the screen. But now it doesn't go to sleep after the battery gets low, but instead shuts off.
My MacBook shuts down on random percentages when used on battery power. I can only use it for FIVE minutes before it shuts down. And as I said, it shuts down before the battery runs down to 0%.
I have a 2010 13" MBP that will shut itself off instead of going to sleep when the battery is drained. I tried recalibrating and resetting the SMC, as well as disabling hibernate, but the same thing happens. The computer is barely a month old. Anybody else with a 13" experiencing this? I posted this issue on the Apple forums and someone replied stating that they heard Apple is looking into it, but usually occurs with i5 and i7 machines.
My Macbook Pro keeps shutting down before I reach zero percent battery and often when the battery still has 25% left. I am wondering if this is a software issue that may be fixed or if there is something incompatible with my hardware. I am running 10.6.4 with a 2.16 GHz Intel Core Duo, 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM memory bought in April of 2007. My mac was originally running Tiger, but a few months ago I updated to Snow Leopard.
I have done all those PMU resetting stuff. The problem is that my iBook (1GHz, 768MB RAM, Tiger 10.4.3) keeps shutting off when I run it on battery. While plugged in there doesn't seem to be a problem. Here's what I've found out: This seems to happen only when I run the iBook from the battery. There is no pattern as to when it will happen: It might be fully charged, at 70%, 50%, etc. There are no warnings: The iBook just dies
To restart it I have to plug in the charger, I can't start it from the battery after one of these sudden deaths
If I press the battery indicator after a crash, it doesn't show any charge - no green lights When I restart the machine the battery indicator will work, and it show's a charge in Tiger as well
I've done all that PMU resetting, PRAM resetting, etc. Doesn't work. Any ideas as to what this could be? Bad battery?
One more thing: I've run the hardware test, and it doesn't come up with anything at all.
Coconut Battery shows that my battery should hold a charge as well. Max charge is still at 3500mAh, 18 months and 750 cycles after I got the iBook.
I recently purchased an iBook used from someone locally. I got a good price because he said the battery was weak. However, I want to make sure that's actually the case. The power cord connection is not loose.
Coconutbattery says my battery is 36% health, but it also says it's not plugged into the charger when it actually is, so I don't know how reliable this program is. It says my mac is 27 months old, i have 367 cycles on the battery... etc. And I am running Tiger.
The problem is that the power meter on the top bar will say i've got a full charge... so I run the computer (on battery) down to about 60% according to the meter, but the computer instantly shuts off. I try to reboot, and it shuts off while rebooting. It's like the battery works fine and suddenly dies. I get about 30-40 minutes use out of the battery.
Is this the battery or do I have other problems? This only happens when using the battery.
I have a 1st revision Macbook Pro 15" that's about 2 years and a few months old, and all of a sudden the battery will not provide power past approximately 76%. As soon as the the battery displays, 75% or 76% of the charge remaining, the laptop shuts off completely, does not warn me that my battery is low, and does not sleep or save the contents of my RAM - nothing it should be doing. The battery is only at 149 cycles as of today, and I don't have any sort of AppleCare plan. Is this something I can get replaced under a warranty, or would I have to shell out for a new battery? And is it even worth it?
Recently my battery health has dropped to 21% with only 79 cycles. I have tried calibrating the battery and have always done it at least once a month. Just this morning I was running on battery power and it shut off with 65% of charge left. I'm off to college in a month and am wondering if Apple will replace my battery even though I'm not under warranty.
I would take it to an Apple Store but unfortunately the closest one is an hour and a half drive away. Should I try calling Apple?
I have a 3 1/2 year old Macbook, my Applecare has ran out. About six months ago my computer began shutting off immediately when unplugged. (Was letting my roomates use the computer, came home one day and it started doing this.) I believe that my battery is OK, it performs between 97% and 99% consistently. When I do the battery test, all of the lights light up.
I've read through the forums and it seems a lot of people are having this problem, but their batteries are bad. What are some options/solutions to this problem? I am willing to invest money wisely into the computer to keep it running smoothly for a while.
I own the first 'remolded' revision of the Macbook released in '08 (5,1), and have had it for over a year now. Recently though, after 10 or so minutes running off just battery power (fully charged), it shuts down unexpectedly. It doesn't say the battery is low, or near low, it just shuts down. It's really annoying, I have to use the charger wherever I go. I really need my laptop so I don't really want to take it to an Apple Store and have to wait a week to get it fixed, unless it's really necessary. My software is up to date. Any ideas on what my problem is/how to fix it?
Just wondering, is it normal that when i close the lid of my MBP at low battery (2-5 percent), it shuts down completely. When i plug it in and turn it on, it goes to the reload thing where it continues your previous session.