I'm trying to find a desk lamp for the 24" iMac. My Dad uses one for work and his eyesight isn't what it used to be, so I'm looking for something that will sit on top of the iMac and give light to the whole desk.
Unfortunately, a Google search finds only the old classic G4 'desk lamp' iMac, but I'm actually after an iMac desk lamp, if that makes sense.
Function over aesthetics, but preferably nothing too hideous that detracts from the natural beauty of the Mac. Any suggestions would be great
I just bought a 17'' lamp-style G4 iMac with a dead logic board for the screen, with the intent of doing some fun modifications, just because I have some spare time. There are 2 things I would like to ask you all about. If you reply (and all constructive or humorous replies are much appreciated!), keep in mind that I am fairly knowledgeable about electronics and am good at soldering/wiring. Anything I don't know how to do, I have friends that are professional electrical engineers (my day job is working on the ATLAS experiment for the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva).
1) I have a perfect, working iMac G4 that has served me well for many years in the same lamp style with a 15'' monitor. Is it possible to gut the 15'' and put it in the 17''? The fit of the components doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to work and be more or less as functional as the current machine. I might be able to build some spacers or something if the fit is not perfect.
2) What do you think the chances are of me stuffing the innards of a Mac Mini inside the 15'' or 17'' chassis? My main concern is the screen connection. I might be able to jury-rig something so that the wires coming from the neck go to a DVI or whatever port is on the Mac Mini to do it that way, I wonder if there isn't a better solution?
Have at it. If I go through with this, I plan to post pictures and a step-by-step account of the process.
and to the people who will undoubtedly bring up copyright/legal infringements. this will not be for sale.
I have a lamp style iMac and when I boot it up I get the flashing folder from the mac face to the question mark. I booted it up with the OS X DVD, but a padlock comes up. I have never set a password for this computer, except to login, and that password isn't working. Is there a way around this? I've tried everything I can think of.
I just placed an order for the 24" iMac. Apple lists the weight of this machine as 25 lbs. I intend for it to be my primary desktop machine, claiming its residence atop my computer desk which is made of 8mm-thick tempered glass and aluminum framing.My only concern is that 25 lbs might be too heavy for the glass. Unfortunately I cannot find a maximum load specification for the desk anywhere. If I can find the manufacturer's number I'll certainly call them but I can't find that either. So, anyone here have a similar setup and care to comment? Coming home and finding shattered glass and 2 grand of mangled hardware wouldn't make for a happy time!
I have an aluminium iMac, 2.4GHz Intel C2D, 2GB RAM, running Leopard.On one account, it runs slowly, with a noticeable delay in doing anything, even menus take a second do to anything once they've been clicked.It has all the updates installed and I've tried repairing the permissions and rebooting already.
Since I've only noticed it on one account, I'm inclined to think it's a corrupted user file or something.
I recently ordered a 27" iMac from Amazon and I am expecting it to arrive in the next day or two. I am considering using a desk mount arm as a mounting option. What brand desk mount arms are others using for their 27" iMacs?
Still waiting on my new 27" i7 imac. Trying to figure out if current desk is suitable. Can someone tell me the dimension in inches of the imac 27 from top of desk to the top of the imac
According to the specs on the Apple site, the depth of the iMac 27" is 8.15 inches (20.7 cm). I assume this is including the foot? Could someone measure the total depth of the 27", from the front to the back including the foot? So the full depth, just to be sure?
My desk (Ikea Galant) has a depth of 31.5 inches (80 cm), so it's not that deep, and it's setup against a wall. I'd like to know how this monster iMac would look on it, and if my face isn't going to be too close to the screen (now about 25 to 30 inches).
I've always had my computer in the corner of my desk. I don't know why, but I just prefer it there. However, with my new super-huge 27" screen, the iMac doesn't really seem to fit in the corner pocket like my old 17". I'm thinking about becoming a "center of the desk" person as a result, but I'm reluctant to do so. Where do most people place their new iMac on their desk and why?
Maybe this is going to sound silly but do I have to worry about this thing being too heavy for my glass-top Office Max desk? It's 30.5 lbs, twice as heavy as the Dell widescreen monitor I currently use. This is my first all-in-one so it's all new to me!
When my new i7 is on my usual desk (where iMac 24" white stood silently before), it sounds like a dishwasher. Or a plane engine. The low, loud vibrating noise drives me so mad I snap. It penetrates my very brain and makes it vibrate. It's audible from another room. In desperation, I raised my Mac and the sound stopped. I put it on the floor, and the machine is silent. Back on desk - airplane engine sound again. What the heck? My desk has been perfect for all my other computers, what's so special about i7?
I have a question (whoa). I have an iMac Dual Core, bought in mid-2007 (it's the White Plastic version, not the newer Aluminium with the glass-display).
For some time now I had some dark spots, kind of shadow like in the bottom left corner. I wasn't bothered too much by them, but they got bigger, and now I have these in all of the corners except the bottom right one.
Anyone got any ideas how to get rid of them? (no, no three-year guarantee plan ... stupid me), or if not if it'd mean to replace the whole display or if it's just some cleaning (I talk money-wise here ...)
I attach two not-so-good pictures (the background is plain-white and the image is a bit enhanced ...) so you guys can see what I mean.
I'll be learning LAMP (mainly PHP), so I need to setup a LAMP server for testing purpose, I have a Thinkpad T60 and a Macbook Pro, I mainly use the Mac for my daily uses, so it is more convenient to setup a LAMP server on Mac. But I read some articles about how to do it, I have to turn on Web Sharing, so basically is it safe to do this?
The new IMac 21.5" doesn't fit on my desk. I bought an ikea computer desk that has shelves and a place for the monitor. These new widescreen IMacs, don't fit while the old 20" did!
I remember a lot of complaints about the old MBPs having problems with the aluminum denting and I was wondering if people are having the same problems with the new aluminum MBs. How are they holding up overall? Are people mostly happy with them, particularly compared to the previous models?
How to identify if it's a refurb or new?i'm going to buy a mb alum 2.4ghz from someone I met and he claims it's new, i just want to be sure if it is.maybe the box? or the warranty says it's a refurb? I don't know please tell me.
In the last month I decided that I wanted more portability for my laptop so I decided to get a new one.At first I was going to get an alum macbook but I was scared off by all the critcism of the screen quality.Then I was going to get a Rev B Air but I was tempted by the refurb A prices so I bought a 1.8/SSD rev A. Nice machine but I was not happy with the performance or the compromises (Hulu video stutter, Eyetv download of old camcorder movies stutter, ichat video stutter, lots of beach balls as I was scrolling in Safari, fans blaring at 6500 rpms with RSS screensaver, etc). I was depressed as I did not want to spend the big bucks for a MBA rev B, so I decided to look at the Alum macbook again. I read a thousand posts here and headed off to the Apple store with my thumb drive filled with all kinds of pictures in hand. After viewing many pictures at all kinds of angles, comparing with the Air, I decided the screen wasn't near as bad as the hype. So off to ebay to find a deal. It took 1.5 hours to do a 15GB time machine migration over wifi. Here is my review.
Alright, im currently decoding a dvd in handbrake, running itunes, and safari.My computer is using 99% cpu and has 2.75gb ram available(out of 4gb)The CPU temperature is 85CThe fans are running at 6220 rpm.Does this all sound about right? Should my CPU usage be 99% when im decoding a dvd, using itunes, and browsing in safari?The available ram is of little concern to me. I just upgraded to 4gb.Should my CPU be so warm? Isn't 85C pretty hot for a 2.4 Core2duo? What are the limits of this chip?Seems to me like the fans are running at max
be more heathier for the mac pro to have longevity if it were on top. I guess if it were on top of a desk, the mac pro would collect less dust + able to breathe alot better for less stress on the logicboard/fan? I'm seriously thinking about putting the mac pro on top of my desk.
I plan on putting my quad Core Mac Pro inside my desk. It's completely open in the front but the sides and back are closed in. Will it get too hot for the computer?
What do you think (or use yourself) is the best thing to use to clean the Aluminium case of a PowerBook? I've got smudges in a few spots and I'm not entirely sure what to use.
I think I've heard people mention the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (the dry kind), does that work? Or does it just destroy the Aluminium?
apple has updated the old white mac book to be as fast as the low end alum http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-...CmoreStories.0look at the specs?[URL]/us/browse/hom...ok?mco=MTE3MzM what the heck so apple is going to make the alum macbook cheaper or are they going to get an update to
I'm planning to upgrade the macbook 2.4 with a SSD drive, I'm looking for a 256Gb Samsung, I know Intel is better but I need more space than 160Gb I'm doing fine or there are better options than the Samsung?
My MacBook has consistently been giving off a hissing sound, as if air was escaping somewhere, from the front right side of the machine. I find if I press lightly in the right place, the noise all but ceases. I was wondering if there was a (safe) way to apply the same pressure permanently.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have been noticing more MacPros kept on top of desk rather than on the floor. Why is this. I think it's too big to go on a desk, even a big one. Is there something I don't know about. I guess the 'dust bunnies' may be a bit larger on the floor but it's also cooler. Getting to the back is just as much as a pain in both places.
I searched here and know of the mac pro cuff-pro and some other attaching thing that goes under the desk from ikea, what ones to include the ikea one (link possible?) and the cuff-pro could someone recommend to hold a mac pro either to the side, or bottom of a desk?