Mac Pro :: Second Hard Disk Fails To Mount At Reboot

Sep 20, 2009

My Mac Pro ("Cyrus") has two 1 TB hard disks. When I reboot, only the first of those disks (also named "Cyrus"), the one with the system and home directories, mounts on the desktop. The second disk ("Virtual", need a better name, any ideas?) does not appear in /Volumes and doesn't work until I mount it manually in Disk Utility. This behaviour is seen consistently, i.e. after every reboot. How can I convince Cyrus to mount both disks?

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OS X :: NTFS Hard Disk Mount Location At Mac

Aug 2, 2010

I really need to know where a NTFS disk is mounted at a Mac. Don't say the Desktop, or something like that. I need the mount directory. CDs/DVDs and pendrives are mounted at /Volumes. Where are NTFS disks mounted?

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Mac Mini :: Why Does It Crash And Reboot When Do A Time Machine Backup To A USB Hard Disk

Jun 17, 2012

This is the second time it has happened, the first was with a powered USB Hard Disk, this time with a WD Elements HD. The first time, it crashed and popped up an alert saying the machine needed to be restarted.After restarting it continued, then around half way through it crashed again.It then would not boot as it said the Mac Mini's HD was corrupted.Tried to repair using the recovery mode, with no joy.Reformatted Hard Disk, went to recover using online recovery, got a 6002F error and it wouldn't reinstallTook to apple service centre, they wanted to charge to reinstall the OS (put them straight on that ). 

Now it looks like it's doing it again, this time after the first crash I'm just copying the files I need manually to the external Hard Disk, which so far is OK. 

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Mac Pro :: External Hard Drive Seen In Disk Utility But Partition Won't Mount?

Sep 2, 2014

I've been running a Toshiba 1TB external drive on my Mac Pro tower and it's been working fine.  But yesterday it wouldn't mount.  I could see the drive in Disc Utility, but the partition wouldn't mount.  I brought it into work where I'm running an iMac and it mounted just fine.  Why would it stop working on one computer (where it was previously fine) yet work okay on another? And how do I get it working on the tower?

Mac Pro, iOS 7.1.2

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MacBook Air :: Disk Utility Won't Allow To Mount NTFS External Hard Drive

Aug 29, 2014

I've recently converted to the Mac-side:

I'm having difficulty with my external hard-drive, here's the info on that one: 

Disk Utility won't allow me to mount the drive, I've tried using a number of softwares to read it (working under the assumption that it's an NTFS drive), including Tuxera and Paragon. I have too much stored on the hard drive to empty it back onto my old computer, and so I'm not able order to re-format it.

MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X :: .toast File Fails To Mount?

Jan 12, 2009

i just downloaded a torrent and it contained a bunch of toast files, all the other files mounted fine but one file says that it contains no mountable file just turns out that this is the most important file of the bunch

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Software :: Superdrive Fails To Mount Discs

Sep 30, 2008

iMac, Core Duo, 17-inch, 2 GHz
Boot ROM Version:IM41.0055.B08

The MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-846 can't mount disks, both CD and DVD, about 90 percent of the time. I've tried resetting the PRAM, but I don't know if it's related to this.

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Mac Mini :: Fails To Mount External Disks?

Mar 31, 2012

I did a software update for Safari to 5.1.5. I rebooted the system as required. Now neither the firewire external drive, nor the USB external drive are mounted. 

They both spin and click several times and then stop. The disk utility does not see them. Power cycling the disks does not help.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8), core 2 Duo

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OS X :: Partition Won't Mount After System Crash And Reboot

Apr 27, 2009

im running OSX Leopard on my Macbook Pro and I have a mobile hard-drive attached. My bittorrent client, Azureus, is likely accessing one of the three partitions on the external drive when, for some reason, my system hangs. After a while i I just hold down the power button to force a restart.

After it starts up everything works fine, except that the partition that was in use wont mount, although the other two will without problem.

All the partitions show up in disk utility. If i try to mount the troublesome partition from within disk utility, I get a dialogue box saying the mount failed and I should try first aid. When I try to repair it with "Verify disk", it tells me that the volume "appears to be ok".

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Hardware :: Drive Disconnect Randomly - Can't Mount Unless Reboot Imac

Jan 29, 2009

I purchased a Q-Drive Q 1TB in Dec for my 24" iMac, purchased it at a Apple Store. I was connected with 800firewire cable, all seemed to be working ok, time machine etc. But in the past month the drive has become a nightmare, it will just disconnect at random. At that point i cannot get it to mount, unless I reboot my iMac. I have tried to connect with 400firewire and usb2, but the same problem persists. Needless to say I am somewhat annoyed, it was not cheap. Anyone have any advice on what I should do, I'm scared to go to G-Tech for support as what I could find appears to be a nightmare. Would I be able to return this to the Apple store that I bought it from?

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MacBook :: When I Reboot My Machine And Run Disk Utility And Choose Repair Disk, It Hangs?

Nov 25, 2009

I am trying to repair my disk so I can install bootcamp, but when I reboot my machine and run disk utility and choose repair disk, it hangs. Does anyone have any ideas ?

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Power Mac G5 :: Using Disk - Utility Verify Disk Fails

Mar 18, 2009

Having a major issue: similar symptoms to others in the forum - with the fan and the computer not getting past the grey apple screen, I booted from the install disk and got to disk utility, at first all options were greyed out and I could not do anything, tried again a few times and finally got to the point where I could run the verify utility, never given the option to repair. When running the utility it failed and said I needed to repair by booting from the install disk and running the disk utility? Going around in circle here - any advice? I am currently running the Apple Hardware test to see if that shows has been a workhorse and I've NEVER had any issues with it.

PowerMac G5 Dual 2Ghz
Mac OS X (10.5.1)

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OS X :: Removing Partitions With Disk Utility Fails

Jun 23, 2010

Seems that I have messed up my Macbook Pro hark disk. Opening disk utility on macosx 10.5.8 shows that my disk in partitioned as this:
1)Macintosh HD
2)Apple_HFS disk0s3
3)Linux Swap

All of them appear to formatted as Mac OS extended (journaled) although the Linux Swap partition appears as Unmounted and cant be mounted nor use first aid on it. the others 2 appear to ok on verify disk test. What I want to do is remove partition 2 and 3. As I mention disk utility fails both under macosx and also when i use it booting from Mac OS X install disk. Should I use something like g-parted to boot from and re arrange my partitions or will this further mess up my disk? will MBR be affected?

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Power Mac :: Not Booting - Disk Repair Through System CD Fails

Apr 9, 2012

My Power Mac froze, and won't boot. I'm running 10.4. No recent changes, downloads, or updates. Safe mode won't work. freezes on grey start up screen. System CD in drive, won't boot from holding down "c" held down option and selected CD and finally got to disk utility.

Now, when I try to run utility to repair permissions, I get an error stating "disk utility has lost its connection with the disk management tool and cannot continue. Please quit and relaunch disk utility" happens over and over.

When I try to repair disk, I get a red line saying "reserved fields in the catalog record have incorrect date, keys out of order. The volume could not be repaired". Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit (-9972). 1 volume could not be repaired.

powermac G5 2.5g ram 23 flat screen, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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MacBook Pro :: Finder Fails To Open When Starting Up It Due To Low Disk Space

Mar 31, 2012

I have a Macbook Pro (13") running snow leopard and have a partitioned hard drive (half OS X and half Windows 7). This morning I was using the Mac side and was running low on disk space (very low) so I was moving desktop files into folders to free up some space. I restarted the computer to see what the free space was but the computer stopped/froze at the desktop image (no folders or dock appeared. I restarted the computer many times but the finder never opens and all I see is the desktop wallpaper. I donnected usb drives and put in dvds but the finder never appears so I cn do nothing but shut down and start up.

I ran Disk Utility but it found no problems with the disk. I do not have a backup of the important file forlders on my drive and due to low disk space I am worried to reinstall and archive the OS since there may not be enough disk space to archive (only about 220 mb free on the apple side when I am in windows using bootcamp).

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6)

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ITunes For Mac :: Fails To Play Music From Library On External Disk?

Jun 5, 2014

I just updated to iTunes 11.2.2 on my macMini following an update to OS X 10.9.3. I have my music library stored on an external 1TB firewire disk and some on a second gen iPod. The iPod music is accessable and will play but the music on the external disk, while showing up correctly in iTunes, will not play. I can't even play the music from within finder (no play icon on the music file icon in finder.) I can use the right click menu option to show a music item in iTunes in Finder and it knows right where it is so it seems itunes is fully aware of the libraries location on the external drive.  

One additional point is that I also install Xcode 6 Beta which would not install with iTunes opened. I was wondering if the beta of Xcode 6 is at issue? If is what will be needed to backout that instalation? What changes does Xcode 6 do that affects iTunes in the first place? Maybe it isn't Xcode 6 but something else just not sure.

Mac Mini Intel Dual Cor (2.26MHz), Mac OS X (10.5.7)

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IMac (Intel) :: DVD Drive Fails To Recognize Disk Inserted

Aug 23, 2014

I have a mid-2010 iMac.  Recently, it has failed to mount DVDs, either video or data, on a reliable basis.  I have been able to work around it by restarting my iMac, but that doesn't always work.

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), mid-2010 model

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MacBook Pro :: Stopped Booting Up / Disk Repair Fails - How To Backup Data

Jun 14, 2012

My MacBook Pro 2011 stopped booting up. Shows just a white screen. I can get to utilities but disk repair fails, asking me to back up and format / restore the hard drive. How do I back up my data to an external drive?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Usb Flash Disk Cannot Mount?

Jul 16, 2009

my usb 2.0 removable flash disk had a problem. i reformatted it and while in the process it failed. then after that my usb can't be detected by mac but i can see it in disk utility. i tried everything in disk utility. [URL] that disk2s1 when i try to verify, or even repair it something will say that ** /dev/disk2s1 could not read boot block (Permission denied) Filesystem error: verify or repair failed

i can't mount it too..when i hit the mount icon it would say try first aid on it first or verify or repair and try again. i've searched everything in the net but i can't find something.

ah..and when i insert my usb in windows (desktop) the usb will be detected but i cannot open it.. the pc will hang and i can't even get to see its properties in windows.

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OS X :: Mount HD Without Using Disk Utility?

Jul 13, 2010

Is it possible to mount a hard drive without having to open up Disk Utility?I often unmount my different Hard Drives then remount them later on and I'm getting sick of having to always open Disk Utility.

Is it possible, though another program/utility or in Mac OS X to mount a drive within Finder (or maybe the taskbar?)

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Mac Pro :: SuperDrive Will Not Mount Any Disk

Apr 12, 2012

I have a mac pro 2.8 Ghz Quad-Core Intel Xeon box. Tonight I replace my 8 g memory sticks with 16g memory sticks. After rebooting my super drive will no longer mount any disk that is put in the tray. I close the tray then after several seconds the try pops back open. I have tried cleaning the drive with a cleaning disk, it does not work. No sound comes from the drive, in other words I don't hear it attempt to spin up. The super drive shows up in disk utility and under Disc Burning in system information.

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OS X Mavericks :: New 4TB Disk Won't Mount

Sep 5, 2014

Bought a new 4TB external hard drive (USB 3.0). I need to use it with Time Machine. The instructions on Apple said to format as GUID. When I opened up Disk Utility to do this it started to format the drive as it normally would, and then out of no where it stopped and unmounted the drive. Now no matter what I try to do I can't mount it (even in windows). 

If I unplug the drive and then plug it back in the "initialize" pop-up comes on screen, but even when I click Initialize it does nothing. 

How do I get around this and format the drive?

Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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OS X Mavericks :: How To Create Space On Recovery Disk To Reboot IMac

Dec 11, 2014

My iMac has the grey screen upon turning on.  When I attempt to restore OS X mavericks, there is not enough space on the recovery drive.

When I try to erase the disk, the error message says it is unable to erase.

iMac (27-inch Late 2009)

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MacBook :: Startup Disk Cannot Mount?

Sep 19, 2010

I was surfing this site a couple of days ago when my MacBook suddenly froze up. I couldn't Force-Quit anything or do a soft restart, so I decided to just power-cycle restart (pressing the power button until it shut down, then pressing it again to start up). When I did so, my startup disk wouldn't mount.

I should give you a little background: Mine is a MacBook White early 2009, with upgraded 4GB RAM & 500GB 5400rpm Fujitsu HDD. I took the HDD from an off-the-shelf 2.5" external HDD. It has served me well for slightly over a year, and is only now giving me this problem.

I have since replaced the original HDD (which I was keeping as a emergency backup, phew) and put the problem HDD in an external FW enclosure.

I have run Disk Utility on it to try & rectify the problem. Disk First Aid says the disk is fine, but I just couldn't get it to mount. I thought I'd try to erase it and restore from my TM backup, but after I erased the disk, it still couldn't mount. What's worse, now the disk is apparently not writeable, and I can't even erase it. Disk First Aid is still telling me the disk is fine.

I've also tried booting from my SL install disk, but it won't mount the disk to install SL. It is still visible in Disk Utility, but greyed out.

Can anyone advise what I can do to recover the disk?

I can't really bring it in for a warranty exchange, cos I ripped this disk out of the original enclosure, so the enclosure is now completely busted, and obviously the warranty won't be honored. (Buying the external was cheaper than buying just the internal, and Fujitsu had a pretty OK reputation for their harddisks at that point. Could you blame me?)

So any software or hardware (or combination) solution would be great. Worst case scenario is to get a new HDD, but I'd still like to recover the use of this disk somehow.

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OS X :: Hot To Mount Disk Using Volume UUID?

Nov 17, 2010

How can OS X mount and unmount a harddrive by its UUID (as displayed in disk utility)?

I know how to mount a volume by its disk identifier (e.g. disk0s3), but it may change after a reboot. Thus a wrong volume may be ejected.

I need a reliable method to mount/unmount a specific hard drive connected via USB.

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Mac Pro :: Target Disk Mode Will Not Mount?

Apr 27, 2008

I need some pictures from my g4 digital audio onto my macbook, so I started the power mac up in target disk mode with the firewire cable attached, and it didn't mount. I have restarted both computers, and still the disks don't show up in disk utility. Could I have a bad cable, or is something else the problem?

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Hardware :: Ext. HD Seen In Disk Utility, But, Won't Mount?

Feb 10, 2009

I have a 500GB Seagate USB HD that is about a year old. it is connected to a 2006 Macbook with a 80 GB HD. I plugged the Ext. HD into the computer and the Ext. HD started and spun and the light went on, but won't show up on the desktop where it normally shows up. When I open Disk Utility The External Hard Drive shows up and I say Verify disk and it says it is OK, I say repair disk and it says OK. I then try to mount it and it says: The Disk "Free Agent Drive" cannot be mounted.

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OS X :: How To Permanently Mount A Disk Image

May 26, 2009

I have all my OS X applications that come with your mac on a seperate .dmg file, that's just how it happened. I'm not sure how it happened, but when I took my computer home, it just installed like that. I bought the iMac ex-display from PC World last august and it didn't come with any documentation, reboot disks or an apple remote. They say they don't have them with them, but they obviously do.

I keep forgetting to mount the .dmg every time I reboot, because I'm a klutz and becoming old at a young age. I was wondering if there's any way to automatically have the mac mount the disk image?

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OS X :: How To Mount Disk Using Express Card

Jul 26, 2009

I bought an Express card from here: [URL] I connected an eSATA drive to it. I don't see the drive in Finder and I suspect I need to format it first. But I don't see an equivalent to the Windows Disk Manager. How do I format the new external drive?

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OS X :: Disk Images Mount But Will Not Open

Apr 1, 2010

Well, after using Monolingual on my iBook G4 late '04 1.2GHZ running Tiger 10.4.11 I tried to install an app from a dmg file and the image mounts but when clicked Finder relaunches (or at least seems to because it blinks off then back on as when relaunching) and the image does not open. Did I mess up the architectures? I left the architectures as marked by Monolingual and proceeded with the deletion.

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