I was surfing this site a couple of days ago when my MacBook suddenly froze up. I couldn't Force-Quit anything or do a soft restart, so I decided to just power-cycle restart (pressing the power button until it shut down, then pressing it again to start up). When I did so, my startup disk wouldn't mount.
I should give you a little background: Mine is a MacBook White early 2009, with upgraded 4GB RAM & 500GB 5400rpm Fujitsu HDD. I took the HDD from an off-the-shelf 2.5" external HDD. It has served me well for slightly over a year, and is only now giving me this problem.
I have since replaced the original HDD (which I was keeping as a emergency backup, phew) and put the problem HDD in an external FW enclosure.
I have run Disk Utility on it to try & rectify the problem. Disk First Aid says the disk is fine, but I just couldn't get it to mount. I thought I'd try to erase it and restore from my TM backup, but after I erased the disk, it still couldn't mount. What's worse, now the disk is apparently not writeable, and I can't even erase it. Disk First Aid is still telling me the disk is fine.
I've also tried booting from my SL install disk, but it won't mount the disk to install SL. It is still visible in Disk Utility, but greyed out.
Can anyone advise what I can do to recover the disk?
I can't really bring it in for a warranty exchange, cos I ripped this disk out of the original enclosure, so the enclosure is now completely busted, and obviously the warranty won't be honored. (Buying the external was cheaper than buying just the internal, and Fujitsu had a pretty OK reputation for their harddisks at that point. Could you blame me?)
So any software or hardware (or combination) solution would be great. Worst case scenario is to get a new HDD, but I'd still like to recover the use of this disk somehow.
I have a new Macbook Pro with a retina display that won't mount a Toshiba Canvio 3.0 Plus external 1TB drive. The drive shows up in the System Report under the USB tag. However Disk Utility does not see it. The drive shows up and is able to be erased and partitioned and mounted with another Macbook Pro running 10.6.8. So, the drive itself is good. how to get the drive to mount on the new Macbook Pro?
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I get this question mark along with a folder when starting up. I tried holding down the option key when turning on the power and then I get an internet recovery along with a globe. I click on the arrow below it and it takes maybe 15 minutes to start up. Then i get this disk utilities screen. I'm now unable to do anything. When going into disk utility, disk 0 shows with Mac OS X base system underneath it. All the clickable buttons are faded out. Is there something wrong with the hardrive? and where could i get this fixed? There isn't a warranty on it.
My startup HD always appeared in desktop.But since I formatted it and installed Leopard again it doesn't mount automatically in desktop.How do I do to mount it in desktop?
I'm having difficulty with my external hard-drive, here's the info on that one:
Disk Utility won't allow me to mount the drive, I've tried using a number of softwares to read it (working under the assumption that it's an NTFS drive), including Tuxera and Paragon. I have too much stored on the hard drive to empty it back onto my old computer, and so I'm not able order to re-format it.
my usb 2.0 removable flash disk had a problem. i reformatted it and while in the process it failed. then after that my usb can't be detected by mac but i can see it in disk utility. i tried everything in disk utility. [URL] that disk2s1 when i try to verify, or even repair it something will say that ** /dev/disk2s1 could not read boot block (Permission denied) Filesystem error: verify or repair failed
i can't mount it too..when i hit the mount icon it would say try first aid on it first or verify or repair and try again. i've searched everything in the net but i can't find something.
ah..and when i insert my usb in windows (desktop) the usb will be detected but i cannot open it.. the pc will hang and i can't even get to see its properties in windows.
Is it possible to mount a hard drive without having to open up Disk Utility?I often unmount my different Hard Drives then remount them later on and I'm getting sick of having to always open Disk Utility.
Is it possible, though another program/utility or in Mac OS X to mount a drive within Finder (or maybe the taskbar?)
I have a mac pro 2.8 Ghz Quad-Core Intel Xeon box. Tonight I replace my 8 g memory sticks with 16g memory sticks. After rebooting my super drive will no longer mount any disk that is put in the tray. I close the tray then after several seconds the try pops back open. I have tried cleaning the drive with a cleaning disk, it does not work. No sound comes from the drive, in other words I don't hear it attempt to spin up. The super drive shows up in disk utility and under Disc Burning in system information.
Bought a new 4TB external hard drive (USB 3.0). I need to use it with Time Machine. The instructions on Apple said to format as GUID. When I opened up Disk Utility to do this it started to format the drive as it normally would, and then out of no where it stopped and unmounted the drive. Now no matter what I try to do I can't mount it (even in windows).
If I unplug the drive and then plug it back in the "initialize" pop-up comes on screen, but even when I click Initialize it does nothing.
Yesterday I switched on my macbook (Leopard) and got the flashing question mark. Ran all the resets and booted with disk utility which encountered an 'Invalid B-tree Node' when attempting to repair the disk. Additionally, the SMART status was verified.
I ran DW 4 last night, and performed the hardware tests which reported that the disk was operating like normal. The majority of my media files and additional work is backed up to my Time Capsule but I still have a folder of papers that are relatively new, and wanted to retrieve. While DW managed to reconstruct the majority of my drive (there seemed to be 15g missing - but it's just music files) including this folder, it couldn't replace the disk, as it encountered 'Serious Disk Malfunctions'.
So, via the Disk Preview I want to transfer my saved folders to my TC, but I don't appear to be able to locate it (via ethernet) through DW - even if it's connected when I boot up in DW. So, first request is: Can I connect to my TC to transfer across in DW's preview?
Second is: What are my options if DW can't replace? Do I need to take it into Apple and get a new HD (it's out of warranty)? It's possibly worth noting that I'm a student and have absolutely no money - so cost effective options are a bonus!
I'm trying to repair my hard drive. I restarted from the OS X Mac Mini install CD (holding down the letter C when I heard the chime), opened Disk Utility from the Utilities folder, selected my hard drive image, but the "verify disk" and "repair disk" options are grayed out. I'm at a loss as to how to proceed.
Both were checked (with Disk Utility and DiskWarrior) and are OK. But only one of the two disks shows in the Startup Disk list in System Preferences->Startup Disk.
Every time I try to restart my computer on my Hard Drive I get this message "Startup disk could not gather enough information on the selected disk". As of right now I am running my whole computer off of a 16GB flash drive that is quickly running out of memory. How do I fix my Hard Drive without losing all 150GB worth of data. I am running off of OS X 10.6.8 and have another iMac that is working fine.
I need some pictures from my g4 digital audio onto my macbook, so I started the power mac up in target disk mode with the firewire cable attached, and it didn't mount. I have restarted both computers, and still the disks don't show up in disk utility. Could I have a bad cable, or is something else the problem?
I have a 500GB Seagate USB HD that is about a year old. it is connected to a 2006 Macbook with a 80 GB HD. I plugged the Ext. HD into the computer and the Ext. HD started and spun and the light went on, but won't show up on the desktop where it normally shows up. When I open Disk Utility The External Hard Drive shows up and I say Verify disk and it says it is OK, I say repair disk and it says OK. I then try to mount it and it says: The Disk "Free Agent Drive" cannot be mounted.
I have all my OS X applications that come with your mac on a seperate .dmg file, that's just how it happened. I'm not sure how it happened, but when I took my computer home, it just installed like that. I bought the iMac ex-display from PC World last august and it didn't come with any documentation, reboot disks or an apple remote. They say they don't have them with them, but they obviously do.
I keep forgetting to mount the .dmg every time I reboot, because I'm a klutz and becoming old at a young age. I was wondering if there's any way to automatically have the mac mount the disk image?
I bought an Express card from here: [URL] I connected an eSATA drive to it. I don't see the drive in Finder and I suspect I need to format it first. But I don't see an equivalent to the Windows Disk Manager. How do I format the new external drive?
Well, after using Monolingual on my iBook G4 late '04 1.2GHZ running Tiger 10.4.11 I tried to install an app from a dmg file and the image mounts but when clicked Finder relaunches (or at least seems to because it blinks off then back on as when relaunching) and the image does not open. Did I mess up the architectures? I left the architectures as marked by Monolingual and proceeded with the deletion.
I am unable to get my OS 10.4 Installer DVD to mount or boot my G4, currently running OS 10.4.11, though it mounts and boots other of my Macs and I am able to boot and mount a 10.1 DVD with my current Pioneer DVR-1060 drive. I would like to run a hardware test on my mac as I recently had one of my hard drives die and just want to check everything. So does not seem to be the drive and does not seem to be the DVDs. I zapped the pram, reset the open firmware and ran diagnostics using Applejack and everything checked out okay with my current internal drive.
I ran installer then went to disk utility and pushed disk repair. it ran and indicated in green that no repairs were necessary. i then went to startup disk and only the Diks and network startup showed up but no hard drive. i also open computer to make sure was not wet muddy due to leak in cooling system but all was dry
I thought having a Macbook and a PC and keeping data sync'd between the two would be easy, or so Apple et al would have me believe. So far I've not only found out that their IP over FireWire, the only feasible way to transfer the large amounts of data I have, is seriously lacking (i.e. I haven't been able to get it to work!) but also that when I try to ease my woes by connecting the Macbook as a FireWire drive in Target Disk Mode, it fails to deliver again. The first time I connected my Macbook to my PC over FireWire in Target Disk Mode, it popped up in My Computer no bother. Alright, so the only partition I could access was my XP partition on the Macbook (thank goodness I have that or I'd be right up the creek!), but I suppose it's to be expected, what with OS X and Windows having different file systems ETCETERAH.
So I'll copy all my media files to the XP partition and then copy them to my XP PC from there, I thought. Every following time I've connected in Target Disk Mode, I've received nothing but a 'removable disk' icon in My Computer which, when clicked, asks me to 'insert media'. WTF, Apple?! So not only can I not have my OS X drive show up in Windows on my PC, but now I can't even have the XP drive show up?! I didn't change anything, I didn't do anything differently, I literally just rebooted OS X to copy the files I wanted from the Apple partition to the XP one. Sorry to come across all 'angry like', it's just not the first, second, or third problem I've encountered since 'switching'. For a company who prides itself on how its products 'just work', it's becoming an eye-opening experience. However, I understand it's probably something I've done incorrectly, rather than the fault of Apple or Microsoft. So I ask you, what am I doing wrong?
I have to do a back up (I'm cutting in Avid) on this FAT32 volume (for interoperability it is formatted this way), but I can't mount it via the Disk Utility or the 'mount' command in Terminal (it doesn't list the device, despite seeing it in Disk Utility - the volume is greyed out).The drive is connected via Firewire 400 and 800, USB is not available (to few slots).
for the past month or so my automated backups with time machine/time capsule have not been working. Every so often the following error message pops up:
"the backup disk image could not be mounted"
in troubleshooting, i have tried to mount the sparsebundle image directly but without success. from reading around a bit i can see that others have had this problem, and that one solution is to delete the sparsebundles and start again.
but that of course means losing all my archived backups, which i would rather avoid.
I am using a 2x2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon MAC running Leopard OS (10.5.6). We are 3 designers using 1 network drive (Lacie Ethernet 1TB) to store our projects. I used to be able to backup this network drive using duplicate option of Retrospect Express to another Lacie that was attached to the USB port on my MAC. Since we upgraded to Leopard I have not been able to do this. I think this is because the network drive no longer mounts on my desktop. I think it used to think the network drive was on my computer because it was on my desktop, but it no longer does. Anyway, I need to back this drive up on a regular basis. (I am currently drag/copying it, did I say 1TB) Is there any way that I can get this drive to mount so that it is on my desktop? Does anyone know of any programs that might duplicate this NAS for me over the network to the one on my MAC or I could add another Lacie to the network. All of the software I have found is just to backup a MAC computer not a drive. If I can drag and drop it, it seems like this should be easy, but when I tried a command line copy it didn't work (I think because we named it "mac lacie disk" with spaces between the words and it stops at "mac" and can't find the rest.
After a quick search I realized that there may be people who do not know how to do this or haven't thought about doing this. I am about to purchase a new UB MBP and I would like to enable my existing Airport Extreme that is the first release (this means no dual band) to allow only N connections. I would like to supplement this by adding another wireless router I have laying around that is only B/G. To do this, should I just plug the B/G only router into a LAN port on my Airport Extreme and set up a new wireless network with another name such as "PhillStew N" for the Airport Extreme and "PhillStew B/G" for the other wireless router? Even more so, will nodes on my network that are plugged into the LAN ports on my B/G router be able to "see" nodes plugged into or wirelessly connected to the LAN ports/N connection on my Airport Extreme? Will computers connected to the B/G router be able to mount an Airport Disk that is attached to the Airport Extreme? For clarity, I have created a representation diagram of how I think this should be hooked up, which I am fairly certain is correct.
I installed SL two days ago and my LaCie firewire external has been working fine. i put it to sleep last night, and when I woke it up today, I got the warning telling me that I had disconnected it improperly (Which I hadn't, because the computer was asleep and the drive never was turned off). This has happened before and I usually am able to shut it off then turn it on again. But this time it won't mount. It shoes up in Disk Utility and System Profiler, but not in the Finder.I have tried switching firewire ports and restarting but to no avail.
My Mac Pro ("Cyrus") has two 1 TB hard disks. When I reboot, only the first of those disks (also named "Cyrus"), the one with the system and home directories, mounts on the desktop. The second disk ("Virtual", need a better name, any ideas?) does not appear in /Volumes and doesn't work until I mount it manually in Disk Utility. This behaviour is seen consistently, i.e. after every reboot. How can I convince Cyrus to mount both disks?