Mac Pro :: Possibility Of Replacing Processors/Harpertown To Nehalem?
Nov 20, 2008
I remembered that at one point Mac Pro's CPU was a direct successor to its previous model, as in you can buy one of the successor chip and replace the older one, since the MLB could support it.
Is this the case with Harpertown to Nehalem? Can you just go on Newegg and get 2 Nehalem, and throw them in to the current Mac Pro?
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Mar 16, 2009
Can you upgrade the processors in the new Mac Pro's in the future if you choose to?
I have seen a couple people mention to but the 2.6 for now and upgrade them in the future when the price of the processors drops.
I didn't know if I was misinterpreting what they were writing.
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Aug 20, 2010
I'm planning on buying a MacPro soon.
I'm considering buying a refurbished 8 core with the idea of upgrading the processors on a year or two when they are cheaper.
Is this possible (replacing Nehalems with Westmeres)?
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Mar 18, 2009
Does anyone know if the logic board is the same for all current dual nehalem processors offered by Apple? Or does the dual 2.26GHz quad have a different logic board than the dual 2.93GHz quad?
It seems like if they have the same logic board you could buy the dual 2.26GHz now and down the road you could buy the dual 2.93GHz chips (when they aren't $2,600 more) and just replace the dual 2.26GHz chips. Maybe it's not that easy, but if it is it seems like a great alternative to buying the top machine right now. Does anyone know if this is possible??
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Apr 27, 2012
Just bought a W.D 2tb HD. I am planing to use it for keeping video files that I shoot (large files).I wan to have the possibility to work on this HD both wit my Mac and pc.I have paragon installed.On the HD box it says that the HD is allredy formatted to work with Mac.Do I need to reformat it for PC. and if yes how do I do it.
MacBook Pro
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Sep 19, 2010
m having trouble deciding between these two models. Might get the 3.33 Ghz 6c Westmere but leaning towards the 8c models. Why is the 2009 Nehalem faster? The guy at the Apple store was suprised by that also. Are there any changes in the 2010 2.4 8c Westmere from the 2009 Nehalem model?I will be using it for intensive music software (Prottools, Digital Performer, East West, Symphobia, Vienna Symp Inst. All web and graphics software (Photoshop, Flash, InDesign, etc and Astronomy programs)
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Mar 11, 2009
Looks like the 2.26 is doing better after all. Some users have even gotten Cinebench scores for the new 2.26 like: 3142 (single) and 20,138 (multiple) reported here.
This free benchmark app uses real world code from Cinema 4D to render a sample project. It stresses all available cores. In the case of the Nehalem, hyperthreading fools the app into thinking there are 16 cores on the 8-core models and 8 cores on the 4-core models. The graph below shows the Cinebench rating for "Multi-CPU" render test.
It's not only multi-core aware, but it includes some memory tests which explains why the Nehalem based Mac Pros beat the older Penryn based Power Macs with higher core frequencies. The graph below shows the overall 32-bit score.
There is also a 64-bit version of Geekbench. Fewer results exist for it since, for some unexplained reason, consumers will gladly spend thousands for a new Mac but resist purchasing a $20 serial number in support of a starving Mac developer.
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Mar 15, 2009
Last night Lloyd Chambers of [URL] tweaked his DigLloydTools app (DLT) that we use to test memory throughput. It's now more accurate. The bad news is that it showed that when we put 8 sticks of memory in the 8-core 2.26GHz Nehalem, our throughput for memory read/write (memmove) dropped by 1/3. It turns a triple channel memory bus into a dual channel memory bus.
Specifically, in our test, the combined read/write throughput dropped from 9261MB/s to 6195MB/s when we went from 6x2GB to 8x2GB configuration.
Now, don't panic. That doesn't necessarily affect real world app performance unless the particular app you are running is saturating the memory bus. Which apps saturate? I don't know yet. I'm running our complete real world test suite including Pro Apps and 3D Games in both the 12G and 16G config. If I find anything that's significantly slowed by the 8x2G config, I'll post it here as well as on Bare Feats.
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Apr 25, 2009
Hi, I have a question to Owner of the New Mac Pro Nehalem (4 Cores):
How many CPU you see in After Effects CS4?
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Aug 17, 2010
I have built a hackintosh mac pro 3.1 on dell T5400 and working good. Now I wan to build a real mac with mac parts. As titled, will there be any switch to make the single cpu working on dual cpu board, OR no way, that I need to put two? Or it's even simpler just boot the machine with one cpu left on board. Since putting 1 cpu save lots money for me.
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Jul 14, 2008
Pssst! Want an Intel 'Nehalem' processor on the cheap? Well, just go and ask the chip giant for one. It's 2.66GHz 'Bloomfield' CPU has been price at just $284, it has been claimed.
That's the batch price, of course. To get it, you'll have to buy a 1000 CPUs at once - boxed Bloomfields will come in slightly higher than that.
As previously reported, the 2.66GHz Bloomfield - Intel's desktop Nehalem - will also be made available in 2.93GHz and 3.2GHz versions. The pricing, posted by Chinese-language site HKEPC, confirms the latter will be an Extreme-branded gaming PC part - it'll cost $999. The mid-range Bloomfield will cost $562.
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Mar 17, 2009
Is it the Western Digital 6400AAKS?? The stock hdd??
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Jul 19, 2009
I want a mac pro is for storage space and to play games on. I want to use a GTX285 and I also want to run vmware fusion full time. I'd like to have OS X be my main os with Windows 7 and Ubuntu running in the background. So basically i'm not sure if it's better to have like four cores dedicated to Windows 7/Ubuntu while i have my other set of cores dedicated to OS X?
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Jan 14, 2010
I'm looking into getting a used single quad core 2.66 Nehalem and was wondering does this model have turbro boost and hyperthreading?
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Aug 13, 2010
Is the westmere's turbo boost better? I heard someone say that it is and I wanted to confirm.
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Aug 24, 2010
If you can do you need a special adapter? Where do you get them?
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Oct 14, 2010
Is there any way to disable the trackpad on a Macbook Pro? I ask because my previous Compaq laptop had a physical button to turn off the trackpad. This was actually very useful in preventing inadvertent actions, with certain programs. Maybe it's not that big of a deal for most people, but after having a computer that was able to do this, it just seems like a nice feature to have.
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Jan 27, 2006
How do you do it. I didn't see any possible way to do it in iMovie or Quicktime Pro.
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Jan 5, 2007
I restored one disk onto another disk using Disk Utility and now I have three aliases on my hard drive called "var", "tmp" and "etc". I know what you're thinking... those are part of the Unix background in Mac OS X and I am smart enough to know that I cannot delete them, so my question is. How the heck can I hide them. I really don't like seeing them there. Other than that, my new drive is running fine.
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Jun 23, 2009
How can I manually turn my 2.53 uni-mbp fan on? It gets really hot on my lap.
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Nov 3, 2009
I have 3 folder icons next to the trash icon. They are my downloads Documents and an other folder I use very often. Now these icons I have dragged and dropped in the dock. But the problem is they all 3 look the same. I get confused which one to take. How can I change the icons on those folder.
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Feb 10, 2010
I'm looking at one of the new Mini's and I don't want to use Snow Leopard yet. The fonts in QuarkXpress and CS3 are still too problematic my tastes. Can I downgrade to Leopard, or am I stuck with Snow Leopard as the base system?
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May 24, 2012
my new Macbook Air is stolen, Is there a possibility to track it?
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Mar 19, 2009
I'm about to order a 2x2.26Ghz 8-core Mac Pro.I still have to decide whether to order it with the base hard drive (640GB)or the 1TB hard drive (as the boot drive).What would you recommend? Is the 640GB hard drive faster t
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Mar 22, 2009
I just found THIS
where they state that the max RAM is 16GB. Do they KNOW something? This would throw up in the air all my thinking about which MacPro to buy.
I am an old Mac hand (and before, Apple IIe, IIc, then Mac 128, 512, Plus, Se, IIx.... to a Dual G5 1.8GHz now), but a total newbie as far as Intel is concerned, so please pardon me if my conjectures are completely off whack, and for the large number of questions.
Looking at the ill assorted (in my view, particularly pricewise) lineup of the latest Pros, I have come up with the following ideas:
- Buy a quad 2.66 with up to 8Gb and be happy for the time being (I have 2.5GB now), with better single thread performance than the 2.26 and still 8 thread performance available WHEN there will be apps to use it (none/few of those I use do, as far as I read around, in any case, and even those seem to stop at 2/4 cores anyway).
- IF the 4GB sticks work (I know this is a big if, but given what I just found, there might be hope....), buy them at a later stage when they come down to an acceptable price and get to 16. I see a lot being written around along the lines �Even if they work, they cost more than the computer today.... etc, but RAM prices normally go down fast, so is this really an issue (except if you need 16GB NOW, of course)? And arent 8GB sticks likely to appear later on to get it to 32 if needed?
-Buy a used 2.93 or faster chip in 2-3 years. I have no idea of how cost effective this has historically been. Do prices go down significantly, or am I likely to get in the ballpark of the delta with a used, faster machine, as it often happened in the past with CPU upgrades?
-Are future chips likely to be compatible with the current machine (can someone who understand the Intel roadmap shed some light here?), or would I be limited to the 2.93 which is known to work?
-In case the 4Gb are proven to be unusable and I go for the octo, can changing chips work by replacing the 2.26 at a later stage? Knowing that I would need to buy 2, would the economics still work? It seems more unlikely, or is it?
-I remember reading about using the graphic card chip to reinforce computing power. Is this fact or forecast? Is this true of both Nvidia and ATI or (as I seem to remember) only Nvidia? If so, is it better for the long term to choose the cheaper standard Nvidia or the ATI, which seems better right now?
-Does any of these cards give an advantage over the other NOW in Photoshop, iMovie, Aperture (I have tried it on my G5, but scrolling a large collection of photos is a pain)? I do some video but no #D, nor do I think I will do in the future.
-Last quesstion for those who have a 2009 Pro in their hands, I have had always problems with USB peripherals on my G5. At some point the bus slows down to a crawl, with transfers of 1Mb/s. According to a local vendor the 2008 Pro was similar because he said it was a limitation of USB architecture, is this true? Has there been any improvement with thee better memory architecture of the 2009 Pros?
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Apr 15, 2009
At any rate, does anyone know how many FLOPS the new Nehalem-based servers push? I'm in the process of designing a high-end server cluster and I'd very much like to be able to use Xserves; however, I cannot seem to find any good performance data (I'm looking for numbers here).
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Sep 27, 2009
I'm trying to find the processor in the quad core Nehalem, it says it's a Intel Xeon 3500 series processor
But which of these is it?
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Jun 14, 2012
I have recently bought 2 4GB 1333MHz memory to be used with my Mac Pro mid 2010 nehalem processor. It works fine, turns on and all, but after opening a few programs and letting it run a little and i ask him to shut down, it takes me to the grey screen with the little rolling ball and does not shut down.
Mac Pro (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 23, 2010
I'm buying a house and have discovered that the sellers have set-up a website for it. Before they remove it, can I easily save the entire site for future reference?
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Oct 1, 2010
Several manufacturers have tried to produce external graphics card boxes to connect to your laptop. Most have given up, but it seems the only real barrier is bandwidth.
MSI have this:,10527.html
using the Expresscard 34 (max 2.5Gpbs) and say they will switch to USB 3 (4.8Gbps) when it goes mainstream.
Do you think 4.8Gbps is enough to make connecting high end external graphics cards to your laptop a possibility?
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