Just bought a W.D 2tb HD. I am planing to use it for keeping video files that I shoot (large files).I wan to have the possibility to work on this HD both wit my Mac and pc.I have paragon installed.On the HD box it says that the HD is allredy formatted to work with Mac.Do I need to reformat it for PC. and if yes how do I do it.
Is there any way to disable the trackpad on a Macbook Pro? I ask because my previous Compaq laptop had a physical button to turn off the trackpad. This was actually very useful in preventing inadvertent actions, with certain programs. Maybe it's not that big of a deal for most people, but after having a computer that was able to do this, it just seems like a nice feature to have.
I restored one disk onto another disk using Disk Utility and now I have three aliases on my hard drive called "var", "tmp" and "etc". I know what you're thinking... those are part of the Unix background in Mac OS X and I am smart enough to know that I cannot delete them, so my question is. How the heck can I hide them. I really don't like seeing them there. Other than that, my new drive is running fine.
I have 3 folder icons next to the trash icon. They are my downloads Documents and an other folder I use very often. Now these icons I have dragged and dropped in the dock. But the problem is they all 3 look the same. I get confused which one to take. How can I change the icons on those folder.
I'm looking at one of the new Mini's and I don't want to use Snow Leopard yet. The fonts in QuarkXpress and CS3 are still too problematic my tastes. Can I downgrade to Leopard, or am I stuck with Snow Leopard as the base system?
I'm buying a house and have discovered that the sellers have set-up a website for it. Before they remove it, can I easily save the entire site for future reference?
Several manufacturers have tried to produce external graphics card boxes to connect to your laptop. Most have given up, but it seems the only real barrier is bandwidth.
MSI have this: http://www.tomshardware.com/news/Gra...nal,10527.html
using the Expresscard 34 (max 2.5Gpbs) and say they will switch to USB 3 (4.8Gbps) when it goes mainstream.
Do you think 4.8Gbps is enough to make connecting high end external graphics cards to your laptop a possibility?
I install parallels 1st time on my new Mac Pro. By example on windows I can see by shared folder my mac files like pictures, music, movies, sites, etc. So I think if I get a virus on windows that destroy files, the virus can be delete all my mac files? So scared that I put disconnect all shared folders. Please anybody can tell me something about if any virus can destroy something in my mac by windows with parallels?
I have a Powerbook G4 that has a broken shift and enter key. The other shift and enter both work fine, so I haven't lost any functionality, but I'd like to fix it anyway. They are the only two keys that do not work. Would buying a new keyboard fix this problem? If not, what do I need to do?
I remembered that at one point Mac Pro's CPU was a direct successor to its previous model, as in you can buy one of the successor chip and replace the older one, since the MLB could support it.
Is this the case with Harpertown to Nehalem? Can you just go on Newegg and get 2 Nehalem, and throw them in to the current Mac Pro?
I log into the Blackboard Academic Suite daily (online) to check my class announcements and grades. Every time I log in, I have to enter my username and password. This gets pretty old. Is it possible to have a keychain automatically fill in this information for me? Because that is what I do with all my other login sites. It hasn't ever asked if I would like my password and username to be saved, and I'm sure it's for security. I've tried creating a new keychain and putting in the information, but still no success.
My laptop was stolen last week (I just received my new one not too long ago). I have the IP address of my stolen one. Is there any way I can somehow trace it to where my old laptop is? Or do anything to get any information?
First of all, sorry for my bad English.I want to buy a notebook (my first one). A macbook pro. I know that 17" model has the expresscard slot, and 15" has SD card instead. I'd like to know:Can the 15" model be equipped with expresscard slot? (that is, substitute SD by expresscard).If not, does any adaptor/converter exist on the market?Apart, which one is better (is more usable/useful), SD slot or expresscard slot?
From Mail (I'm running Leopard), I want to be able to send emails with a logo on them, at the bottom of the email. What I don't want is for the logo to show up as an attachment. How do I do this (in layman's terms please - I've tried sourcing this from various sources and it's Terminal this, HTML that - it has to be relatively simple, hasn't it?)
I did some googling and mroogling on this subject and I can't find anything relating to how it is currently. What I want to do is take my iCal icon and make it blue. Because of how the rest of my dock looks I think it would fit a little better. What is the modern method for doing this, and does anyone have a better quality blue iCal image than the one I found on google which was 64x64 and lost all the detail.
Recently I found my mba 13 to have start up times of 25 secs but more troubling is the fact that my shutdown time has gone up. How do I increase this speed? Also has anyone had problems where the MBA has hiccups every now and then?
I'm new to IMac and I did a quick search and found nothing. I got an IMac less than 24hrs ago. With the IMac I find that I struggle to read things even with my glasses on. Is there any possible way of changing the system font so I can make it larger? Trying to read things on the imac is actually giving me a headache because my eyes are straining so much.
I'm using FireFox which is great because once you make the page larger (cmd & +) it remembers so when you go back there the page is still large and readable but things like the toolbar is unreadable. Some sites I've been on even with the page zoomed in some of the writing remains tiny and unreadable. I have the 27" IMac and to have the toolbar font so small on such a big screen seems very silly to me because it's unreadable.
I've just bought a second mac - little cheapie to use as a second machine. The guy had it set up with three drives showing on the desktop: OSX, CLASSIC and FILES. I don't need OS9/Classic, or the FILES folder, so I threw them in the trash & emptied it. However, it's showing that I only have 4gig of space on the hard drive. I went into system prefs/disc utility, and it's still showing the drives I deleted - although greyed out. Its seems to still be allocating them 5.9gb each of space. In the column on the left in disc utility, it shows the following drive icons:
19.1 GB MAXTOR 92049U3 OSX CLASSIC FILES I tried deleting them through utility, but I must have done something wrong, as they just popped up on my desktop again. Looks like I need to remove partitions.
I have a 13" MBP with 160gb hard drive and I only have 5gb left. I have a 250gb external hard drive and was wondering if it is possible to store my itunes library on that? Would it be easy to do so? I have mostly movies and TV shows.
I worked on a document in textedit saving periodically for about five hours. I saved one final time and then closed the document. I just went to open the document and the original text document without all of my revisions opened up. Why would this have happened if I had been saving? Is there a way I can retrieve these files? I don't have time machine.
as a former Windows user I really miss the option to tune the mouse pointer acceleration or to change the pointer looking!why can't I simply use my trackpad for my iPad supporting the multitouch gestures available on the iPad's OS just on the track pad?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I have a 2008 black macbook with 10.7.2 installed (2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM). When I press caps lock, no green light turns on and letters remain in non-capital form. Even when I hold Caps lock for a few seconds, nothing happens. If I physically connect an apple keyboard via usb to my computer, caps lock doesn't work.
So I have a MacBook Pro, and my Dad has a MacBook Air. I was wandering if I needed Wi-Fi to access the optical drive on my MBP through the MBA using remote disk