I have 3 folder icons next to the trash icon. They are my downloads Documents and an other folder I use very often. Now these icons I have dragged and dropped in the dock. But the problem is they all 3 look the same. I get confused which one to take. How can I change the icons on those folder.
First off, I've searched the forums, but can't find an answer -- sorry if I missed something.Just got a new machine running 10.6.3 -- ugh, the dock and folders and so on look like clunky Windows junk :-(I miss my simple, elegant 10.4.11 dock ...I don't want to add novelty icons or that kind of thing, I just want a borderless dock that's semi-transparent or clear. And apparently all the apps out there to change the dock background don't work with Snow Leopard.I know CandyBar can help me with the folder icons and app icons, but as far as I can tell, not the actual dock background.
A quick question. On the far left side of the dock, what is the default icon that is there? For some reason I seen mine go up in a cloud and I can't remember what it is. Right now I have "Finder, Dashboard etc...
Trying to change some icons in Leopard. Doing it the manual way, not with candybar. I went into the dock package contents and change the finder icon and trash empty and trash full. I deleted the cache, killed the dock, even rebooted yet it always defaults back to the original leopard icons. If I go back in to the package contents, the new icons I want to use are in there. Having the same issue with all the icons that need to be changed via package contents. System Preferences, VMWare Fusion, and the ones above.
how to change my dock icons? I tried several steps but my computer is prompting that it can't... I tried the copy paste procedure in the get info section but still it doesn't change my dock icons...
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
On my Macbook, running Leopard, I recently changed all my icons. (applications, folders, default files, etc.) I changed the Finder and Trash icons via System/Library/CoreServices. But the Dock won't recognize that the Finder icon has changed-- it's still showing me the old icon. That's Problem 1.
Then I created a new user account, and discovered that on that account the Dock shows the correct Finder image. But Problem 2: the new account doesn't recognize my default file icons. It flashes them for a second when I save the file, and then reverts back to the regular white default image. (Even though all the .icns files are correct in the application's Resources folder.) I really don't want to download Candybar or anything, since I know it can be done without that.
I know how to change icons but I'm having problem with the type of file. I've managed to change one using the rsrc file type but no other type will work for me such as icns, png or tiff. This is probably something easy. Do they have to be converted into rsrc or is it the OS version I'm running?
I have a few removable media devices such as cameras and would like to change the icon when it appears on the desktop as a drive. I figured out how to change the name so each time it comes up it has the unique name but the icon would be awesome. I tried "Get Info" but no help. I guess a follow up would be is there a place to get some slick looking icons also? 13" MB - 2.4GHz/2GB/250GB
Anyone got any ideas about why the icons in my applications folder and in some other folders need to be arranged after every time I start my iMac? They're all over the place despite me setting the snap to grid command..I've got an iMac (2008 24 inch 2.8 Extreme) running the latest Lion software.
Okay so I found a perfect set of icons I wanted to use for Word, Excel, Powerpoint... But I can't seem to change them. Using that copy&paste method doesn't work, and because it's not a packaged app I can't use Candybar.
I am trying to change the background on some Aliases and folders I created on my desktop. I downloaded some icons in .ico and .png format online, and I am able to use the .png format. I open up the .png file, ctrl-c it, then goto the Alias or Folder I want to change the icon on. I do a "Get Info", then I click on the icon at the top and do a ctrl-v. This changes the icon, but it puts a White background behind the icon. See the screenshot below to see what I am talking about. Screenshot of resulting icon on desktop. Site where I downloaded the icons: http://www.iconarchive.com/category/...condrawer.html
Is there an apple script or something that can change icons automatically between files? I have a small movie library, which I created icon files for (with a frame from the movie). I just have to "get info" on each movie individually, and copy the image icon over the movie's generic icon. I can't use poster frames in iTunes/Quicktime because they're not all quicktime compatible, and I didn't want to re-encode everything.
I'm just wondering if it is simple to write a script that will ask for an item (the image), copy it's Icon, then ask for a second item (the movie) and paste the icon to that. If it is possible, the process would go a little faster both now, and for any others I do in the future.
I know how to change Icons when they are in the Ico format but now everytime I download Icon packs the files are coming in PNGs and I have no clue how to make a png my Icon. I'd prefer to be able to do just that if there is a way, if not then is there a free converter? For some reason neither IConverter or PngtoIco will work for me. (I am on Tiger)
I'm having a problem changing icons in 10.6.1. I have an .icns image I want to use as an icon, however when I go to "get info" and add the new icon, it just shows a blank ".icns" image. Example (The icon I want to use is the CS4 icon to the right)
So i want to change my folder icons back to their original state, I found a set online with the default leopard icons in PNG format and I tried copying and pasting in the get info screen like you normally would but all i get is that white little preview sheet as the image (see attached screenshot)
I then found out all the original icons are saves in the resources folder so i tried those both in ICNS format and converted one to PNG but still no dice.
I am currently running 10.5.8, and I have changed my default icons. I love this feature, and this web page will show you how to do it. [URL:...] I am about to upgrade to Snow Leopard soon, and I am wondering if anyone else knows if it will still work? I quite like my 'glass icons' as my defaults.
Changing the icons for the Mac dives are easy, but can't find a solution to change the bootcamp and windows drive icons on the desktop. I've seen some solutions running previous versions of OSX but not SL.
I've been into macs and OSX for a few years but not really done any real tweaks like changing the default icons. Whats the best free app for changing the icons? Candybar 3?
I was wondering if there is a way to change the icons of the websites that I placed on my desktop. When I place a website icon on my desktop it doesnt have a picture it just has an @ with http under it. Is there a way to make it into a picture icon instead of just plain text.
I have downloaded an icon i want to apply to a file and i have it in png, icns and ico format. When i click on the image in the get info window and paste in the file, it just shows the default .png/.icons/.ico image. How can i make it work properly, showing the actual image itself.
So i learned how to make icons and customize the icons for applications. I attached a picture of my new iChat icon. It's a blue mushroom from Super Mario Bros. Now also in the picture is the red badge with the number 1 indicating i have one new message. How could i change that red badge to a coin? I have the coin image and everything.
Ok so I am new to mac and I would like to change my icons on my dock but for some reason only one pack I have downloaded so far has worked. All the other sets I've tried (3 or 4) come up with the preview icon when I try to copy them onto the default icons. Does any one know why this is happening and can somebody please tell me how to fix it?
I don't want some applications to show their dock icon when they're running. Preview is an example. I've used the freeware app "Configure Dock Application Tile", but it always gives me an error saying I don't have permission. Is there another app that can do this?
I attempt to drag a dock icon to a new location on the dock, but it won't let me. The other icons don't separate so the icon will drop to the location I want. Randomly, items will separate when I hover over so I could drop the item between them, but only in that spot and no other locations. What am I missing here?
So, I'm unable to put the dock icons exactly where I want them. I've installed all updates.
This has happened to me a few time and I'd like to know if others are having the same problem:
Background: MBP 17", 4gb ram, lots of disk space, OSX 10.5.6, all apps located on system disk drive.
Problem: every so often, a random icon will just disappear from the Dock. Today it was Firefox, about a month ago it was iTunes. I can add them back, but why do they leave in the 1st place.
Have just logged into my MBP and went to the dock to open iphoto and the icon has disappeared, a blank space is still in the dock and if i hover my mouse over it writing comes up saying IPhoto as normal, the same goes for photobooth as well. I can still open them and they work fine. I Have recently installed Snow Leopard. How do I get the icons back?