Mac Pro :: How To Reach Aux Connectors On Motherboard?
Feb 29, 2008Trying to install aux connectors for the graphics card. but it seems almost impossible with the fan in the way, I can't even get near them.
View 2 RepliesTrying to install aux connectors for the graphics card. but it seems almost impossible with the fan in the way, I can't even get near them.
View 2 RepliesWhenever I try to boot my MacBook, it chimes and shows the apple logo & loading gear like normal, but then the screen goes blue briefly as if everything is fine (sometimes the mouse even appears) but then returns to the loading gear (without an Apple logo). This continues without end, a brief blue screen and then the loading gear again.I tried safe booting, zapping the PRAM, fsck, and the Disk Utility repair to no avail.Trying to verify or repair the permissions in Disk Utility stops with a nondescript error. When I try booting in verbose mode, it gets to the login application startup and shows 2 apparent errors:"(Error) Import: importer;0x88fe00 importer start failed for 89 (kr:268435459 (ipc/send) invalid destination port)"and something containing "(/usr/sbin/mDNSResponder) no such file or directory"For reference, this is a MacBook running OSX 10.5.4.
View 6 Replies View Relatedwhen I fisrt noticed this I thought it was the charger, but I bought a new one and the battery still shows a 95% charge but never reaches 100%! Could it be the battery?
View 5 Replies View RelatedIf I buy the new 11" MBA, will the cords from the Thunderbolt display reach? I noticed that the MBA has power on one side and the Thunderbolt port on the other. Â I am concerned that the cords won't reach both.
View 4 Replies View RelatedA friend gave me a wired version of the Apple Mighty Mouse. I use my right hand whenever i'm using a mouse but the cable is way to short to wrap around to the right side of my 13inch MBP.
Anyone in this similar predictcament before? did you learn to use it with your left hand or something?
I'm facing an issue with my MacBook Pro Mid 2010. It hangs on startup and only shows a white screen with the Apple logo and an activity indicator.Â
I already tried:
- Replacing the HDD with a new SSD with Mavericks installed (if I put this SSD into another MacBook everything works fine)
- when trying to boot in Safe Mode it reaches about 25% in the progress bar and then shuts down
- same when I boot in Single User Mode
- when I boot in verbose mode I'm getting this outputÂ
jnl: disk0s2: open: journal checksum is bad (0xbff2db8 != 0xbff35a0)
jnl: disk0s2: replay_journal: from: 10668032 to: 12240896 (joffset 0x747000)
jnl: disk0s2: replay_journal: bogus block number 0x907a985480c1ad24
jnl: disk0s2: no known good txn start offset! aborting journal replay.
[Code] .....
Then the MacBook shuts down.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I use iTunes and Nicecast to do an Internet radio show. I have tried using a usb headset with an attached mic. However, the sound is rather tinny compared to my old headset that I used on my PC. Are there any connectors I could buy where I could use my old rca headset and have a usb plug for my iMac? Even if there is such a connector, will it work, or sound any different? Just wish I could plug in the headset and mic directly into the Mac.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
I bought a PCIe eSATA card for my Mac Pro and have installed it, and the system sees it and I'm able to install drivers, but disks aren't showing up when i plug them in.
There is a 4pin power connector on the board as well, but I think that's just so it can power external devices via the 2 power plugs it has on the back.
Are there extra 4pin power cables inside the tower, or a place for me to plug some more in?
I got an Airport express and for the first couple of months i've been fin and learning how to use it.
I set it up so i have 2 profile settings....
one of them is my home setting that takes the express and connects it to my currently working network and extends it wirelessly.
the second setting takes it and disables internet and sets up a wireless network to connect and pay air tunes.
Now every time i take the express past the reach of the home network it just freezes in the yellow blinking sate and wont let me find it with the airport utility.
Now i have the second profile set up for it to work, but the problem is that it wont let me connect to it to change it, so it just keeps blinking forever... untill i bring it back into the range of my home network.
I have bought a Radeon 4850 graphics card to play some games in Windows under boot camp. The card comes with a mini 6 pin power connector that connects to the graphics card and supplied lead has at the other end a 4 pin power connector to go into the computer's power supply by the looks of the diagram in the box. My question is do I need to connect this to the Mac Pro power supply? The ATI 2600 card in the machine doesn't look like it connects to another power supply.
If I do need to use this then I can only see two small power connectors on the motherboard near the fan, does anyone know anywhere in the UK that would sell a compatible power lead?
does anybody know how many SATA connectors there are on 24" White iMac from 2006.?
if there is only one does anybody know if SATA port multiplier will work in this iMac?
Can I use the magsafe connector from my 2007 MacBook Pro 15" with my 2010 (i7) MacBook Pro 17"? They are both 85W, but I purchased my 2010 MBP in Europe and thought it would be easier to use the connector from my US purchased 2007 MBP while in US so I don't have to use and adapter.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI purchased what I thought was an identical replacement screen used for my ibook G4 1.2 ghz. When attempting to install myself, I started to hook the new screen in and noticed I have what I believe is to be 2 power connectors (the connectors with the round pencil lead size connector) where the old screen only had 1. The data connectors were identical.
Do I have the wrong screen, do I use only 1.
I connected MacMini to my TV/Monitor with HDMI cable. Now I want option to listen to audio through my stereo too so I connected a stereo mini plug to the audio output on tegh MACMINI and to stereo miniplug input on my receiver but do not get sound.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I connect my macbook pro to my older tv with component connectors?
Mac Pro
Has anyone used one of the internal sata connectors to connect an optical drive? Part of me thinks that's what they were put there for, under the optical bay. I'm after a Blue Ray Drive and loads of them are SATA.
I have a Samsung SyncMaster 2243BWX monitor attached to my Mac Pro 1.1 [OS X: 10.6.3] that refuses to display at its native 1680 X 1050 resolution.
System Pref incorrectly sees the display as a "SyncMas461". I've tried attaching the monitor via DVI & VGA connectors with no difference. Any advice?
one of my usb ports is not working.I tried to restart my laptop I have macbook Pro and is still not working. Any idea what shall I do?? I am transferring pictures from usb to my external hard drive and it was working fine yesterday, but not today. I left my external hard rive connected to my laptop over night, but the laptop was switched of.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I am trying to connect my MacBookPro3,1 to my HDTV and need to know if the DVI external port on the side will send Video and Audio to my HDTV?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I've recently upgraded to Snow Leopard and decided to use boot camp to reinstall XP on a secondary partition. The problem I'm having is with getting some programs notably Trillian and Steam to keep their connection. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't. I am in university halls of residence so I have had to set up some port forwarding to get Steam to connect at all but it's always tantalisingly out of reach.
Steam for example sometimes loads fine but then won't load a game it brings up the 'Game is unavailable' error. Sometimes I can get into team fortress 2 but can't locate any servers, sometimes I can get a server list to populate but cant load the game. Sometimes it doesn't even load Steam at all and fails on the updating step. Trillian has similar problems, sometimes dropping the connection and sometimes running perfectly fine. At first I though this was a firewall issue due to the ports but after I managed to get each step to work at different times, just never together, I began to doubt that.
Does anyone know the mac pro motherboard manufacturer. Mine is a made to order 2x2 3ghz quad core (1,1) 2006 model.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am considering buying a new Mac Pro. Can anyone tell me that if I buy one with single CPU, can I upgrade it later by adding another CPU? In other words, do I get a dual CPU motherboard or not?
View 24 Replies View RelatedIn the PC world, most latest motherboards support either SLI or CrossFire. How about the MacPro's motherboard?
View 15 Replies View RelatedIf need to replace a motherboard with Intel processor, will the Mac OS X be compatible for it or do I need a properitary [sic] motherboard with intel chip?
View 24 Replies View Relatedcan you make this: fit where thisis? fitting g3 motherboard?
View 7 Replies View RelatedStrange problem since I got my MB back from the apple store (got a new hd). Now, every so often, the cursor will jump to a different part of the screen, often when I'm typing. You can imagine how frustrating that can be!
Was the case put back together wrong? Hiccup with the motherboard?
First gen white Macbook 1.83 with 2 GB, running 10.4.11
I was recently given a non working G5 dual 2.5ghz machine. It is a quad core machine with the Delphi liquid cooling system. After some investigating I found it had a coolant leak. All the fans and lights come on as well as the bootup �chime�. I think (hoping) that the motherboard and power supply are still good. My question is this:
Can I use different processors on this motherboard? Lets say a dual 2.5ghz non-quad core processor assembly. Am I making sense? I am very new to the Mac world and would appreciate any help on this issue.
What are the best settings for an Intel motherboard with an Intel Proccesor? (Running OSX LEOPARD!)
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been experiencing a variety of problems with my peripheral devices. At first it started with my monitor and I thought it was going out... it was having lines (darker lines, like flickering) all over the screen... but then I realized this happened when I plugged something into my computer... so for example if my external monitor is on, and I plug in my firewire soundcard it starts to flickr...
Then it started to do it when I would plug in my printer... now if I plug in my firewire soundcard my monitor turns on and off... and I'm having sync issues with my soundcard.
I wiped my computer, reset the SMC and the PRAM and NVRAM. How do I test if my mother board is crapping out?
What is the best was to diagnose possible motherboard faults on a Mac? I'm having various problems which appear to be hardware related (i.e. re-formatting, re-loading OSX, etc don't seem to fix them and the problems appear at different times running different processes) so want to check the motherboard out.Typical problems are a USB hard drive suddening going off-line, the DVD burner suddenly resetting itself for no reason, screen not redrawing properly etc. and all these only happen occasionally. The only test I can find is a RAM test (various programs allow this including Tech Tool Pro 6) but is there a way to test other components?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)