Hardware :: Express Past The Reach Of The Home Network It Just Freezes In The Yellow Blinking
Aug 14, 2009
I got an Airport express and for the first couple of months i've been fin and learning how to use it.
I set it up so i have 2 profile settings....
one of them is my home setting that takes the express and connects it to my currently working network and extends it wirelessly.
the second setting takes it and disables internet and sets up a wireless network to connect and pay air tunes.
Now every time i take the express past the reach of the home network it just freezes in the yellow blinking sate and wont let me find it with the airport utility.
Now i have the second profile set up for it to work, but the problem is that it wont let me connect to it to change it, so it just keeps blinking forever... untill i bring it back into the range of my home network.
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Feb 3, 2010
I have a Airport Express which I have not used in well over one year I moved to a new place and wanted to use it with my itunes but the problem I have is I do not know where the install CD's are (lost) and Airport Utilities will not see the Airport express Ive tried HARD RESET and tired to hard wire but still no luck the only thing that comes up on Airport Utilities is my Apple Time Capsule So stuck at blinking yellow light My OS is 10.6.2 but don't know the version of the airport since I can't connect
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May 19, 2010
Our wireless router (some standard linksys one) is downstairs. Wireless is mostly used down there so need strongest signal. Then it's plugged into an ethernet point, which goes up to the loft in a box, where it feeds into a 16-port switch, then back out to ethernet points in each room of the house. (recently renovated the house and ran Cat-5e everywhere.)Currently I have to connect via the ethernet point in my room with a network cable as I can't pick up the wireless signal. Which sucks a bit, being tied down when on a macbook pro.Could I just plug an Airport Express into the ethernet point in my room and set it up as a second wireless point, which I can use in my room? Or is that not what it's for?
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Feb 27, 2009
My current setup is an AirPort express with a PIXMA iP8500, if I grabbed a LaserJet 1020, could I plug a USB hub in the AirPort Express, and network them both at once?
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Jul 23, 2009
I've been having some issues with one of my Airport Express units, the one the modem's connected to. I've been on the phone with Apple a few times, and have had my MacBook (brand new) checked out for antenna issues by a Genius. All is well. I've tried resets of all sorts on the Express, and what happens is that in the mornings the main Express is blinking yellow. This morning nothing--not any kind of reset--would change that. is it time for a new Express?
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Jun 6, 2007
I have my powerbook g4 charging all the time and the one time I unplug it to use somewhere else the battery loses its charge and shuts off the screen til i plug it in again...also the light around the plug that goes into the battery port on the laptop is flashing between green/yellow and orange.
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Nov 16, 2008
Not sure why but froze or crashed,, Ive tryed to install the backup cd, that came when i bought the mac, tryed the hardware tool says hardware working no problems can be a systems problem. what can i do to get past the blinking ? folder
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May 5, 2012
My battery died while listening to music today and when I plugged in the power supply, the computer will not accept the charge and the power supply light is blinking yellow but very faint.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 20, 2014
a new epson v600 scanner will not communicate with my iMac running OS X 10.8 - get the blinking yellow error light. Epson says the scanner is fine. I have updated all Apple software, incl. Epson drivers.
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Apr 21, 2010
I have a slow network issue. I'll try to make it as simple as possible.
1 MacBook Pro
1 Airport Extreme
1 Airport Express to Extend the Network
The network to my living room was slow, so I added the Express to extend the network. When connected through the Express, with a Time Machine backup, I'm getting about 500K/sec transfer speeds. When I move the laptop away from the Express and close to the Extreme, the network works much faster, about 5MB/sec. I don't understand why the network is so much slower when using the Airport Express as a network extender. Is the speed difference normally that much? If it's not supposed to be, is there anything I can do?
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Aug 9, 2006
When I start my iBook, I get blinking network icon for a while, then it turns into folder with blinking question mark alternating with mac logo. I know what it means; however, I have tried everything to correct it and no luck. I can't boot from the system cd by holding c-key, option/c-key, command/option/shift/delete. I zapped the PRAM, tried holding any key for that matter, without any respond. The only respond I've got was when I held down option-key by itself. This brought me to the screen with a padlock symbol and password field. However, I had no luck with keying the password in. At this point I don't care if I loose any data on this machine (everything is backed-up) I just would like to make it run. Clean install, perhaps.
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Jul 24, 2008
So I have an Airport Extreme hosting my wireless network in my home office (second floor). A couple months ago I bought a Time Capsule (1TB) and have it extending my network from our family room (main floor).
I was just watching TV and saw the status light change from green to flashing yellow/orange. Thinking our internet just went down, I cracked open my MBP and fired up FireFox.... Internet is working just fine. Switched over to the Airport Utility and scanned for Devices. The only device found is my Airport Extreme.
I scanned my local area wireless networks, and all that can be found is the usual suspects... no new apple devices.Did a search on this forum and the apple support forum without finding anything super helpful.I know I could plug in via Ethernet and see if I could find it then...(its installed right under our TV and people are watching it right now)...
My next course of action is to reset the TC... When i set it back up, if I don't give it the exact same name... will i still be able to resume my back-ups from where they were before? (I know I shoulda backed up the config file... but I didn't)?
(I highly doubt that it is a software update ... I keep ontop of those, and one hasn't been released for a while... My Extreme is at 7.3.2)
So after an hour researching all of this I came back downstairs and the TC status light is green... But its still not showing up in the AirPort Utility and I can't back up.
Update 2:
So I power cycled it and its fixed... hope this never happens again.
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Apr 14, 2009
I just set up a second AirPort Express - connected to the home stereo - to allow the Mac laptops to push iTunes music to the home stereo system wirelessly. This worked on the first try. See, I'm a recently converted PC guy... I'm used 15-20 attempts followed by a few calls to the tech support...
So, as soon as the novelty wore off (it hasn't completely) I tried to network the iPhone... couldn't do it. I can't find where to swap the speaker from "Computer" to "Stereo" (the name assigned to the AirPort).
Is this possible? Should I just be happy with the laptop?
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Dec 11, 2010
I wanted to pick up a decent sized/priced external drive to finally create a home network. Basically I want to have my soon-to-be-owned Macbook Air, girlfriend's iMac, my PC and my Apple TV (2nd gen) to all be able to share music/video. My PC is hooked up to the router (a Linksys simultaneous dual-band N model with a USB sharing port) while the iMac, Apple TV and Macbook will (obviously) be wireless.
Do I hook it up to the iMac via firewire and share it from there? Or to the router and share from there. I know the Apple TV is a bit picky about that stuff. Will I need to pour ALL the media to my gf's iMac and then use her iTunes to sync with the Apple TV? Each of us has a little external used for time machine back up's so this is basically just a media drive. Or should I get something like a Drobo? They are big bucks but I like the idea of expandability and ease of use.
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Jan 4, 2011
I received my new 15" MBP last night and quickly set up a network between my 08 iMac and the new MBP. Nothing fancy - Verizon FIOS router with Airport Express connected by ethernet cable - AE set up in Bridge mode, and both computers connected to the AE wireless network. Still pretty amazing to a first-time home networker. I shared my entire iMac iphoto library and itunes library and was able to view, play, and import on the MBP. I shared some files from the iMac and that worked like a champ on the MBP.
I was even more amazed with the Back to my Mac feature. Instantly able to get screen access and file access. Pretty amazing how easy it was. I had set up a Epson wireless printer on the iMac. Simply hit + on the MBP, selected the Epson, and printed wirelessly seconds later. I would still be flailing with my Windows machine. How does everyone use their home network? Anything to share that I'm missing? Any capability I need to start taking advantage of?
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Mar 30, 2009
I just found out I can plug my DISH DVR into my home network (gets rid of my programming access fee and gives me access to an app that lets me program it remotely). The problem is that my modem/AEBS is on the other side of the room, and I'm trying to avoid drilling holes to run an ethernet cable under the house, etc.
One question...my computer is just a few feet from the DVR. Is there a way to plug the DVR into the computer and access the router that way? Anyone have another idea for connecting the two? My modem isn't wireless, so I can't move the AEBS to the DVR and have it connect wirelessly to the modem. I could get a wireless modem and do that, but I'm trying to avoid spending much on more equipment.
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Jan 2, 2010
I just got my first Mac and I am trying to integrate it into my home network with a number of Windows PCs. I have turned on sharing on the Mac and on all of the PCs. The Mac finds the router and connects to the internet with no problem. The PCs all find the Mac and can access the shared folders. However, the Mac does not find any of the PCs, and no shared resources show up in the Finder Sidebar.
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Feb 23, 2010
I live with a friend. I would like to setup our computers so we can use the following component together:
plasma TV
Imac 24inch 2.4
Macbook Pro 13inch 2.53
2x1to lacie External HDD
I would like to have an access to the hard drives from any computers and I would also like to use them with my PS3(that is main issue). I know my question maybe not seem so clear but I would like to discuss the subject because we will in fact be moving together this summer and I would like to setup everything when we arrive.
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Jul 4, 2009
Alu 24" 2.4ghz when they first came out with aluminum, got it at the store. since august 07 My imac had a small yellow tint, i noticed, when i got it and it was not worth anyhting screaming about, i also noticed it had bleeding issues ath the bottom and sides. I wanted to return it or trade but i was convinced out of it.
Now i noticed that from left to right their is a prominent yellow tint streaking it's way across and fading around the half way point.It is irritating and sad to see this display on this mac was ok, at first but it is geting slightly worse.I have apple care, can i trade this/replace it at an applestore, or would they need to fix it?
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Sep 10, 2010
I am going to move into a new house soon. I am looking to network the house, so I can use the internet anywhere, share movies,etc. This is my current setup at my apartment.
1 x Mac Mini connected to my TV in the lounge
1 x Apple TV connected to the TV in the bedroom
1 x Main PC in the study room (which all my movies/tv series/music/etc... is stored)
2 x Laptops
1 x Apple 20" Cinema Display
The mac mini is connected via ethernet to the router & the apple tv is connected via WiFi. Its currently a small place so the apple tv can access the router's wireless signal. This is what I have in mind for our new house which kinda big in size. Trash the PC and buy a mac mini server and external NAS storage. The NAS storage will store all the movies/tv series/mp3's/etc. I currently have a ubiquity nanostation2 which I can setup to boost the wireless signal throughout the house so we can use wireless anywhere in the house & tv mac mini, laptops & apple tv can access the wireless (so i do not have to install ethernet cables throughout the house). Also in the future, I would want to install security cameras outside the house (still trying to find a good mac OS X security camera software). Before I buy the mac mini server & NAS, am i missing anything or is there another better solution?
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Oct 4, 2010
Maybe not the best subforum to post in but I couldn't see where else I could post it.
My brother and I both have MBP's and we'd like to share a hard drive connected to out WiFi router. We'd also like to use the new 'AirPlay' technology that'll be coming out soon.
Since I've never assembled a home network before, I'd like to know what are all of the components that I'd need?
An external hard drive and WiFi router running to an Airport Express Base and then using everything over the wireless network?
How would I connect a printer to this too?
Sorry for the possibly confusing questions, I just don't to go out and buy anything I don't need.
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Oct 24, 2010
At home, I can access Synology 210j NAS through the browser and by mapping it - When I'm away from home I can already access my Synology NAS through browser, BUT
VMWare can't find it's virtual file on the NAS through the browser. It will find it, when it is mapped and mounted
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Dec 31, 2010
This is my first Mac and I haven't purchased the Superdrive yet. I've been searching Google and found a lot of "hits" on the general topic, but either it's using a different OS (slight difference in screens) or glances over the topic. Can anyone recommend a good thread or site that details how to share a CD/DVD from a Windows XP (Home Edition) box over a home network (Linksys 4 port/wireless) to a MBA (new). The MBA successfully connects to the wireless router and I can access the internet. The Desktop (Windows XP box) successfully connects via RJ45.
Secondly if the above is fairly easy, I'd love to know how I can print from the MBA through the network connection to the PC. The printer is a Xerox WorkCentre M15 (it's a office grade machine which I had presumed works well in a shared environment.) The printer is connected to the PC via a USB connection. However I've ordered a Buffalo LinkStation (I think that's the name) which is a NAS box that has print sharing capabilities, so I could hook the printer up that way if necessary to use for both the PC & Mac.
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Apr 13, 2009
Do you think I may have a "potential" problem with the following home network configuration? http://images.macrumors.com/vb/image...s/confused.gif
I currently have a Motorola SBG900 for my all-in-one solution wireless cable modem gateway for my MS XP desktop & laptop home network.
I will be buying a MBP and the TC for my existing home network. I will be connecting the time capsule/WAN point to the the SBG900 Ethernet connection and disabling the SBG900 wireless component to benefit of the 802n/g. The TC will be my router/firewall and the SBG900 firewall will disabled. The SBG900 will still be my dhcp server.
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Jun 24, 2009
I have three macbooks, one of them is a MacBook pro. I can connect by using a computer to computer network no problem but problems arise when I want to connect them through my home network. I have set up file sharing on all of the laptops. I have tried using Go => Connect to server, then afp://ip address, nothing. When I click on network in finder, nothing turns up. Do I need to open up ports on my router? What is stopping the macs seeing each other?
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Oct 24, 2009
My home network setup is pretty weird and I am having problems connecting between my G4 with Leopard and my MBP with SL. Basically I have a static ip with a zyntex or something ADSL modem, then I have a switch and after the switch i got a 10Mbps Brack Firewall router and today I bought an Airport Express to get internet at places. I dont want to lay down cables. So anyway I noticed once I hooked up I can see my G4 but I cant connect to it. If I use a cable tho it work. Btw the airport is connected to the switch so is the G4, all the PCs are connected thru the brack router.
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Jun 13, 2010
Had my MacBook Pro for a little a month now, and I love it. The problem I am faced with now is that I can't connect to my home network. My iMac is able to connect perfectly, but whenever I try to connect with my MBP, it won't connect, or will assign it's own IP and then states "You will not be able to connect to the internet." It's quiet annoying when I can't use my laptop to connect to the internet, what I am faced to do right now is take my iMac and bluetooth tether it to my MBP. This is fine if I'm in the same room, but it won't work when I'm upstairs. Does anyone know what's wrong? Should I contact my Apple store?
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Jun 13, 2010
he has DSL internet service. I'm not sure what modem he has or what wireless router he has but I know they're are not Apple's brand. He told me that he has the iMac set up as a print server. When he gets out his daughters Blackbook he cant get it to print wirelessly through the wireless network, he told me he has to plug the printer into the Blackbook to get it to print. I'm guessing he is doing this via USB cable.
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Mar 16, 2012
I changed my network name and now it won't connect to the internet.How do I put in the new password (that goes with the new name)?
Aluminum MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.7)
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May 1, 2012
I need to find out the IP address of a particular device on my home network?
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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