Mac Mini :: Suddenly Started Freezing Up While Using Number Keypad?

May 23, 2012

My MacMini suddenly started freezing up EVERY TIME I tried to use the number keypad. I figured it must be the keyboard so bought a new one. It is doing the same thing - if I inadvertantly hit a key on the number keypad it freezes and I have to reboot the computer for anythink to work.What's happening and what can I do?

Mac Mini, Mac OS X (10.6.4)

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IMac :: Started Freezing Randomly ?

Dec 8, 2010

I purchased a 24" iMac in fall of '07 and up until have had no problems at all. Let me describe the problems I'm having now and maybe someone can tell me what to do to remedy them.

A couple weeks ago it started freezing randomly. The mouse will switch to the beach ball and just spins endlessly. I can move it around but can't really do anything other than that. I have to do a hard reset to get it back to normal. Sometimes a couple programs are open, and sometimes none. It seems like it happens often when I quick switch from one user to another. It will switch, work for awhile, then freeze.

Now, no big deal, annoying, but whatever. But, the other day after doing a hard reset it revolted into a white screen with a flashing folder with a question mark. I did some research and found that I needed to repair the startup disc using the snow leopard disc. I did that and it allowed me to boot it back up normaly but didn't really solve the freeze up issue.

So, that just happened again, so I'll have to boot it up with the disc again and repair the startup disc when I get a chance. It's really beyond frustrating now.

I have repaired all permissions, updated all firmware, made sure the drive isn't full, pretty much everything short of backing up and wiping the drive and reinstalling the OS. Is that what I need ro do now? I mean, I know I need to, but is there something I can do to remedy until I can get around to doing that?

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MacBook Pro :: Randomly Started Freezing Up?

Apr 4, 2012

I don't get any spinning wheel of death or anything it just freezes & won't do a thing but the mouse still moves?! I'm having to turn it off at the wall 3 or 4 times a day which I'm sure can't be good for it but I don't understand what's caused it to start, the only thing iv installed lately was adobe reader but it does seem to occur more when I'm using an Internet application (either safari or connecting for software updates). Iv just sat for over an hour on logic with all manner of plugins going off without any issue

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Intel Mac ::Started Freezing When Connecting To TV

May 30, 2012

I've had an iMac (late 2006) connected to a TV via mini DVI to HDMI for a while now, but today it's stopped working. The Apple menu wasn't visible on the TV and after changing the display settings froze. If I keep the HDMI cable in (even if the TV is turned off) the Mac freezes when it get's to the desktop view and jumbles the image with squares all over. If I take the cable out, it boots up fine. Putting the cable in then goes back to the original problem. I've searched around and tried deleting the file from ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost but no luck. 

iMac, Macbook

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MacBook Pro :: Has Started Freezing At Least Once A Day - OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

Jun 4, 2014

For about the past week my MacBook has been freezing daily. The spinning ball would just come up and  then I have to manually shut down the computer and boot it back up.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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Intel Mac :: It Has Suddenly Started Running Slow?

Feb 15, 2012

Is there something I can do such as a clean up?

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Safari 5.1.5 Has Suddenly Started To Crash Immediately?

Apr 10, 2012

Safari 5.1.5 has suddenly started to crash immediately without launching.I have reinstalled it from Time Machine backup, repaired disk permissions without success.I have created another user account and it is still crashing so it must be a system wide issue. [code]

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Quad-Core Intel Xeon

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IMac :: "+" Key On The Number Keypad Doesn't Work

Dec 9, 2010

20" imac, 2.66 GHz
Mac OSX 10.5.8
Wired keyboard

The + key on the number keypad doesn't work, but the one on the main part of the keyboard does. On turning on the computer, as soon as (for example) I open Safari and the Google page appears, a row of plusses appear; +++++++++++++. The plusses will keep appearing until I press the space bar. Then I can delete them.

The right hand shift key works with everything but the " key, but the left hand shift key is fine. There were problems in the past; I had the "you have stupidly pressed the wrong key" chime repeating and repeating. this stopped, many months ago. I did wipe the keyboard down with a cloth that was slightly too damp and some keys stopped working, but after leaving the keyboard in the sun for a couple of days all was fine. That was months before the +++ problem started and months after the "you have stupidly pressed the wrong key" stopped.

The +++ problem was worse at one time, occurring at random while the computer was in use. I also suspect that some keys do not always function when tapped, but that may well just be my typing. Having typed this out and thought about it, it would seem that I may have damaged the keyboard when I wiped it down, but you may know better.

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Applications :: Installed Camino - Started Freezing Up?

Jan 30, 2010

I was wondering about that one web browser, Camino. I installed it, but about a day or two after installation, it started freezing up, and the beach ball started showing up. It wasn't only Camino, but all of my web browsing applications started acting up. Opera and Safari were both affected by the beach ball, and my internet connections got really slow. So, stuff like Facebook and Youtube started bugging up. I deleted Camino, and some of those problems are gone now. But, I want to know, what did Camino do?

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MacBook Pro :: Suddenly Started To Run Slow - Up To Date With Lion

Mar 19, 2012

My MacBook Pro is running on Lion and is up to date. Suddenly, it has slowed down. Why or what to do?

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MacBook Pro :: Safari Started Running Really Slow Suddenly

Jun 15, 2012

I have a MacBook Pro with Mac OS X, Version 10.6.8 and Safari has started running really slowly, all of a sudden. I've tried Firefox and Google Chrome, which run faster, but not much. Wi-Fi has been checked and is not the problem. I've emptied my cache and reset Safari. My disc usage is 15%, my system memory says that I have 2.35 GB of free space, and there are no "page outs". All of the programs, on my computer, that do not require internet access run fine. My firewall is off.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Started Freezing And Making Alarm Sounds

Jun 27, 2014

I have had some issues with my macbook pro lately: A few weeks ago, my Macbook started freezing and making alarm sounds. I didn't do anything about it because it happened only a few times per week.   

Suddenly it happened 4 or 5 times in a row, and after x times my Macbook wouldn't go past the grey start-up screen (Apple logo loading). So I was unable to login. I solved the ''issue'' by erasing the disk. My Macbook worked again, but all data was gone. The freezing issue was gone as well.  But 2 days ago, it started.. again. And today, my Macbook suddenly crashed/shut down. Now, I am not even able to start my macbook. It doesn't show anything, if I press the power button, nothing happens.  

I did a SMC reset, and my Macbook worked, but only for 15 minutes. It just happened again. Something is clearly wrong and I don't know what. my Macbook instanly freezed when I connected the power cord. And I think the power cord is broken, last few days it barely charged the Macbook.  

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OS X :: Speech Suddenly Started Speaking All Commands And Page Info?

Sep 13, 2010

The speech suddenly started speaking all commands and page info. I do not know what is wrong or how to turn it off. As I type this it speaks each letter and key that I pressImac G5 Mac osx 10.4.11 Safari 4.0.4

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OS X :: Keypad On Dell Keyboard Used With Mac Mini?

Aug 26, 2009

My husband gave me a Mac Mini for my birthday. So far so good but it is a little frustrating learning a new operating system after working with MS Windows since the beginning.

I'm using my Dell flat screen monitor and keyboard and my Microsoft wireless mouse. With MS windows I used the keypad on the right side of the keyboard for the arrows/pgup/pgdn/home, etc. to move around the screen and did not use the number functions (I turned number lock off). With my Mac Mini it only gives me the numbers and the number lock OFF does not work.

Question: how can I turn the number lock off so I can use the arrows/pgup/pgdn/home, etc. on the keypad?

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OS X Mavericks :: Viber Suddenly Started Launching Maximized / Full Screen - How To Stop It

Jun 22, 2014

Out of nowhere viber just started launching taking up the whole screen.  How do I stop this and make it start by default as a small sized window?  It seemed like it used to take whatever size it was when it was last closed but now it's launching full screen. 

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Mac Pro :: Screen Suddenly Freezing Up And Becoming Pixelated?

Dec 26, 2010

I own a Mac Pro (2x2.8ghz Quad Core Xeon, 6gb DDR2 Ram, Nvidia 8800GT, running in 64-bit mode), and a 30" cinema display. I am running OS 10.6.5 at the moment as well.

What happens (and its been happening all day, rarely happened in the past), is that my entire screen freezes up for no real reason, and becomes completely pixelated and nothing but my cursor moves.

The pixelation even makes it through the force shut down and into the grey apple startup screen, the logo is pixelated there as well.

For some reason, I can't seem to reset the PRAM (no second startup chime?), and I can't seem to enter safe-mode either (shift at startup?)

Right now, the problem isn't happening, but at this rate I expect it to start pixelating very, very soon.

Does anyone have any tips?

I have AppleCare, but I need to fix this asap. I'm a photographer and a very big project depends on it (needs to be submitted by tomorrow morning).

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Mini Keeps Adding A Number To Its Name

May 12, 2012

I have a new Mac Mini with Lion installed.

Airport Extreme

Laptop - Mac Book Pro w/ Lion, also uses network - not having any issues

iPad 1, using network, no issues.

Last week it suddenly started incrementing the computer name on the network: myName Mini (2),  MyName Mini (3),...This causes issues with banking software because it assumes it is a new computer each time and makes me register the new computer each time.

Info:Mac+, Mini & MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.6)

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Mac Mini :: Know The Product Number Of The SATA Cable?

May 12, 2012

does someone know the Product number of the SATA Cable for the mac Mini (mid 2011) for 2nd HDD bay?

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Mac Mini :: Sound Suddenly Stopped On It?

Apr 24, 2012

The sound suddenly stopped on my Mac Mini, both internal speakers and external speakers. Everything is plugged in and set up as required, but there is no sound, and there was an hour ago.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Mini :: 2006 Getting Hot And Fan Is Being Louder Suddenly?

Jun 10, 2012

I have late 2006 mini baught in march 2007.  Seems getting a little hot.  Fan is a little louder all of a sudden.  Or maybe I'm imagining it.  But does feel a little hot.  Maybe I need to move it from under my monitor stand so it can breathe but it has been there since 2007 without any problems.  It is core duo not 2 duo.  2gb of ram I added at the store when I got it.  They installed it. Anyhow I installed temperature monitor widget and it says "CPU A Temperature Diod 62 degrees celsius" and "CPU A Heat Sink 53 degrees celsius".  Also I installed "fan control 1.2" as written on another even though for macbook pro works on mini well.  But it says left fan 3850 rpm and right fan -1 rpm.  Is that because mac mini has only 1 fan.  Anyhow is 60 degrees about normal??  Or even idle (or even just replying here and only 1 tab open) 50 - 60 is too much??

mac mini core duo., Mac OS X (10.6.2)

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Average Number Of Users On A Mini Running?

May 2, 2012

I'm in IT at a shop that is 98% Mac based.  At this point in time, we would like to use Lion Server to provide Time Machine backups and software updates to our users.  The environment is as follows:  We are all using laptops, connecting to our network and the internet using wireless only.  The mini has an ethernet cable attached and wireless will not be enabled for it.  All Time Machine backups and software updates will be done wirelessly.  The backups will be mostly text files, although in some instances there will be large amounts of said files.  Of course I will limit and exclude certain folders and file types from backup and I would like to have the user do their first backup via firewire/thunderbolt so the largest amount of data will not be pushed over the air.  I'm currently running tests with a few users doing just Time Machine backups to the Mini and all is going well, but I'm curious as to how many people I will be able to place on one Mini before it becomes too much.  We have about 70 users now and could be close to 100 by the end of the year.  We are a company that will continue to grow too.  Anyone have thoughts or experience with a large user base doing backups to a Mini like this?  How many users could I fit on each Mini? Would I be better off just going for the Mac Pro?

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Mini :: Suddenly The Sleep Mode Does Not Work Anymore?

Mar 28, 2012

Suddenly the sleep mode does not work anymore. Did not change anything.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Mini :: Mouse Move Suddenly Stop And Then Catch Up Again?

May 28, 2012

As I move my mouse, it will suddenly stop and then catch up again. I'm on 10.7.4 mac mini 2.3gb with 8gb ram, anda second monitor attached to the thunderbolt port.

Mac mini, iOS 5.1.1, 8gb ram

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Mac Mini :: Its Suddenly Went Into A Grey Screen And Doesn't Respond?

Jun 5, 2012

My mac mini doesn't respond to anything, i try changing screens but they  do the same thing?

Mac mini

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Mac Mini :: Late 09 Won't Boot - Screen Freezing

Aug 31, 2010

I have a macmini late 09 and I upgraded the RAM and HDD 2 weeks ago. Suddenly today the mini froze coming out of sleep. O left it for a few minutes but still no luck. Held down the power button and it rebooted. It goes to the apple screen and stays there. I checked the hardware and there are no problems. I then booted in from the older HDD and had no problems. I checked the permissions and repaired them.

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Mac Mini :: Crashing/freezing After Some Hours Of Uptime?

Mar 27, 2012

for a couple of days now my little Mac Mini is crashing/freezing after some hours of uptime.. After a reboot I get this nice "Your computer was shutdown due to a problem"-report and it says Apple is informed, but honestly spoken when looking at the stacktrace there I have no clue why this is happening: 


Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Mac Mini :: Freezing With Flashing Question Mark?

May 26, 2012

My mac mini is freezing with flashing question mark.

Mac mini (Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Mac Mini :: What Is Best Use Of It - Tower Is Freezing And Running Slow?

Jul 3, 2012

What is the best use/purpose for the Mac Mini?  My wife's G4 (Granite) Tower is ancient and slow and freezes up frequently so it's time to get another computer.   I have a 5 year old MacBook Pro sitting unused after I bought a 2.13GHz MacBook Air .  I am contemplating buying a Mac Mini or an 11 inch AirBook. The Macbook Air would give some flexibility to the household by being portable.  She does only basic stuff, nothing fancy, so anything will be better than what she's using now.  (At some point in the future, I may give my son the Airbook for college and get a new one for me, but that's not what I want to do now.)So my question to the community would be what do you recommend?

1) Reformat and use the 5 year old MacBook Pro (free)

2) Mac Mini? ($599) (I have an external monitor, keyboard and an external Mac Disk Drive so no need to buy them.)

3) MacBookAir 11 inch ($1100)

4) iMac ($1200) (I think this is overkill for her.)

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MacBook Pro :: Number Keys On Keyboard Are Malfunctioning Besides Number 0

Sep 2, 2014

-Processor: 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5
-Memory 4GB 

Only the number keys on my keyboard are malfunctioning besides the number 0.  For example when I press 1 it appears as q1.  When I press 2 it appears as w2.   

I am not sure if I accidentally pressed something on my keyboard that has changed the functioning of my number keys. I've tried fidgeting with the keyboard settings in System Preferences and holding down the f6 key but nothing has worked. 

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook :: Log Out Using The Keypad?

May 14, 2012

i was just wondering if you can log out just using the keypad

mac, iOS 4

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