I use to hear only a fan that's only if I put my ear right next to the fan in other words it was silent, but for some reason when I updated to 10.7.4 I can hear this clicking sound that is coming from the Mac I did not have this ploblem in previous version (10.7.3 &10.7.2) this started happening exactly when it finished updating.
Oh and the Mac Mini is new I only use it for basic task (email & surfing the web) and I updated the exact same day when 10.7.4 was released.
when I start my mac pro, after a certain time passes there is a very low pitc clicking noise starts. It could not be heard if the ambient noise is loud, only when it is silent in the room. I opened the case, it comes from top of the hard disk bay under the dvd drive bay. I switched the har disk to another bay to see if it comes from the hard disk but no, its not the hard disk..
its not the front big fan unit as well .. where else I should check ? Does anybody have same kind of noise ?
i've noticed that my 17" Macbook Pro makes an odd clicking sound when slight pressure is put in the general location of the hard drive. For instance, if I'm lying down, and the laptop is on my stomach, when I breathe in, it will make weird staticy, metallic clicking sounds.
My wired Mighty Mouse has started to click a lot. It is very annoying. Sounds like a small relay closing randomly. If I lift it up off the pad it stops. Has anyone else had this happen?
I just got my MacBook pro last month and sometimes I hear this sound for like a second. I don't know how to describe it. It's like a little clicking sound. It can happen when I'm online or sometimes when I close the macbook.
I've bought my iMac in December 2011 and everything was functionating just fine untill 1 month ago. My iMac started to make clicking sounds for around 5-10 seconds, the interval between these sounds is usually half an hour to one hour. I personally think that it comes from the right side (the one with the CD/DVD entrance). I'd like to know what it causing this, how I can get this fixed and if it could be harmful to my iMac. I'll contact some premium resellers tomorrow and ask if they know what I can do about it.
Just bought today, brand new mac pro 8 core 2.8ghz. I get a weird click on both boot and start up or when I put the computer to sleep or wake it. It's a single click, imagine the sound of someone lightly flicking the side of an empty Pepsi can. It's not random, I can make it do the sound simply by unplugging or re-plugging the power cord in the back. Is this normal?
I have a new 2.0ghz, 4gb ram, 320gb hard drive Macbook and it makes weird clicking noises from time to time. Is it just the machine loading or is there something else wrong with it? This clicking is very annoying and when I am typing up reports and schoolwork it sometimes makes it hard to concentrate allthough very quiet.
My new 24 inch iMac is making clicking sounds in the bottom right hand (looking at screen). The clicking sounds is linked in an audio file below. [URL]
Whenever my MacBook's sound is on mute and the computer wants to play a sound, the speaker has this little click noise.
For example, I mute the sound and go to trash a file. It trashes normally, but at the beginning, the speakers click (almost like they want to play that empty trash noise, but cannot because it is mute).
Has any one else experienced the random, but rather persistent electrical sounding snap or click that occurs while navigating the computer mostly with the touchpad. It is not the hardisk (been replaced to no avail). One person on apple forums suggested that all Macbook Pros make a snapping sound because the soundcard is either powering up out of sleep or powering down. It occurs sometimes more frequently, others not at all. Apple has offered to replace the computer with a new one, but if this is an endemic problem with just about all of them, I'd rather keep the one I have. The snapping or clicking isn't resounding, but can be rather irritating in a quiet room. At first I thought it was a short circuit sound snapping but was convinced otherwise later.
Every 10 seconds there is a clicking sound coming out of the iMac i5, I have a CD loaded at the moment and a USB Stick behind. This is Standby and it should be absolutely quite. I am typing this on my PC next to it and hear the click every 10-20 seconds. Very annoying and an absolute Dealbreaker. This is a 2000 USD machine!
My 2008 Macbook keeps producing a metallic clicking sound from the bottom right of the computer. This happens more frequently when it's resting on a surface other than a desktop (ie my legs). Is it a serious hardware problem or just a warning sound so I don't hold the computer a certain way?
I have an early 05 PowerMac Dual 2.3 machine that's making some intermittent clicking noises over the last few months. There's no pattern - sometimes it happens every few minutes, sometimes it won't happen for hours. The clicking sound is loud - and is accompanied by, what I can only describe as, a bit of a buzz sound. At first I thought it could be my HDD or superdrive, but I think the click is way too loud. Now the question - is this my power supply getting ready to give? The machine does not fall in the range of the power supply repair program. I'm already in the process of adding a second HDD to clone my main drive just in case.
The hits just keep on coming with this thing First, it arrived with a massive glob of dust trapped between the backlight and LCD panel (still need to take to Genius Bar), then the PSU buzzing started and now it's making a random clicking/popping sound from the lower left. Its a very quiet sound but its noticeable in a quiet room. It appears to be random, but I can reproduce it by opening iTunes, playing a few seconds of a song, waiting at least 10 seconds in silence, then starting another song. *pop* and the song begins. This happens in QuickTime as well. What is going on here? I'm so exasperated right now, I wish Apple would just replace my troubled machine with a new one.
I have a general question about a recently upgraded 2006 Mac Pro.
I recently upgraded my boot drive to a 1TB Western Digital 7200RPM sata drive.
I have a 2.66GHz Mac Pro late 2006. Running leopard. 4Gb Ram. Radeon 4870 HD (recently added). two other sata drives as backup. (200GB and 350GB, about 4 years old)
With the new drive I notice an odd clicking sound when ever I shut it down or send it into standbye.
Like the drive is just stopping instead of spinning down... I have heard that this can cause permanant drive failure... Is this an issue I need to be concerned with?
When I click on the built-in mouse (whatever it's called), it's a lot louder/snappier sounding and feeling - makes more of a loud clicking sound - then my old Powerbook G4 did. Might I have got one that's a little out of whack or are they all that way? If it's normal, why so "clicky?" These days aren't they able to make things softer/quieter? I also noticed how sharp one of the corners is in the area where the latch (or lack of) is...that center area where you lift up the lid. I like that much better than the old one but does anyone else have the problem of a corner being too sharp?
few loud clicks when closing the lid of a MBP 13" slowly, mostly when its like in a 45 degree angle (the lid compared to the bottom)? Really creeps me out sometimes. Edit: sorry about duplicate thread, forum didnt seem to respond at first.
My computer (MBP 5,5) makes this sound several times throughout a day of use. It sounds exactly like the little "click" sound the computer makes, when i close the lid and have it go into sleep mode. I guess it's the hard drive going to sleep sound? If i'm right, i really don't understand why the hard drive goes to sleep at these random times. I've disabled that in System Preferences - at least i think so. It's this option, right?: [URL] Also, my MBP is always (only use it as a desktop with an external monitor connected to it) on a mStand on my table, so it can't be the Sudden Motion Sensor either.
Everytime i hold the mbp up with just one hand, there would be this clicking sound. I think its near the left hand side of the palmrest. is it near the hard drive? is it of any concern? Sorry if this has been asked before but i just got my mac a month ago and am a new Mac user
I've had my MBP for two weeks now, I notice when I'm working in a quiet room and I pick up my notebook to move it I hear this faint clicking nose. My fingers arent touching the pad or any keys. Is it some antishock mechanism for the HDD that thinks that it's falling?
I have been getting a crackling or clicking sound from headphones and speakers of my macbook pro. It not even a year old.. I use this for music production. I have an external sound card which plays fine but when I use the internal sound devices I get this strange sound. Nothing plays correctly on it.
Every once in a while my Mac Mini will start to chirp/squeak. It almost sounds like crickets. It started doing it again about 5-10 minutes ago and just stopped as I began typing this post. Does that sound like it could be the fan making the noise or the hard drive? I would think that if it were the drive I would here it MUCH more often.
A couple of nights ago I realized my five year old iMac was making a sound I have never heard it make before. It is a scratching noise that I assume is coming from my internal hard drive (hard drive is stock, has never been replaced). It isn't a super loud noise, but it sounds like the noise some hard drives make when they are "searching" or "thinking". I'm wondering if my hard drive is beginning to fail, or if the problem could be something as simple as dust or dirt caught in the drive. An audio sample is in the link below, [URL]
I have a late 2007 MacBook running OS X 10.5.8 that I upgraded with a Hitachi 200GB 7200RPM drive not long after I purchased it. It's been working great until about a week ago when I noticed a very quiet and frequent clicking/whirring sound coming from the drive as I was using it. My first reaction was that it might be the "click of death," but I wasn't getting any errors or having issues booting the machine, and the clicking was very periodic and not sudden like a drive crash. I verified the disk using Disk Utility and it checks out. I then opened up Activity Monitor and started watching the Disk Activity and sure enough I see a big red spike in I/O Data Written every time I hear the clicking sound, which is about every 20 seconds or so. Is my drive actually dying a slow, clicking death, or is there a rogue process writing to the disk and causing the sound? Is there a way to find out what it is?
this is the second time i have encountered this problem. when i plug in an external hard drive via USB, the lights go on and i can hear the hard drive clicking a whirring but cannot find it anywhere on my mac. both with hard drives formatted on pc's and macs.