Mac Pro :: Weird Clicking Sound On Boot And Start Up
Sep 28, 2008
Just bought today, brand new mac pro 8 core 2.8ghz. I get a weird click on both boot and start up or when I put the computer to sleep or wake it. It's a single click, imagine the sound of someone lightly flicking the side of an empty Pepsi can. It's not random, I can make it do the sound simply by unplugging or re-plugging the power cord in the back. Is this normal?
I have a new 2.0ghz, 4gb ram, 320gb hard drive Macbook and it makes weird clicking noises from time to time. Is it just the machine loading or is there something else wrong with it? This clicking is very annoying and when I am typing up reports and schoolwork it sometimes makes it hard to concentrate allthough very quiet.
Any time I boot up my i5, I don't have any audio. Putting the machine to sleep then immediately awakening it fixes the issue. Has anyone else had this happen? I've searched the forums and google but could only find threads about boot camp sound issues.
I'm trying to help a friend get into her old PowerBook 165 but we can't get it to boot up. Whenever it turns on we get the BONG startup sound and then it just flashes a floppy drive with a question mark. We can't get it to go any further and we're at a loss for how to get the files off of it now.
When I use my computer, at random times, I hear a popping noise that sounds like it's coming from the plastic hinge without me moving it. I think this has happened on other 13" models I've toyed with, but I can't fully remember. Everything else works great and it doesn't happen super often so I think I'm just going to deal but does anyone else know what's up? I think it might be the heat coming off on the plastic hinge causing a popping noise every once in a while but not sure... computer works great. Also, it's not the sudden motion sensor clicking for sure. I know what that sounds like.
I'm on a 2.4 GHz MacBook Pro, just updated to version 10.5.5. Today, it seems some strange sound output issue has cropped up. Using either the laptop's built-in speakers, or the headphone jack connected to an external pair of creatures, the sound turns on and off intermittently. When I go to System Preferences -> Sound, and select output, the "Choose a device for sound output", I have: Name: External Speakers, Type: Built-in Output. Then occasionally switches to something else, a little too fast to read. Looks like "Something Output (ispk)". Every time the sound goes out, the Balance goes to "The selected device has no output controls". Weirdly, right now, I've got nothing plugged in, and its switching between Headphones, Internal Speakers, and Built-In whatever. Basically, it looks like the sound output stuff is wigging out. Sound works fine through a USB headset.
I don't know how to describe it. It's almost like the pop sound you get when you raise/lower the volume, but it happens when you're doing nothing. Like the MBP is hiccuping. A very slight quiet noise, but it's strange and disturbing nonetheless. It's not a mechanical clink, like the HD or something, but a little 'pop'.
My G4 iMac has been making a weird fan sound (a flickering sound, as if there were a piece of paper in it or something). Last night I turned it off and the weird fan continued running. I tried to unplug my mac and plug it back in, but the fan just starts right back up. The computer won't start, I've tried holding the start button but nothing happens. I need my computer today to work.
When I pick it up, or when I move is suddenly (even just slightly), I get a horrible sound from the back right hand side. It sounds like a someone is putting a piece of plastic into a spinning fan. It also kinda sounds like the hard drive head hitting the disk (scratching sound). I know that these things are meant to have a movement sensor which actually takes the head OFF the disk, but this sounds like its doing the opposite (scratching the moving disk). If I do it while watching a movie, the film freezes for a second at the same time the sound can be heard - so it's definately something to do with the hard drive.
I have done some research but everyone talking about the sudden movement sensor has described the sound as a "click", not a scratch. Can someone confirm this is normal, or abnormal? It's happening quite a lot - e.g. if I just pick it up it occurs. I've had loads of laptops and this is the first that seems to make a sound whenever I move it...
when i use expose or open dashboard or any other screen for that matter that opens up, i always get a high pitched "grinding" noise coming from my display. It wasnt there before and all of a sudden it starts doing this? im very confused about this as i have no idea what it could be
Ok, this is kind of hard to describe without a recording of it but my MacBook has this frustrating fault where it beachball's without warning and produces a really hard to describe sound every few seconds. The best I can come with to describe it is an "uh-oh" sound from around the keyboard area. It hangs like this for anything from 2-10 mins and will be pretty much unusable in that time.
For the past few days my MBP has been slow. Ridiculously slow. Beachballing to open safari etc. I have just noticed that as it tries to load things it makes a weird sound. A short burring sounds followed by a long one then a short one. Don't know if that is relevant. Earlier today it froze so i had to do a hard shutdown (hold down the power button) and then it wouldn't boot. I ended up booting it off the snow leopard disc. This problem seemed to start when i started playing wow again but i had it installed for a long time. Could this be heat related?
I just bought a MacBook Pro and a Weird sound such as a disc scratching is coming from it seems my Disc drive. This only happens when I start the computer up or wake it after the HD goes to sleep. The notebook is brand new and not sure if this is normal.
ive had the unibody macbook 13" since dec and its been running smoothly. the other night i shut the lid and put the comp to sleep just like every other night, i put the computer on the floor gently and woke up about 6/7 hours later. when i turned it on, i hear this weird buzzing...purring....ticking? i guess i dont know how to describe it. im sure its not the fan cuz i have istat and it would tlel me if the fans going crazy fast...which it isnt, so yea what do i this a serious problem? can i get this fixed?
it only sounds like the machinery inside getting into gear, and it doesn't sound like anything's broken, but i wanted to make sure nonetheless instead of whining about it to apple and have them look at me like i'm crazy.
2 days ago i received my new mac pro 6-core 3, something really weird and super annoying is going on with this computer...From time to time there is this really loud POP trough my speaker. I'm absolutely 100% sure this has nothing to do with my amp. cables or whatever and its definatly a problem with the MacPro, i know because of the following:
Plugged in new cables, removed every installed software, plugged onto different amplifier, when there are absiolutely no audio cables plugged into the computer and when i use the build in speakers of the mac pro i still hear the POP/distortian like sound, and finaly even took it at my friends house and tested the machine there on his audio instalation...problem remained! not knowing what to do next i decided to go and see a very good technician (music instruments and studio recording) and told him about the problem, he imediatly stated that it "could be" because of the harddisk drive giving like electric impulses or whatever that causes the distortion...or that the sound card or audio chip set waking up from sleep and every time it does there is this loud POP?..................
now what I have noticed is that the same monitors (speakers) i had with my older imac (24") are constantly making a louder "white noise" than what they used to (didnt bother me that much but i definitely noticed a louder volume of white noise). The thing that really bothers me is that whenever i scroll the mouse, or click and drag an object in photoshop or something the monitors are making a really noticeable disturbing scratching sound sound ...just cant seem to make it stop..its so annoying.. i also tried to record something and the imac recorded it in a really low volume and unstable wave (volume going up and down). so i figured well obivously the soundcard of the new imac was real got me an external soundcard, Emagic emi6|2m and i figured it would solve the problem. installed the soundcard, and played a song and suddenly a high pitch noise, kinda loud and really disturbing, started coming from the speakers.
2 seconds after i pauseded the song, the sound stopped. play the song, the noise comes, stop the song, noise stop after 2 seconds. if i open up Logic, the sound just starts no matter what. quit Logic and the sound stops. just now i opened up a youtube video and the sound just started going off even after i paused the video. now the sound comes everytime i choose the Emagic soundcard in the sound preferences. its kinda real loud and its bothering me so much, i cant seem to make it go away and definitely cant work with it. When i tried installing the soundcard on my brother's laptop windows with the same speakers, everything was fine and it played perfect with no noise. whaaaaat can i possibly do, this actually really frustrates me.... whats wrong with the computer? something with electricity?
my imac boots normally unless three things happen prior to it
1. i put the computer to sleep
2. i schedule a shut down via energy save
3. my computer undergoes a forced shutdown e.g. via power button or power failure if any of these occur i get the infamous flashing question mark, however if i wait 30 mins it boots normally again, is there a reason for these problems other than a failing HD and can i do anything about it
f.y.i. i have already attempted clean/fresh installs of leopard and snow leopard
I have recently installed a version of Vista on my Macbook to use an online test-taking software that my university insists on using. Everything seems to work well. I set the default partition to OS X and can easily get into Vista if I need to (which fortunately isn't very often).
However, today I noticed an issue that is annoying. When I open Vista, the time is off by about 6 hours. It's set to Central time (where I live) and everything seems fine, but is just off by 6 hours. I didn't think anything of it, so I changed the clock to the correct time.
Then when I was finished using Windows, I restarted back into OS X and everything seemed flawless. Everything was working exactly as I left it. However, after a few minutes I noticed the clock in OS X was off by exactly the same amount I had to change it in Windows.
How could this be? I thought that by partitioning my hard drive I was unable to access the portion I am not currently using. For example, I can't save a file to the Window portion of my hard drive when using OS X. Likewise, I can't access Word files, photos, or anything on my OS X portion of my hard drive when using Windows.
How is it that when I change the time in Windows it changes it in OS X? And why are they different? Not this is a huge problem, but just a pain in the a**, and a little discomforting.
I just tried using the boot camp assistant to partition my drive to allow 10GB for Windows. When I clicked the button to start partitioning, it got stuck there for a long time. Eventually I read in forums that this happens sometimes, and the best thing to do is to quit Boot Camp and try it again.
Well, now I have a problem. The 10GB I tried to partition is now completely missing, and the numbers in Disk Utility simply don't add up. Here's what it says:
Capacity: 232.6 GB Available: 16.1 GB Used 205.8 GB
This doesn't make sense to me at all. I tried verifying and repairing the disk, and it says everything appears to be okay. I open up boot camp assistant and it acts like I'm starting from scratch, just with 10GB less to work with. Where did these 10GB go that I tried to partition?? It's driving me nuts...
So i shut down my uMB (2.0 GHz, 2 GB RAM, 160 GB HDD) earlier on with a DVD in the drive. I went to turn it on this evening and it wouldn't boot. I got a black screen saying, that no bootable drive was present. So after I calmed myself down from thinking I had lost my HD I tried to reboot, I held down the trackpad to eject the DVD, which it did. Then it booted fine.
My question is basically is there some way to change the boot order to prevent it trying to boot to a CD as the default?
when I start my mac pro, after a certain time passes there is a very low pitc clicking noise starts. It could not be heard if the ambient noise is loud, only when it is silent in the room. I opened the case, it comes from top of the hard disk bay under the dvd drive bay. I switched the har disk to another bay to see if it comes from the hard disk but no, its not the hard disk..
its not the front big fan unit as well .. where else I should check ? Does anybody have same kind of noise ?
I use to hear only a fan that's only if I put my ear right next to the fan in other words it was silent, but for some reason when I updated to 10.7.4 I can hear this clicking sound that is coming from the Mac I did not have this ploblem in previous version (10.7.3 &10.7.2) this started happening exactly when it finished updating.
Oh and the Mac Mini is new I only use it for basic task (email & surfing the web) and I updated the exact same day when 10.7.4 was released.
I had a problem recently where my bezel was falling off and I had problems with keyboard itself. My Applecare more than covered everything and I suspect they may have even given me a refurb Rev. A as a replacement. I am updated to 10.6.1 but everytime the computer restarts I get this weird black screen instead of the standard grey,
I have a 2009 15" Macbook Unibody and for as long as I can remember the superdrive has been making a loud noise when I boot up the machine. Its similar to the noise when you insert a disk. I just figured this was the lens aligning and that it was normal. My brother however works at an Apple store and has a Unibody and his is deadly silent, he also said the laptops he had used at work make no such sound. He said as long as the drive functions then its nothing to worry about.
It doesn't happen at any other time, and the drive does indeed function perfectly fine. It just bugs me when I turn my laptop on and hear a loud freaky noise. Just wondering if anyone here has this and what they think of it?
i've noticed that my 17" Macbook Pro makes an odd clicking sound when slight pressure is put in the general location of the hard drive. For instance, if I'm lying down, and the laptop is on my stomach, when I breathe in, it will make weird staticy, metallic clicking sounds.
My wired Mighty Mouse has started to click a lot. It is very annoying. Sounds like a small relay closing randomly. If I lift it up off the pad it stops. Has anyone else had this happen?
I just got my MacBook pro last month and sometimes I hear this sound for like a second. I don't know how to describe it. It's like a little clicking sound. It can happen when I'm online or sometimes when I close the macbook.