Intel Mac :: Hard Drive Making Clicking Sound (audio Sample)
Feb 27, 2012
A couple of nights ago I realized my five year old iMac was making a sound I have never heard it make before. It is a scratching noise that I assume is coming from my internal hard drive (hard drive is stock, has never been replaced). It isn't a super loud noise, but it sounds like the noise some hard drives make when they are "searching" or "thinking". I'm wondering if my hard drive is beginning to fail, or if the problem could be something as simple as dust or dirt caught in the drive. An audio sample is in the link below, [URL]
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 10, 2012
I've bought my iMac in December 2011 and everything was functionating just fine untill 1 month ago. My iMac started to make clicking sounds for around 5-10 seconds, the interval between these sounds is usually half an hour to one hour. I personally think that it comes from the right side (the one with the CD/DVD entrance). I'd like to know what it causing this, how I can get this fixed and if it could be harmful to my iMac. I'll contact some premium resellers tomorrow and ask if they know what I can do about it.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 26, 2010
I am so upset right now, this is my 2nd macbook with this problem. I just got this macbook yesterday and the hard drive is making a clicking noise, but it isn't a like a lot of people have had, it's actually more of a quick series of clicks every few seconds, almost like the hard drive is shaking. It goes away for a bit when I am typing, like right now, but after I stop it comes right back.
Also the fan is pretty loud, considering I haven't put anything on the computer yet.. I've already been to the genius bar and all they did was give me a new, worse macbook, so there is no way I'm going back. Are there any fixes for a noisy hard drive aside from voiding my warranty and putting my own in? If it is normal, I might just invest in a good pair on noise cancelling head phones... Thanks!
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Feb 19, 2010
I have a Dual 1.8 G5 and my hard drive has started to make a clicking sound every now and then. I believe it may be on the verge of dying anyday. Since i have space to put in another internal hard drive i am planning to get a WD Black Caviar 1TB and put it in.
Now my question is how do i move all my application from the old internal drive to the new internal drive.From what i have researched it seems that using a enclosure is the way to go but all the info i have seen is referring to replacing the drive rather adding a new one.I would like to move everything to the new drive and make that a master.What is the best way to perform this task?
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Dec 27, 2010
I have a general question about a recently upgraded 2006 Mac Pro.
I recently upgraded my boot drive to a 1TB Western Digital 7200RPM sata drive.
I have a 2.66GHz Mac Pro late 2006. Running leopard. 4Gb Ram. Radeon 4870 HD (recently added). two other sata drives as backup. (200GB and 350GB, about 4 years old)
With the new drive I notice an odd clicking sound when ever I shut it down or send it into standbye.
Like the drive is just stopping instead of spinning down... I have heard that this can cause permanant drive failure... Is this an issue I need to be concerned with?
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May 5, 2010
My computer (MBP 5,5) makes this sound several times throughout a day of use. It sounds exactly like the little "click" sound the computer makes, when i close the lid and have it go into sleep mode. I guess it's the hard drive going to sleep sound? If i'm right, i really don't understand why the hard drive goes to sleep at these random times. I've disabled that in System Preferences - at least i think so. It's this option, right?: [URL] Also, my MBP is always (only use it as a desktop with an external monitor connected to it) on a mStand on my table, so it can't be the Sudden Motion Sensor either.
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Nov 8, 2009
I am simply trying to connect my guitar to my mac by using a 1/4 to 1/8 adapter and inserting it to the input on my mac. Once iv done this i go into my sound in system preferences and it shows on the volume bar that its maxing out and once i go into garage band to try and record something all i hear is a "click click"! I have no clue what it is?
2.1GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
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Jun 17, 2008
My wired Mighty Mouse has started to click a lot. It is very annoying. Sounds like a small relay closing randomly. If I lift it up off the pad it stops. Has anyone else had this happen?
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Nov 7, 2009
I have a late 2007 MacBook running OS X 10.5.8 that I upgraded with a Hitachi 200GB 7200RPM drive not long after I purchased it. It's been working great until about a week ago when I noticed a very quiet and frequent clicking/whirring sound coming from the drive as I was using it. My first reaction was that it might be the "click of death," but I wasn't getting any errors or having issues booting the machine, and the clicking was very periodic and not sudden like a drive crash. I verified the disk using Disk Utility and it checks out. I then opened up Activity Monitor and started watching the Disk Activity and sure enough I see a big red spike in I/O Data Written every time I hear the clicking sound, which is about every 20 seconds or so. Is my drive actually dying a slow, clicking death, or is there a rogue process writing to the disk and causing the sound? Is there a way to find out what it is?
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Dec 20, 2007
I have an early 05 PowerMac Dual 2.3 machine that's making some intermittent clicking noises over the last few months. There's no pattern - sometimes it happens every few minutes, sometimes it won't happen for hours. The clicking sound is loud - and is accompanied by, what I can only describe as, a bit of a buzz sound. At first I thought it could be my HDD or superdrive, but I think the click is way too loud. Now the question - is this my power supply getting ready to give? The machine does not fall in the range of the power supply repair program. I'm already in the process of adding a second HDD to clone my main drive just in case.
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Mar 2, 2009
So I just partitioned my drive to install Windows and noticed that my hard drive is now making that "crunching" sound that some hard drives make. It started during my Windows installation, and it happens regularly in Windows.
I also briefly hear it while OSX is starting up, but it doesn't seem to happen much in OSX. I've launched a bunch of applications and it is still pretty much silent.
Any ideas what could cause this? Could it be NTFS? I have several hard drives in my PC that don't make that sound. I am using a 17" MacBook Pro unibody with the regular 320gb 5400rpm drive that it comes with.
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Nov 22, 2006
My PM G5's Hard Drive has been making wierd noises lately and I'm really beginning to worry that it's failing. How can I be sure?
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Jun 17, 2008
this is the second time i have encountered this problem. when i plug in an external hard drive via USB, the lights go on and i can hear the hard drive clicking a whirring but cannot find it anywhere on my mac. both with hard drives formatted on pc's and macs.
running a G4 Powerbook, power PC 1.67ghz
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Mar 26, 2012
I am a technologically challenged old lady with 500 wonderful cd's that I want to transfer to an external hard drive that my SONOS system will recognize. How do I do this and how do I MAINTAIN the fantastic sound quality on the CD's?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 5, 2012
I dropped my macbook pro and when I picked it up and tried to turn it on it is making a tic doc sound nonstop near the disk drive and the green is only white with a file with a question mark in it flashing on the screen..
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Sep 1, 2009
Got a new MBP last month to replace my white MacBook - loving it as an upgrade but one gripe - if I'm sat using it on my knee I regularly hear the "click" type noise of what I imagine is the protection of the hard drive because it thinks it is being dropped.
I never heard this on my old Mac and while it's not a huge issue it is a bit disconcerting, as though I'm being told off for moving it in a fairly responsible way.
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Jun 25, 2012
My iMac HDD making terrible sound and wi-fi signal losses each 30 minutes.What can i do?Coz it is really to noizy!
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 8, 2010
I want to put my old 15" PowerBook hard drive into an external case. I pulled the hard drive out of the PowerBook. And I purchased a NexStar CS 2.5" SATA to USB 2.0 external case. But the connections don't match. What do I need to do? Do I need to buy some sort of adaptor? Hard drive is a Hitachi 120GB 5400RPM (model # HTS541612J9AT00) 2.5" Sorry, these photos are blurry as hell. Picture of hard drive pins:
Pins are in the following configuration (1's represent pins):...............
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Jun 13, 2009
When surfing the net (like right now) or just letting it idle, my hard drive makes a slight "clunk" sound like the HD arm is hitting the edge of the case (or maybe starting up and shutting down?). There seems to be no loss of performance. I did a disk verify and everything is OK. Should I be concerned?
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Sep 1, 2009
I have a person that sent along this video and it concerns me that a hard drive would make such a noise. It's unlike anything I've heard in a drive. He claims the original owner installed a new Seagate 7200rpm in the book, and that it mostly happens when loading a web-page on Safari.
Every time I look up "hard drive click" I get the SMS triggered "tink" but this notebook is not in motion and instead makes a "ca-chink".
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Aug 30, 2010
I just bought a brand new MacBook Pro about 2 weeks ago. I'd say about a week ago I notice a clicking noise when I pick up the macbook or move it at all coming from the hard drive.
I finally took to the internet to find out what was going on, and got mixed results. Some said that it was normal for a Macbook Pro and that it was securing the hard drive so it didn't break while I moved it, and a vast majority said that the hard drive's failure was imminent. So what is it?
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Jan 25, 2009
Only started recently but my hard drive sometimes starts clicking when being used thoroughly(like when extracting archives) and then it will make one loud click(sounds like when my pc hard drives go to sleep) and the computer has to be restarted. Should I take into the local apple store or see if it gets worse?
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Jun 20, 2009
I recently purchased a new MBP 15, 3 Ghz, 500 GB 7200 rpm hard drive, build-to-order. The hard drive appears to be a seagate ST9500420ASG. I am experiencing a strange hard drive click followed 80% of the time by a beep. It is definitely not a beep from the speaker. Additionally, it happens at any time, even when the computer is sitting on a perfectly still table. It is exactly the same sound as what is documented at [URL] and mine too appears randomly approximately 15-20 times per day. It does not appear to matter if the computer is under light or heavy use and it seems truly random when it occurs.
Another user on youtube has also experienced this with their new MBP 15 and sent me a wav file with the same sound mine is making. So far, his experience is that it does not occur under bootcamp. This leads me to believe that it is something specific to OSX. Turning off the "put hard drive to sleep when possible" does not seem to make any difference. I have not personally tested bootcamp on my machine to confirm that mine is the same, but the original poster of the youtube video linked above also seems to think it is OSX specific.
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Jan 16, 2010
I bought a 13" macbook pro only weeks ago and since the day I bought it I noticed any sudden movement causes a "clicking" noise from the hard drive. At first I assumed that apple have included some sort of safety anti shock casing built around the hard drive in case of acidentally dropping the macbook.
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May 23, 2010
I think I may be running into difficulties with my mid-2010 13" MacBook Pro. It has the 320GB ATA Drive in it and I am getting a little concerned that when i pick it up off the desk that there is often a single click. It's quite hard to describe but I don't remember hearing this on my last Mac - MacBook Aluminium which had the same hard drive. Is this click normal? In my experience and from reading threads in the past, any click from the hard drive isn't good.
I guess it may not even be the hard drive - from what I can work out it is coming from the right hand side of the computer.
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Jun 5, 2010
I received a refurbished mini this morning, 2.26 160gb. After setting it up I am noticing a constant clicking noise. I do understand that hard drives aren't silent, but this is a constant sound approx. every 20 seconds. This happens even when the mini is idle.
So, I searched around for some information. One suggestion was disk utility, make sure SMART status is verified (it is). It's a fujitsu 160gb.
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Nov 7, 2007
I've recently been getting a clicking noise from my hard drive, and when it happens 90% of the time my mac crashes for about 10 seconds. First thing I did was verify my disk in disk utility and I got a response I'm not entirely clear of the meaning so I've attached a screenshot of what my response is. I'm going to try some other 3rd party app to see whats up with my hard drive such as techtool pro...I'm on a 2.33 ghz 15" macbook pro with leopard.
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Jul 23, 2009
Recently my new unibody 17" macbook pro start to act a little weird. It started with regular "clicks" from the hard-drive. I thought the hard-drive is just parking to safe energy and didn't saw any harm in it. But now my computer start to slow down terrible in many occasions or crash. I noticed that when this happened (the crash or the slow down) I often hear the hard-drive clicking and/or bouncing. Is this the sign of a hard-drive that will die soon? or can there an other reason be the cause of this behavior?
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Aug 16, 2009
Got a new MBP 17" 500GB 7200rpm about 2 months ago. Recently It's starting to make this weird clicking and beeping noise more and more. It used to do it every once in a while and I didn't think too much of it, but recently it's started doing it more, quite a bit actually. Is this something I need to be worried about? I'm thinking it is the Hard Drive, is that true? if so, then what? I am also getting the spinning beach ball a lot more often, for a good minute at a time. I am currently on the latest build of SL, the one right before release.
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Jan 2, 2010
Background Info: Earlier today, I experienced a what I am 99.9% sure was a hard drive crash on my white MacBook (about 36 months old). Everything stopped responding, and I heard a clicking noise coming from where the the hard drive is located. I forced a shutdown by holding down the power button, and tried to reboot, only to be greeted by the little question mark folder and the clicking sound. Fortunately, I had just backed it up the previous night, so I knew I hadn't lost anything of value. Then, about an hour ago, a made another attempted to start it up again, and to my surprise, was greeted by no clicking and an logo.
Actual Questions:
I am guessing this is not a one time occurrence, and that the noise and another crash will be back, am I correct? If so, does anyone have any guess on how long until it does return, and ultimately, how long can I put off my trip to the genius bar?
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