MacBook Pro :: Loud Clicking Sound When Closing Lid With 13"
Jan 13, 2010
few loud clicks when closing the lid of a MBP 13" slowly, mostly when its like in a 45 degree angle (the lid compared to the bottom)? Really creeps me out sometimes. Edit: sorry about duplicate thread, forum didnt seem to respond at first.
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Nov 1, 2009
When I click on the built-in mouse (whatever it's called), it's a lot louder/snappier sounding and feeling - makes more of a loud clicking sound - then my old Powerbook G4 did. Might I have got one that's a little out of whack or are they all that way? If it's normal, why so "clicky?" These days aren't they able to make things softer/quieter? I also noticed how sharp one of the corners is in the area where the latch (or lack of) is...that center area where you lift up the lid. I like that much better than the old one but does anyone else have the problem of a corner being too sharp?
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Aug 23, 2009
I just bought my MacBook Pro last week. When I power it up, it makes a loud noise for about a second and a half. I think it's the hard drive starting up or the disc drive. I'm not sure which one, but it's pretty loud, so I was just wondering if anyone else noticed this and if it is normal.
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Jul 19, 2009
When I go to close it, it makes a noticeable clicking then shuts as normal. If I leave it in a partially closed position for a few seconds, it clicks again when I shut it.
Obviously something is getting stuck or jammed but I can't see what it is or which bit of the hinge it's stuck in...
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Dec 7, 2009
I turned on my uMBP today and took it over to my bed, and when I set it on my lap, there was a loud click noise (louder than the normal motion sensor click) and then a quiet clicking noise started up in the left corner. I took a look at the iStat reading and it said 0 rpm for the fan. I'm assuming that the fan just gave out. I took it in to an authorized service provider and he said that he is "concerned that it could be the hard drive." Does that makes sense to anyone? Regardless, it's well under warranty. But now I'm stuck using a crappy PC until I get it back and i'm already in withdrawal!
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Jul 7, 2009
My 17" Macbook Pro was purchased on Feb 24th 2009 via telesales, so it's less than 6 months old. The hinge is very creaky and on the right hand side it makes a loud clicking noise when I open and close it, also the whole screen seems to creak, not just the hinge. The wall charger is in my opinion very loose, it was loose when I got it ( should have changed it then ), but I haven't really moved it that much ( maybe 10 times in the space of 5 months and this is also becoming a concern. I contacted Apple today and they told me I have 1 year of telephone support and 3 years parts and labour as I order though Higher Education.
They told me that I can go to a Apple store or authorized repair centre to have it looked at, but all the stores are 2 hours away. I asked about mail-in repairs and he said that could be set up but they would prefer if I went to a store. The question is, should I send it in and hope they take care of my Mac i.e don't scratch or mark it etc. After reading some stories about repairs, I'm a little concerned about it, and don't like anyone to touch my Laptop. Obviously I would prefer a replacement as I have work to do and I don't want to be without my Mac.
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Jul 25, 2009
Well my Macbook Pro makes a loud "sticky" sorta noise when I click on the edges of it, and you can really hear it when i click outside the trackpad on the actual frame. Its quite annoying, and I just bought the new 13" Macbook Pro and this does not make this noise. [URL]
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Sep 26, 2010
I am so upset right now, this is my 2nd macbook with this problem. I just got this macbook yesterday and the hard drive is making a clicking noise, but it isn't a like a lot of people have had, it's actually more of a quick series of clicks every few seconds, almost like the hard drive is shaking. It goes away for a bit when I am typing, like right now, but after I stop it comes right back.
Also the fan is pretty loud, considering I haven't put anything on the computer yet.. I've already been to the genius bar and all they did was give me a new, worse macbook, so there is no way I'm going back. Are there any fixes for a noisy hard drive aside from voiding my warranty and putting my own in? If it is normal, I might just invest in a good pair on noise cancelling head phones... Thanks!
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Dec 10, 2008
I am starting to a hear a clicking sound opening and closing my new MBP. It sounds like a loose hinge or a cable getting caught or something.
I took it to an Apple store to see if they could pop it open and take a look but they said they would have to send it away and it would take 7 to 10 business day. I really don't want to be without my new computer for 7 to 10 days. It isn't that big of deal but it does tick me off every time time I open and close and I worry that if it is a cable it would eventually cause a problem.
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Jun 23, 2012
Compter was frozen on the desktop screen making clicking noises (hard drive?), had to unplug to restart. Now won't boot past grey screen with flashing question mark and still makes clicking noises occasionally. Holding option key doesn't let me select volume to boot from... inserting startup disk for Leopard doesn't work, have reset PRAM, NVRAM, and Open Firmware and have tried to access single user mode without any luck... what are my options? I am more concerned with recovering my data from my hard drive than saving my aging computer.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Apr 25, 2012
I've been testing my macbook after hearing some "crec", "clic" when closing the cover.First of all, seems that the display is misplaced, cause when the mac is closed, when you touch the lateral part of the macbook, isn't simetric. You can notice that is not well assembled.
So, when closing, isn't a very loud sound, just a bit, but sounds a "clic" or "creec" when you close the cover.Don't really know if this is normal or what, and if I should use my warranty. My macbook has just a week in my hands, and I bought it new.What do you think ? Should I use the warranty to fix the misplaced assembly and the clic ?Will the click dissapear after some time ?
Mac Pro
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Mar 16, 2012
When I turn on my 17" iMac I hear a loud clicking noise. The noise repeats every few minutes and finally a folder icon appears with a question mark in it. Could my hard drive be failing?
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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May 11, 2010
I just got my MBP 2.66 i7, 500HD 7200RPM I can hear the HD spinning, is this normal, I didn't have this for my old macbook
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Dec 1, 2009
I have a Unibody Macbook, and recently it has been very slow. But not with processes as much has hard drive related actions such as playing back saved video, loading files in the finder, especially applications, and its been temporarily freezing lately for like 10 seconds. I have also noticed unusually loud clicking noises from the hard drive, which i am pretty sure screams imminent hard drive failure. Do this sound , does 4 gigs of ram make a noticeable difference over 2?
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Apr 16, 2012
I have a late 2011 MacbBook Pro with Lion. Sometimes my Mac gets vertical flickering bands almong with a really loud alam/emergency sound. Since I am in an office with svereral people, I have to swith it off by using the power button. I upgraded my RAM to 8GB (did it my self)... but there dosen't seem to be a problem with it since it says OK in the System report. Can someone please tell me what the problem might be?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 2, 2008
I was browsing a webpage with Safari when suddenly this really loud screeching sound came from my Macbook Air. I am not talking about the small clicks the HD seems to be doing once in a while. This was a very loud screeching sound, like someone cutting glass with a diamond. I didn't have any other programs on and my speakers were off. The sound lasted for about 2 seconds and got me very scared. I immediately checked the temperatures and fanspeeds but they were all normal (CPU around 45 celcius and fan about 2500 rpm). Now I'm afraid that it was my HD and it will fail on me sooner or later. Everything seems to be work normally now but I already sent all my important documents to another computer.
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Jul 9, 2009
I recently purchased a 13" 2.26 stock macbook. It's perfect, screen is good (no scrolling issues or purple blues) with no dead pixels, no slanted keys, and no scratches.
I updated the firmware that addresses the SATA 1.5 issue. After the update, I reset PRAM. I held down the buttons till I heard the second or third startup bong.
Here is where it gets funny.
Now, when I reboot or start up my computer, the start up noise is loud. Even with headphones plugged in and also the volume turned to its lowest setting (even with volume turned off). Eventually, to control the startup noise, I had to install the startupsound program in my system prefs as mentioned on other threads and that has seemed to control the startup sound.
I was wondering, if by resetting the PRAM if I have harmed my computer in any way. Should I be worried about deeper issues with my computer since the startup sound was not previously being affected by reducing the volume to zero with headphones plugged in?
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Jan 31, 2010
I want to tighten the touchpad so it doesn't sound so loud whenever I click on it. But I can't find the correct size allen key for the battery screw. Does anyone here know what is the exact size for the screw for the battery and what type of screw driver to adjust on the touchpad? I know I can use a flat head screw driver, the main part is to get the battery out of the way.
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Aug 25, 2010
If I drop the MBP say a few inches (onto something soft like my lap) whilst its running I can hear a crisp click coming from inside the laptop
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Oct 6, 2009
I just got my MacBook pro last month and sometimes I hear this sound for like a second. I don't know how to describe it. It's like a little clicking sound. It can happen when I'm online or sometimes when I close the macbook.
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Sep 7, 2009
It happens when the MBP wakes up from sleep. The longer it sleeps, the louder it's. Listen for it after the 1st 10 second.
MBP Whine.m4a
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Nov 4, 2009
My macbook pro has never made weird sounds. It is 2 and a half years old. It has been dropped twice, but not recently at all. Upper left side of macbook pro made very loud scratching sound as I opened it from sleep. It only did it when I had the laptop at a certain angle. It is still doing it. Im currently backing everything up to an external hard drive. I'm very worried. It was very loud, not the fan, not the usual disc slot movement, not the speakers.
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Jul 21, 2009
Whenever my MacBook's sound is on mute and the computer wants to play a sound, the speaker has this little click noise.
For example, I mute the sound and go to trash a file. It trashes normally, but at the beginning, the speakers click (almost like they want to play that empty trash noise, but cannot because it is mute).
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Sep 6, 2009
Has any one else experienced the random, but rather persistent electrical sounding snap or click that occurs while navigating the computer mostly with the touchpad. It is not the hardisk (been replaced to no avail). One person on apple forums suggested that all Macbook Pros make a snapping sound because the soundcard is either powering up out of sleep or powering down. It occurs sometimes more frequently, others not at all. Apple has offered to replace the computer with a new one, but if this is an endemic problem with just about all of them, I'd rather keep the one I have. The snapping or clicking isn't resounding, but can be rather irritating in a quiet room. At first I thought it was a short circuit sound snapping but was convinced otherwise later.
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Apr 14, 2012
My 2008 Macbook keeps producing a metallic clicking sound from the bottom right of the computer. This happens more frequently when it's resting on a surface other than a desktop (ie my legs). Is it a serious hardware problem or just a warning sound so I don't hold the computer a certain way?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 5, 2010
My computer (MBP 5,5) makes this sound several times throughout a day of use. It sounds exactly like the little "click" sound the computer makes, when i close the lid and have it go into sleep mode. I guess it's the hard drive going to sleep sound? If i'm right, i really don't understand why the hard drive goes to sleep at these random times. I've disabled that in System Preferences - at least i think so. It's this option, right?: [URL] Also, my MBP is always (only use it as a desktop with an external monitor connected to it) on a mStand on my table, so it can't be the Sudden Motion Sensor either.
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Jun 13, 2010
Everytime i hold the mbp up with just one hand, there would be this clicking sound. I think its near the left hand side of the palmrest. is it near the hard drive? is it of any concern? Sorry if this has been asked before but i just got my mac a month ago and am a new Mac user
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Jul 17, 2010
I've had my MBP for two weeks now, I notice when I'm working in a quiet room and I pick up my notebook to move it I hear this faint clicking nose. My fingers arent touching the pad or any keys. Is it some antishock mechanism for the HDD that thinks that it's falling?
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Apr 18, 2012
I have been getting a crackling or clicking sound from headphones and speakers of my macbook pro. It not even a year old.. I use this for music production. I have an external sound card which plays fine but when I use the internal sound devices I get this strange sound. Nothing plays correctly on it.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 19, 2009
how loud the sound is coming through a USB mic.
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