Laptops :: Is It Good To Use Older Brick
Apr 20, 2010
Is there any reason NOT to use the powerbrick from my earlier MacBook Pro with the new one? I know the new brick is bigger and more powerful (85W) but will anything go wrong if I use the old one when I plug in at my office?
How about a 60W brick for an old MacBook?
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Jun 28, 2010
While I would love to buy the latest and greatest macbook pro, I simply cant justify spending that kind of money that apple is asking for on system. Made that mistake once on a new 17" 1.67ghz and lost 40% only after a year.So I am considering an older second hand macbook pro, which I think would do me fine, so the question is which 15"/17" is better for pholo editing. I dont even mind going pre unibody too (but I do like to the 2 finger scrolling)In addition I was thinking about getting into Aperture 3 but it seems a little power intensive so are there any alternative photo editing application that is more resourceful so I dont need the state of the art system to run on?
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Jun 12, 2009
My dear old PowerBook Firewire model is showing its age badlythough if I thought it could be fixed for a reasonable amount (and competently), I might put some money into it. I'd have to replace the CD/DVD drive and the battery (and maybe even the soldered-in battery that keeps the time, etc.), and some of the keys on the right side don't respond to the Shift. The rest of it works just fine.
That is just to show you what I am like: I keep my computers for a long, long time. Also, because I have a working G4 desktop, I don't use the laptop a lot.
1. That said, I have been considering getting a new laptop, and when the desktop fails, that (and an external monitor and maybe a keyboard) will be my main computer. I like a lot of what the new MacBook Pro 13-inch offers, but I'm put off by the fact that the battery cannot be replaced. Or can it? That is at the heart of the matter: Is it just that I would not be able to replace it myself, or that I couldn't even get it replaced by clever techs? That is, is the computer done for, once the battery goes dead?
Also, I wondered about the battery in relation to the question of someone like me, who tended to use the computer with the AC adaptor, not detached from a power supply. In such a situation, the length of battery time is irrelevant, but the replaceability of the battery is not. I might even remove the battery at such times.
So, although I really like the return of Firewire, and the SD card is nice, I don't absolutely need those things. Would I do better to get the MacBook 13 (the generation before the Pro13)? Would that ensure that I could keep my computer as long as everything else besides the battery works?
2. Perhaps a silly question but one that I think is relevant. I see that neither MacBook has an internal modem. Does that mean that when my broadband connection goes down (it does that, though very rarely), I cannot use the few hours a month of dialup that my ISP provides for such situations?
Of course, since I don't need a laptop at the present moment, I suppose I could wait until either my desktop breaks down and can't be repaired or Apple comes across with a MacBook model with a removeable battery (if that really is a great plus). For me a laptop would be an occasional convenience, not a necessity. Still, if I should want to get the earlier model (spiffed up with the maximum HD and RAM), I think I must hustle. It may not be available for long.
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Apr 30, 2010
Iv'e noticed that the new MBP's now come with a 85w power supply last years model used a 60w. We have a few macbook pro's here and are constantly moving around our space and jacking into each others supplies. Will using a 60w on the new model or the 85w on the old model be detrimental to our machines.
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Nov 11, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7) How big is the power brick for the new 11" air? Is it similar in size to the iPad one? I want the small air but I dont want to carry around a giant brick. Wouldn't it be nice if you could replace the USB cord on the iPhone quick charger with a MagSafe cord??
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Oct 25, 2009
Just bought my first mbp from apple store today and when I get home it refuses to turn on. I got a brick from apple store. Plugged the power in an let it rest for almost half an hour and still won't turn on. Going to apple store Tom morning to demand a replacement. Will apple do anything to compensate for the hassle that I went through?? And the customer satisfaction definitely went down.
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Dec 19, 2009
this might have been discussed before, but I just cannot find a threat about it: May I use my old 85W Brick of my older 15″ for the new unibody 13" Macbook Pro? The MacSafe Adapter certainly fits. But is ist safe to use it ?
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Oct 10, 2010
anyone notice those two flip things on the power brick? What do they do?
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Jun 14, 2008
I just wanted to know if the power brick on the Air is auto-volt.
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Jan 23, 2010
I went upstairs last night to find my Macbook Pro's charger had no light lit up on it. I tried everything including changing wall sockets, resetting the SMC, with and without the battery - nothing! I then noticed I could feel the electrical current on my Macbook Pro and then it started, a loud ticking coming from the brick. It's dead. It's just under 18 months old. Apple has said that I have no Applecare, no tech support and no warranty so buy a new one. I thought electronics HAD to have a 2-year warranty on them in Europe? Can I take that to apple? It's �60 for a new one and things like this shouldn't fail after just 17 months.
It's the old 85W type. The guy at Apple told me they only do the "new" 60W types. Can I use these with a June '08 Macbook Pro? I've had no end of problems with my MBP. I may call an end to Apple - I'm not happy paying over the odds for this Macbook less than 18 months ago for it to have had so many problems already.
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Dec 14, 2009
Macbook Pro 2.2. Is there a way to replace just the magnetic area. One of the electric pins inside is not springing out. The connector ends up getting warm and now it will not even charge. I am using girfriend's macbook magsafe. I dont want to have to buy a new magsafe when I could possibly just replace the connector.
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Nov 15, 2010
Ok I have a Mac OSX running 10.4.11. If I upgrade to the latest software(10.6) will it cause any problems or erase stuff because my computer is probably about 4 years old or will it run completely fine?
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Apr 17, 2009
Sorry if this has been answered (i did search, but nothing stood out) or is in the wrong place
Im just wondering if anyone could enlighten me on hooking my macbook (white) up to an older TV. The only ports i have are scart and composite (red, yellow, white).What cables would i need etc.
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Jan 19, 2010
I'm trying to connect an older G4 computer tower (400mhz) to an LCD TV (Vizio 20"). The computer has a ATI rage 128 video card. I have a VGA-to-VGA cable that connects the computer to the RGB connection on the TV. However, I'm not getting a signal. Are any additional steps, hardware, cabling, etc. needed here? Not very familiar with tech details. I've searched web. I have access to an 'ATI rage 128Pro' card that seems to have a DVI connection in addition to the VGA port. Would this work better?
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Oct 25, 2010
I just replaced my Apple 24" LED that was running on my older Mac Pro via a Gefen dvi/miniport display converter with a new Apple 27" LED. Unfortunately the Gefen doesn't work with the 27".
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Jan 6, 2011
I'll be doing some work with Photoshop, iMovie, and a fair amount of Handbrake-type encoding. I'm tilting back and forth with getting one of the older generation (1st or 2nd) Mac Pros that I could upgrade myself and the current or upcoming Mini/Mini Server.
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Mar 4, 2009
The price hikes for the new Mac Pros are much than probably most of us anticipated. So looking at perhaps getting an old stock Harpertown octo 2.8Ghz or 3.2GHz machine.
1. are they still worth getting?
2. will they still be upgradeable for the next 2/3 yrs.
3. is there any limitations, end of road technologies with these machines.
4. is better to just get a baseline Quad-core 1 x 2.66Ghz machine. (although the 8GB RAM limitation feels like a weak proposition, and surely a 2.8GHz harpertown octo is faster than a single quad 2.66? I know about the new motherboard layout, but seems like a lesser spec machine).
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Apr 19, 2010
I have a quick question, maybe a softball for the experts here.
I'm prepping my wife's older Macbook (white, 2006) for sale on eBay, as I have recently replaced it with the newest model. I'm going to wipe the computer and re-install OSX.
My question is this: Can I use the OSX Snow Leopard disc from her new Macbook to wipe/reinstall on her old one, thus having Snow Leopard installed instead of Tiger?
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Aug 2, 2010
I'm having a beast of a time trying to get 10.6 to install on an older mac mini.... The installation proceeds in the usual way - but after about 15 minutes the installation stalls with some sage words to the effect that 'installation failed because support files cannot be copied' - or something to that effect.
I'm thinking one of a number of things could be wrong:
1) The dvd drive is dodgy
2) the SL dvd is dodgy
3) the hard drive is dodgy
My question is this. Does anybody have any idea of what to try ? - I'm thinking along the lines of a minimal SL install, reformat the drive, partition the drive, anything to try and get the minimal set of files on there.... can I try and make a disk image or something ?
Incidentally, when I go to 'customize' the install (uncheck the printer, languages, X11 etc.) - I'm left with the 'greyed out ' Essential system software which shows a size of 8Gb..... but I recently did the same thing on a Macbook and the Essential system files for SL came to a mere 3.5 Gb.... Any idea why this install to the Mac Mini is 8Gb
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Jun 6, 2012
I have an older Powerbook running OS 10.4.11.My linksys router died and I want to replace it with an Apple base station.
1) Which model will work with the older OS and
2) will it still work if I upgrade the software?
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jun 8, 2012
on imac 27" running 10.7.4 on 4year old sony DVD 4.7gb vers 1.1 (bought before the authors right taxe was implemented) refuses to burn. Gives the message it is incapable to calibrate the power of the laser. Is this a technical method to veryfy the DVD is compliant with the tax?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 11, 2012
Is there anyway to sync Safari bookmarks across two machines with different systems (personal = older, work = newer & lion)?
MacBook Pro 17" (home), MacBook Pro 15" (Work), Mac OS X (10.5.8), iPods x3, iPhone G3 and iPad
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Oct 23, 2006
Ok well i got my mac pro and i want to target disk all my old documents over from the second hard drive, that is not the boot drive. On my power book when i did target disk mode both hard drives showed up but on my mac pro only the boot drive showed up. Is there a setting or something i'm missing? What can i do to fix it?
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Dec 28, 2008
I'm running Safari 1.3.2 (v312.6) on a G4 with OS 10.3.9. Safari used to be great but seems to be slowly dying (e.g. can't move to next page on eBay, can't pay on eBay). I am having to use Firefox but don't like it. Is there anything I can do to resurrect my old mate (apart from lashing out on new hardware)?
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Mar 14, 2009
I have a PowerBook G4. I was running 10.3.9 previously. I just upgraded to 10.5.6. I have a older 2004 Airport Express running just itunes to a stereo in the living room. I have a new Express acting as a wireless router and airtunes to the stereo in the office. When I upgraded the OS I lost the older express in the living room. When I try to set up the older base station I get this message:"This version of the AirPort Setup Assistant cannot set up this AirPort Base Station. Please use the software that came with the base or that is available online station to set it up." The new OS will not allow me to install the old AirPort Setup Assistant for Graphite or Snow. It says the new set up assistant is compatible with the older models. Obviously contradicting statements. Anyone have these issues?
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Jun 8, 2009
Would I have to flash the rom of a Mac pro 8800GT to get it to work in a PC? If so, can someone point me to ROM? Also would it get flashed while inserted in the PC?
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Jun 12, 2009
I was just wondering if I could connect a NAS to one of the older Airport Extreme base stations? And if so, how should I do it, over ethernet or USB. For reference it is this one: clicky The set-up is a room with 14-16 macbooks accessing the router to download a program, or set of pictures etc. Do you think this router set up with a NAS over ethernet/USB would be good for this application?
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Jul 29, 2009
I have a new 2.53 Macbook Pro coming in the mail this week and I want to swap my current 7200rpm drive from a Second Generation 2.16 Core Duo Macbook Pro into my new computer. My question is this:
Would it be a better idea to erase the drive before swapping it to the new Unibody MBP, or can I just throw it in and run off the current OS installed on it (10.5.7). The OS should be the same on the new computer since its the same most current version of Leopard. I dont really know if this is possible since its an entirely different computer.
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Aug 25, 2009
I need to plug in the older apple cinema display (2003) to the newest g5 tower. the plug does not match. suggestions for an adapter?
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Oct 9, 2009
I have upgraded to 10.6.1 and am generally very pleased. The installation was flawless, including the update to 10.6.1. My one complaint is that Preview has lost some functionality. The range of color adjustments I had in 10.5.8 were so good I normally didn't need to use GIMP or other photo editing program.
Specifically, I could adjust the white and black levels as well as brightness and contrast. In Snow Leopard, they seem to have eliminated those two controls. Is it possible to somehow install the old version of Preview in SL? I have the original 10.5 CD, but haven't been able to find a way to only install Preview.
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