MacBook Pro :: A Good Recommendation For A Older Macbook Pro For Photo Editing?
Jun 28, 2010
While I would love to buy the latest and greatest macbook pro, I simply cant justify spending that kind of money that apple is asking for on system. Made that mistake once on a new 17" 1.67ghz and lost 40% only after a year.So I am considering an older second hand macbook pro, which I think would do me fine, so the question is which 15"/17" is better for pholo editing. I dont even mind going pre unibody too (but I do like to the 2 finger scrolling)In addition I was thinking about getting into Aperture 3 but it seems a little power intensive so are there any alternative photo editing application that is more resourceful so I dont need the state of the art system to run on?
I was wondering if anyone had a recommendation for a decent monitor (around 22"-24") that accurately represents color for editing. Right now I'm using a 13" Macbook and an LG 24" monitor, but the monitor really oversaturates reds, so it just doesn't work. Please keep in mind that I do calibrate both my Macbook and editing monitor, so I'm really just looking for a good quality monitor that doesn't oversaturate anything and can be accurate once calibrated. I've heard that Dell makes some pretty good ones, and of course the Apple Cinema Displays are great, but is there anything in the $200-300 range?
I'm planning on buying my very fist mac next month! I absolutely love the 13"mbp. I do photoshop and video editing (I also have a desktop but it's about 5 years old now and will be slower than the mbp). My question is: how good is the 13" for photo and video editing?
I need a semi good photo editing program and Seashore is not adequete enough, and my mac cant handle Photoshop plus I dont got a legal copy. I know the gimp exists but it requires X11 and it ruins the mac experience.
Can anyone recommend some pads like Wacom? And what are some good uses for them, I've never used one but ive been looking at one for maybe something like cad?
I'm wondering if anyone has a good recommendation for a 22"-24" widescreen monitor. Ideally, it should have VGA, a couple of USB ports, a fairly high resolution, and no more than $350-$400.
I need some advice on good NAS system to stick on my home network. Now this can be bundled with drives or without. I'm inclined to go without drives since more often than not its cheaper to supply your own drives, but anyway, here are some requirements.
I need to take a photograph or image and make it a link to a URL! Preview does not work properly with all platforms! CAN ANYONE RECOMMEND AN APP OR PROGRAM WHICH WILL DO THIS, PDF OR OTHER IMAGE FILE IS OK Some type of PDF editor maybe? Ive read descriptions of almost every app in mac app store but the one i found that says it links to the web had terrible reviews and people said it does not work?
so since im getting this new MBP, i wanted to ask... is there such as thing as mini display port to HDMI so i can output to my HDTV for photo/video editing?
I already looked all through google but I can't find any good, level, non skewed pics of a sideshot of the thickness of a 13inch uMBP and a macbook air.Does anyone have one by chance they would like to share?
I have used an excellent program on the PC called "Beyond Compare" for comparing folders/files/content changes (such as on my site vs. computer, etc.) Handy when updating modified files on the site and keeping track of changes. Anybody have recommendations for a quality compare program for the Mac?
Need to buy a new MacBook Pro 15inch. This will be used for photo and video editing.Importantly I will be photographing the screen as part of an art installation. I want to know if the antiglare screen is my best option? Also if the 2.2 GHZ, 500G drive with AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 512MB GDDR5 is an adequate choice for my needs or if i should get the 750 drive with the AMD radeon 6770M , 1GB GDDR5. My previous MacBook ( circa 2008) was a Core 2 Duo with matte screen and GT graphics processor with 256MB of GDDR3 SDRAM?
Is there any reason NOT to use the powerbrick from my earlier MacBook Pro with the new one? I know the new brick is bigger and more powerful (85W) but will anything go wrong if I use the old one when I plug in at my office?
I want to use iMovie, but whenever I import my HD image, it makes the quality worse, and the radial gradient looks horrible. Here is the image I'm trying to use: [URL]
here is what it looks like once imported into iMovie '09: [URL]
Is there a plugin for iMovie to fix this or something? I would you Final Cut, but my computer is slow enough, and adding heavy video-editing applications like that would not be good. Especially since I've had to replace my hard drive twice in the past year.
I want to use iMovie, but whenever I import my HD image, it makes the quality worse, and the radial gradient looks horrible. Here is the image I'm trying to use: [URL]
here is what it looks like once imported into iMovie '09: [URL]
Is there a plugin for iMovie to fix this or something? I would you Final Cut, but my computer is slow enough, and adding heavy video-editing applications like that would not be good. Especially since I've had to replace my hard drive twice in the past year.
I was just wondering how good the video/picture editing is on the MBP??What would it be rated out of ten?? (If 1 was a normal computer editing program and 10 was photoshop)
I need a photo software for my Mac that is FREE and I only need it to make collages and wallpapers and posters and stuff. Will Pixelmator work for me? I'm not sure if that's free though. And I would like something simpler than GIMP to use. Should I just use KeyNote because the Alpha tool is simply amazing, unless there are other programs that have the Alpha tool.
Looking for a good photo editing app to do basic editing and what not...Photoshop is just a little to much for what i need, Was curious if there is anything out there is a good track record?
First time posting, so hope this is an ok place to post this.I would like some advice. I currently have the first macbook pro 17" released. 2.16 core duo with 2GB ram. It can not even play my AVCHD fils (.mts) and it takes like 30 minutes to convert a 2 minute .mts file to something playable. So editing is non existent. I will be getting a Canon 7d or 5dmkII also soon for more video. I will most likely do a lot of filters and effects on the video as well. I am a photographer, I do a lot of photo editing of large multi layer files. My current macbook pro is a joke. I have creative suite cs3, and really cant afford a new computer AND an upgrade of the creative suite and the other upgrades i want to make to my photo equipment. CS3 doesnt run on snow leopard correct? However, i could possibly come up with the money if i need to. I am only looking to spend at max $1500 on the computer. So.
Ive downloaded a bunch, but couldnt find one that fit my needs.
So on microsoft paint, you have the ability to set specific margins when printing, fit to page, center, etc... as well as change printer, paper type, and ink settings for optimal quality..
however i couldnt find one thus far to use on my mac.. closest ive downloaded has been google's picasa but there are only preset margins and nothing regarding print quality, etc
so i need a program with these doesnt need to be a good photo editor... i just need to open existing photos and be able to adjust print margins/ quality myself
I was looking around for an easy photoshoping app for the mac that would not be so hard to use as Gimp and Photoshop. Which one do you recommend. I didn't MRoogle this because i like to promote internet traffic
I know Photoshop is somehow would be the best photo editing, but does anybody know the easy and FREE photo editing for Mac like the one from I'm using it on my Dell, and quite overwhelming with it's ability to my need to editing my photos, and most of all, it's free! I don't use Windows on my Mac.
This will be my first post on the mac forums.I do video edit professionally on my 8 core mac pro as well as stills. I have the original 20' apple cinema display, but I am looking for a higher res display and I really don''t want to spend that much dough as I am in the process of upgrading photo/video equipment.I know the differences in quality between TN screens, and high quality IPS screens. Would a 1920x1080 res suffice. I really don't want to spend more than 300 bucks. I know I may sound like an noob but please what are the cheapest highest quality/res for the price.
opinions wanted: First, I'm not a gamer. This pc would be strictly for photo editing and video conversion. I'm using photoshop cs4/ lightroom for pictures. For video, I have two objectives. The first is to convert 8mm to dvd. This would involve iMovie to keep it simple. The second would be for new HD video. Since Apple doesn't support blue ray just yet, I just need a way to offload to avchd on a regular dvd. I think Toast would accommodate this.
IMac (27") and mini would both have 4gb RAm. Hard drive space isn't all that important since I'll have an external as well. 2.5ghz vs. 3ghz. nVidea 9400 vs. ATI radeon. So would the less processing power of the mini be offset by the better monitor (Eizo or NEC ~24")? Or is the iMac display good enough?
I switched a few months ago from a Windows XP machine to a Mac Air running Lion. I've searched for the answers to these questions but they are too general to search for here or in the App Store, so I'll try submitting a big question.
On my Windows XP laptop, I could insert my camera's SD card, quickly view each photo in a preview pane, rename it quickly in the same window and delete from the same window. This allows you to quickly go through many versions of the same photo, rename the one you want to keep and delete the rest. When finished, you only need to drop and drag the ones you want to keep into whatever folder you want.
There isn't an easy option with OSX, is there? I want to view and rename them while on the SD card, then transport them where I want. Loading into iPhoto is clunky and I'm losing track of where the different versions are. Opening them in Preview doesn't allow me to quickly and easily rename and delete them (though you can toggle back and forth and eventually do this).