Intel Mac :: ICloud Mail Not Working On Desktop But Ok On Website
Apr 30, 2012
Loaded OS Lion on iMac yesterday and transferred mail from MobileMe to iCloud. Spent hours trying to get mail working on desktop but finally succeeded. Shutting down overnight caused mail to quit working again. However, if I go to iCloud website the mail works OK. I know others have had mail problems with Lion? I've tried just about everything from Apple support.
I learned how to put icons with website links on my Desktop. Those icons are all the same (except for the names I have given them) and look boring. How do I ,put for example ,a photo of my daughter, whose blog I want to visit, on the icon?Â
I am having trouble getting my email on my mac through the mail application. I have to go online all the time & log in to get my mail.  It says my accounts are offline. I really need my email to work the way I know how to!!
I'm working on a new website and it had a popup that said I need to update my Safari. I went to the Apple website and they listed a few updates, but had Lion next to them and I know I don't have Lion. Not sure how to update?Â
I have changed to iCloud from Mobile Me and iCloud insists that my password or ID is incorrect. It isn't incorrect - so what do I do get some sense out of Mail (because I have and old workhorse that does all the mail, and has a huge library of mail that is preserved). That means that at the moment I can't get or view my mail. I have done as advised - ie set up Mail to go to iCloud using the correct incoming and outgoing servers, but no luck.Summary: Changed to iCloud. Access denied in Mail. I don't expect the full features of iCloud (our other machine can do that if we need it because it has Lion - bu that's not my machine).
I access my iCloud account on Mail on my Mac Air. Last week it just stopped updating without any changes from me. All I have is the little triangle with the exclamation points in them next to the account name. I've tried reentering my account password and changing ports. Nothing. It doesn't even try to retrieve mail when I do so under the Mailbox drop-down menu. It's all very random.Â
I thought that transfer to icloud was meant to be seemless. But I have just noticed that my .mac account on Mail is no longer working. I performed the icloud e:mail transfer.Â
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), PRoblem with MAil
iCloud mail is not working, not accepting my password, can't sign in on any iOS device or via, this is a nightmare as I am self employed and this is my primary email.
I am on travel and thus not at home. The Macbook Pro is running 10.6.8 with max memory and a 750GB HD. I suspect this is associated with moving my accounts to iCloud. And I assume Apple will sort this out either in the next few hours or the next few days.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
After moving Mobile Me to iCloud, I am having 2 problems with the Mail application. On my Laptop running Lion, I'm not able to send email using my ".me" account. Error message says "connections to the server '' on the default ports timed out." The incoming mail server is now showing "" I do appear to be receiving mail to my .me accounts. On my Power PC G5 (running OSX 10.5.8) I am no longer receiving mail from my .me account.
I'm getting spinning wheel in my Mail for long periods of time when I begin to type a users email address, sometimes takes several minutes to load the email. My address book isn't that large where this should be issue.
If the mail application is close, iCloud mail goes offline, although my other email accounts in the mail app do NOT go offline. When I open the mail app, there is a symbol next to the iCloud account (but not next to the others) that looks like a circle with a horizontal zig-zag. When I click on that symbol I get the following message: "This account (iCloud) appears to be offline due to a network problem." If I click the button in the dialogue box that says, "Take all accounts online,", then my iCloud mail comes in right away. However, all my other mail accounts already are delivered. It is not a network or connection problem.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have always had html mail issues with my iMac since August 2011. I use yahoo. For the most part, 90% of my emails display html just fine. The problem I have is one day an email will display html fine and then the next it would be in text form practically useless. And for some html emails, it never displayed the email correctly albeit my iPhone 5S does.My preference for displaying remote images in html is obviously checked.Â
P.S. Another issue I have with Mail is that all my Yahoo folders (under mailboxes) after having Mail opened for a length of time will disppear out of the blue. In order to get them back, I have to close out Mail and relaunch. I still have access to inbox, sent, trash, and junk. But "Yahoo!" folders displayed under those are gone for some reason until I relaunch.
My mac mail is not working with the Exchange 2007 server. I see that this is a common problem for many other folks. I have spent a considerable amount of time on forums, talking to Apple Support, and Google searching -- no luck finding a solution. I am using Thunderbird to get me by for now. I have a new Mac, Lion 10.7.4.
I noticed yesterday that when I opened mail, it kept trying to get mail off the sever even though everything downloaded. Today when I open I just get the colored wheel and I must force quit everytime.Â
Whenever i click on an email on the web (like Craigslist), instead of opening mail (yes its running) it opens a new tab in chrome (i haven't messed w/ the chrome settings) and brings me to my email sign in. I have tried quitting and also restarting my computer.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), imac 17" 1.83GHz, 2GB RAM