Intel Mac :: Cleaning Up Duplicates On The HD?

Apr 7, 2012

I'm in the process of cleaning up duplicates on the HD. What I want to know "positively", is Trash Bin fully isolated, and cannot be accessed/used by OS X 10.7.3 when exercising applications resident on the HD.

Note: I am using Parallels 7 for Windows apps.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Super Drive Cleaning - With Cleaning Disc?

Jun 18, 2009

I have the dreaded " unexpected error occured. (Error code 0x8002006E)" problem.

Basically it doesn't want to burn DVDs ( fine on CDs though ).

I've read various ways to fix this such as zapping pram, SMC reset etc. and none worked. I also read that a cleaning disc might do the job.

So my question is, are these discs safe in a MacbookPro machine? And as I recall these discs have little bristles on one side - which way up should they go ( facing up or down )?

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Intel Mac :: Recommendation To Remove Duplicates On It?

Feb 3, 2012

I have a Mac version 10.7.2 I have found that I have hundreds of duplicates of information on my mac.This I found out when undertaking a search with spotlight. what would be a safe utility to easily remove duplicates. 

Acrobat Connectnow, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Processer 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5

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Intel Mac :: How To Eliminate Duplicates Of Photos

Apr 12, 2012

Just wonder if there is an easy way to find originals and eliminate duplicate images without buying software.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Intel Mac :: Apple Cleaning Cloth Material

Mar 20, 2012

I'd like to know exactly what material Apple uses in the Apple-branded cleaning cloth that came with a few generations of iMacs. 

I'm not interested in "microfiber" 

I'm interested in specifics.  I have never been able to track down any cloth that is similar in material. 

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OS X :: Some Drives Are Duplicates

Feb 22, 2009

I was backing up my dvds to Atv and got this window showing. I am wondering why some drives are duplicates and is it a concern?

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OS X :: How To Delete Duplicates

Jun 15, 2010

I have a bunch of .m4a files that I recorded on my iPhone voicememo, but there are more than 20 copies for the same one for some reason. How can I delete every thing except one copy, without having to tediously delete it by click on 2nd duplicate, press Shift, click on the last duplicate, delete?

I have some .mp3 duplicates that I would like to delete as well.

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ITunes :: How To Remove Duplicates

Mar 13, 2012

How do I remove duplicates from Itunes and Iphoto?

MacBook Pro

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ITunes :: Get Rid Of Duplicates Of Songs?

Mar 18, 2012

How do I get rid of duplicates of songs? 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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ITunes :: Converting To MP3 / What Happens To Duplicates

Jun 16, 2012

I have just discovered much to my delight - that I can burn my music files as MP3 format. Obviously I have had to chanage the preferences and some items I have had to re import - but with existing files I have had to create an MP3 file from the existing file - which creates a duplicate.I can see which are which by listing KIND is there an easier way to delete the original AAC file? I really don't want to have too many (as I have too many already) music files.I have tried searching for the duplicates under finder but only the new file is showing? So far I am using a playlist to create MP3 and I imagine that then clearing the playlist and recreating playlist - list by kind and slect all AAC to either deselct or delete. 

imac OS x, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 'Stressed Mum' not Mac technician!

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ITunes :: Removing Duplicates In It?

Jun 17, 2012

How am I able to do this the most easy and seamless way?

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Applications :: Find Font Duplicates?

Nov 15, 2010

Is there any way to automatically find duplicate fonts that have different names. I have 1000's of fonts and it is slow to do it manually.

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Applications :: Removing Duplicates In ITunes?

Jan 25, 2009

So I know about the actual menu item in iTunes, but I'd like to know if there was a way to only remove true duplicates, not the same song on a different album. Like I there is one song from a particular artist that is on 3 different albums, is there any way to have all three songs read from only one file in the HDD? That way, the song would be a part of every album, but it wouldn't take up my HDD space. I could probably do this manually by deleting those other two files, and then "locating" them when iTunes can't find it, but this would take forever. So is there any app that does such a thing? Or am I dreaming?

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Applications :: Finding App To Delete Duplicates?

Feb 12, 2009

Does anyone know of a good, free/cheap application that will search my entire HardDrive and notify me of possible duplicates?

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Applications :: Itunes Regarding Importing And Duplicates?

Jul 29, 2010

my library has some issues in that it does not register all of my songs in itunes

I know this as when I copied my entire folder to my macbook (minus the library and .xml files) I have a few hundred more songs than I do on my desktop

However, since I did not have the .xml and library folder carry over, I lost all my playcounts, playlists, dates, etc that I like to have.

Is there any way I can reimport my entire library and only add the songs that are not "seen" by itunes at the moment? FWIW, I have thousands of song files and I do not want to manually search for which ones show up in my mb library but not my desktops

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ITunes :: How To Cancel All Duplicates Tracks

Apr 15, 2012

I cannot fin how to cancel all duplicates tracks on iTunes

MacBook Air

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ITunes :: Delete All The Duplicates In Library?,

Apr 28, 2012

have three copies of each song showing in the library. what is it?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Getting An App That Delete Duplicates?

May 7, 2012

if you know an app that deletes duplicates?

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ITunes :: Converting MP3 To AAC Without Making Duplicates?

Jun 1, 2012

How can I convert my iTunes library which is in MP3 to AAC versions without making duplicates?

MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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OS X :: Sorting Safari Bookmarks - Removing Duplicates

Nov 3, 2006

I tend to skim an article or web site and if I see something of interest I bookmark it for later review. The forgetful part comes in when I find myself bookmarking the same site several times. One thing I have to admit about the old IE that I used to use was it would warn you if there was a duplicate addy already in your favorites folder.

I'm stuck with tens of thousands of duplicate bookmarks (maybe even millions). Safari doesn't seem to offer any sorting solutions to weed out the duplicates or even organize them (by name would be cool) other than manually doing it. The prospect of manually picking out dups from the billions of links I have collected over the past few minutes alone is daunting. Any suggestions before I start sorting the trillions of links one at a time?

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Applications :: How To Fix Mp3 Tags And Remove Duplicates On ITunes

Apr 23, 2009

I have a huge music library, and a lot of the song tags include the song name, artist, and album all in the title of the song. Is there a program to fix this?

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OS X :: Good Software For Itunes To Delete Duplicates?

Aug 23, 2009

What is a good software for itunes to delete duplicates but cannot delete live vs studio

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OS X :: ICal Keeps Deleting Events - Duplicates Need To Be Resolved

Sep 10, 2009

We (the wife and I) both use our iphones to enter events on our calendar. We've set it up so that it should sync with mobile me (thus updating our mac and iphones). The problem is that things are getting deleted A lot! When I open ical on my mac, there are at least 20 "calendars" in the far left column (I didn't know we were creating a "new" calendar every time we used a new color for an event). Anytime we plug our iphones in the ical comes up saying that there are duplicates that need to be resolved. I hit ok. I thought I was doing the right thing.

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Applications :: Remove Duplicates From Iphoto Libraries?

Feb 6, 2010

Need to remove duplicates from iphoto Libraries is there anything out there to help?

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Applications :: ITunes Producing Duplicates When Importing?

Jun 13, 2010

I gave my daughter a DVD with a number of Albums on it in mp3 format. When she imported them into iTunes on her MacBook(Intel, 10.4.11, iTunes v8) some of the tracks were duplicated.

When her flatmate imported them into iTunes on her PC, every track was duplicated.

Any ideas as to why this should happen and how to stop it?

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Software :: Finding And Deleting IPhoto Duplicates?

Sep 9, 2008

Is there any way to do this easily? I mean, some kind of action like we can use on Address Book duplicates?

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Software :: Entourage Duplicates Inbox Items

Nov 3, 2008

Entourage keeps duplicating inbox items when synching with the server, but when using the web interface for exchange, it does not duplicate.

Is it a faulty identity or what is happening here?

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ICal Calendar Duplicates Created By ICloud

Apr 28, 2012

Two weeks after I migrated to Lion, I stopped syncing my iPad and iPhone through iTunes and turned on iCloud.I had 15 years of calendar data, and after the iCloud syncing, most of the entries were duplicated or even triplicated.It took me 5 days and about 5 hours with Apple tier 2 advisors to resolve the problem.The support communities had useful info, but it was scattered around.I am consolidating the useful stuff in this posting so that it may help others. 

1.The important thing to understand about iCloud is that it considers itself the "master repository".Its primary purpose is to backup your data, but it cannot distinguish your data if it originates from multiple sources.My 3 devices (mac, iPad, iPhone) synced fine via iTunes.But when I connected the 3 devices to iCloud, iCloud did not continue from where iTunes left off.Instead, the calendars on the 3 devices were Merged in iCloud, resulting in duplicates.However, many repeating events (events that spanned multiple days) were not duplicated.

2.At this point, your calendar is corrupted.Don't try to fix a calendar while you are connected to iCloud (see why below).Your best choice is to delete the calendar from all platforms and then restore your pre-iCloud calendar from your archive or from Time Machine.  First, disconnect your calendar on ALL devices (Apple->Preferences->iCloud->uncheck the calendar).This will delete calendar from those devices.Then go into iCloud and delete the calendar there (click the Edit button at the top of the calendar list and then click the minus button).

3.Restore your pre-iCloud calendar to your mac.Because this is pre-iCloud, all your calendars should be under the "On my Mac" section.Go into Apple->Preferences->iCloud->check the calendar.iCloud will start syncing immediately and your iCal will say "iCal - Updating" in the title bar.When it stops Updating, check your data.You will see that all of your calendars in the Mac are now in the iCloud section.

4. Add a test event and see how it updates on iCloud.Now go to your iPad and iPhone If you did step 2 correctly, both of their calendars should be empty.Turn iCloud back on on those devices through Preferences, and the data will sync to your devices.By default, the mobile devices only sync I think 2 weeks of data.I discovered that even tho I could get 15 years of data to sync to my iPad, the iPad could not display it.So I am going to have to tolerate having only a short period of data on my mobile devices and keep the whole archive only on my mac.TIPS I LEARNEDBackup your calendar and address book BEFORE you go to iCloud.Use the File->Export menus to export an archive of the whole calendar (.icbu) or whole address book (.abbu).In addition, you might want to export each of your calendars and address book groups as individual .ics files and .vcf files.This way, if you need to combine calendars, you can simply import a .ics file into an existing calendar in iCal.Why can't you delete duplicates while you are connected to iCloud?I tried to do that, and just when I got close to the very end, iCloud seemed to get confused, and then it suddenly put all the duplicates back.Several hours wasted.If you delete the calendar from iCloud and then try to restore it to your mac, it is very important to disconnect iCloud first. Otherwise, iCloud syncs the deletion back to the mac and deletes the calendar you just restored.Just remember, everytime you disconnect from iCloud, it deletes the calendar on your device.So the sequence must be:disconnect iCloud first, and THEN restore. When you turn iCloud back on, iCloud sees this as a whole new calendar.I was used to the replication idea of Lotus Notes, where the newest time stamp determined which event to keep in a sync conflict.iCloud does not work that way.It doesn't use timestamps and has no idea of latest event.It just merges everything.When you first turn iCloud on, if it asks you if you want to merge your Address Book, realize that iCloud will merge at the field level.So for a contact, if you made changes in work phone on two devices, that contact will now have 2 work phone fields.How to restore a Lion calendar from Time Machine:  In Finder, go to the Go menu.Press the option key, and Library shows up in the dropdown menu.Select Library and then open the Calendars folder.Copy everything in it to a safe place and then delete the originals.Now, open Time Machine, and it will navigate to that hidden folder.Restore everything in the Calendars folder.How to restore a Snow Leopard calendar from Time Machine:If you have since migrated to Lion, use the method above to get to the Calendars folder and clear it out.Now open Time Machine and go to the Library->Calendars folder and restore everything in that folder.

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: After Changing Computer Name Having Duplicates Of Every File

May 4, 2012

Recently, I had decided to change my MacBook Pro name. After reading the warning, I understood that everything would turn into defualt settings and I would not loose any other information. However, in result, after completing a restart; my computer made duplicates of music and pictures. To add on to this, the name change deleted my playlist, which I have no problems with, and made about 3 duplicates of every song in my library which consisted of about 28 gigs of music. Btw...all of the files are there, it is just that there are tons of duplicate files which need to be deleted because of this computer name change.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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ITunes :: Delete Duplicates In Library Of Music?

May 10, 2012

All my music is entered twice in my itunes library. How do I get rid of the duplicates without deleting them one by one?


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