What is 'Flip4MAC' - ran across a site that said to view, if you have a mac, to download flip4mac -Â This is the first time i have seen this message and would like to have a clear understanding of it and is it safe to use?
I just switched from PC to Mac. I have thousands of WMA files on my hard drive, and I realized I cannot simply drag and drop them into iTunes. So I got online and downloaded Flip4Mac. At first this only allowed me to play the WMA files through Quicktime. So I read a bit more and it said I needed Flip4Mac Pro to use Quicktime components to convert WMA and other windows files to MP3 and other Mac compatible formats. So I bought Flip4Mac Pro. My iMac came preloaded with Quicktime X and when I open a WMA file in Quicktime and click export, the only option it gives me is "Audio Only" and it does not successfully export. Does anyone know how to use Flip4Mac Pro to convert WMA files to MP3? Â
I have already purchased Flip4Mac Pro and I simply would like to know how to use what I already have.
I have a late 2007 intel imac with 10.6.8. I notcied for the last two days that I have gotten this message after checking Software Update [code] I have had problems with occasional freezing/crashes where I have to do a hard shutdown, especially after watching videos via safari (e.g. Youtube) and/or the imac coming out of sleep. This hasn't been too problematic laterly compared to the past (maybe once or twice a week now v. once or twice a day). I do not know if this freeze/crash issue has anything to do with this console message.
is there any way of playing a DRM WMV file on a mac? I have Flip4Mac installed so can play WMV through QuickTime player. I also have virtual PC, which i can play the DRM WMV file with, but it plays really slowly in that and is virtually unwatchable.
I haven't read so much the blurb for Snow Leopard but will QuickTime X do without the need for Perian and Flip4Mac plug-ins? I understand QuickTime X has some increased compatibility, though I'm guess not to the extent that you can do without those plug-ins...?
Whenever I browse a folder with movie files, I get this window popping up, and it doesn't go away for a little while. I'm thinking of just removing Flip4Mac and finding an alternative.
i have attempted to download flip4mac 2x .....it begins but doesn't get very far no matter how long I let it run in the download window. It just remains stuck. someone tell me what the problem is. I need it to view wmv files. My macbook is one week old, so far I have only downloaded printer software and Skype both of which went fine.
The automatic Flip4Mac updater will install Microsoft's SIlverLight browser plugin automatically unless the user does a custom install. It was even going to install it on my 10.6.1 machine although the MS web site claims that SilverLight is tested through 10.5. I have contacted the Flip4Mac support people since I believe this is Malware behavior.
Most Mac users will be unaware of what SilverLight is and how it will effect their machine. Nor will most experts think to check for/remove it when troubleshooting. If you wish to make your concerns known, contact their desktop support group, and include "Support Case 1-74223" in the subject line.
after installing VLC in my mac book , my .wmv files are no longer playable with windows media player, i was able to play them just fine before that ( more than 6 months)
i uninstal VLC
I uninstall WMP, reinstall it and no luck. WMP crash right after i open the file , i made sure that when i put it in the bin WMP got deleted cause i was getting errors that a bunch of files were locked
Anyone know how to disable Flip4Mac and QuickTime so that I can use Windows Media Player 9? I need to use WMP9 on a couple of websites that do not work with Flip4Mac/QuickTime. Previously I had just opened the �WMV Upgrade� that is in the Flip4Mac folder and unchecked �Use Flip4Mac WMV Browser plug-in� and then relaunched Safari. But now even when I uncheck Flip4Mac, it, and QuickTime continue to open.
I installed the application flip4mac to try it out but came to the conclusion that I do not want it. I want to move the folder/app from the finder/applications window to the trash but keep getting this report: "The operation cant be completed because you dont have permission to access some of the items" Can anyone please tell me how to get it trashed?
I use Mavericks 10.9.3. see enclosed picture. Why does QuickTime Player Movie (that has been converted to QuickTime.mov) show a Flip4Mac icon on the top right hand side of movie? How do I remove that Flip4Mac icon?
I have a problem with Safari because when I try to listen to the radio (wma format with Flip4Mac) the music pauses when I open a new tab, I have to be in the current radio tab to be able to listen. How can i solve this? Haven't find any answers on google!
Anyone have a problem playing wmv files using flip4mac on quicktime x. Ever since I installed SL, I'm having problems fast forwarding and rewinding in flip4mac. Anyone else have this problem or workaround?
yesterday asked if. should be running out of disk space if my 320 gb has 248 gb of used space. In the using your. Intel based i Mac  secttion of this fourm It appears out of space on the HD .can upgrade the HD If so what steps i must take to do so and how much bigger external must buy if  1 tb HD verse a 3 TB and will to buy the external HD before reach over 500gb of used space on the back up I now have.
just purchased an intel imac (the latest) and wishes to transfer the data from the old non intel G5 to this new mac. During the procedure he has been asked for a passKEY not a passWORD and he has no idea what this is.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Mac G5, imac intel, Macbook pro
OS X 10.4.3 IMAC Intel Core Duo. I backed up my HD on an external drive so I could upgrade to Snow Leopard. I wanted to test that I could boot from the external drive and selected it as my start up drive. When I did a restart I got the Apple and the turning gear and then suddenly a black screen with this on it: "May 28 22:23:11 Launched:com.apple.nibindd:respawning too quickly throttling, exited system abnormally bad system call too many failures in succession I have no name!"
I tried several dozen times with no luck. I think when I made the copy of my HD on the external HD I may have neglected to make it "bootable" (moving too quickly). My internal CDROM is busted so I use an external CDROM. I can't boot from it at all with the proper start up buttons pushed. It keeps trying to boot from the external drive. If I turn the external drive off and try to boot from the external CD I just get the grey file with the ? in the middle of it.
I tried using another external HD I have with OS 10.4 on it, but it won't recognize it either with fan, alt, shift, delete pressed at start up. My internal drive (a Seagate 2 tarabite drive) works great, but how do I reset it as the start up drive when I'm stuck with this black screen. One more thing, when I try to reset PRAM I don't get a second gong.
Shut down computer last night because after restarting it would not open.  A little gear-looking circle just spins round and round. Started up computer this morning and it's the same situation . .gear circle just spins around.   I know the battery is fully charged. Â
After connecting the imac to a new router the system hung completely up. After each input, e.g. opening preview or a browser, the coloured turning disc appeared and nothing happened anymore. Several restarts, also in safe mode, were unsuccessful. I could not switch to another user. Restart is only possible at all from installation disc but thereafter problem remains the same.
My 5 year old iMac has a 2.16 GHz Intel Duo Core 2 Processor with 1 GB of Ram. I'm running OS X 6.8 and am told that I can't upgrade to OS X 7.My only connection to the internet is through a MobileMe AirPort. I have not ethernet or firewire connection.Without OS X 7, I can't access iCloud. How do I stay connected to the internet after June 30, 2012 when MobileMe is discontinued?
My iMac was working perfectly till two days ago, I shut it down normally, but haven't been able to start it since then. When I press the start button I can hear the HD and fans working, and also the USB ports are powered, but screen keeps black and no boot tone.Â
Since I have a bluetooth keyboard, I am not able to start in safe mode..
all of my apps are very erratic, ex; windows opening and closing by themselves, blue tooth keyboard very buggy, unable to change personal preferences, etc.
I have an iMac 2.8 GHZ intel core i5 that, without any warning or strange sounds, shuts completely off. It is 27-inch, Mid 2010 model. I have 16gb ram running Lion 10.7.3.
I have a 2007 20 inch Intel core 2 duo iMac and an LG 46" LCD tv. I bought an HDMI cable and a Mini DVI to HDMI adapter but cannot get them to work together. Nothing happens when I click on detect displays in the system preferences.Â
Do I possibly have the wrong version on Mini DVI, for instance DVI-D instead of DVI-I?