OS X :: Unable To Trash Flip4mac App / Don't Have Permission To Access Some Items
Dec 29, 2009
I installed the application flip4mac to try it out but came to the conclusion that I do not want it. I want to move the folder/app from the finder/applications window to the trash but keep getting this report:
"The operation cant be completed because you dont have permission to access some of the items"
Can anyone please tell me how to get it trashed?
So my father got a new Macbook and I was trying to transfer over some of my files. I turned on file sharing (on my own computer, MBP) and accidentally removed myself from the permissions list for the Applications folder. Stupid, I know.
Now I can't access anything: Any application, System Pref., Time Machine, etc.......
Applecare's solution is to reinstall Leopard, not sure where the hell the disk is now. But I know I still have it. Is this the only course of action? Would repairing my permissions solve it? (using the install disk to access it)
Running 10.6.4 on a 27" iMac 3.06 GHz C2D. I was irritated by sometimes not being able to empty items from my trash(message that file was in use when it wasn't). I found on lancelhoff.com a command for terminal(cd ~/.Trash && sudo rm -rf ) followed by directory/filename which allowed these pesky files to be deleted which worked great. I was showing my manager the trick I'd found and while doing so, it stopped deleting the files.
Now when I put items in the trash I get a message 'Are you sure you want to delete "xxxx.yyy"? This item will be deleted immediately. You can't undo this action" instead of putting it in the trash. The files I was trying to delete when I was doing my doomed demo will not delete even after a restart. I did a fix permissions on my drive with Disk Utility which was no help in this regard.
How do you delete individual items from Trash without emptying entire Trash? If I highlight one item in Trash, the only option is the Empty button. I'm afraid it will empty the whole thing. I don't want to do that.
I thought if you hold down option and control or option and command, and go to empty trash these stubborn items that say they are still in use, when they are not, will go away. Shutting down and restarting MBP won't make them go away either.
Sometimes items it put in the trash don't appear in the trash, although they are there. This often happens when I manually delete podcasts from iTunes, or drag an item such as a PDF from my downloads folder to the trash. The dock icon remains in it's "empty" state and bring up the trash finder window also shows that it is empty. If I restart my MacBook however, the items appear in the trash and are able to be deleted.
Anyone have a problem playing wmv files using flip4mac on quicktime x. Ever since I installed SL, I'm having problems fast forwarding and rewinding in flip4mac. Anyone else have this problem or workaround?
I'm trying to copy over an ISO file (legit one mind you) and OSX is telling me that I cannot move the file because I don't have permissions for it. So I do the usual, get info, check the permissions box, but the funny thing is, I do have Read and Write access but it still pops up that error.
I'm stumped on how to fix this... any ideas?
Here's a screenshot to clarify what I'm talking about.
I keep getting the message that I do not have permission to access the server, but I am able to access all the documents and files. Just cannot get rid of this message! It is connected via a wireless network to the other computers.
I have some photos that won't open because it says 'I Don't have Permission to Access." Out of 700, all in the same folder, only about 200 have this problem. I did the "Get Info" cans changed permission, but I had permission to 'Read and Write' the file. Then I tried letting Disk Utility fix it, but it's not an Apple File so it doesn't touch it. Then I tried the Terminal, but sense it's just in one folder I couldn't figure out how to adjust the one folder. How to regain access to all my pictures? It's on a Macbook Air running Lion
I changed permissions for HD to no access for everyone, the Mini hang up, I had to force shutdown, ever since it is stuck on the apple and rotating bars, MacMini with OS X 10.7.2! I booted in asfe mode still stuck, repair permissions using the backup hd "10.7.2 after pressing shift key" did no fix!
I am trying to restore photoshop files I created and seem to have erased by mistake. For some of the files Time Machine gives me the following message :
The opreation cannot be completed because you don't have permission to access " filename"
I created these files and they are important and I do not know what else to do to retrieve them.
I've been organizing some files on my external hard drive and after I had all the files where I wanted, I had to delete all the individual folders that they were in. They are all aliases which is really weird and I have no idea what happened. When I try to empty trash nothing happens, no pop up or anything tell me what's wrong. When I tried to secure empty trash I get this
I was wondering if anyone could tell me how I can give Symantec permission to read these files? Some of them are old IM conversations, but others I have no idea what they are. I ran a virus scan, and it skipped over quite a few things. I'd rather just be safe and have everything checked.
I'm having trouble figuring out how to set up my Time Capsule. So I have two computers at home, a router and a Time Capsule. I mainly use the Time Capsule to back up my computers and transfer stuff between them. I also have roomies which I don't wanna give access to the Time Capsule without my permission, I'd just like to allow them to connect to get some files every now and then and that's it. That's been my problem, my roomies are having trouble with the internet connection because of my Time Capsule.
The question might be stupid but is there any way to deleted some selected items from Trash? As I see, either I can delete everything from Trash or none.
I need some guidance getting the items I have on my computer permanently deleted from the trash. When I go to delete them I get the following message below and I can't delete anything. What do I need to do?
Message Received: This operation can not be completed because the item is locked wmphelp.htm wmpicon.gif windowshade.gif whatsnew.htm volume.gif viewinginfo.htm upgradingwmp.htm And the list just goes on .......
For the last couple of days, I haven't been able to drag any files over from my Stacks to the Trash; nothing happens. I'm forced to open the folder and drag it over from there or Apple+Delete it. I *might* have accidentally deleted a file (I don't remember which) causing this to suddenly happen and haven't been able to figure out how to fix it. It's more of an annoyance than anything else.
On a fresh boot of my G5 Power Mac (latest version late 2005, 2GHz), there are usually several fonts in the trash in a folder named Recovered Items. All of the fonts are fonts I have disabled using Font Book, some are normal fonts and some are system fonts that throw up a message to the effect of "Are you sure you want to disable this font?...." when disabling them with Font Book. In this case they are always fonts I will never use, Korean, Chinese or Arabic etc. Is this something to be concerned about? I have noticed no problems running the system or in any software, so I just empty the trash and get on with my work.
Is it possible to select certain items to empty from the trash? Or do I have to empty the whole can. My trash can is getting up there in size but I really don't want to delete all of the items.
I am having real difficulty deleting files on my macbook pro. Although there definitely aren't over 8000 files in my trash everytime I try to delete it seems to think there is... Any idea of how to rectify this?
I had some folders on an external HDD that I moved to the trash and then I moved around the folders on my external HDD and renamed some. Now the items that I moved to the Trash won't delete! They no longer have their normals icons and instead have the plain white piece of paper icon.
It seems the Trash can't delete them because it can't find the file's original file path. The items only reappear in my Trash when I connect the HDD but it's still really annoying.
Started with 10.6 update. Many items, not all, refused to go in the trash-mostly apps. Those that wouldn't, couldn't be deleted by any means I could come up with. They kept 'popping back' out of trash to the desktop. (or folder it was in). Found similar problems on Apple's forum, and the consensus was to delete ".trash" by using "sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash" in Terminal. That worked, but now anything trashed immediately pops up a warning that it will be deleted immediately in I agree--and it is. Nothing stays in the trash as before. How can I return to pre-Snow Leopard trash behavior?
Went to empty my trash folder and found that there are thousands of items to be removed contained in 43 folders. On clicking empty trash a new box came up and a blue blinking bar went across identifying the empty process. But the items still remain in trash. Is this a virus attack or similar? Mac OS X 10.6.8.
Just emptied my iMac trash. Didn't realize I had so much in there. It was over 103,000 items. I think I gained about 17 GB back. No wonder my iMac has been acting bad! Beach balls, freezes, etc.
I had to remove some protected items in my trash. To do this I used the command. (rm -rf ./Trashes; rm -rf ~/.Trash) that worked. But now, every time I try to move something to the trash, mac will delete it directly permanent.
Anyone have a clue why my MBP is doing this? somehow I my trashcan acquired a file that said backup.something which looked like a full backup of my harddrive, but I already have it backed up in time machine on my backup drive. It's been deleting from 300,000 down to 80,000 for about 13 hours. I tried to take the folder out but it just started copying everything to the desktop which was gonna take the same amount of time. Should I let it keep deleting?