Cannot find some files (my templates folder in Microsoft Word, I know the location of the folder but it will not show in Finder), tried holding down option key when selecting folders to show hidden folders but it did not work.
I did a search for a downloaded file. Result came back Home>Library>Filename. Cool. Problem is this: When I go to Home, there is no file named Library, nor is there a mail downloads file. Is the file hidden and, if so, how do I show it?
I have a decompression bomb in hidden folder /.MobileBackups. I cannot open the folder even though I am the administrator. How to I delete the bad file?
There is no disk space left on a 27" imac. Unable to update any software. There is a ton of hidden files, all highlighted in yellow. How can I delete them?
I've deleted all the movies from my mac and when I open my system profile it shows I have 42GB of movies somewhere hidden on my macbook. I've tried searching .mov in my spotlight (which yields nothing) and manually searching through the iTunes folder and movies folder (which are empty). Where I can find these hidden movie files -- 42gb is pretty hefty.
This past weekend I transferred my OS and apps to a newly installed SSD drive.
During the process I had to move some files around in order to get The OS and Apps on the SSD.
I used a technique that utilizes the Terminal and the chflags command.
My issue is now I can not hide the files and folders that are usually hidden.
I can't remember the exact method I used to unhide hidden folders and files. I can't even find a reference to it in my web browsers history.I have searched on the web for solutions along these lines:Â defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -boolean FALSE ; killall Finderchflags hidden sudo chflags hiddenÂ
But none of these approaches have worked. I have downloaded Onyx, TinkerTool and Show Hide Invisible Files.
I have used them as best I understand to hide the normally hidden files and folders, but nothing has worked.
Sometimes, it's not just folders, it's files too. Sometimes in non-mac sources, like my SMART TV, I see files named .filename.mp4 along with filename.mp4. And these fraudulent files are really bothering. And the worst part, I can't see them in Finder. remove the .file.mp4.Â
I used the term 'filename.mp4' to represent an MP4 video file. But the files that have a . before them need to be deleted.Â
Moved all my movies audio etc and stored on external HDD, but as I have lion and time machine it saved a local back up so that when time machine was synced it didn't miss anything.Seems sensible, so next step was to sync time machine, expecting that the local back up would disappear when it shifted to TM. It didn't...why in gods green earth is the local back up there even though TM connected the whole time and up to date? Â I've restarted, loaded all updates and verified disk. How do I get to the "it just works" part without having to Delete this double up (32GB "backups") via terminal etc....
I noticed that finder is not displaying all files when I look at folders with lots of files in "icon view" mode but they do show up in "list view" Same thing happened with the computer at work. I'm using OS X Leopard on both.
I just converted from a PC to an iMac and am working my way through the learning curve.One thing that I've encountered is that I cannot view .avi files that I took using a flipcam. Can someone please point me in the right direction as to a program I need to download that will allow me to do so.
I can't view pdf files from my iMac anymore. I tried it with 3 different browsers-Safari, Frefox, and Camino and it made no difference except that with Safari I got a black webpage and with the others just a blank page. I uninstalled Adobe Reader and reinstalled it it but that didn't help. I've enable cookies on all the browsers.
Upon upgrading to Lion, I can no longer view pdf files unless downloaded and then opened. When attempting to view pdf files in Safari all I get is a black screen. I am able to download most files and then view, but some sites don't have that option.
Another issue that I can't seem to fix and I think first appeared with Snow Leopard is that whenever I open Safari I get a message about my version of Safari doesn't support Community Toolbar although have upgraded my browser whenever a new version is availalbe.
I was playing with the different display configurations and options in the Finder trying to figure out what suited me best. I right-clicked on "All My Files" and there was an option to add a search bar to the file. I clicked on this to see what happened and all the files were gone and the full search bar was at the top of the page with all the filters (like 3 or 4 lines worth) displayed. I went back to All My Files, right-clicked again and there was an option to Remove Search Bar (or something like that I dont remember exactly). When I clicked on this the search bar was still displayed but without all the lines of filters and I still can not see any of my files.
I right-clicked again on All My Files and there was no longer anything in the menu about the search bar, the right-click menu magically changed from four items to three. I have looked at all the view options and tried to figure out what happened but I am at a loss as to what I did that made All My Files search only (or at least that's what seems to have happened). This obviously doesnt stop me from being able to view the files through other routes (i.e. clicking on Documents in the Favorites sidebar, selecting Computer from the Go tab, clicking on Macintosh HD on the desktop) but is still quite annoying.
What application do I need to open files with a .wmv extension? I get emails with attachments with this file extension and Quicktime can't open the file.
I also trashed the Adobe Reader Internet Plug-in in the Library. I still can't open some pdf files (e.g., bank monthly statements). A window opens showing the statement (which should be pdf), but when I try to save: File>Save, I get a window that opens that includes: "Export As: Statement. html" and "Format: Page Source." The Format selection feature opens a pulldown menu that allows "Web Archeive" as the only other choice. Is there anything else here that I need to delete? How is it that I can still download some pdf files, view them, and save them? This problem is happening on the monthly statements for a couple of financial institutions and not others!
I have previously had no trouble viewing pdf files from various websites, however am now unable to. It appears to be loading and then just comes up with a blank screen. I am able to view pdf files which have been emailed without problem. I have removed Acrobat Reader & reloaded but this has not helped. I am able to view pdfs on our laptop & ipad and the settings appear to be the same.Â
I recently had an external 500 gig Western Digital that stopped working. I took to store and had them transfer the data onto a new external portable hard drive (1.5 gig). At store they hooked up to Mac Book and showed me the files in the itunes folder, however when I connect the drive at home to my imac running tiger 10.4.6 none of the files are visible in the itunes folder.
All the other backup files are fine. And when I right click on iTunes folder >Get Info. It says zero kb in the folder. However I know the files are there because itunes is working and playing them fine. And when I search for a band and open the folder of say "pearl jam" folder it then magically shows just those sub folder for that group in the itunes folder. It seems that the files are definitely there I just can't view them.
I used to be able to view TIFF files from the US patent office using Safari and Quicktime.. but it no longer works.. the QT logo comes up then disappears and the page is blank. OSX 10.7.3.. Safari 5.1.3.. QT 10.1.
I have an older MBP (2.2Ghz, 2GB RAM, 120GB HD) and am having problems with PDF files. Well, I guess it would be better described as annoyances with PDF files. I use Adobe Reader and the lag when scrolling is unbearable. Does anyone know of a way to fix this? Can anyone suggest alternate programs that may remedy my problem.
I am manually moving files from a Time Machine backup. How do I view the user's home Library files that are in the backup? I need to move over some of their preferences and bookmarks.
I'm trying to copy ACL files from msword to get my auto-correct files installed and was given instructions which dont follw it- as all full the address train is not visible?