OS X V10.7 Lion :: How To Find Hidden Movie Files On MacBook
Apr 28, 2012
I've deleted all the movies from my mac and when I open my system profile it shows I have 42GB of movies somewhere hidden on my macbook. I've tried searching .mov in my spotlight (which yields nothing) and manually searching through the iTunes folder and movies folder (which are empty). Where I can find these hidden movie files -- 42gb is pretty hefty.
I did a search for a downloaded file. Result came back Home>Library>Filename. Cool. Problem is this: When I go to Home, there is no file named Library, nor is there a mail downloads file. Is the file hidden and, if so, how do I show it?
I have a decompression bomb in hidden folder /.MobileBackups. I cannot open the folder even though I am the administrator. How to I delete the bad file?
Cannot find some files (my templates folder in Microsoft Word, I know the location of the folder but it will not show in Finder), tried holding down option key when selecting folders to show hidden folders but it did not work.
This past weekend I transferred my OS and apps to a newly installed SSD drive.
During the process I had to move some files around in order to get The OS and Apps on the SSD.
I used a technique that utilizes the Terminal and the chflags command.
My issue is now I can not hide the files and folders that are usually hidden.
I can't remember the exact method I used to unhide hidden folders and files. I can't even find a reference to it in my web browsers history.I have searched on the web for solutions along these lines:Â defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -boolean FALSE ; killall Finderchflags hidden sudo chflags hiddenÂ
But none of these approaches have worked. I have downloaded Onyx, TinkerTool and Show Hide Invisible Files.
I have used them as best I understand to hide the normally hidden files and folders, but nothing has worked.
Does anyone know where the "Welcome Movie" the one after the finished tiger install is done. Its the movie with 7 or 8 different country welcomes? I'm trying to find it in the OS but the folder is hidden. I wanna see it again before I upgrade to bigger internal HDD.
Moved all my movies audio etc and stored on external HDD, but as I have lion and time machine it saved a local back up so that when time machine was synced it didn't miss anything.Seems sensible, so next step was to sync time machine, expecting that the local back up would disappear when it shifted to TM. It didn't...why in gods green earth is the local back up there even though TM connected the whole time and up to date? Â I've restarted, loaded all updates and verified disk. How do I get to the "it just works" part without having to Delete this double up (32GB "backups") via terminal etc....
I came across a computer that had something like a "DVD MOVIE" file.
It was basically vob files packaged inside a "DVD MOVIE" so when you clicked on it, it would play like a dvd movie. I have extracted some VOB files from a DVD disc to have a "VIDEO_TS" folder containing the movie, but of course I can only play the VOB files in a program like VLC...my question is - What do i need to do to put these vob files into this "DVD FILE" folder or whatever so i can just click on it and it play a normal dvd? It may have said "Movie file"..
Saw today in Lions new layout under "This Computer" that my harddrive contains 147GB (out of 320 GB) of movies.Â
Is there any clever way to track those movie files.Â
The movie files are probably spread all over the computer. I have for instace made a great deal of Final Cut clips
that tend to be saved in several copies spread in different folders. Besides that, I probably have film and film clips in every imaginable file format that have been saved and forgotten through the years :-) (my iMac is from -07)Â Â
My MacBook Air shows that I am using about 44gb. However, when I calculate each folder, they total only 30gb. I am assuming that the difference is made up of hidden/deleted files. How do I find and delete unnecessary hidden files.
But when I went to find the files I could not find them, even using Finder and Spotlight. I eventually found them using 'EasyFind' but I am still perplexed as to why I cannot see them. I can see other files in my downloads file and on my desktop!
I just bought a new macbook pro with maverick 10.9.3 I believe and made my hidden files viewable to extract certain data. But now I want to hide the files again how do I go about doing that?Â
I'm trying to copy ACL files from msword to get my auto-correct files installed and was given instructions which dont follw it- as all full the address train is not visible?
Might seem like a stupid question, but I have an SD card with hidden files filling it up to capacity. I want to delete these but I can't. I can see them, but when I hit delete it makes that noise that says you cant do this, and I cannot drag to the bin either.
i downloaded lamesecure and put a password on a folder. for whatever reasons i took the password off and now when i open the folder my files aren't there. Only a contents folder is now showing, But the folder still says the original size of 2.7g.
Namely: Library and its contents. If Windows can do it, I'm confident Leopard 10.5.6 can too. None of the myriad permutations of the below Terminal command work.
Code: # defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool TRUE # KillAll Finder When I "search this Mac" in the Finder or querry Spotlight, I want nothing but nothing excluded from results. I am not a computer retard in danger of ruining my OS through hasty file relocation or deletion. I want my search returns to include even the most sensitive system files which, if accidentally deleted, would cause my Mac Pro to reach out through my monitor and stab me in the face.
Folder example: There are several folders called "Mozilla" on my system, and yours if you use Firefox. Good luck finding a folder called "Mozilla" using the Finder or Spotlight. You'll have to know where it is and manually navigate there.
File example: I have a file called userChrome.css buried in users/me/Library/AS/Mozilla/ext/yadaYoda, But when I search for "userChrome.css" - Mac OS peers out at me through it's glowing red eye and says, very calmly, "What are you doing Dave? I can't let you do that Dave."
Can anyone tell me how to really & truly include ALL files and folders in searches? I'll reiterate that I've tried a dozen terminal commands I found online.
So at my office we move from logic (obviously mac based workstation) to a PC workstation to upload audio files.
We've encountered a growing issue which is the hidden .DS and ._* files.
These files are hidden in every folder on mac but when we move a folder with say 100 audio files bounced from logic to a PC every audio file has a ._ alias and each folder has a .DS alias.
Right now the only way we can fix it is manually removing all the hidden files on the PC. We have tried a Terminal script that removes the ._ files but they seem to just recreate themselves.
I know that I have many duplicate downloads (particularly Adobe Reader Files) that I would like to trash. Is there an easier way to find duplicates other than opening them all and comparing them?
I have backed up my image files to an external drive. I use Bridge to view and sort images that came with Photoshop CS5.0 i have built some collections and would like these to move with the images on to to my back up drive so i can acess them from both my MacBook and my iMac, both are 10.7.3 mid 2007 machines. the images appear along with and labels (colours and stars) but collections do not!
I installed Migration Assistant and everything seemed to work fine, transferred a bunch of stuff from my PC and it said it was complete. Now I can't find the transferred files anywhere.