Intel Mac :: Remove A Foreign Object In Disk Drive?
Mar 24, 2012
Does anyone know how to remove a foreign object from the DVD/CD disk drive. I've accidently put a digital camera card in this drive and can't get it out. It won't eject because it doesn't recognise it. I've tried putting a DVD in to see if it would eject with that put it just ejects the DVD.
I don't have an icon on desktop indicating a disk is in CD slot. But when I turn off or turn on, it makes sounds like a disk is trying to eject. When I push the eject button nothing happens. How do I get disk out?
I have my internal hard drive (running 10.5) encrypted with PGP Whole Disk on my internal hard disk. I want to buy a new Mac and I have a full backup. Can I remove my internal drive, put it in an enclosure, connect it to another Mac with PGP installed, and mount it as a standard PGP encrypted whole disk?
By mistake I now have two Skype volumes on my hard disk. As soon as I click on the icon on my desktop the 'Trash' is changed to an eject icon. Trying different methods all result in some message preventing the delete option. I also have similar difficulties deleting a downloaded GraphicsConverter app.
I have read most things to do with the grey screen and the screen with the question mark, and it's obvious I have to put some sort of disks in, but there is already a disk stuck in the drive?
So i put the OSX disk in (10.3) and when i make it boot from the disk the mac logo pops up then it shifts a quarter inch to the right and freezes. I then tried booting it normally and pressed the install button now it boots off the CD automatically with the same result and can't be turned off. Is there an emergency disk remove thing for a powerbook G4? And is there a way to reformat my computer without the disk?
I just removed over 1000 cookies. They were bogging the system down to the point of having some pages freeze. I then closed Safari. I launched Safari again a few minutes later and all the cookies were back, even though the only site I went to was the Apple open page.
I have an iMac (2009 acquired) 3.06GHZ - Mac OSX 10.6.8 - 4GB mem.
I am experience CD/DVD drive problem with some CDs with photos: The drive starts accessing the disk
but at some point (say, midway through a 300 pic cd) seems to stop recognizing the presence of photos on the disk.
At that point, Preview cannot access such "unrecognized" photos and Icon vew does not show such "unrecognixed" photos. It is as if the drive is not able to explore the entire disk.
Same seems to happen when I write to a blank DVD disk: some material ends up not being written to disk.
Gray screen and 'prohibited' logo appeared today without apparent reason.Forced a power down by holding power button. Restarted....eventually reached user login screen but froze again on login attempt after password entered.
Restrated again by forced power down but only got gray screen and spinning gear.
Have now spent many hours going through most conceivable options including...
following instructions on re gray screen troubleshooting
have disconnected peripherals; reset smu, smc, and pram;
safe boot w shift key did nothing;
safe boot shift+v produced a screen of text that got as far as 1
but then several lines of text appeared repeating twice eaxctly same, each headed by disk0s2: I/O error. with [ErrNo 5], then
dyld: Library not loaded: and Reason: no suitable image found
final line ends with The System bootstrapper has crashed: Trace/BPT trap:5
I have tried installing from the original install disk several times but holding C key or Option/Alt key or D key gets no response and I cannot get the install disk to eject either holding down mouse button, eject button
I haven't done any recent upgrades or installed new software, no new peripherals attached.
Is this a dead hard drive or does someone have other suggestions that might work?
For a program I have to access a local disk as network drive. The path has to be the network path and not the local path (with the disk name) how can I do this?
I had to power off my iMac by Pressing the power key and holding it several times over the last few weeks. The last time it wouldn't reboot - I'd just get an apple icon. When I tried a safe boot I'd get the icon and it would change to a no entry sign.Next I started up from the snow leopard installation disk with the intent of repairing the iMac disk. The installation disk worked but when I opened disk utility it only found the installation disk. It didn't find the iMac disk.
I have a iMac (iMac7,1) Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz that is 5 years old. The MATSHITADVD-R UJ-875 (DB09) Superdrive has been replaced once already. It is malfucntioning again. I was wondering if there were any troubleshooting steps I could take that I am unaware of before I replace the drive.
It seems to be a mechanical issue. The drive attempts to eject a disk - it sound like the disk is ejecting, yet it cannot. It keeps attempting to eject the disk over and over again. It has happened with a number of different disks, often after some time the disk will eventually eject. This time this one seems to be stuck for good. [URL]
Info: iMac 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo w/ 4 GB RAM, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I've got a Transcend 8GB usb drive and i want to erase everything on it but i can't. I know that the best way to do this is the Disk Utility (Because Finder can't erase them too. When I drag and drop to the bin, it says "43 files cannot be deleted")
When i attempt to format, this message appears from disk utility: and also, another message appears at the same time.I just wanted to format my disk. But i can still see the content in the disk. But can't copy them to desktop.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), iMac G5 from 2005, but it's intel.
The problem that I am having is copying and pasting keyframes from one object to another. How I am currently trying to do this is by highlighting all of the keyframes within one object (a blue rectangle), and pasting them onto a image within Motion 5.
I am able to copy the keyframes from the object but unable to paste them, as the paste button is greyed out. I have tried using different groups and also adding them to the same group, but I'm still having this problem.
I have a mid-2010 iMac. Recently, it has failed to mount DVDs, either video or data, on a reliable basis. I have been able to work around it by restarting my iMac, but that doesn't always work.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), mid-2010 model
Lowest standard in computer programming since 1984! No info, how long copying object to a iphone will last in step 6, not at least? Are waiting hours,unable to leave the house because iphone is connected.How knows other sw with such user unfriendlyness (this is the question)?
I have a macbook air. My problem is that it has a total of 120 gb and 50 gb are taken by the section of other. However i dont recall downloading something that has that size. and none of my other documents add up to 50 gb.
I'm using a 20" white intel iMac and cannot manage to remove a linux boot disc from the optical drive.At first, the only way that i managed to boot to the linux disc in the first place was from the Startup Disk menu in OSX. I could not even get to the Startup Manager ('opt' at boot) or boot straight to the disc ('C').Now i'm in a position where no matter what i do, the system boots to the linux disc. I cannot even force the startup into OSX to try to eject the disc from there. I've tried holding all of these keys/combinations at startup
I have to send my iMac 27 back to apple for replacement (flickering screen issue) and I would like to erase my personal information. How do I do that on a Mac? I have a Lacie Drive connected via Firewire 800 and have been using Time Machine for backups. I also want to make sure that I have a complete backup as well. I am new to Mac OS X
Information: iMac 27 & MacBook Pro Mac OS X (10.6.2)