Intel Mac :: How To Restore Vertical Scroll Bar On In Page Of Email
Mar 30, 2012
How do I restore the vertical scroll bar on the in page of my e-mail.. It has disappeared, but one is still visible on the sent page and on the trash page.
One of the pop-window in our web- application is not showing the vertical scroll bar in safari 5.0.5 only. This is on Snow Leopard. The scroll bar appears in later versions of safari like safari 5.1.1. etc.
Stopped working a couple of days ago. It will scroll up and I can click in the side bar and move up or down but not when I use the little ball on top of the mouse.
That is, if I'm reading an article, and I put the cursor at the bottom of the scroll bar, and click once, Firefox will scroll two or three sections sometimes. This is very annoying, and didn't happen in Firefox 2.0. To clarify, I'm reading, and I click once, and want the page to jump down one section, and instead it jumps two or three. I've experimented with autoscrolling on/off, and this doesn't help the problem. Should I switch back to Firefox 2.0? One solution is to position the cursor barely below where I want to go, so Firefox can't jump ahead, but I find this annoying and would just as soon switch back to 2.0.
For years "Print" opened with the Orientation pre-set to print vertically, which is what I wish to use 95% of the time. Recently my Print began invariably printing Horizontally which I forget to change and I end up with a wasted  piece of paper.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4), Using HughesNet satellite
How do I restore scroll bar arrows in Lion? Â In my audio editing app I sometimes like to use the scroll bar arrows for small movement. For some reason, Lion no longer seems to offer scroll bar arrows.
Why am I recently unable to use my mouse to scroll email topics or content? I can only use the up and down arrows keys to scroll. I am able to use my mouse to scroll through internet searches. It only seems to have affected my email messages.
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), This problem just started recently
I have two iCloud email accounts and hoping that when in iCloud I can see both accounts at the same time (like I can in Apple and Outlook Mail). Is this possible? A Real pain to have to constantly logout of one account and login to the other to check mail on my MacBook Pro
Whenever I watch videos or anything that moves I will see a line going through the video. Its not very visible, But its still there. Some say it could be a virus, others say hardware problems.
I started noticing what I describe as ant-lines running vertically across my late 2009 27" iMac. I am fairly certain that they were not there before but I can't really remember. I did a search and found some discussions regrading video issues and vertical line anomalies but none like what I am seeing. url...It's noticable from a distance of about 2 feet and closer. It's not visible on white or black but midtones is where I see it. It gets really distracting at about 20" and closer, especially in iPhoto when scrolling through photos.Has anyone else seen anything like this and do you guys think I will have any luck getting something like this fixed with a Genius appointment? I do still have AppleCare.
I have been a Mac user for 20 years because their product has been reliable despite the higher cost. Recently a pink verticle line started left side of screen. My extended care has expired. They charged me $49 to talk to tech support who said it was a hardware problem. They said the cost would be mine. I explained how numerous complaints about this issue is on the internet and they should pay for the repair. i have to drive 50 miles to an authorized Mac repair shop. I am disgusted with their product and lack of concern for an ongoing problem. Probably will not buy another Apple product since they care so little about quality anymore.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), upgraded system last year to 10.7.4
I want to be able to send an email message with a specific keyword in the subject and only a URL in the body.
Here's where Automator needs to come in: When an email with the subject keyword is received, have Safari open the URL contained in the body of the message. Copy all of the text from the opened URL. Compose a new email message and paste in the text copied from the web page, and email it back to the original sender. Close Safari.
I'm having huge issues with my 20-inch early 2008 iMac running 10.7.3. I upgraded my RAM (to 4Gb) 8 months ago and everything was running nice and easy until I upgraded to Lion. Either one of these things happen:Â My screen goes entirely grey or blue with white faded thin vertical stripes at random timesMac freezes working with any Adobe applications (mouse cursor still works but I can't click anything until I turn off and on)Mac freezes for a while and after a 30-second delay clicking and pressing buttons frantically everything goes back to normalÂ
The strangest thing is that when I play Sims 3 for example (a beast of RAM and video drainer) nothing happens. I tried almost everything from repairing permissions to re-install my memory modules. I couldn't run the hardware test.Â
Note: I live in Brazil so sending my machine to a Genius Bar is completely off the question.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 20 inch (early 2008), Core 2 Duo
I have recently noticed two vertical lines (seem to be a lighter shade of display screen color) running top to bottom on my desktop. They stay on my display screen all of the time. This lovely old guy was purchased May 2006 but has every upgrade (except Lion....running Snow Leopard) and full component of memory...serves me well but I need to know if this is a sign I am losing my hardware.
Info: Imac with Intel Core Duo, Mac OS X (10.4.11), 512 MB memory 160GB