Intel Mac :: HD Found Corrupt And Needs To Be Repaired - Install Disk Internal Or On CD?
Apr 17, 2012
I am having a very slow running iMac on snow leopard 10.6.8, and using disk utility, am being told the disk needs to be repaired.
Error: This disk needs to be repaired. Start up your computer with another disk (such as your Mac OS X installation disc), and then use Disk Utility to repair this disk. The volume Macintosh HD was found corrupt and needs to be repaired.
Missing thread record (id = 1322757) Incorrect number of thread records
Invalid volume file count (It should be 880464 instead of 880473)
So I need to find my installation disk, and my question is: is this installation disk internal, somewhere within the iMac, or is in on a physical cd somewhere in my mess?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), only 6GB free space
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Mar 26, 2012
I seem to be getting an error message when i run Disk Utility, it says "Invalid Block Count, your disk is corrupt and needs to be repaired". I then repair it using the Lion recovery disk and it repairs it. Maybe a month or so down the line it appears again I then do the same and the end result is the same, can anyone help with this as it is worrying me. Also is there any way you can get rid of the bad sectors in the HDD when problems appear?
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Mar 11, 2012
Since a week or 3 my Imac is bleeping whenever the harddisk is put to work. Before this it was impossible to make a time machine copy, it would hang at a certain point. I recently did a disk utility scan which could not be finished (aborted by the system) as it was saying (translated from Dutch):
"Volume-information being checked Wrong amount of free blocks on this volume (Has to be 38684126 in stead of 38684119)The volume 'Macintosh HD' is damaged and need to be repaired.Error: this disk needs to be repaired. Restart system with another disk (like Mac OS X-installdisk) and use disk utility to repair this disk."
So I put the installdisk 1 in, but the Imac spits it out, refuses to start up in harddisk repair mode or any other mode at all. It just spits it out and starts as usual. Install disk 2 it doesnt spit out, but I can only open a read me file. Like said, the Imac works fine, except that it is guided by literaly hundreds of beeps in high and low, short and long. I feel like being at a supermarket having my items scanned. That is what it sounds like. It is quite vocal but annoying and seem to multiply every day. In the beginning it only did at start up just a few beeps, then it got more, and now it beeps also in sleep mode.
I cannot do a disk repair, also not with the latest OS X update (snowleopard, since Lion is not working on my 1GB drive). I do notice though that the difference in this error code is getting bigger, it used to be just one block difference, now it is 7.
Also I took the memory modules out yesterday and put them back in, as I heard this can also help get rid of the beeps. It did not solve anything at all.I can't find anything on this problem on internet, because all beep related topics are about the error codes for the RAM drives. These are not the same sounds. Another attempt was to install the cms program to avoid overheating fans. Also no improvement.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 19, 2012
I used Carbon Copy Cloner to back up to an external hd. Do I now erase the hd reistall the mac os, then pull my files and apps fom the ext hd?
imac 24", Mac OS X (10.5.6)
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Jul 2, 2012
Disk Warrior reported a damaged resource header that cannot be repaired. The resource header is in an "older" file format (rsrc). I have been having fairly frequent freezes of the system and Disk Utility reporting a corrupted HD which Disk Unility is always able to repair and report the HD to be O.K. Could the damaged header be the cause of the freezes? If so, can anything be done about it if Warrior says it cannot be repaired?
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Mar 19, 2012
My imac G5 failed to start properly today, just getting grey screen. I tried all the things suggested in the postings and managed to get it to the stage where I could reinstall via Time Machine etc but there was no disc to find on the imac to install the data too. Has my hard drive died? what do I do now?
PowerBook G4, IMac, Mac OS X (10.5.3)
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Dec 4, 2014
Disk Utility when I run verify says I need to reboot from the Repair Disk. I tried (twice) and it shows no problems. When I reboot normally, and run DU, I get the same error. Which result should I believe?? And is there a workaround? Using 10.10.1 / Air late 2011.
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2011), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Jun 6, 2008
I'm not really sure what to do or what exactly is wrong. I'm hoping not to reboot or reinstall all together, but if I have to... I suppose there's no choice. I tried 'Verify Disk' from the utilities, but is fails and says
Invalid volume file count
(It should be 712836 instead of 712840)
Invalid volume directory count
(It should be 171417 instead of 171413)
The volume Macintosh HD needs to be repaired.
Error: Filesystem verify or repair failed.
I tried doing a 'Repair Disk' from the installation CD, but it says it fails because it could not unmount the HD.
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Feb 2, 2012
I am in need of some cleaning up of my hard drive. Here is what I have done so far. I purchase a 2 TB hard drive, I also have a 500 GB, both external. I have created 2, 1TB partitions. One is for the time machine and the other is for my music, imovies, large artwork files and random documents. Now that all of that is off of the internal hard drive, I need to clean up the dirve do that when I look at the drive, it doesn't say 2 GB available.
iMovie '08, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 11, 2012
Been trying to find an internal blu-ray burner drive to install on my 24 inch iMac 2.4. Does anyone know of an internal drive I can use.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 24, 2012
On one of our MacBook Pros (Late-2011), running the latest OS X 10.7.3, Disk Utility says the volume needs to be repaired. When I use Disk Utility from the Recovery HD, it says the volume appears to be OK. I verified by using fsck in single-user mode, and it found no problems either. Which do I believe? Is this a sign of a soon-to-fail hard drive?
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May 21, 2012
I already repaired the rights on the disk. Mac does not drive down, obviously after certain programs have been started. One of those programs is itunes. I have to use the power switch button for switching it off. Mac can be driven down normally immediately after start-up.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 1, 2014
when using OnyX or Disk First Aid, a message states to restart the computer, holding Command-R and to repair my disk.Every single time, the disk turns out to be OK.
Question 1: Is this a false reading, or is the disk actually being fixed by the Control-R combination?
Question 2: If it is NOT a false reading, since my programs don't crash and I always shut down properly, what could cause the errors?
Macbook Pro 13, 10.9.4, 4GB RAM
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Jun 30, 2012
I've used the disk repair utility and repaired successfully. My book is still frozen at the logo and spinning cog. I have to hit the power button to shut down - And the hard drive gets super heated. What else to do?
Pro, Mac OS X
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Jul 15, 2009
I've a Macbook that was running Tiger. The other day it froze, and on restart it couldn't find the startup disk. Tried to run Disk Utility but it didn't even see the disk. I tried the disk in a cradle on another computer but it wouldn't work.
So, I reasoned it was a fault with the drive. Bought a new Hitachi drive. Put it in the Macbook. Started the install but exactly the same problem - the disk is not to be seen, not by the installer, not by Disk Utility, not in System Profiler.
I ran the Apple Hardware Test and chose the extended one with looping. Ran it for hours. It says that it can't find a problem.
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Oct 22, 2009
Is it possible to install Windows 7 on an internal disk via Boot Camp and then remove this disk and use it as an external drive? I have two drives for my mini, one in use and one in an external case; unfortunately, neither have room for everything plus Windows. If the answer to this question is no, then I'll buy a bigger drive. I'd just like to avoid this if possible (I already have a ton of external drives and not enough ports to plug them into).
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May 19, 2012
My MacbookPro sound suddenly stopped working. It was working fine yesterday, but rght after I unplugged the headset, I don't have any sound anymore. I do not have any red light on the audio jack. I do not have any internal and output devices found under the System Preferences. I already tried resetting the PRAM and NVRAM, SMC and nothing works! I have the latest verion 10.7.4, Core i7.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 30, 2007
Started G5, got a question mark. Rebooted from disk. Tried to repair. Told me it could not exit and complete repair to HD. Restarted again. This time everything in utility window red. Message is Fatal Hardware error to disk utility. Back-up if not completely failed and replace with new drive.
Not great at behind the scenes with my mac. Does this mean a shop visit. Any estimate on cost to me. Had lots of Macs. This is the first to crash and burn and its not that old.
Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jan 13, 2011
In 09 I got my first mac and loved it. I had about a year to get to know it. its file structure, file types etc. So to say the least, I didnt have enough time to really get everything down pat. Like where all the specific files are, etc. I ended up 1300 bucks short for my engagement ring so it was either sell my car or my macbook (I made the wrong choice.) At the time I had a 512GB Intel SSD in the main drive bay and a hitachi travelstar 500GB 7200 RPM drive in the optibay. I had used Carbon copy cloner NUMEROUS times during testing and messing around with the dual drives and different partitions (at one point having OSX, XP and Linux on at the same time.) So to say the least I was very familiar with how to use CCC. So when I sold my MBP I threw the optic drive back in and sold it with the SSD. I took my 500GB hitachi drive, formated it in an external closure and used CCC to image my mac. It has ALL my pictures and home movies on it allong with a lot of programs. I think I was using something like 400GB of the 500 GB drive. All the personal files were encrypted using disk utility. Then I booted it to make sure it worked. Everything worked great So I put the now external drive in a case and it sat inside of a drawer.
fast forward to now. I purchased my mother a mac mini for christmas. This was a great opportunity to get all my encrypted pics and movies off the drive. So i plugged in the drive via USB, rebooted holding option and it shows the drive but wont let me boot it. When I plug in the drive while the mac is on, a message pops up saying "the disk was not readable by this computer". When I open disk utility and try to repair it, it says disk utility cant repair, back up as many files as possible, blah blah blah. the only info it gives me is the name of the disk which is disk2s2, and that it is formated as mac os extended. Apparently Between me testing to see if this disk was bootable, packing it up and storing it in a drawer and pulling it out a year later it got corrupt and wont boot. So here is the deal. I installed Data rescue 3. The first option I try is quick scan. DR3 tells me right away that the boot files are corrupt and it will need deep scan. So I run Deep scan and 10 hours later I have A LOT of system files. I have tried to go through it and find the encrypted files (which should just be dmg's right?) but no luck. Is there anything else anyone can think of to get the files off of this "corrupt" drive? I dont have enough experience with the Mac file system and just the mac in general to get this thing to work.
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Nov 29, 2009
I was using my MacBook (Late 08' Unibody Backlit) listening to a bit of Spotify ect. Shut it down normally. When I booted later on I turned it on and a progress bar comes up goes not very far across at all and starts again. Get's to roughly the same point only to shut down. This has happened consistently. Windows 7 still works though so that rules out a complete Hard Disk failure. I have tried booting from SL DVD and repairing permissions and the disk only to be presented with an error message telling me to backup as many files as I can and restore. (If I new how to backup these files I most certainly would). After this I tried to install SL again (I understand the default is an archive and install) and before it even starts it tells me that it cannot be installed on this disk.
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Mar 28, 2012
My Finder says that I have about 50GB free, Disk Utility says I have about 20GB free, and Boot Camp says I have less than 10GB free. I ran a Disk Verify in my Mac OS Partition, it says the OS disk is corrupt. I went to the Recovery Partition, it says everything is fine. What do I do to fix these issues?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 11, 2010
I am considering purchasing diskwarrior but want to make sure it can help my situation before I purchase it. My imac will not boot from the internal hard drive (Intel processor) When I use disk utility to try and repair the disk, I get error messages and it won't repair. I can see the HD but cannot repair it. When I connect using target mode with my mac book pro, the hard drive does not appear on my host (macbook pro) computer. I have reloaded OS X (Leopard) onto a firewire external drive and can boot my imac that way but I can not find my original internal Macintosh HD. Will disk warrior be able to help with this scenario. I would really like to access that internal Macintosh HD and retrieve my files.
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Jan 1, 2008
I have 2 internal Serial-ATA disks:
Both were checked (with Disk Utility and DiskWarrior) and are OK. But only one of the two disks shows in the Startup Disk list in System Preferences->Startup Disk.
PowerMac G5 / OS X (V.10.4.11)
3GB memory
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Aug 28, 2014
I am trying to repair my mac. But in disk utility, the hard disk is not visible to proceed. Its showing disk0 -> volume with only 1.79GB. and all the options are disabled. The capacity of my mac book pro was 500GB.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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May 24, 2012
I'm reinstalling since it seems the only solution to a failure of the drag and drop function. But disk two of the reinstall disks does not complete, I get a grey screen must restart computer in 4 languages. The computerr rejects other disks like tech tool, it wants to complete the reinstall with disk 2 only. Very frustrating. This is the iMac duo core from @ 2006? when they first came out.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Mar 22, 2012
I have just installed Windows vista onto my Mac but when using boot camp it only gives me the option of creating a Windows 7 install disk.where I can get a Windows Vista install disk?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 20, 2009
The internal hard drive on my early 2009 iMac is being replaced but I have to reinstall Snow Leopard myself.I did search in MRoogle and at Apple and cannot seem to find instructions on how to perform a clean Snow Leopard install on an iMac internal HD.
Can I do this? And if so how? Or do you think I should try and install Leopard on the existing Hd in the iMac? I still have these discs but have to get the SL applications install disc out of my drive (it's stuck and the iMac won't boot past the blue screen).
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Mar 23, 2012
I am trying to install lion and receive a message saying it can't make a recovery disk. I am using a 2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac. I do have bootcamp on it, but was never able to install Windows.
iMac (24-inch), Mac OS X (10.6.8), 2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
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May 7, 2012
my password is accepted at iTune and Apple store,But not to install the today purchase of Micro Soft Office/mac
APP for iMac-CCIND-NT, Mac OS X (10.5)
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May 26, 2012
I have a 2008 iMac running Lion 10.7.2. I am trying to reset my Admin P/W,( I do not remember setting one up in the first place, but trying to use Terminal recently to do Maintenance scripts, it asked for one, which I cannot oblige it with). (I only put in a Master P/W).
The method I have been reading requires using the original software disk supplied with the Mac. My iMac came with Leopard, whch I upgraded to Snow Leopard and now to Lion.
Will the original Leopard disk be suitable for the above? or do I require the Lion recovery or whatever to do this task.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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