Intel Mac :: Finder Quits / Stalls And Freezes - Electrical Damage?
Jul 2, 2012
My 2.33gh intel core 2 is acting erratic. The finder quits, stalls and turns off and then reappears. Programs fail. adobe will not run. It was on during the huge electrical storm last weekend. It started acting like this after. It was on a surge protector, but those are not 100%.
I can get a ways into backing up files. I am attempting to install Lion, but I did not journal the partition. And It looks like I have to clean install and erase the HD. If power surge did damage, software will not work. Does the finder issue look like electrical damage?
iPhone 3GS, iOS 4.3.2
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May 16, 2012
I recently downloaded some updates onto my MacBook Air, including the latest version of Adobe Flash. Computer stalls whenever I try to install Flash and also when I open Firefox and sometimes in Safari.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 18, 2012
I am having finder freeze all the time.I am using Lion and am new to Mac in general.I try to force quit and relaunch but it will hang the system forcing me to power it down.
iMac, iOS 5.1.1
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Mar 4, 2009
Mac Mail freezes and quits when I try to change the font size in preferences. Why?
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Nov 17, 2009
I've tried to get Remobo to work on Leopard and Snow Leopard, and after the initial 'Create an Account' screen comes up, I fill in the form, and hit the 'Create' button, it freezes, then quits. I try again, and it just crashes before even getting started. Anyone had this issue and overcome it successfully? I"m looking for a good replacement to LogMeIn (no longer supported for Mac).
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Mar 5, 2010
It happened 3 times today and at most 20 times within the last 3 months. When using Quick Look to view movie files, the movie freezes and the Finder restarts. Kinda annoying. No error message shows up after the restart.
MBP 2.66GHz
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Dec 25, 2008
I am operating OSX 10.4.11 on a 2005 Power PC G5. My Finder has started quitting about every 1.5 minutes. I've trashed the preferences several times to no avail. I've trashed a couple of programs I downloaded recently and which I'm not using, but no change.
I THINK it started happening after I downloaded the most recent MAC Security Update but I'm not positive.
If I boot up in
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Feb 28, 2012
I have an early 2008 MacPro-10GB memory. Recently switched out two of the drives and decided to try a mirrored RAID setup with 2 3TB Seagate Barracuda drives as the boot set (using Lion 10.7.2). Ever since, I have had random episodes where the finder quits, everything closes and then the finder comes back up and is ready to go but all my programs have been shut down in the process.It can happen as often as four times an hour. I don't lose more than a couple of minutes of work but if I'm iChatting, I suddenly lose the connection or scanning stops or printing stops. Should I not have tried to set up the RAID?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 10, 2008
I recently ran Disk Utility on my MacBook (OS 10.4.11), and it said the node structure was invalid. The next day, I repaired the disk with DiskWarrior (I didn't have an OS X disk around, so I couldn't use Disk Utility).
However! Before I tried using DiskWarrior, I repaired permissions in Disk Utility, figuring that it was good routine maintenance. Disk Utility changed some permissions, and ever since, the Finder immediately quits and restarts when I navigate to certain folders. The "bad folders" seem to vary with no apparent cause: for a while it only cared about a certain folder inside my home folder, but now it's started to quit whenever I navigate to my home folder (which means I can't use Command-N, though I can make new windows by clicking on the hard drive's desktop icon). Occasionally it lets me go to my home folder for no apparent reason, and sometimes I can get to otherwise "bad" folders by clicking on my shortcuts on the leftmost panel of the finder window (though not always). In short, it's not very consistent, and changes over time. It's still doing this even after repairing the disk, zapping PRAM, and trying fsck (which said the disk was OK). Both Disk Utility and DiskWarrior think my permissions are fine.
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Sep 27, 2010
My Finder "quits" or "restarts" when I try to access any file other than a single file that is on the Desktop.
WANT: To repair the operation of the finder so I have access to all my files.
SYSTEM: I am currently running OS 10.5.8 on an older Macbook, with a 325 GB HD. (Note: I started having this trouble on OS 10.5.7 but upgraded to 10.5.8 but the problem still persisted.)
1. Most of the time when I access my files on the file called Dons MacBook all the file information shown on the Desktop will disappear and then reappear in a second similar to when you are starting the OS. The Finder itself, with all the files listed, will not appear
2. However, sometimes the Finder WILL appear and when all the files are shown and i click on any file or folder the "busy" circle will appear for a time and then the Desktop will "quit" or "reset" again as describe above.
3. I ran Disk Doctor from my start up disk. The disk needed no repairs. When I went to "Verify Disk Premissions" I received the following: "Error: No valid packages."
4. Forum research told me that I needed a "Basesystem.pkg" installed in my Library file but even if I found one on the net or my original OS CD I do not have access to my Library folder because when I try to access it in the Finder, if the Finder actually appears, it "resets" as described above.
5. All the programs on my Dock will start and operate normally. These programs "go get" stored files and run them normally. From that I know that the "resetting" of the Finder does not mean that I am losing programs or they are being erased. (I can only run programs on the Dock because they are not accessible in the Finder as all other files.)
6. I can access the finder information when I am trying to Save a file. The Finder window that appears for me to search for a place to put a document works okay.
7. I can download email attachments (pdf) documents, for example, to the Desktop one at a time but if I put them in a common file on the Desktop, when I call up the common file, the Finder window starts but "resets" as noted above.
8. If I have a file on a CD when the Finder comes up to list the files in the CD, it "resets" as described above.
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Aug 6, 2009
I've created a new user account in Mac OS 10.5.7 and I have changed the International settings of this user, in particular, I set the language to Portuguese. Now, when this user logins in, Finder does not start properly. It quits and immediately tries to restart again. The result is that the Finder menu blinks on the screen. I can run other applications normally, Safari, Terminal, etc. The problem is, AFAIK, only with Finder.
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May 29, 2012
How does a hard drive get damage?
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May 1, 2012
I transferred some Garageband files from my old iMac to my new one. I opened up a song to listen (it had been about 4 months) to it and I forgot that the monitor was on. I am assuming that feedback protection was on, as there was nasty and extremely loud feedback for about 2.5 seconds before the "feedback detected" message popped up. The volume on the Mac was at between 60 and 75 percent up.Â
I am slightly concerned about damage to the speakers. Everything sounds ok, but I noticed a slight tinny, feedback sound (on the highs) on certain songs. It could have easily just been part of the songs I listened to, as some were self-recordings of not great quality. Others (acoustic) did not seem to have that problem.Â
I understand feedback can be dangerous, but the fact that Garageband caught it fairly quickly, there was no pop or buzz, and I still have working speakers makes me feel a bit better. In short: am I just being paranoid, or does this warrant a trip to the Apple Store to have them take a look?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Sep 9, 2014
iMac 20 inch early 2008. OS X 10.9.4, 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo, 4BG 800 MHz DDR2 SDRAM.Several of my DVDs have stopped playing on my iMac. Running a scan with ClamXav identified and quarantined trojans one of which was (FLV_Media_Player.exe).The DVDs in question will still show the identifying titles but will not play the programs, instead stating that the content is now in unrecognised format.MY internal and external DVD players will still run other of my DVDs.Is the trojan likely to be the cause? Can the damaged DVDs infect other playing systems? Can the damaged DVDs be recovered?
Mac OS X (10.7)
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Jun 15, 2012
1) I can't launch Finder, the message box "Finder Unexpectedly Quits" appears repeatedly 20 to 20 seconds.
2) Finder Menu Bar is desappear, i can't get acess to any folders.
3) I can't acess the "Trash." Â
* Note: I create another account and in this new account the Finder / Finder Menu Bar and Trash works perfectly. But i want to try to solve my problem on my actual account.Â
* Note: Before this Problem appears i installed the WineSkin app, and then i recieve this kind of issues:
1) I "catch" the "Kernel Panic Box" twice. (At the moment this one is solved)
2) I was stuck on the Login Screen. (This one is solved, also)
3) Now i tried lot of solution's from this forum, no success
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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May 8, 2012
just recently on my mac pro any simple task causes the finder to freeze or crash, it then relaunches itself but with no menu bar and zero functionality. disk repair says disk ok, permissions repair complete, also tried trashing the finder preference file,and starting again.but to no resolution of problem.this morning though i got a crash report (first time) this is a screen shot from the first few lines, you may need to zoom in to read it properly.
Info:Mac Pro (Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 31, 2008
iMac G5 running Tiger, Well in my infinite boredom I tried to make an image sequence out of the movie Braveheart using Quicktime Pro. I don't even know why I guess I just wanted to see what would happen. I set the computer to its task and went to bed, in the morning the computer was non responsive so I restarted manually. The computer powered up fine, but everything was missing from the desktop (and still is). Finder wouldn't open, but some programs will right away after you've restarted, but eventually it freezes up again. I try to relaunch finder, freezes again.
Using the startup disk and disk utility I was able to find that there are supposedly upwards of 65000 images on the desktop from Braveheart. I used the First Aid utility but it made no difference. Im pretty sure the computer is stuck trying to load all the images, but leaving it running for 24+ hours does nothing, it eventually goes into sleep mode like its not doing anything. I am able to login just fine on other users, but I cant access my files as there is no permission or whatever. I'm fine with reinstalling my OS, but I really need to get at some files on my login.
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Jun 1, 2014
Finder freezes every time when switching to another tab or folder, or renaming a folder. I really don't know why Here two logs from the console.Â
1. LogÂ
Jun 1 16:26:21 B***s-MacBook-Pro[1] ([1607]): Exited with code: 1
Jun 1 16:26:21 B***s-MacBook-Pro[1] ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
Jun 1 16:26:26 B***s-MacBook-Pro kernel[0]: revoking trust for process 1594
2. LogÂ
Jun 1 16:30:45 B***s-MacBook-Pro.local WindowServer[105]: disable_update_timeout: UI updates were forcibly disabled by application "Finder" for over 1.00 seconds. Server has re-enabled them.
Jun 1 16:30:51 B***s-MacBook-Pro[1] ([1660]): Exited with code: 1
Jun 1 16:30:51 B***s-MacBook-Pro[1] ( Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
I also have another Problem: Every time, I restart my mac, the process "installed" goes wild and uses over 100% of the CPU. After a few minutes also my disk is full. It seems to write Gigs of data in private/var/vm.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Oct 23, 2010
why that often when your machine appears to have frozen and appears to be non responsive unplugging the firewire connector results in the machine becoming unfrozen and responsive again. Albeit now reminding you that a volume has been prematurely ejected.
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Sep 5, 2009
I have an external 500GB hard drive made by Lacie (the minimlistic metal Porsche design) which I use to do a full back up every few months of my internal hard drives.
I noticed yesterday when I plugged it in that it crashed the Finder on my MacPro (early 2008 dual quad core desktop) running 10.5.8. The finder just froze and after Force Quit would not relaunch. I had to restart the machine by pressing and holding the power button. This happened repeatedly, each time after the external drive had been running for 10-15 minutes, so I tried it with my MacBook Pro, also running 10.5.8. Exactly the same thing happened -- the Finder froze and I had to reboot the machine to restart it.
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Mar 12, 2012
I have an iMac Core 2 Duo (Late 2007) running OS X Lion 10.7 and the latest version of iTunes. The computer is set up with 2 user accounts. Yesterday I tried to open iTunes, and the app opens for a second, displays the music library, and then immediately quits. I get the message "iTunes has quit unexpectedly", with the options to ignore, report, or relaunch. Relaunching results in the exact same thing, with the program quitting right away.
I have tried: going back to a previous version of iTunes from my Time Machine backup, deleting iTunes .plist files, and re-downloading and installing iTunes from Apple's website all to no avail. The weird thing is, on the other user account, iTunes opens and runs just fine. They are running off different libraries. What else to try to get iTunes working again?
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Apr 23, 2012
Safari keeps quitting as I attempt to browse any website. I have recently installed Microsoft office. Can anyone help.Â
Process:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Safari [818]
Path: /Applications/
Identifier:Â Â Â Â Â
Version:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 5.1.5 (6534.55.3)
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 27, 2012
I have this problem on my iMac three months now. I tried lot of thinks to fix this problem but I faild. The problem is that, when I want to install a package (.pkg) or update something the installer quits unexpectly.
I can't re-install it from the recovery disk because I need the Installer to install a package.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 15, 2012
I can not open my Safari. It quits unexpectedly. The issue only happens to a single user account. It does not happen to anyone else in my family.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.1.x)
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Apr 3, 2012
My Mac the Ripper and Popcorn quits before they open? A window comes up and said Click to re-open the application and a report will be sent to Apple? I'm using 10.6.8.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 2, 2009
Every so often the Finder just freezes: can't select any desktop icons or dock apps. Relaunching Finder always fixes it, but it is annoying. I have repaired permissions, cleared caches, no dice, still happens.
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Jun 6, 2014
I have been backing up for years using Time Machine (TM) which uses a hard drive connected to my Time Capsule on my network. I use an external drive connected to the Time capsule.Every night, my MBP is scheduled to backup which it has done for years. The last successful backup was 4 days ago. It stopped working and when I tried to click on TM starting manually, it hangs up and freezes Finder. I try to relaunch Finder and it freezes the computer by taking all icons off my desktop. I can use mail and other programs but FINDER will not work. I have used disk utilities to check the drive AND repair permissions.
The only way I can shut down is by holding the on/off button and then restarting. The computer starts up fine and works UNTILL I try to back up to TM again. The whole thing happens again. My O/S is regulary updated and I checked that too.
THere must be something corrupted or screwed up with the TM / Finder links.
Mac OS X (10.7.1), plus IOS on iPhone 5S
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Oct 31, 2009
Sometimes I notice that when I plug my USB hard drive into my macbook whilst my speakers are plugged into the jack, I see little orange flashes while the USB cable is outside the port.
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Jul 3, 2012
After installing os 10.7.4 my magellan content manager opens and quits almost immediately?
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Sep 6, 2009
Has any one else experienced the random, but rather persistent electrical sounding snap or click that occurs while navigating the computer mostly with the touchpad. It is not the hardisk (been replaced to no avail). One person on apple forums suggested that all Macbook Pros make a snapping sound because the soundcard is either powering up out of sleep or powering down. It occurs sometimes more frequently, others not at all. Apple has offered to replace the computer with a new one, but if this is an endemic problem with just about all of them, I'd rather keep the one I have. The snapping or clicking isn't resounding, but can be rather irritating in a quiet room. At first I thought it was a short circuit sound snapping but was convinced otherwise later.
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