Intel Mac :: Check Via "Verify Disk" Option - Getting An Option Of "Need Repair"?
May 4, 2012
I ran my usual check on the mac drive via "Verify Disk" option. It came up with "needs repair"...etc., and told me to repair it. I did a command r during boot so I could do a repair, and the software told me "your mac drive seems to be ok"??? Some kind of glitch, or need I worry about it at all?
27' iMac 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5, Mac OS X (10.7.2), Sony VPCL116FX Intel Core 2 Quad 2.66GHz 6G Ram 64b Win7
I have a mbp 13" with snow leopard. I go to disk utilities to verify my disk (Macintosh HD) and it says I need to repair it after I start the comp with a disk like the mac osx installation cd. I do that and then verify disk again (because the "repair disk" is still grey/un-clickable) and it gives me the same message. How do I repair the disk?
I try to insert my hard drive and it says "the disk inserted is not readeable by this computer" but when I open disk utility to repair it says "First Aid failed, Error: filesystem verify or repair failed". I am very frustrated, my work is due next week and most of it is in the drive.
i have just tried a legal version on final cut pro 7 and it runs very slow on my macbook pro. and so does my mac after i close the program and i mean very slow like it takes five mins for my curser to make the icons pop up.
i have run disk warrior and though i cant run the repair disk as it is my start up disk. but i did run the graph on disk warrior and it shows that my disk is 42% ineffective.
I'm trying to repair my hard drive. I restarted from the OS X Mac Mini install CD (holding down the letter C when I heard the chime), opened Disk Utility from the Utilities folder, selected my hard drive image, but the "verify disk" and "repair disk" options are grayed out. I'm at a loss as to how to proceed.
I just tried to verify my HDD, and Disk Utility said: Invalid node structure. Volume check failed. Error: Filesystem verify or repair failed. Now when I tried to reboot my Macbook, the gray Apple comes up and so does the spinning wheel, but after a couple of minutes, it shuts down.
I have a MacBook and last night it froze for a while, so I manually shut it down. When I tried to turn it on, it went to the white screen with the folder and flashing question mark. I don't know how to fix computers at all, so I looked online and it said to put the disc in. I went to disc utility and it shows the hard drive, but it is not as bright as the install disc.. does that mean it cannot be found? What should I do? I tried to reinstall the disc to my hard drive with the option checked to keep my old settings, etc but it did not work. Most of my stuff is not backed up so if there is any way I can try to save it before I try to reload the hard drive would be really great.
After clicking System Preference how do I get SCAN option to appear so documents can be scanned? Currently only the Print option is visible and having no problems with printing. Printer is a HP Laser Jet 300.
on doing a disk utilities scan it came up with this - "Problems were encountered during repair of the partition map" why won't it let me repair this problem?
I have a WD Terabyte drive that I have used for over a year with no problems. A couple of days ago my roommate went to use it and disconnected the drive from my computer without ejecting it first. He used it with his PC and disconnected it without "safely removing" it from his computer and now it will not mount to my desktop of been seen by PC. Disk Utility sees the device but I get an error when I try to repair the disk or verify the disk. It gives me an "error on exit" message. I really need the 700GB of info on that drive. Don't know what to do next.
The Verify failed when checking the drive at the physical disk level, but the main volumes passed.Is this "normal", i.e. should I just be checking the volumes?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have the "show detail" box checked but Disk Utility is not showing detail. It goes through verify and repair, says it is finished, but shows no files. I have never had No files need repair. My computer has been slow and erratic and usually running Disk Utility works, but not now.
why I have to check & repair disk permissions every time I have to restart my MacBook Pro. When I do the check I get various messages eg 'Library should be '0', is '80'. And other variations for Library.
Formatting my new HDD today... noticed the RAID option in disk utility and found myself wondering what it is, why it is, and, perhaps most importantly, can I use it? I get that its a bunch of HDD's linked up but is that better/different than my three FW HDD's daisy chained together?
I just bought a 1TB Lacie d2 Quadra and want to partition it in 2 partitions. As said in the instructions, if you want more than 32 GB on my "PC" partition I need to use Mac's disk utility. The thing is I don't have the option to partition in NTFS, only MAC OS extended (journaled, etc..) and FAT32. But I need a lot more than 32 GB for my PC stuff. Now how can I do that? I need to backup some stuff from my Windows XP (bootcamp) really soon! And I want to be able to plug it in another PC and be able to transfer both ways. How can I get the NTFS partition option with disk utility? or is there other softwares for that? In all what I want is about 500 GB for MAC and 500 GB for PC (NTFS)!
Is there an option for Time Capsule to back itself up to another disk? Is this automatic?It just seems dumb to store everything on Time Capsule if it has the same failure rate as a hard drive with no redundancy even though apple says its server grade.
Well, I'm a new owner of a MacBook Pro 13" and the Hard Drive is only 160GB I believe which is plenty of space for what I use it for but I would much rather have my Music/Movies/Pictures and all media separate from that space. I was just thinking of getting a portable External Hard Drive for all of my media but then I could also upgrade my 160GB drive to let's say a 500GB Drive and do away without an External drive. What would you do? Upgrade your existing internal HD or get an External HD?
The MacBook Pro usually just stays on the desk anyways so an External HD wouldn't be any inconvenience to me but if I wanted to just unplug it and go will that harm anything? Also, there is plenty of External Hard Drives available right now and I was wondering if any were better than others? I just want something basic, portable, and works with a mac. No firewire needed, USB is fine with me. I was really looking at the My Passport from WD and was wondering if the non Mac Ready versions work with a Mac anyways? [URL]
I have a 13 inch aluminum late 2008 MacBook. The processor is 2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, Memory 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3 running OS X Lion 10.7.4. I am in the process of replacing my old hard drive with a new one.
My old hard drive is partitioned as follows: Name: Macintosh HD Format: Mac OS Extended (journaled) Size: 132.5 GB Name: BootCamp Format: Windows NT File System (NTFS) Size: 26.69 GB
When I was partitioning the new drive I did so as follows: Name: Macintosh HD Format: Mac OS Extended (Journaled) Size: 973.51 GB Name: BootCamp
Format: MS-DOS (FAT) --- This was the only option that I was given that I thought would work. I did not have the option of "Windows NT File System (NTFS) to choose from. I only run 1 program on Windows and that is the only reason I have BootCamp on there at all. However, I do HAVE to have that program. Size: 26.34 GB (I just used the same size that was current, or close to it.)
I connected the new Western Digital 1 TB through an external device, partitioned it as stated above, and then used Carbon Copy Cloner to clone the drives. It went through fine. (It took 2 hours and I went to bed before it finished.) This morning I woke to see that it had gone through well. I then started the process with the BootCamp drives.
However, before I started it gave me errors stating that I wouldn't be able to run Windows off of the Cloned BootCamp drive. So I used Winclone and it seemed to work fine. I then replaced the old drive with the new one. Then I rebooted the machine. Everything seems to be fine except when I went to restart it in Windows using BootCamp that was not an option. The only start up disks listed are the Macintosh HD.
Info: MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
When I try turning the computer on, I get the option to choose the startup disk, but only Recovery is visible. When i check in Recovery, it still shows my original start up disk, but I cannot restart off that. What do I do?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
So between today and yesterday I have just been doing some casual maintenance with my Mac Mini. I decided I would run the First Aid program in utilities just to make sure everything is doing well. I was just wondering what is the difference between the two options "Verify Disk" and Verify Disk Permissions"- what exactly do each of them do? It almost sounds self-explanatory but can someone shed some light for me?
I've ran all the verification tests on each hard drive I have and repaired them when needed. So far it has only been my external WD hard drive that needed to have a repair, though I didn't notice anything wrong with it prior to running the verification test. Basically, I'm just wondering what each of the functions do.
I have an Intel based Macbook running Bootcamp (Windows XP Home SP2). Option/Alt key periodically does not work under both Mac OS and Windows. It will work for a while, then stop working for a few hours. I have all of the latest updates installed on the computer. When the Option key is not working, I cannot select to boot to windows, or reset PRAM to try and fix it. I know I can boot into the Mac OS and have it reboot into Windows. This has been happening for a week now. I have not spilled anything on the keyboard, and it seemed to just startup after a week of non-use.
I bought my late 2011 iMac used from a good friend that barely used it. From day 1, the WiFi hasn't worked and I could never figure out why. It hasn't been a big deal until recently because I prefer a wired connection anyway.. The problem is that I moved into a house and the owner's wireless router is located in the living room.. So now I need to get it working again. After troubleshooting multiple times, here is some information that you will probably need to help me:Â
-When I open Network Diagnostics, the only two options available are Ethernet and Other. The External Modem and Wi-Fi options are grayed out and un-clickable.Â
-When I go to System Preferences>Network, the only things shown in the left sidebar are Ethernet, FireWire, and Bluetooth PAN. When I click the "+" button to add a network, under the "interface" dropdown, the options available are: FireWire, Ethernet, Bluetooth DUN, VPN, PPPoE, and 6 to 4 (no wi-fi obviously).Â
-Under System Report>Wi-Fi, everything appears to be installed and running correctly. I'm not an expert on Wireless settings, but it seems right. If a screenshot is needed of that, just ask.Â
When I attempt to share my video out of i Movies and go to share in the menu all is light grey and not available to highlight? What do I need to do to make availble this option?
So between today and yesterday I have just been doing some casual maintenance with my Mac Mini. I decided I would run the First Aid program in utilities just to make sure everything is doing well. I was just wondering what is the difference between the two options "Verify Disk" and Verify Disk Permissions"- what exactly do each of them do? It almost sounds self-explanatory but can someone
I've ran all the verification tests on each hard drive I have and repaired them when needed. So far it has only been my external WD hard drive that needed to have a repair, though I didn't notice anything wrong with it prior to running the verification test. Basically, I'm just wondering what each of the functions do.
I have a new scanner and I installed the drivers. It's showing fine in Photoshop CS3 but the window for it is awkward and small and barely has any features to it (there is no selection to for Advanced either). I figured I should try to use Image Capture instead, hoping to have better luck and more features. However Image Capture is not allowing me to go to 'Devices > Browse Devices' because there is no 'Devices' menu listed at all. I've restarted, unplugged things, plugged devices back in. It just says 'No Camera or Scanner Selected'. the Command B is not even working either.Â