Intel Mac :: Can Photos And Music Be Streamed To An Internet Enabled Tv Without Using Apple TV
Apr 18, 2012
I am a new MAC owner and looking for ways to stream pictures, music from my IMAC to my Sony Internet TV. The Internet TV is wired to the home network by way of ethernet. However----when I go to photos or music on the internet TV it doesn't seem to be able to find the IMAC---just my router. Can this be done without an Apple TV?
I am currently using Apple Mail on Lion with IMAP enabled for emails. A couple of times I have had only part of an email downloaded. The full email is viewable on the iPhone and through a web browser. Is there anyway to resync an email to have it finish loading the message and attachments? I have tried to Sync the full Apple Mail program but the email did not change. I am assuming this problem is occurring when the internet loses the connection.
I recently bought an LG HD Recorder. After the purchase, I only then realised that it is only connectable to PC via a software called "Nero Media Home 4 Essentials". Therefore this software cannot be used on a Mac. I wrote to LG and theyconfirmed that it is only for PC and they do not intend to issue one that is to be used for Mac. It would be awesome to be able to connect Mac with the HD Recorder, as I can then stream music from iTunes etc. As such I am not able to fully use this incredible piece of equipment.
Ok so within the last day my internet sharing has been working fine, it just won't let incoming devices connect to it. I.E. my Ipod Touch sees my MacBook Pro, but doesn't get an IP I believe, same case with my iPhone because it tries to use the Wifi, but since it can't properly connect either, it switches to 3G. If I disable the Firewall, everything works as it should, so the Firewall is definitely the problem. What I am stuck on is how to configure it properly so that I can use internet sharing, while having the firewall enabled. I haven't even touched anything related to the Firewall in months, so the fact that this just randomly happened is beyond me. I have even made sure that the internet sharing program in the firewall list has the "Allow incoming connections" toggle selected. I haven't touched the box that says "Allow signed software to receive incoming connections," but that box has always been enabled for months. I can't remember now, but I think initially when I came up with the idea that Firewall was causing problems, I noticed that the internet sharing program in the firewall config list actually had the "Block incoming connections" toggle selected. I thought allowing incoming connections would surely fix this, but I guess not.
I just purchased a new iMac 21.5 inch desktop and I'd like to take the hard drive out of my old macbook pro and transfer my iPhoto and iTunes library to this new desktop. How would I do that and what would I need? The macbook pro model is a 2010 13.3 2.4 2x2gb 250gb part number MC374LL/A.
Info: Apple MacBook Pro "Core 2 Duo" 2.4 13" Mid-2010, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
I have iMac and forgot my log in password. Want to reset the password and not quite sure whether filevaut was enabled or not. i tried to use apple id to reset the passwor but it failed.
I always use iPhoto to upload my pictures from my devices, Ive noticed that all the photos are stored under a single fumnail in photos.
If I wanted to transfer these photos to windows how would I separate all the pictures into the format windows views them in, so individual files. Also if i wanted to transfer to another mac do I just move the fumnail?
I just started a new account for my wife on our iMac. Before that all our music, photos, contacts, etc were on my account. My question is, how can I transfer the music over to her account and also how can I get her contacts on her phone over to itunes?
I have a older G4 running 10.4. All of (nearly) my photos and music are on that computer. I also have a Mac BookPro running 10.7. My phone,laptop and new ipad are on icloud. Is there any way of transferring my data from the old computer to cloud.
Can I transfer music photos from my old pc to my new Mac, plus I have a hard drive that is Mac compatible but all the stuff is from my pc will it transfer
I use a Mac Mini G4 1.25GHz with 1Gb RAM, and whenever I try and play HD videos streamed over the internet they never play smoothly, but very choppily. E.g HD Youtube video. why wont they play smoothly?
I've always had a MBP, so my extensive music and photos collection can't live on the laptop. I've always kept them on 2 externals and suffered some slow downs due to the setup. I just ordered a 27" iMac i5. I'd like to keep my 130GB collection now on my iMac. I use a buncha photoshop/ Lightroom. Was curious if I was to partition say 150GB for pics and 100GB for music if that would help out the computer at all? I really have no idea, just seems like the imac wouldn't have to sift through anything to find my pics when I go working on them.
My household has an iMac G5 that acts as a media hub and its getting slow. Instead of getting a new iMac to act as a media hub, I was considering buying a new Macbook and a 24" Cinema Display for so everyone with a Mac laptop in my household could have access to a big screen if they want it.
The issue is that the G5 iMac contains all of our media under separate user accounts. We stream this media all over the house and synch it with iPods, iPhones and an Apple TV. So is it possible to attach a large hard drive to the Airport Extreme and use it as a media server with multiple people accessing it from their laptops or will this multi-user situation turn into a user account nightmare? We all keep separate iPhoto and iTunes libraries so combining them into one is not really an option.Or would it be simpler to just use the laptops as adjunct machines and do all our file management (and Time Machine Backups) from a central iMac?
First off, I've learned a lot by reading threads in this message board. Thank you to all the helpers out there!I just bought The Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex Desk 1TB. What I hope to do with it is a) Back-up files on my MB using Time Machine, and b) Back-up files I have on a 250GB Lacie portable HD full of photos/videos/music.I am requesting advice on how to back-up a back-up (ie. backup my Lacie onto my Seagate). Is there a popular freeware program that I should use to do that? I suppose I could just copy and paste the photos/videos/music, but I'm sure there's a free program that does syncs, which would be way more efficient.
in prepartation for snow leopard I decided i better do a backup of my drive. I turned to trusty old super duper. i did a backup using "smart update" which in the past has left all my files on my external drive intact and copied over my main drive. however today it decided to simply erase the drive and then do a backup. It's NEVER done this before in the past, and i've now lost everything on my media drive: music, photos, movies, everything. can i recover what was lost? or am i completed effed in the a? the irony: doing a backup and in the process losing everything that counted.
I finally decided that I need something were to save my photos and music. All my DB of music and photos is consuming lots of my disk space at my imac (just 350GB) what should I buy? Any ideas on what brand and good external HDD?? would it be smart having a mini server instead?
I have lost the use of my Matshita DVD-R UJ-85J. I purchased my computer in 2006, had optical disc drive replaced in 2009 and iafter three years of limited use, the second one will no longer burn discs...I have tried all of the options available on this I think I am going to invest in an external burner, a La Cie. However, would it be possible for me to store some of my music and photos on a zip drive? I have never used them before and wonder if this computer will work with them. My iPhoto is so full and I want to remove some of the pics and store them.
Can I use iCloud to back up and then return my files for system restroe? I just wanna back up my music and photos so I can do a system restore if I have iCloud will it allow me to download them back on once I finish the system restore?
We have a macbook that is getting close to having a full HD. Can I use an external HD and put all my iTunes music and iPhoto photos on that external drive and free up my internal HD? What do I need to do to get iPhoto and iTunes to access those libraries and work as it does now?
I've got a really annoying problem on my mac that I'd do anything to get rid of. When I play a streamed movie or tv programme off the net (ie from iplayer or 4OD) firstly the mouse doesn't disappear after 3-4 seconds and is always visible on screen and secondly on some occasions the screen just goes white! I have to quit playback and then go back to full screen to get rid of it.
I am planning on buying the new iMac, but i'm not sure how to move my documents, music, and photos to it. i do not own an external hard drive and i'm not willing to pay for the one-to-one class. is it possible to move the information between the panther os and the new snow leopard? what are some ways that i can move my files?