Software :: Moving Photos & Music To IMac - Can I Move My Files?
Feb 11, 2010
I am planning on buying the new iMac, but i'm not sure how to move my documents, music, and photos to it. i do not own an external hard drive and i'm not willing to pay for the one-to-one class. is it possible to move the information between the panther os and the new snow leopard? what are some ways that i can move my files?
If someone removed all the photos from an external hard drive onto the admin user and the photos are not showing up on the other user on the computer, how do I move them across to the other users? Only just got an IMac but how to use it properly?
For some reason seem to have a duplicate of some music in my ITunes folder.I was hoping to clean it up my merging and deleting.In the iTunes folder songs are in folders named for the artist, except for this folder which is labelled "Music" and below it are also folders labelled for each of the artist. Some of these are duplicate artist, with some duplicate songs, but have 1 or more more songs in them. Some are not in the main Music listing at all. I was thinking to just move them up one level, merge the songs that are duplicates, add the FOLDERS (Artist) that are not in the main. Will iTunes still see them? Looks like this (as an example)
USER/ME/MUSIC (and then) Folder - 8 Mile Folder - Adele Song 1 Song 2
In this example "Adele" Sub Folder has duplicates of Song 1 and Song 2 of the Main MUSIC folder but doe snto have Song 3.
I have a 46 gig itunes music folder that I had moved from my PC to a NAS several months ago. I set up itunes to have the music folder on the Macbook that I use day-to-day point to the songs on the NA. The songs link to the respective folder on /Volume/Music/Artist/Album/song The NAS has been having issues staying connected so I just moved all new songs (I had kept at least 44 gigs on the PC as a backup when I did this 6 months ago) from the NAS to the PC. I finally figured out a way to reliably connect to the PC (running Win7) from the Macbook via SMB. The songs are now located on Volume/iTunes Music/Artist/Album/Song My question is - how do I instruct itunes that the songs are now located on the PC rather than the NAS? Should I just 'delete' all files in iTunes and then add the PC's folder? Is there a better way??
I've downloaded mp3 files from various websites that give away free music. They download as zip files and once I unzip them, I move the folder to the "Music" folder. Then I import them into iTunes (File ---> Add to Library). I'd like to make the "Music" folder more organized. Right now I have the "iTunes" folder within the "Music" folder, in addition to SEVERAL folders I've added from the free music I've downloaded. Even though I've already added this music to iTunes, if I delete the folders within the "Music" folder, iTunes will no longer be able to play it because it will say it cannot find the source. I get this, but was hoping there was a way to get it into the iTunes folder (the way it gets loaded when you import a CD or buy a song online- it automatically goes there).
I am running out of space on my laptop so I am moving all my music to an external hard drive. If I keep my file directory structure and naming the same, can I simply "re-point" iTunes to this new storage location and all my songs (etc...) will keep working in iTunes? Will storing the music on an external hard drive effect the performance (speed) of iTunes and/or iPod syncing?
Have a large iTunes library on my iPhone. I want to migrate all of it to our new iMac (Intel using 10.7). I have two accounts on the iMac, mine and my wife's, which have been set up to share the music (iTunes) library. When I sync my iPhone into my account on the iMac in order to sync the music library it gives me a message that if I sync the music all the items on the iPhone will be replaced with the music library on the computer. However, there is no music library on the iMac as yet. How do I get the iPhone music on the iMac so my wife and I can share the library?
Info: iPhone 3GS, iOS 5, Main syncing computer is MacBook
I'm about to get a new iMac. My old G5 iMac is 5 years old now and showing it's age. I understand you are promted when you first turn on your new mac if you want to transfer any data from your old computer. So I assume this includes all the music I keep on my G5 imac's iTunes? I also plan to get a new ipod touch(the one with the camera) when they come out, and I want to transfer the music I had on my old one onto my new one.
I want to move the location of my iTunes library music files. At present they are all on my time machine . I want to move them all to my imac. Can I do that and keep all my playlists and play counts?
its 1000s of songs . Originally I used the time machine as a networked drive but it can cause the songs to pause so I'm thinking it would be better to have the songs on the internal imac drive
how can I move the songs so I can re-open iTunes and the playlists (with plays in the 100s) find the song in the new place?
How do I move my music from an imac to a laptop? Nothing was purchased at the itunes store, it's all from cd's I imported to the itunes library on an imac originally-but now i have a laptop...
I have lost the use of my Matshita DVD-R UJ-85J. I purchased my computer in 2006, had optical disc drive replaced in 2009 and iafter three years of limited use, the second one will no longer burn discs...I have tried all of the options available on this I think I am going to invest in an external burner, a La Cie. However, would it be possible for me to store some of my music and photos on a zip drive? I have never used them before and wonder if this computer will work with them. My iPhoto is so full and I want to remove some of the pics and store them.
I have an iMac that is rapidly filling up. I would like to move my iTunes and iPhoto library to my external harddrive (I currently use for Time Machine). Is this possible or even adviseable? If I were to do this, what would I need to do. Is it as simple as moving the folders that hold these files on to the external. Would the programs find them.
I just purchased a new iMac 21.5 inch desktop and I'd like to take the hard drive out of my old macbook pro and transfer my iPhoto and iTunes library to this new desktop. How would I do that and what would I need? The macbook pro model is a 2010 13.3 2.4 2x2gb 250gb part number MC374LL/A.
Info: Apple MacBook Pro "Core 2 Duo" 2.4 13" Mid-2010, Mac OS X (10.6.5)
The case is this: I have a 200 GB Maxtor harddrive onto witch i want to copy all the video, zip and other files from my imac. I have allredy copied most of them by using a memory stick and taking it over to a PC and from there over to the Maxtor. But the files i have left on the mac is to large for the memory stick.
The Mac can only read, and not wright the Maxtor. But i just can't understand that i can just copy the files from the Mac to the Maxtor via a PC, but not directly?? isnt there a way to copy the files directly to the Maxtor?
I don't know much about filesystems but on my imac it says someting with RAID and aufofs. I have also understood that i can format the Maxtor to FAT-32, but some of the files are greater than 4 GB, so that wont work right?
I have a 4 yr old macBook Air with solid state disk capacity 120 GB. It has loads of music and about 12000 photos on it and the disk is getting full.I also have an iPhone 4s.I am treating myself to a new iMac with 1 Tb drive.I guess it would be sensible to move most photos and music to the new iMac.(I have a 500Gb hard drive I use to back up the macAir)
Re photostream - does it store photos on the Macbook itself? Can I set up my phone to send photos to the iMac instead of the current macbook air? How?How do I keep duplicates of some of the photos on the macbook?
10.8 and 10.9 become a headache copying/moving files/folders between disks. After download selected images to my Imac from cards I used to move all of them to a local network backup disk (attached to a linux OS)
I don't do this anymore from a year ago: annoying warnings like "the file ... is in use" (not in use, even had been downloaded) stopped move; repeated procedure with the rest of the files included the 'used' one, over and over again and finally, after 12 times or so all files had moved. 100 files to move, stop, 80 files to move, stop, 60 files.......
Same problem moving files between disks attached to the same iMac.'You have to provide an admin password...." -> Continue Password set and again 'File ... is in use' (not in use, it is just backup file)Reseting the Mac. Worse
.'You have to provide an admin password...." No 'Continue' option, just only 'Ok' that will do.... nothing.My solution: Terminal: sudo mv source target
I guess Finder has been tought to make life easier, isn't it?
I have an iMac 2011. Processor: 2.7GHz Intel Core i5/ Memory 4GB
OS X Yosemite, version 10.10.1
After I change my OS from Mavericks to Yosemite, moving files between folders is very slow.
For example, if I move one jpg file in Desktop to Pictures folder (or just any other folders like Trash), it takes about 3 seconds.
When I was still using Mavericks, it made that Ding sound and transferred files right away. However, now, although it makes the Ding sound right away, the file is still there for 3 seconds.
I tried to clean up my mac using many apps, but they never fixed this problem.
I've also tried what I saw on this one thread. OS X File Transfers Very Slow
Go->Connect to Server then type "cifs://server-address" but it says there is a problem and did nothing. (maybe different issue)
I have been collating files and documents over the past few months. I have decided to keep them in a more organised fashion so I created a folder for films, music, etc and then I want to put further folders in the folders so I can keep certain files together.
I have created the folder but cant seem to move the files in to it - I can copy it then paste it but that seems a bit long winded just to move a file in to another folder (folder within folder.)
I thought it would be interesting as well as a good learning point for new Mac users whether you are moving files from your old PC to Mac or Mac to Mac. Explain if you would what method you are using such as Time Machine, or manual backups, or utilizing Mobile Me for your misc backups and how did you use them. What other methods worked for you? Be specific if you don't mind. I think this would be educational for all concerned. Let the Discussion begin:
My 500gb iMac (purchased April 2010) is about at capacity. 350gb of space is taken up by home movies (.mov) in iMovie. I bought an external hard drive and have moved about 200gb over to that drive.
After transfer, I deleted the original Events off iMovie and emptied the trash. I checked in both iMovie and in Finder and no longer see those files present on the Mac.
I thought this was going smooth and everything worked perfectly, but….when i went to check how much storage space i created on the Mac, the amount of available space barely budged (i moved 200gb of data to the new drive and i created about 30gb of space on the Mac).
Are these "deleted" files hidden somewhere and I need to go delete from somewhere else? How do I make sure I get back the storage that i need?
I finally ripped my music into digital format. It is a very large library so I performed the rips in four segments creating four folders of music. The highest level folders are Music1, Music2, Music3, Music4. The next layer folder is the artists name, then album name, then the actual MP3S.
How do I merge the folders? If I perform a copy the first artist name is sees that already is exists, the finder wants me to skip the copy or replace the folder that is there. I simply want to add the folder or merge it. Is there a "merge" function in OSX? I tried Carbon Copy but it will not copy or sync fils on the same disk.
With all the excitement around the $79 price of Aperture on the new mac app store, I'm thinking about getting it, but wondering if I can then ditch iPhoto? I looked at Apple's website about Aperture and see that it seems to be iPhoto+ with all the features of iPhoto plus more. But I'm wondering about the integration of it with iOS devices, etc. If I move everything to Aperture, will I still be able to use photos in my mac's screensaver, or on my Apple TV, or sync to my iPhone....all of these seem to tie to iPhoto, but if you install Aperture, do they then work with it?
So, I recently bought a MacBook Pro and set up the iCloud feature. I've also had a iPhone for a few years and I have tons of photos and documents, etc on it that I would like to put in the cloud. Is it possible to move these files into my cloud, or will it only put new things into the cloud?