Intel Mac :: Beep Sound Heard During Startup?

Jun 9, 2012

Am hearing a beep tone every 5 seconds when I startup my iMac computer. It is on macosx.

The last time I used it was when I was playing starcraftII and I shut down without removing the CD like I usually do. But this time when I startup the iMac does not boot up. I have tried resetting the SMC and it didn't work. I pressed down the mouse while startup and the CD didn't come out but I started to hear these beep tones, when I startup now. Thought it might be the memory card so removed them and tried starting up without them and then tried one by one and I still getting the beep tones, will I lose my hardisk as well if I keep rebooting too many times like this? How to get the CD out and startup the iMac properly?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Loud Beep Heard On Boot Up

Dec 1, 2010

Today, when I started my MBP I heard a loud Beep. What could that be?

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MacBook Air :: Strange Beep Heard On Closing Lid

May 17, 2008

Just curious if anyone else had a strange beep after closing the lid. It doesn't seem to do it every time. Seems like it happens more when I have been watching video or doing things that bump temp and fan speeds. It is just a quiet little "beep". Only does it once.

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MacBook Pro :: Strange Beep Heard When Turned On

Jan 13, 2010

I bought my MacBook in December, just recently when trying to power up I get strange beep and it will not go on. I shut down by using the power button, wait a few moments, power it back up and it comes on.

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Intel Mac :: Can't Turn It On, Keep Hearing Beep Sound

May 8, 2012

I am not able to turn on my iMac. There are three beep sound when I try to turn it on.


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Mac Pro :: Clunk Sound Heard On Reboot?

Nov 21, 2008

When I reboot, I hear an odd "clunk" that sounds like something in the front of the case. It occurs right the black screen at the beginning, before the screen turns grey and the apple logo appears. If you don't know what I'm talking about, reboot and let me know if you hear anything like this.

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OS X :: Clicking Sound Heard On New MacBook Pro?

Oct 6, 2009

I just got my MacBook pro last month and sometimes I hear this sound for like a second. I don't know how to describe it. It's like a little clicking sound. It can happen when I'm online or sometimes when I close the macbook.

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Mac Pro :: Rubbing Noise Heard After Startup Chime

Aug 13, 2008

The last two days I have woken up and started my G4, and I hear an odd noise. I hear my drives spin up, but it takes probably 15 seconds for the Apple to show up on the grey bootscreen, after the first Chime I hear a 2nd noise from the internal speaker that I can't really describe? I can also hear a weird noise that sounds like rubbing or something if I listen very closely. Maybe this is a dust build up on the fan. Disk Utility says both of my drives are fine, and my computer is running fine. I'm just kind of confused here.. Should I pick up some canned air and clean out the computer a bit?

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OS X :: Beep On Startup - What Does It Mean?

Mar 21, 2009

I started up my MacBook Pro this morning and heard a quick "beep" noise come right before the Apple Tone startup noise. Is this just a small glitch or is it a code for something more serious?

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OS X :: Beep On Startup As Usual

Mar 17, 2010

When I turn on my macbook pro I'm getting a single beep followed by nothing. It started happening all of a sudden a few days ago. Following the beep, I hold down the power button to turn it off again and start it up and then usually get nothing a couple of times - eventually after 2/3 goes at turning it on and off, it'll eventually start up as usual. I've read that 1 beep signals a problem with RAM? Is that right? The RAM I have in there what it came with so I can't imagine it's that.

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Hardware :: Sparking Sound Heard From Stripped Power Adapter

Mar 6, 2010

So my second power adapter for my Powerbook is dead (it replaced the original via applecare). I have had problems with it and even have tripped on the cord while plugged in thereby probably damaging it. I have heard the usual sparking sounds and have recently saw the blue spark ignite from the plug while out of the powerbook and in order to get green/orange connection light I've had to twist the plug until it lights up. After reading other people's problems I decided to look at the plug and noticed that the metal is stripped all around the main plug as you can see in the picture. So I am down to my backup (purchased before asking if applecare covered power adapters) which has the exact same problems.

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Mac Pro :: Areca 1210ML And Beep On Startup?

Nov 17, 2009

I have just installed an ARECA 1210ML external RAID controller in an early 2008 octocore Mac Pro. Everything seems to be working fine.However, when I press the power button to switch on the Mac, there is a immediate loud single beep. I am using refit & the beep happens before the list of OS's appears.There is a system setting in the ARECA config web interface that allows me to
disable the system beeper but it doesn't seem to stop the beep.

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OS X :: Tiny Beep Sound On HD Sleep Mode?

Jan 25, 2009

Just installed a second Samsung F1 500GB (HD502IJ) hard drive in my 2x1.8 G5 Power Mac. I have the "Energy Saver" option on default and the system turns the hard drives off when they're not being used. Everything is working good with this drive except one thing: When the system turns the Samsung to sleep, there's a tiny beep/sound, like coming from the motherboard or something. So I was wondering:

1. Should there be a beep on sleep?
2. How do I turn this annoying beep off?

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MacBook Pro :: Will Not Boot Up - It Make A Beep Sound

Apr 2, 2012

I tried to boot up my MacBook pro and it make a beep sound. Screen is blank.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Laptop Sleep LED Blinks With Beep Sound

Feb 5, 2012

I have macbook pro 13" laptop. The laptop fell down (ofcourse, it was in the bag), and no breakage happened to it, but failed starting after that. The sleep LED was blinking with a beep sound continuously and did not start after that.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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MacBook :: Not Starting Up - Giving Beep Sound Continuously

Apr 8, 2012

My mac book is not starting up. It gives a "beep beep beep" sound continuously.


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PowerPC :: IBook 12" Doesn't Startup After 1 Long Beep

Jul 4, 2006

I have a 4 month old iBook 12" 1.33/512/40/combo with the following problem. It went into sleep mode and never woke up. after complete reboot 1 long beep and silence. after taking the battery out and disconnect for about 4 hours I get the beep, but inbetween absolute nothing. Anyone has tips or a solution. there is no additional memory installed.

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OS X V10.4 :: Beep Tone On Startup; Main Disc Not Showing In Utilities?

Apr 14, 2012

After having repairing my hard disc with Utilities (having started up from my Install Disc holding C key) and being okay for a day, the thing seemed to crash again. Came home and the machine was off, not just asleep.  Tried to start up, heard a single long beep tone, then the regular start-up chord, but it just hung.  Then started up off the Install Disc holding D key, did the Appple Hardware Test, Extended, and that just stalled after a while - as it did each time before - and also the Mac was making a not-good-sounding whirring, hum noise. Started again off the Install Disc, this time holding C key, went to Utilities to try a Repair again, but this time the hard disk was not even showing in the Disk Utility!

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MacBook Pro :: System Freezes With Continuous Triple Beep Sound?

Mar 11, 2012

I bought a MacBook Pro 13" in August 2011. A few days ago, I started to get a triple alarm sound (beep, plus battery indicator light flashes three times) and the system freezes (no keyboard or trackpad input, screen stays on). The triple beep continues until I shut it off through the power button.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Screen Won't Turn On Makes A Repeating 3 Beep Sound

Sep 4, 2014

The screen to my MacBook Pro screen wont turn on and when I push the power button it just makes a 3 beep sound repeatedly. Is there any way t. Fix this or should I go to the store?

MacBook Pro

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Intel Mac :: No Sound On Startup

May 26, 2012

The startup sound works but after you get to the desktop screen there is no sound. When you push the speaker keys there is a circle with a line thru it. I reboot and everything works after reboot. So I have to start and reboot everytime to get the sound to work.

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Applications :: Block Profanity In IMovie Project / Put Little Beep Sound At That Part

Apr 14, 2009

Hi guys im trying to censor out profanity in my iMovie project, so far i put the little beep sound at the part where i want to block but as it plays it plays the beep AND the curs word so you can hear it, how can i make it so that ONLY the beep can be herd and not the curs word, like mute that part of the clip.. Someone help? i can't seem to find a way.

Oh and by the way im using iMovie '08

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Intel Mac :: No Startup Sound While Turning On

Jul 3, 2012

My iMac no longer makes the "BONG" sound while turning on. Why is that? Is there a way to get that back?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: 13 - No Click/beep Sound Associated - Hear Noises When It Loads Web Pages Applications

Sep 17, 2009

I got a 13" Unibody MBP, lower-end model, in July. Since then I've noticed various issues.

First of all, I have the common beachball problem. There's no click/beep sound associated with it like some have, and I've noticed clearing out my cache and occasional restarts have helped that. But in general things seem to be much slower than when I first got it... But of course I have many more programs installed, but very few are actually running.

I remember it being nearly completely silent when I first got it. Now I can hear noises when it loads web pages, applications, etc. that reminds me of the noise you'd head from an old desktop. Was I just imagining that it was silent before? The fans seem to run more often, as well.

Also, my audio jack is more and more often not detecting when something is plugged in to it. Usually putting it in to sleep and waking it back up helps.

Anyway, all of these together make me wonder if I should be paying a visit to the Apple store, and if so, what should I ask?

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Intel Mac :: No Sound Except For Startup And Email Ding?

Mar 20, 2012

I have an iMac hat was bought in Dec 2010. For the last month I haven't been able to use any sound (iTunes, Youtube etc). But it still have a start up sound and a email ding.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.5)

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Intel Mac :: Mac Will Not Start Up And Get A 3 Tone Repeated Beep?

Mar 24, 2012

Whenever I try to start up my iMac all I et is a series of 3-tone beeps repeated endlessly and I can't get it to start up.  Also now the apple repair disc is stuck in the drive and I can,t eject it.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: How To Change Startup Sound

Dec 21, 2003

I wonder, is there any way to change the start up sound of my mac? the "duuum" sound does grow old after many many years

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OS X :: No Sound Except The Startup Chime?

May 28, 2007

I've lost all sound on my G4 iBook running OS 10.4.9. I still get the start-up chime every time I reboot, but there's no sound at all inside OS X itself.

System Preferences says there are "No output devices found." System Profiler says I have "No built-in audio."

I have tried repairing disk permissions. I have tried creating another user account and signing in. I have tried zapping the PRAM, resetting the PMU, and trashing all my cache files for both the system and my personal login. I have tried booting with Command-S and running a file system check (fsck -yf), but am told that the system "appears ok." Nothing has helped... I continue to get the start-up sound on boot, but nothing inside OS X.

Oddly, if I hook my M-Audio podcast mixer, the system detects my audio as "M-Audio," and I get sound if I use the headphone jack on the M-Audio unit itself (i.e., I can listen to iTunes, watch a YouTube video, etc.). But as soon as I unplug the unit, System Preferences reverts back to "No output devices found," and my machine resumes its maddening silence.

Since I use this machine pretty much only for podcasting and video editing, it's pretty useless to me without sound. Can someone help me, before I completely freak out? I was up until about 2am last night trying to resolve this.

How can I get this machine to "remember" the fact that it has "Built-in audio?"

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Mac Pro :: Is There Anyway To Turn Off The Startup Sound

Feb 19, 2008

Is there anyway to turn off the start up sound played through the MP internal speaker when you turn the computer on? This is really annoying!

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OS X :: Startup Sound Volume In SL?

Sep 24, 2009

how can i change the default volume level in SL upon startup? it used to startup with whatever level it was at before i restarted. now it readjust each time.

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