Intel Mac :: Can't Turn It On, Keep Hearing Beep Sound
May 8, 2012I am not able to turn on my iMac. There are three beep sound when I try to turn it on.
I am not able to turn on my iMac. There are three beep sound when I try to turn it on.
The screen to my MacBook Pro screen wont turn on and when I push the power button it just makes a 3 beep sound repeatedly. Is there any way t. Fix this or should I go to the store?
MacBook Pro
Am hearing a beep tone every 5 seconds when I startup my iMac computer. It is on macosx.
The last time I used it was when I was playing starcraftII and I shut down without removing the CD like I usually do. But this time when I startup the iMac does not boot up. I have tried resetting the SMC and it didn't work. I pressed down the mouse while startup and the CD didn't come out but I started to hear these beep tones, when I startup now. Thought it might be the memory card so removed them and tried starting up without them and then tried one by one and I still getting the beep tones, will I lose my hardisk as well if I keep rebooting too many times like this? How to get the CD out and startup the iMac properly?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I sit with my 08' alum-ubody 13'' macbook on my lap very often. when I maneuver myself into a new position, my macbook always maneuver with me. but i've been hearing a unique sound that it makes if I tilt it too steeply. this sound closely resembles the same sound a flourecent light makes when it turns on. --ting!-- just a few decibels louder than a pindrop.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have a Mac Pro 1,1 and every day or at least twice a day I hear a clicking sound.
It is not hard drive style click of death sound. For the life of me I cannot tell where its coming fromDo you guys think it might be the power supply? Everything works perfectly on the machine but that sound worries me.
I've recently been attempting to play sound from my max through an external hi fi (and also a mixer)I brought an audio jack that i put into the headphone/speaker slot in the back of the mac - I then put the 2 outputs jacks into the back of a hi fiMusic Does play, BUT its really bad sound quality. Particularly when music stops - there's hissing/crackling and also clicking!!i looked in the help file and it says i need to select "headphones" in the sound preferences window - but it's not giving me the option (the only option is built in audio - internal speakers)
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've had my MBP for two weeks now, I notice when I'm working in a quiet room and I pick up my notebook to move it I hear this faint clicking nose. My fingers arent touching the pad or any keys. Is it some antishock mechanism for the HDD that thinks that it's falling?
View 3 Replies View RelatedHere is whats happening: my 3 y.o. 15 MBP is connected to external speakers (Bose MusicMonitor) and every time there is a sound, any system sound, say an email in, a volume chirp, or a Skype chirp, anything at all, I hear an audible POP, before hearing the actual sound, in fact the POP sort of overlays the sound. I hear the second POP sometimes, after the sound has sounded, so to speak, and sometimes the second one does not happen at all. To me it reminds me of the Pioneer Amp my dad used to have in the 70's, when you first turn that thing on, it would produce an audible POP. So, back to to this, it sounds like an amplifier POP by being awaken by the system, and I'm inclined to think it is the MBP's audio "amplifier" on its board. Oh, btw, both the speakers and the MBP's volume is set to low.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm having trouble with the sound, it will turn off on it's own sometimes. The on screen volume bar will show a circle with a / through it.
Just installed a second Samsung F1 500GB (HD502IJ) hard drive in my 2x1.8 G5 Power Mac. I have the "Energy Saver" option on default and the system turns the hard drives off when they're not being used. Everything is working good with this drive except one thing: When the system turns the Samsung to sleep, there's a tiny beep/sound, like coming from the motherboard or something. So I was wondering:
1. Should there be a beep on sleep?
2. How do I turn this annoying beep off?
I tried to boot up my MacBook pro and it make a beep sound. Screen is blank.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have no sound my my computer . I can't turn the on and off key and mute buy my key board , yes I am writting with it and offer keys work
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have macbook pro 13" laptop. The laptop fell down (ofcourse, it was in the bag), and no breakage happened to it, but failed starting after that. The sleep LED was blinking with a beep sound continuously and did not start after that.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
My mac book is not starting up. It gives a "beep beep beep" sound continuously.
I bought a MacBook Pro 13" in August 2011. A few days ago, I started to get a triple alarm sound (beep, plus battery indicator light flashes three times) and the system freezes (no keyboard or trackpad input, screen stays on). The triple beep continues until I shut it off through the power button.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Hi guys im trying to censor out profanity in my iMovie project, so far i put the little beep sound at the part where i want to block but as it plays it plays the beep AND the curs word so you can hear it, how can i make it so that ONLY the beep can be herd and not the curs word, like mute that part of the clip.. Someone help? i can't seem to find a way.
Oh and by the way im using iMovie '08
for some reason i turned my apple imac (intel) on today and the sound wont turn up or down or mute with keys and no sound when i plug the headphones in is there something ive done to cause this
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I got a 13" Unibody MBP, lower-end model, in July. Since then I've noticed various issues.
First of all, I have the common beachball problem. There's no click/beep sound associated with it like some have, and I've noticed clearing out my cache and occasional restarts have helped that. But in general things seem to be much slower than when I first got it... But of course I have many more programs installed, but very few are actually running.
I remember it being nearly completely silent when I first got it. Now I can hear noises when it loads web pages, applications, etc. that reminds me of the noise you'd head from an old desktop. Was I just imagining that it was silent before? The fans seem to run more often, as well.
Also, my audio jack is more and more often not detecting when something is plugged in to it. Usually putting it in to sleep and waking it back up helps.
Anyway, all of these together make me wonder if I should be paying a visit to the Apple store, and if so, what should I ask?
Is it possible to turn of the sound of one safari window and keep the sound on in another? If it is, how do i do it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhenever I try to start up my iMac all I et is a series of 3-tone beeps repeated endlessly and I can't get it to start up. Also now the apple repair disc is stuck in the drive and I can,t eject it.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I'm fairly new to the MAC world and have not found my way around this computer completely. I have seen a commercial of an iMAC sending email and a swishing sound occurred when the email was sent. I wonder how one turns on the sound that indicates the email has been transmitted? And, are there choices of different sounds for this purpose?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to turn off the start up sound played through the MP internal speaker when you turn the computer on? This is really annoying!
View 2 Replies View Related10.7.3 cannot turn sound on do I need to reinstall?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I go to turn on my MacBook pro nothing happens. No sound no hd spin no nothing. Last put computer to sleep and had it plugged in charging. Now when plugged in led doesn't turn green or any color just stays off and battery detector on side of laptop does nothing at all.
View 19 Replies View Relatedbesides leaving your computer on mute is there a way to turn off the startup noise on a mac? When i come late to class and want to bootup my computer, the apple startup noise draws attention to the fact that i am late and booting up my macbook.
View 24 Replies View RelatedI listen to iiTunes a lot while surfing the web. It's very annoying when I come across a website which has it's own music and it suddenly overlaps the music I'm playing on iTunes. Is there anyway to turn off the sound from all other applications while using iTunes?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy G4 iMac has been making a weird fan sound (a flickering sound, as if there were a piece of paper in it or something). Last night I turned it off and the weird fan continued running. I tried to unplug my mac and plug it back in, but the fan just starts right back up. The computer won't start, I've tried holding the start button but nothing happens. I need my computer today to work.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a 3 year old MacBook Pro, so I decided to experiment with Bootcamp. I changed it completly to Windows. Happily it worked, however there doesn't seem to be a way to mute the startup sound. I've searched the internet for answers but the problem is, but all the advice I find tells me either to mute the computer before turning it off (which unfortunately doesn't work), plugging in headphones (also didn't work), or downloading a mac application which I obviously can't as I'm in windows.
View 7 Replies View RelatedEvery computer I ever had, the first thing I do is to turn off the startup sound because it is very annoying in a public place and sometimes in a quiet place. I have not been able to find out how to trun it off on my Air. I asked the guys at the stores and they just say you can't. That is really dumb. I turned off my speaker but that is not a practical way because I may not remember to turn it off when I shut down.
how do I turn it off permenantly.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I installed the app Hear and i didnt like the sounds.. now all the sound of my mac seems like over eq..and higher bass etc.. i didnt like and and i couldnt turn to back to default settings..even if i remove the app... anyone has any idea how to turn to default sound setting on mac ??
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