Hardware :: Unable To Configure Airport Extreme Guest Account / Hook Up Wireless Gaming Adapter
Nov 14, 2010
I have a guest account set up on my Airport Extreme. I'm trying to hook up a wireless gaming adapter (xbox) to a Slingbox. It's worked in the past with linksys routers that had no security. When I set up the airport, I set security by default, but I want to remove it from the guest account. I just can't find the way to configure the guest account.
I'm sure is's pretty easy, and just a button I can't find, but if someone could point me in the right direction,
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Sep 19, 2009
Background: I have a long background in computing and networking, but am new to the specific operation of the Apple Airport Extremes.
I have a network with an existing router in place that connects to the internet, and provides DHCP for the network. I want to add (potentially many) Airport Extremes to this network to provide two basic functions:
1) Wireless access to the existing network over a large office area (preferably on the same subnet as the existing, wired network, with the current router [NOT the AEs] providing DHCP services) and
2) Guest network access such that users joining the guest network can access the internet, but NOT any of the addresses on the main network.
I can find no way to do this trivially. It seems that if I set the AEs to BRIDGE mode, the option to set up a guest network disappears (perhaps reasonably so, since the AE would need to be able to manage the address range for the two networks).
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Sep 21, 2009
I have a guest account set up on my Airport Extreme. I'm trying to hook up a wireless gaming adapter (xbox) to a Slingbox. It's worked in the past with linksys routers that had no security. When I set up the airport, I set security by default, but I want to remove it from the guest account. I just can't find the way to configure the guest account. I'm sure its pretty easy and just a button I can't find.
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Jun 16, 2009
I have the AirPort Extreme base station 802.11n and was thinking of using it as a way to access a wireless signal since my newly acquired G5 tower doesn't have a wireless card.
Is is possible to use the base station as a wireless access instead of the card?
Caveat: I have a MacBook Pro that I use with a built in wireless card. I get my signal from a wireless signal from my upstairs friend/landlord's network. He uses a Linksys router and modem from the cable company.
Is there a way around buying a wireless card or USB adapter for this G5?
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Oct 27, 2009
I went to the account tab in preferences but I don't see the guest account. did this change with Snow Leopard. I want to take the guest account off my laptop.
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Jul 2, 2014
We often have guests or baby sitters who want to use our Mac to browse the web,so I'd like to enable the Guest Account.The problem is that I have FileVault2 enabled on the family iMac. The combination (FileVault2+Guest) means that every time someone logs in to the guest account, they need to select the Wifi SSID and enter the Wifi password. Not all of our guests are confident with that, and if I'm not there it often can't be done. Is there a way I can configure the SSID and Password for wifi for the Guest Account so that the guest does not need to do it?
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Oct 27, 2010
I want to hook up my Canon Selphy and an external hard drive. What's the best way this can be done? My PowerMac G5 is currently hooked up to an ethernet cable. I notice there's an other one in the back... Could I just wire another cable and stick it in the back of the Airport Extreme Base?
Is there anyway I could add it to the existing wireless, or would I have to create a new one because the G5 doesn't have a airport card inside?
I'd want it to work between my MBP, iBook, and all the other laptops in my house.
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Jan 24, 2011
I have my airport extreme configured properly (I have it joining my main wireless network--i live with roommates, so we have a 'house' wireless network but I wanted a work hard drive available to me wirelessly) and updated, and when I use the airport utility I can see my hard drive and it looks like it's configured right. The first time I set up this whole system, I just plugged in the hard drive and it popped right up on my computer. Then, I went into manual setup on airport utility and decided to change the disc password from "use airport password" to "use disk password".
Since then, while my hard drive still shows up as a shared device, when I click on it, rather than taking me to the hard drive, it just says "connecting..." forever. there is also a little button that says "connect as", but it does nothing when i click it. I've tried every combination resetting, removing passwords, creating accounts, etc, and still I haven't been able to access my drive since that first time. Does anyone know what the problem is? alternatively, does anyone have step-by-step directions for how to get my airport extreme to 'join' my wireless network so that I can see my hard drive and access it wirelessly while still staying connected to my 'house' network? Ideally, I would prefer to just use the airport as the main router, but because of roommates (the cable is in one guy's room, he won't let anyone else in or use a different router--plus, then my hard drive would be in his room) this isn't an option. Another one of my roommates has his setup just like I want mine, but he can't figure out what's going on with it not connecting.
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May 20, 2012
My G-5 in connected to the ethernet with a modem I need help in configuring an Airport Extreme as a wireless base station
G-5 Powermac Early 2005, Mac OS X (10.4), SN#G853051TRTY
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Jul 18, 2010
Is it possible to implement a similar function like Guest Networking on an older Airport Extreme router? I'm sharing the internet with housemates but would like to shield my own computers from the network. Is it possible without upgrading the router?
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Jun 16, 2007
I can't seem to find the option under System Preferences/Sharing/Internet that allows me to set my Aiport Extreme in my iMac for WPA/WPA2 security for internet sharing. Am I missing an update? Software update check shows all software current. Is there a download I'm missing?
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Apr 12, 2009
I can't seem to get my airport express to extend the guest network from my new airport extreme. It will extend the private network but the guest network doesn't show up in the list under airport utility. Is there anyway to extend the internet only except to one computer which needs to share a printer back to the original extreme?
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Jul 7, 2010
I just purchased a new AirPort Extreme with the guest networking feature. I loaded the config from my previous AirPort Extreme and everything seems to be working fine with the exception of the guest networking feature. When I have a guest attempting to log into the guest network, it displays the error: "connection failed". I am able to connect my iPhone(listed MAC in router) to the guest network just fine however, my "guest" laptop that has no MAC address in the router will not connect. It sounds like a MAC ACL issue. I currently have the "(default)" set to no access.
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Mar 6, 2009
Anyone have the new Airport Extreme? I have a question about the new features.
I'm interesting in picking one up because I've been looking for a good 802.11n router for awhile, and the simultaneous dual-band radios plus the guest networking feature are the real sellers for me. Both those features exist in part on other routers, but I'd have to put in a lot of work in a DD-WRT compatible router to get them both to work properly.
My question, though, is can both the dual-band radios and the guest networking feature be run simultaneously? It seems that from a hardware perspective, the easiest way to get a second network and SSID running would be to use the second radio, which precludes the dual-band feature. Does anyone have the new Airport Extreme yet? Can you run both at the same time?
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Jan 25, 2009
I am having an infuriating issue with my Airport Extreme, since updating the firmware it will not let me get to the web site for my gaming group, The Valiant Crusaders. The site is perfectly accessible nationwide and if I remove my AeBS and have my machines directly connect to my cable modem, they can get to that site just fine. It's as if my base station has decided to cut off that website and nothing I do will get around that. I even went and did a hard reset on the base station and renamed it etc but it still will not let me get to this site. I can get to every other site I care about with no issues. As far as I know the firewall in the hardware shouldn't be able to be set to do that.
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Dec 28, 2009
I have an HP EX490 Mediasmart Server that I'm trying to get Remote Access to work with my Airport Extreme (N/Giga version). Unfortunately HP doesn't recommend the Airport Extreme for Remote Access use since it doesn't support UPnP. I followed one guy's steps to manually configure the port forwarding to get Remote Access to work, based upon comments it works for some and doesn't work for others. I've provided screenshots that match his instructions, and I was wondering if anyone has had luck and are there extra steps since I have the latest firmware on my Airport Extreme? I really don't feel like buying another wireless router if possible, but if I need to, any recommendations that has a USB port so I can print wireless with my current printer?
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Jun 16, 2010
I have one of those "new" (well, mine's over a year old now) 13" aluminum-cased MacBooks (what is the official name for these anyways, Intel Core-Duo or something?... I digress). I am using the default/included 'AirPort' wireless thingy.
All I want to know is: How do I ensure that my AirPort is configured properly to access a 5 ghz wireless band? I just setup my wireless router to broadcast at 5 ghz and I want to make sure my MacBook is receiving at 5 ghz/optimal speed. So, what steps do I take to check this and/or configure it as such?
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Mar 7, 2010
I have an airport extreme base station (wireless n draft). problem is, my room is all the way in the back and i get poor reception. Can i just buy another standard $40 wireless G router and "extend" my wireless network? if so, how easy would this be to accomplish? would it be as simple as hooking up the $40 router with my airport extreme using via ethernet cable so that it extends it? update: I am looking at this router...would this accomplish my purpose? [URL:....]
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May 10, 2012
I am unable to configure my mail account
Info:MacBook Air, MacOS X (10.5)
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Nov 20, 2009
I recently took a plunge and went for a gigabit fiberoptic line. However, my speeds are extremely slow. I am currently living in Japan and was provided with an NEC router. To this I've connected an Airport Express "N". I've set this up as my WDS main and I have another Airport Express "b/g" and this is setup as my WDS remote.
I don't have the latest equipment...running on wifi I have a PowerBook G4 and on Speedtest this is getting only 1mb/s or so. I have a PC connected directly to the router and this only gets about 6mb/s. It's a Compaq D510 (so, not the latest and greatest, but not ancient).
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Jul 21, 2010
I really like the guest account feature that Leopard (and I'm assuming Snow Leopard) provides.I just got my first Macbook Pro... about a year old running Leopard... part of a client deal (you Mac people just got another application developer interested ).
Anyway.. I'm wondering... I"m getting rid of a few of my other computers on craigslist in the coming weeks and my girlfriend always wants to check her facebook. I'd prefer not to have her accidentally close something important so I setup & configured the guest account. I installed the server admin tools to fully customize the dock/etc.
Two questions however:
1: Thus far the guest account cannot access HTTPS (secure sites) websites. Not in Safari or Google Chrome. Is this an option somewhere? Something I'm missing? I've tried googling for about 30 minutes and have come up blank.
2: Without overwriting the default profile setup (incase I ever want to create new profiles)... is there a way to set a few default things for the Guest user? FOr instance... I know it wipes everything on close... I want it to remember that Google Chrome & Safari have run before (annoying that it asks "do you want this to be the default browser?.. or running the initial safari video).
Feel free to get as technical as you want... as I said I'm a seasoned linux & windows developer getting into the Mac world .
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Jul 21, 2010
New Mac Mini 2009, Apps, user and settings imported from a G4 Cube running Leopard perfectly. When I go to System Prefs - Accounts - Guest and I mark the checkbox "Allow Guests connect to this computer" System Prefs freezes with rainbow pizza. Then, no matter if I kill the application or not, the system is death. If I launch new apps from the dock, they bounce a four five times and then stop but the applications don't launch. Not even I can restart. When all the applications closes the system starts a loop of spinning clock wheel - blue screen - clock wheel - blue screen forever.
This is the second new Mac that has the same exact problem after importing all my data, and it's 100% reproducible. I returned the first one to Apple cause I thought it was a hardware failure. What I have done?
Repair permissions and diks
Reinstall the system
Create a test user and try from there
Try from root user
System log when I click the guest box:
System log after checking Guest User Access:
Mar 20 17:48:40 Mini ReportCrash182: Formulating crash report for process securityd23
Mar 20 17:48:40 Mini com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.SecurityServer23): Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 179 PPID 1 SecurityAgent
Mar 20 17:48:40 Mini com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.SecurityServer23): Stray process with PGID equal to this dead job: PID 178 PPID 1 authorizationhos
Mar 20 17:48:40 Mini com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.SecurityServer23): Exited abnormally: Segmentation fault
Mar 20 17:48:40 Mini ReportCrash182: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/securityd_2009-03-20-174840_Mini.crash using uid: 0 gid: 0, euid: 0 egid: 0
Mar 20 17:49:41 Mini /Applications/TextEdit.app/Contents/MacOS/TextEdit171: SessionGetInfo(0xffffffff) -> Mach 268435459
Mar 20 17:49:41 Mini /Applications/TextEdit.app/Contents/MacOS/TextEdit171: CSBackToMyMac::_SCSecKeychainCopySystemKeychain returned NULL
Mar 20 17:49:49 Mini /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/Resources/quicklookd.app/Contents/MacOS/quicklookd190: SessionGetInfo(0xffffffff) -> Mach 1102
Mar 20 17:49:49 Mini /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/Resources/quicklookd.app/Contents/MacOS/quicklookd190: GetOurLSSessionIDInit(), returned error 0xe2, securitySessionID=0x0 attrs=0 uid=502 euid=502. cf Radar 5123589.
Mar 20 17:49:49 Mini /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd62: Client must provide a valid sessionID but passed 0, 0x0/0x0 version=10500000 uid=502 euid=502. cf Radar 5123589.
Mar 20 17:49:49 Mini /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/Resources/quicklookd.app/Contents/MacOS/quicklookd190: LaunchServices/5123589: coreservicesd is running an unsupported version, 0 ( we are 10500000 ), so we cannot talk to it.
Mar 20 17:49:49 Mini /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd62: Client must provide a valid sessionID but passed 0, 0x0/0x0 version=10500000 uid=502 euid=502. cf Radar 5123589.
Mar 20 17:49:49 Mini /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickLook.framework/Resources/quicklookd.app/Contents/MacOS/quicklookd190: LaunchServices/5123589: coreservicesd is running an unsupported version, 0 ( we are 10500000 ), so we cannot talk to it.
Mar 20 17:49:53 Mini /System/Library/CoreServices/ReportCrash191: SessionGetInfo(0xffffffff) -> Mach 1102
Mar 20 17:49:53 Mini /System/Library/CoreServices/ReportCrash191: GetOurLSSessionIDInit(), returned error 0xe2, securitySessionID=0x0 attrs=0 uid=502 euid=502. cf Radar 5123589.
Mar 20 17:49:53 Mini /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd62: Client must provide a valid sessionID but passed 0, 0x0/0x0 version=10500000 uid=502 euid=502. cf Radar 5123589.
Mar 20 17:49:53 Mini /System/Library/CoreServices/ReportCrash191: LaunchServices/5123589: coreservicesd is running an unsupported version, 0 ( we are 10500000 ), so we cannot talk to it.
Mar 20 17:49:53 Mini /System/Library/CoreServices/ReportCrash194: SessionGetInfo(0xffffffff) -> Mach 1102
Mar 20 17:49:53 Mini /System/Library/CoreServices/ReportCrash194: GetOurLSSessionIDInit(), returned error 0xe2, securitySessionID=0x0 attrs=0 uid=502 euid=502. cf Radar 5123589.
Mar 20 17:49:53 Mini /System/Library/CoreServices/coreservicesd62: Client must provide a valid sessionID but passed 0, 0x0/0x0 version=10500000 uid=502 euid=502. cf Radar 5123589.
Mar 20 17:49:53 Mini /System/Library/CoreServices/ReportCrash194: LaunchServices/5123589: coreservicesd is running an unsupported version, 0 ( we are 10500000 ), so we cannot talk to it.
Mar 20 17:49:53 Mini com.apple.launchd108: catch_mach_exception_raise_state_identity(): thread: 0xa8cf task: 0x8eaf type: 0xa code: 0x2c044 codeCnt: 0x2 flavor: 0x2c054 old_state: 0x2c05c old_stateCnt: 0x2c new_state: 0x2b02c new_stateCnt: 0x2b028
Mar 20 17:49:53 Mini com.apple.launchd108 (com.apple.ReportCrash.SafetyNet194): Exited abnormally: Abort trap
Mar 20 17:49:54 Mini ReportCrash195: Formulating crash report for process ReportCrash191
Mar 20 17:49:54 Mini ReportCrash195: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/ReportCrash_2009-03-20-174953_Mini.crash using uid: 0 gid: 0, euid: 0 egid: 0
Mar 20 17:49:54 Mini com.apple.launchd108 (com.apple.ReportCrash191): Exited abnormally: Abort trap
Mar 20 17:49:55 Mini ReportCrash195: Formulating crash report for process quicklookd190
Mar 20 17:49:56 Mini ReportCrash195: Saved crashreport to /Library/Logs/CrashReporter/quicklookd_2009-03-20-174954_Mini.crash using uid: 0 gid: 0, euid: 0 egid: 0
Mar 20 17:49:55 Mini com.apple.launchd108 (com.apple.quicklook190): Exited abnormally: Abort trap
Mar 20 17:49:55 Mini com.apple.launchd108 (com.apple.quicklook): Throttling respawn: Will start in 5 seconds
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Jul 6, 2009
I don't understand something very basic about the internet...
I have been using a 2WIRE wireless box plugged into my phone line/DSL for four years. I knocked it over and it doesn't seem like it is broadcasting a wireless signal anymore, so I bought an Airport Extreme Base Station, 2007 square model used.
I don't understand how to set it up... Can't I just throw away the 2WIRE thing now? When I try to use the Airport Extreme thing, it does not recognize the internet DSL signal or something.
I just want to use the Airport Extreme as a dsl wireless router alone.
I don't want the 2WIRE thing. The 2WIRE thing is usable when I plug my ethernet cord into it, but it is no longer broadcasing a wireless signal.
How do I set up the Airport Extreme with my DSL for wireless?
Sorry this is so stupid. I just don't understand what to do at all.
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Mar 26, 2009
I set up a guest acc several days ago and now it's disable, but the small file size folder still remains in hd/users. Is it ok to delete this folder?
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Nov 15, 2009
i have my xbox hooked up to the internet through my airport extreme but recently it stopped recognizing my network and i cant figure out why? All of my other wireless devices work on my airport except my 360 and my imac running windows 7 in bootcamp finds my network but only gives me limited access to the network.
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Nov 4, 2010
We've just moved house and signed-up to O2 Broadband. They've supplied a Thomson wireless box that plugs into the phone socket. This box, however, doesn't work with my Apple TV or Airport Extreme/Airport Disk. I've tried to make my Extreme 'extend the network' but it says the network cannot be extended.
How can I ditch this O2 wireless box and get back to my Apple-based network (considering the broadband enters my house through a phone socket rather than a Cat-5 ethernet cable that the Extreme can accept)? I want my AppleTV/Airport disk back as I had in my old house!!
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Dec 9, 2010
AirPort Extreme 802.11n Wi-Fi wireless networking;2 IEEE 802.11a/b/g compatible
Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) wireless technology
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Apr 26, 2005
My powerBook has no problem connecting, but the Airport Admin utility for Windows XP can't "see" the base station.
Clicking "Start" then "connect to" and then "show all connections" and then the name for my Airport network, a "choose a wireless network" screen comes up, a strength meter (all bars on) displays, and a reminder that a network key is required. Clicking "connect" on this screen shows a "wireless network connection" thingy -- but it never actually connects.
Have a Belkin Wireless G Notebook Network Card in a Toshiba 2430:(URL)
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Nov 29, 2006
I no longer have any wireless devices in my house and I'd prefer not to have wireless active. When I go to the AEBS admin utility, the best I can see to do is reduce the signal strength to 10%. Is there a way to shut of wireless altogehter?
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Jul 7, 2008
I can't get my Airport Extreme to work w/ any of my PCs (via wireless). I have an Extreme N w/ gigabit and using WPA/WPA2 security. Latest firmware. My MBP works perfectly fine, so does my iPod Touch and even my printer which connects via WiFi also (hp Photosmart D7460).
However none of my PCs can connect, I already tried w/ 2 different Dell laptops a Toshiba laptop and a desktop. All are running XP and have all the updates etc. All connect and work fine to my Linksys WRT54G.
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