Hardware :: Changed Over The LAN Ports On The Router And Still Get The Same Effect?
Feb 15, 2009
I have a Linksys 160N wireless N router. I have my MBP hooking up wirelessly and I have another PC wired to the router. That's about where it stops being a normal setup.If I have my MBP in sleep mode or off, my PC which is wired, loads very slow if at all. Now if I have my MBP on and I am using it, the PC works perfectly normal.I changed over the LAN ports on the router and I still get the same effect.
Then I logged out and then logged back in again to reload.
This is supposed to change the Time Machine backup interval from 1 hour to once every 24 hours.
Maybe it does, but I noticed something weird: every time I load up Time Machine Preferences from the menu bar, the time to "Next Backup" changes by subtracting 1 hour or so from its previous value just a few minutes ago when I checked.
If I check again immediately, it is the same (e.g. Today, 9:20pm) but if I wait awhile and load it again, it changes to something like "Today, 8:20pm"
Not sure what's going on here and can anyone offer any comments if I even executed this command correctly in the first place?
Im having trouble opening the ports on my router in order to enable people to get my nicecast broadcast. I am running off a regular wireless router not an airport station and i dont have the software for the router.
Where do you sit on the whole Genie Effect vs Scale Effect war that's been raging for the last 8 years? Whilst the Genie wowed me the first time I saw it, I chose Scale Effect pretty much as soon as I got OSX, preferring performance over prettiness. Now, years later, when I occasionally catch it on other peeps machines I think it just looks... tacky. I wonder how many people on here still have it switched on?
What is the best router to have for my iMac 27", 3.06 gig? I currently have a Belkin N1 Wireless Router, but it has been acting up lately, dropping my connection, requiring disconnect/re-connect.
Right now I have an old router/modem. And I want to buy a new one that has QoS...i found Linksys WRT54GL. But it has no ADSL modem...So I am asking you, Is it possible to connect this linksys router to my router/modem? But in way, that the router/modem will no longer be a router, but only a modem.
I just recently got Verizon Fios internet. I am having a problem with making the router they supplied my default router.I am not trying to piggy back or connect additional routers. I just want to use the Fios router.Prior to Fios, I had Time Warner and i used my own router and as soon as I opened up my macbook, it would immediately find that router as my default. Now, with Fios, when i open my "Airport" icon at the top on my screen, it NEVER choses my Fios router as my default, making me change to it every time i want to use my internet after opening up my computer.
And i have a Wireless Router from Netgear is there any way i can make both the modem and router to work together using Netgears router because the one verizon sent me always loses connection and i just dont like how it operates. I had my old modem working perfectly with the Net gear router but i guess since this has a built in Router it automatically makes it use it
Upstairs I have my AT&T provided router's wireless turned off and have plugged my Airport Extreme into the ethernet in DMZ mode. Wireless works fine in the house.Downstairs my Xbox 360's ethernet cable is plugged into my AT&T provided set-top box (receiver/DVR) and internet works fine on that. I cannot stream my media (using 360 Connect) from my mac to my xbox since they are on different networks, although using the same U-verse connection.When checking the AT&T router's system summary page I can see that there is an IP assigned to the xbox.
I have a Netgear Wireless G Router and was wondering if this is sufficiant or is there something out now that is faster/better. Mainly used for my macbook and wife pc laptop and 2 IPhones.
I just built a PC that actually works. However, I was really cheap and didn't wanna buy a wireless access card, thinking I could connect to an extra router and use this router to connect to my other router that's network enabled. Is this possible, and if so, how would I go about doing it? I tried googling it, but I dunno what this is called.
I have a Linksys Wireless Router and a Linksys Modem, the router is 6 years old or so 802.11b, how much faster would the Internet be if I had a combined Linksys wireless router/modem versus the 802.11b that I have now?
Would I see a huge difference? I am running my Macbook off it and an olde Toshiba laptop.
What I'm trying to do is set up the apple tvs to be connected to a router that is not connected to the internet, which we'll call Router B.The Mac Mini has all the movies and TV Shows on the iTunes account is hardlined into another router that is connected to the internet, which we'll call Router A.Is it possible to have the Mac Mini hardlined into Router A (to have an internet connection) and simultaneously connected wirelessly to Router B (so the AppleTVs can pull from the Mac Mini iTunes.)?Or vice versa, hardlined into Router B (non internet connection) and Wireless to Router A (internet connection).
But there is just no difference in temperature or fan speed. Now iTunes, Firefox, Adium and Coolbook are open but as soon as I start to load some Webpages (Engadget, Spiegel.de, etc...) the fan runs a lot faster and thy CPU has about 55�C.
I have a Mac Pro and two video cards, and am upping the setup to a new Nehalem Mac Pro with the ATI 4780 card + NVidia GT120 card. For illustration purposes, I will use those two cards to frame my question, as we seem to be pretty familiar with their specs by now. My question is somewhat conceptual, and is difficult to explain, but I am counting on the MR collective intelligence to sort it out! I'll use a few scenarios to illustrate my point: Scenario 1: Heavy use of the 4870 card, using both outputs (two screens). Naturally, performance is better than using the GT120 card.
Scenario 2: Same heavy use, but this time one port from the 4870 is used, and one port from the GT120.
Scenario 3: Same heavy use, but both ports on the 4870 are used, and one port on the GT120 (three screens total)
Scenario 3: Same heavy use, but both ports on the GT120 are used, and one port on the 4870 (three screens total)
How do software applications deal with two video cards? Would running Aperture, FCP, gaming etc., degrade just one screen? Wouldn't the whole application have to slow down to accommodate the lesser card? Is there a "primary" card and a "secondary" card designation? I'm thinking of multiple monitor setups (three, for example) where a lesser card is necessary to drive the extra screen, but the application is using all three.
I sent some fairly big files back on the 11th Aug via mac mail which uses sky mail. Ever since that sate this application just hangs now and it drains all my bandwidth (i don't appear to be getting any mail) so i have to shut it down. Is there any way of resetting it in effect.
if one were to install a xeon with a 1066fsb, would the macpro automatically try to run it at 1333 (in effect overclocking it) or would it automatically shift to 1066? If it doesn't do it automatically, could you force it to do 1333 somehow?
Then open Contents and then Resources. View from Menubar on top. View as list. Then click kind on top of window and view by file type. Select all the .png files. Right click and say Move to Trash.
Restart the computer and see it. If I remove the 3d effect it looks ugly. But with 3d dock on it looks cool. Almost blending in like there is no dock at all.
p1 and p2 are blue background and p3 and p4 are X logo. But as in p2 and p4 if I open Safari I get a small shadow. And it goes away if I minimize or quit safari. Still not bad.
Or this is the normal look with 3d and all the files in tact before I edited anything. [URL] But I can't decide which looks cooler. With or without dock.
I've been considering buying a MBP for a while now but have ultimately decided to wait until the next refresh, which i presume will be in time for christmas or very early 2010?Reason being I was bought a 24" iMac for my birthday in August and am obviously about to be slightly stung by the updated version of the all in one being released a mere 2 months or so later, so decided to wait till the next MBP update before buying my first notebook to maximize its longevity (hopefully).My question though is, as MBP and iMac specs are currently relatively similar and both are considered the slightly more high end "everyday consumer option" (low end being MacBook and Mac Mini)...Could the spec of the updated iMac be all but the same as the new MBP when they are released? i know we as consumers can never "know" but it could be logical to assume if iMac's get quad core and blu-ray then MBP could be in for similar treatment.
Today i plugged in my laptop to find that after about 5 attempts it charged, for about 30 secconds then stopped. Now i cant even get it to charge at all. Please answer quickly because its going to die soon?
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 4 months old
I have inadvertently left my 2011 MBP running with a processor intensive music app running. The battery ran out before i realised.. When i attached the power lead to charge it, the computer automatically restarted without even pressing the power button. The computer had not entered safe sleep mode, presumably because my music software was still running.
Since then the computer will not ever enter safe sleep when the power runs down. The battery just cuts out each time when it drops to less than 5%, it does not run out at 0% like it usually does. if it is the logic board battery because i have had this issue a couple of times before but it rectified itself after a few days. I have checked that safe sleep is enabled which it is, but the computer just cuts out before safe sleep kicks in.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)
I use Final Cut Pro X Version 10.1.2 under Mac OS X 10.9.4 to create a slide show video. How can I add still frames (pausing) before and after Ken Burns effect? I tried sandwich a clip with Ken Burns effect by other Ken Burns effect clips with identical starting and ending frames. However, clips are non-continuous when playing the video.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)