Hardware :: Remap Alt And Cmd Keys & Use Eject As Sleep?
Feb 25, 2010
I have spent some time modifying the apple aluminum keyboard firmware in order to make it function as I wanted in Windows.
What I have achieved until now:
a) I am using the eject button as a sleep button (this also works in windows)
b) Swap alt and cmd buttons
There are no extra drivers/utilities involved. Everything is stored in the apple keyboard firmware and works even without bootcamp software.
If there are others interested, please post and I will make a tutorial.
This is primarily for users interested in using their aluminum keyboard on a windows PC
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Apr 18, 2009
Is there any app that will allow me to remap keys from my pad to keyboard keys ? For an example if i'll press a button on my pad - the text editor will type in a letter ?
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May 5, 2009
So I'm a little new to 10.5.
I'd like to remap my F9-F12 keys (I like them in a certain order).
Seems simple enough: Preferences/Keyboard and Mouse/Keyboard shortcuts.
But double clicking, then press a new key doesn't do a thing. What am I doing wrong?
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Nov 9, 2007
How would i go about remapping the volume function keys on my old white apple keyboard to match the sequence order of the macbook's volume keys?
what i mean is how can i remap the volume keys above the numpad so they are used in this order: mute, volume down, volume up like on the macbooks for F17, F18, F19 respectively instead of volume down, volume up, mute like on the old white apple keyboards for F17, F18, F19 respectively. if it is possible i would then just switch the volume keycaps around to match the mapping.
i found this article about modifying the com.apple.symbolichotkeys.plist to change the expos� and dashboard keys link. it says near the bottom that it may be possible to remap the volume keys but the author did not know the values... damn so close! does anyone know the values for the volume keys or know of any other way to change them?
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Jan 2, 2008
Is it possible to remap the Eject-key to forward delete (fn+delete) on the SR MacBook?
The Eject-key doesn't do very much for me. I would use it more often if it could unmount disk images, but I rather have a single key for forward delete if that's possible.
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Jun 18, 2010
I'm a developer and I dual boot OSX with Ubuntu, basically for my work, although I'd like to progressively make the switch completely to OSX (mainly because of battery life).
One thing, though, that's keeping me away from making that change is the possibility to re-map "Home" and "End" keys, which I'd like to have as fn + <- and fn + ->.
Yes, I've searched and although I found a few topics about similar things, I never got to really soving my problem.
So, fellow experts, how can I accomplish this?
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Apr 13, 2012
I run a lot of PC programs on my Macbook pro and Air using Parallels. Almost all PC software assume you have a home and end keys which you can combine with ctrl to reach the beginning and end of your document. e.g. Openoffice and MS office both, word and excel, and text editors (I program in both C and python). I have big spreadsheets that I cannot navigate to the beginning or end of sheet or even use extra functionality like arrow + shift + end to highlight a column. The lack of these combinations on the Mac make working in excel and / or OpenOffice a pain.
A read previous messages about using fn + left and fn+ right arrows, but these move me to the top of page /end of page I am currently in. Tried various combinations of cmd and alt with fn and arrows, non work.
I dowloaded keyremap4macbook, tried their various options but non work, even when running OpenOffice spreadsheet on the Mac, I cannot seem to be able to navigate straight to the upper left cell.
Previous answsers assumed the user is only using MS word and that is only an oddity of that software. I can assure you that almost all PC software has the assumption that you can go home/end and combine ctr home/ctrl end to navigate to top and end of document.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 21, 2007
I'm running 10.5.1 and Windows Vista Ultimate x64 on my Mac Pro. I just installed Vista, and then just taking a random guess, I decided to insert my leopard disc into the Windows OS, and sure enough, it showed up as "boot camp" and installed a whole bunch of drivers. Is that how it's supposed to be done? I couldn't find another way to get drivers into Windows.
Anyways, the volume keys work, but the eject key doesn't. Is there any way to make it work?
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Nov 7, 2006
There is no cd in the drive but my MacBook makes a noise like it's trying to eject a cd after waking from sleep mode.
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Dec 6, 2014
I have a 2008 MacBook Pro and recently installed Yosemite. Ever since then, the startup sound of the CD drive being checked has been occurring spontaneously when it's in sleep mode with the lid shut. It's driving me crazy because it wakes me up in the middle of the night and I can't figure out why it's happening. This never once happened before the OS upgrade.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), OS X Yosemite (10.10)
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Sep 21, 2009
I found the 2nd and 3rd one, but not the 1st one. Where is that strange symbol on my keyboard?
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Aug 22, 2014
iMac (late 2012) will not wake from sleep unless I press on/off button. Then the Mac freezes and two messages pop up telling me I have not ejected properly my two external devices 1. 500G HD and 2. 16G Flash Drive.
iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Disk Warrior does not alleviate pro
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Apr 6, 2012
Why does the computer show disk improperly ejected error message after waking from sleep mode? Hooked up external WD sata HD for itunes and getting this message more than a few times. What to do?
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Nov 11, 2009
I've got a PowerPC G5 running 10.4. After four years of dedicated service, my Superdrive gave out, so I bought a Sony drive (SONY DVD RW DRU-842A in profiler) to replace it. Here's the trouble:
Any time the machine goes to sleep with a disc in the drive, it won't eject when I wake it up. I have to restart, then eject. Other than that, the drive works beautifully. If this question has been answered elsewhere, please redirect me there, sorry for the repost.
Speaking of sleep, when I put the machine to sleep through the menu it goes fully to sleep (no fan/other noise). But when it goes to sleep on its own, I can still hear the machine churning away. Any ideas? My roomate has a newer Mac Pro that doesn't do this.
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Dec 31, 2009
My MBP has this issue every once in a while where I have to hold the power button and force shut down. Randomly the volume keys/brightness etc. stop working and i can't open apps or shut it down normally. Everything still works though (can still function in open applications) Anyone know what the problem is? It fixes when I force reset.
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Jun 30, 2009
Right now I have caps lock disabled (useless key). Is there a way to remap it to Expose or something useful (besides the command key)?
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Mar 12, 2012
Extraordinarily, Apple designed the keyboard layout for laptops so that the function key (fn) is on the opposite side of the keyboard to the cursor keys. So if you want to use Home, End, PageUp, or PageDown, as most of us do, then you have to use two hands as the fn key - far left - is too far from the cursor keys - far right.
Is there a way to remap the keyboard to swap the Enter and fn keys around? I rarely use Enter, but use fn a lot as described above. While on this subject, can I remap to get a forward delete, which I used more than backspace on a full size keyboard?
PowerBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8), G4, 1.67GHz, 1GB RAM, 250GB HD
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May 28, 2008
I just have a quick question about Boot Camp.
Is there any way that I can remap my keyboard ONLY when I'm in BootCamp, so that it's like I'm actually on a PC? By this, I just mean that Command = Alt / Option, Alt / Option = the Windows logo key, and Control stays the same? If so, please tell me how, as it's really annoying while gaming, seeing as the games are formatted for a regular PC keyboard.
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Oct 28, 2009
In my opinion I think the numbers in Spaces should be in the same layout as the numeric keypad on the Apple keyboard. Is there a way to renumber the spaces, so Spaces #1 would be in the lower left, not upper left?
Alternatively, is there a way to remap the Apple numeric keypad to be the same as a telephone keypad. That would make it the same as Spaces now is (for 1-9).
I wouldn't mind changing my numeric keypad's layout anyhow, as I'm much more used to the telephone-style layout than the calculator style on the numeric keypad.
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Mar 29, 2012
I am using a MacBook Pro running OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard). I use a third-party USB keyboard that is laid out (naturally) Windows-style, with the Alt keys inside (closer to the space bar than) the “Windows logo” keys. I use the Modifier Keys button in the Keyboard preference panel to remap these to the standard Mac configuration, with the Command keys on the inside and the Option keys on the outside.
Today those modifier keys are suddenly reversed back to the default Windows layout. The Keyboard panel still shows my preferred (remapped) configuration, but it is not being honored. I have tried reverting to the default layout and then back again, I have rebooted the system, nothing works—the modifier keys are still stuck in the Windows configuration. I rely heavily on keyboard macros in my work, most of which use the modifier keys, and those keystrokes are built into my fingers as second nature. The reversed modifier keys are driving me crazy. Please help: what can I do to make the keyboard honor my settings in the Keyboard preference panel?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 28, 2009
I'm not a total newbie with mac and computers in general, but I cannot get the one and only super drive to eject... yes, I have hit the eject button, it shows the eject icon in the screen and nothing...how can I get the thing to eject?
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Jan 18, 2009
I rarely use my superdrive, so I thought it might be more practical to have the button eject my external hard drive(s). Is there a way to do this through OS X or a third party app?
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Mar 3, 2008
I've been having problem with either Firefox or Safari and I download something and the dmg extracts and I'm left with the white casing shell where the app is housed and it won't eject. I can't eject it from finder but dumping it to the trash from finder took it off the sidebar. I can't get them off my desktop unless I restart my Mac.
I've noticed now that along with disk images not mounting for me anymore. My external drive images or DVD's won't eject either.
When I use right click with Mighty Mouse I don't even see an option anymore to eject that image. Is there any solution out there to fix this glitch? The work around I'm using is unmounting or ejecting images or disks from Disk Utility.
Why is this happening and how do I fix it? I'm using Leopard 10.5.2 and am on an intel iMac.
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Mar 27, 2012
How to eject an installation disk, the eject button won't work?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
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Jun 24, 2012
I'm getting an "eject disc" error when I resume from "sleep" mode in Snow Leopard even though I have no DVD/CD in the drive. Is this a common problem with Snow Leopard? Yes, I have all the updates.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 24, 2007
My brothers friend's iMac won't eject the disc. It locked up the computer and now it won't boot. They have tried holding down the mouse on start up but with no luck. Any thoughts?
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Feb 22, 2009
i've had a Macbook for a couple years and I have some knowledge of OS X but this one has stumped me.My friend called me tonight and she told me on her new iMac that in the finder window, after clicking on Macintosh HD, the eject button was missing that should be next to the device.This apparently happened earlier today with a CD and happened when she called me with an External HDD.
She was however able to eject the stuff by either dragging it to the trash or doing "Open Apple" + E, key shortcut. I'm stumped on this because she was till able to eject the HDD or CD with the previous methods but the Finder, "eject" button for the devices was missing.
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Jun 14, 2012
I am a new itunes user and can use your help. I'm sure it is a simple solution.finding a way to eject a cd when there is no eject symbol showing in the usual place.
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Oct 25, 2010
I've been using itunes for a while and it just messed my entire music library up! I've found something that is more Winamp style for me named "Cog". Now my problem is that I want to control it with the F7, F8, F9 keys which are the rewind, play and forward keys, but when pressing any of them it works both on itunes and cog player. How can I disable the Itunes link to it? I want it to control only Cog player.
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Feb 12, 2010
I'm using the thin aluminum USB external keyboard and suddenly my 8ik, diagonal of keys stopped working (now I'm using my laptop keyboard). Anyone know if this is typically a sign of a broken keyboard, or a user issue?
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