Mac Mini :: Getting An "eject Disc" Error When Resume From "sleep" Mode In Snow Leopard?
Jun 24, 2012
I'm getting an "eject disc" error when I resume from "sleep" mode in Snow Leopard even though I have no DVD/CD in the drive. Is this a common problem with Snow Leopard? Yes, I have all the updates.
Why does the computer show disk improperly ejected error message after waking from sleep mode? Hooked up external WD sata HD for itunes and getting this message more than a few times. What to do?
Sleep Mode does not seem to be working automatically in Snow Leopard. It sleeps when activated from the Apple Menu but not when set to sleep in Energy Saver Preference Pane. The screen dims, goes black but the computer does not seem to sleep nor does the hard drive spin down. Anyone else having a problem like this? It was working fine in Leopard (just noticed this problem now, but have had Snow Leopard installed for a couple of weeks and never noticed it)
Everytime my mac goes to sleep or i leave it for a while it switches off my wireless internet then i have wait for at least 10 minutes before it ill comeon line again.
I recently obtained a Mini which I've connected to my TV for watching movies/etc. I don't have a keyboard or mouse on the Mini.I ripped a disc the other night (via a remote connection) and realized that I don't know how to eject the disc from the Mini without a keyboard, mouse, or remote connection from my MBP. I suppose there is probably some way to script MTR and then execute a disktool afterwards but what if I'm just watching a disc and want to eject it?
I have a 2008 MacBook Pro and recently installed Yosemite. Ever since then, the startup sound of the CD drive being checked has been occurring spontaneously when it's in sleep mode with the lid shut. It's driving me crazy because it wakes me up in the middle of the night and I can't figure out why it's happening. This never once happened before the OS upgrade.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), OS X Yosemite (10.10)
An error reading the disc keeps appearing. The disc drive works well otherwise. The software is new right out of the box. Are there any other ways to upgrade to Snow Leopard besides using a disc?Â
I have a brand new mac mini, its come with a Snow leopard disc but it says for mac mini on it. I also have a Macbook Air with 10.5. I would like to know if it will work to upgrade the Macbook Air via the remote install over my wifi?
I am running Mac Mini as a home server (turns out to be not a great idea, btw), and even though I set the preference to never sleep or shut down, it does go to sleep when there is no activity for long time. Since I am using it as home server, it should stay awake all the time or at least wake up from sleep when there is incoming ping from other computer, but it just goes to sleep.
I inserted a blank disk earlier today. Automatically a hazard icon appeared where the eject icon should be. Now the disk wont come out and there is no obvious way to remove it.
iMac (late 2012) will not wake from sleep unless I press on/off button. Then the Mac freezes and two messages pop up telling me I have not ejected properly my two external devices 1. 500G HD and 2. 16G Flash Drive.
Info: iMac (21.5-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Disk Warrior does not alleviate pro
Here's what happened. I bumped my Mini fairly hard, and the audio immediately cut out. I was watching some streaming video at the time, and the video kept playing. I tried to restart. Beach ball. I turned the comp off and back on. Folder with question mark. After messing around with that for a bit, I tried putting my 10.6 DVD in and starting from that. It didn't work, but that doesn't matter since that problem fixed itself after a few restarts. The problem is that the DVD is now stuck in the drive and the Mini doesn't recognize the drive any more. The drive momentarily spins up at startup, but that's it. If I have to take it apart to get the disc out, that's fine. I have the tools and have done it before when I upgraded the RAM. I just want to avoid that if possible.
I have a MacBook (unsure if the G3/4/5 rating still applies) - I can give you the technical specs if it'll help but I don't think it will, as my problem lies with the DVD drive. Whenever I lift the lid on my Mac, it automatically searches and attempts to mount the disc drive. 98% of the time there's not a disc in it, so it's a waste of time, power and effort. stop it looking for discs on waking?
Is it possible to switch off the mains when the Mac Mini is in sleep mode?
I've only had MBPs in the recent years and appreciate their low impact on my electricity bill very much - letting them sleep unplugged does make a difference. Now I'm contemplating a Mac Mini and while I know its power consumption is as low as with the notebooks (if not lower without display), I'm wondering if the Mini needs the current in sleep mode. I assume it does, but I'd rather know than guess.
I have a 2009 imac and I just upgraded to snow lepoardmy dad put in some disc for something and now it won't eject it will mount and from looking at the files its a windows disc because its all .exe files when I eject it from finder the disc image will disappear but it doesn't come out or even make a sound in disk utility the eject option is faded out I've tried restarting and pressing the mouse, eject button, and f12 but none work the drive is always quiet except when its booting it makes a sound like its taking a disc otherwise its completely silent I know that there is no way to manually eject so I'm going to apple on the weekend My question is whether this is a drive problem or a software problem because of snow lepoard(which would seem silly because snow lepoard suppose to be better at ejecting)
I finally decided to make the jump from leopard to snow leopard on one of my macs that was still running leopard. Well, I insert the install DVD, go through the motions and start the install. Well, at about the 50 minute left point, it says the MacBook is restarting and the install will resume on restart. Well, it restarts, but the install never resumes. I've Been through this 4 times now and I'm utterly confused. Am I doing something Wrong??
So this past week when my mini hasn't stayed in sleep mode, it shuts itself down about a minute later after being in sleep mode. I haven't changed any of my settings in a year and a half, normally it would stay in sleep mode until i come back to it and logged on again. When it does shut down i just cannot power back on i have to unplug the adapter then replug it in for it to start up again. I've searched google and on here for possible ideas. I wouldn't think it to be overheating since I'm not running any applications when i put it in sleep. It might be the power supply since i have to do that process to get it to work again. Let me know what could be causing this or ways to troubleshoot this problem.
When my iMac comes out of sleep (overnight), I get a "backup failure" error as the machine tries to do a backup. I try performing a backup manually and it fails as well. I tried removing the drive to have it detect again and I get another error that it cannot perform the ejection process, because it may be in use. I have to force quit/eject. After reattaching the drive, the backup performs with no problems.
Info: iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), Seagate GoFlex Hard Drive External
My system is 10.4, I want to upgrade to 10.5, put the disc in and it says that it cannot be installed and won't eject, just keeps wanting to be restarted.
I've got a PowerPC G5 running 10.4. After four years of dedicated service, my Superdrive gave out, so I bought a Sony drive (SONY DVD RW DRU-842A in profiler) to replace it. Here's the trouble:
Any time the machine goes to sleep with a disc in the drive, it won't eject when I wake it up. I have to restart, then eject. Other than that, the drive works beautifully. If this question has been answered elsewhere, please redirect me there, sorry for the repost.
Speaking of sleep, when I put the machine to sleep through the menu it goes fully to sleep (no fan/other noise). But when it goes to sleep on its own, I can still hear the machine churning away. Any ideas? My roomate has a newer Mac Pro that doesn't do this.
i have installed 10.5 on a new mac mini, based on target disc mode install, now the mini only will boot in target disc mode with other mac attatched, how can i get this little guy to boot on his own without any other mac attatched.
When I select Sleep mode - nothing happens. Does not go to sleep.Now suddenly, when I select Shut down - the MacMini does not shut down but obviously working in a loop. I have to do a hard power down.
I have a late-2011 mac mini that quit entering sleep mode a few days ago. It won't sleep using the Energy Saver Preference Pane, either with or without the assistance of Please Sleep. It won't sleep using any keyboard command or selecting Sleep from the Apple menu. I've tried turning Bluetooth off, resetting the SMC, and resetting the PRAM all without effect. (Before this, I also tried repairing permissions and running Disk Warrior.)
I just got myself an mac mini and i really love it. Mostly use it for Plex as an media center, but here is the problem.After 1 hour inactivity it's set to go to sleep. and when i wake it up it work fine for about 10 seconds then it goes back to sleep, and i have to wake it up again for it to work.