Mac Pro :: Unable To Eject Optical Drive / Shows Eject Icon In The Screen And Nothing

Feb 28, 2009

I'm not a total newbie with mac and computers in general, but I cannot get the one and only super drive to eject... yes, I have hit the eject button, it shows the eject icon in the screen and can I get the thing to eject?

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Mac Pro :: Get Optical Drive To EJECT NOW?

Jan 13, 2011

after I get a bad burn (it's very rare, but it does happen), I get a stuck DVD. I can't open the DVD tray unless I either restart the computer or wait a &$?# long time before it gets done trying to read an unreadable DVD. Even the terminal won't allow me to open it. Is there a way to get the DVD tray opened "immediately"? Sucks to think that we don't have control over that.

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Mac Pro :: Won't Work With Second Optical Drive / Can't Eject

Dec 27, 2006

Are there any specifics I should know about the second drive bay? I'm planning on buying just a really fast CD-ROM drive to put in there - can I get any ole' one? I noticed that the Apple drive does not have a faceplate - does this mean I have to remove the faceplate from whatever drive I get? Are there drives available that already have no faceplate?

I never used Mac OS X with more than one optical drive - how does opening a drive work? Does the eject button open both drives? One at a time?

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OS X :: Eject External Optical Drive?

Jun 15, 2009

I just got an external LaCie DVD burner (long story). It works great, but as of right now I can apparently only eject it by right-click > eject or drag it to the "trash." Is there any way to allow me to just use the button on the drive or tie it to the eject button on the keyboard when it's connected, or even another key command like Opt-Eject?

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OS X :: Eject Virtual Optical Drive?

Apr 8, 2010

My MacBook Pro has had trouble burning DVDs and I noticed that there is a virtual DVD drive. How do I get rid of it? It's not on my desktop, but it messes up Toast and iDVD. Here is a screenshot of Disk Utility.

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MacBook Pro :: Eject A CD That Won't Come Out Of The Optical Drive?

Mar 21, 2012

How do I eject a CD that won't come out of the optical drive on a MacBook Pro . I have tried the ejcct key on the keyboard. There is no longer an eject disk on the drop down menus.

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Mac Pro :: Optical Drive Won't Eject / Can't Work With Settings

Feb 20, 2008

I'm not a total newbie with mac and computers in general, but I cannot get the one and only super drive to eject... yes, I have hit the eject button, it shows the eject icon in the screen and nothing... how can I get the thing to eject?

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OS X :: Eject Button Missing In Finder - Unable To Eject Cd

Feb 22, 2009

i've had a Macbook for a couple years and I have some knowledge of OS X but this one has stumped me.My friend called me tonight and she told me on her new iMac that in the finder window, after clicking on Macintosh HD, the eject button was missing that should be next to the device.This apparently happened earlier today with a CD and happened when she called me with an External HDD.

She was however able to eject the stuff by either dragging it to the trash or doing "Open Apple" + E, key shortcut. I'm stumped on this because she was till able to eject the HDD or CD with the previous methods but the Finder, "eject" button for the devices was missing.

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MacBook Pro :: Disk Stuck In Optical Drive - How To Eject It

Sep 14, 2009

This is pretty urgent. I've got a late 2008 15 inch MBP (the one with the express card reader) and I put in a DVD and it wouldn't read it. As it didn't read it, I can't eject it, and this is pretty bad.

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OS X :: Eject External Optical Drive / Only Ejects It By Right-click?

Jun 6, 2010

I just got an external LaCie DVD burner (long story). It works great, but as of right now I can apparently only eject it by right-click > eject or drag it to the "trash." Is there any way to allow me to just use the button on the drive or tie it to the eject button on the keyboard when it's connected, or even another key command like Opt-Eject?

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Mac Mini :: Optical Drive Doesn't Show Up - Can't Eject Disc?

Nov 8, 2010

Here's what happened. I bumped my Mini fairly hard, and the audio immediately cut out. I was watching some streaming video at the time, and the video kept playing. I tried to restart. Beach ball. I turned the comp off and back on. Folder with question mark. After messing around with that for a bit, I tried putting my 10.6 DVD in and starting from that. It didn't work, but that doesn't matter since that problem fixed itself after a few restarts. The problem is that the DVD is now stuck in the drive and the Mini doesn't recognize the drive any more. The drive momentarily spins up at startup, but that's it. If I have to take it apart to get the disc out, that's fine. I have the tools and have done it before when I upgraded the RAM. I just want to avoid that if possible.

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MacBook Pro :: Disk Stuck In Optical Drive - Not Readable And Cannot Eject

Apr 1, 2012

A disk is stuck in the optical drive and the Mac isn't picking it up and I can't eject it.

MacBook Pro

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OS X :: Unable To Keep Dvd / Drive Keeps Trying To Eject

Oct 16, 2009

Last weekend I watched a movie I rented on my macbook and after I was done it kept trying to eject the DVD and now I keep getting the ejection sound and it wont keep CD/DVDs in how can I fix it.Also I got a MacBook Aluminum on October 15, 2009 and I got an eMail saying that I registered an iPod Touch and I want to install AppleCare Protection thing that came with it but it says that my serial code is not accepted or something like that should I take my computer to the Apple store (or could I take it to Best Buy I feel more comftorble there) to be able to install it.

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Windows On Mac :: Eject Second Optical Drive In Windows / Key Combination?

Aug 31, 2010

I have a mac pro with two optical drives, I have no problems ejecting both drives in osx.
Option+Eject works fine. What is the key combo in windows?

Everything I've tried just open/closes the bottom drive. I've tried numerous searches with no results

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OS X :: Unable To Eject External Hard Drive / Being Used By Some Application?

Apr 23, 2009

Supposedly, the external is in use and cannot be ejected, but i don't think it's in use. I've only recently been encountering this problem, and i have no idea why. I've tried quitting every application, but it still claims to be in use.

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OS X :: Unable To Eject Disk Drive / Shortcut Not Working

Mar 19, 2010

So i just got a powermac g5 and cant figure out how to eject the disk drive. im using a non apple keyboard so the shortcut wont work.

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OS X :: Unable To Eject Cd Drive / Takes 20 Minutes Before Ejecting

Aug 4, 2009

I got West Wing stuck in my computer. I'm on an Intel Macbook (No Open Firmware >_<)I've tried:

1. Using a credit card to keep the CD from spinning.

2. Ejecting the CD in every program I can think of.

3. Going into Terminal and entering the eject command.

Whenever I boot up my computer, it takes about 20 minutes before my computer gives up on trying to eject the CD. I've tried pretty much everything. I'm trying to avoid taking this to the Genius Bar if possible. I'm a college kid and as such can't really afford to lose my computer for them to fix it. Anyone have any other suggestions? (i.e. is there a manual eject that anyone wants to suggest? Or anything else?)

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Intel Mac :: Super-drive Unable To Eject Disk?

May 13, 2012

I have a iMac (iMac7,1) Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz that is 5 years old.  The MATSHITADVD-R UJ-875 (DB09) Superdrive has been replaced once already.  It is malfucntioning again.  I was wondering if there were any troubleshooting steps I could take that I am unaware of before I replace the drive.   

It seems to be a mechanical issue.  The drive attempts to eject a disk - it sound like the disk is ejecting, yet it cannot.  It keeps attempting to eject the disk over and over again.  It has happened with a number of different disks, often after some time the disk will eventually eject. This time this one seems to be stuck for good. [URL]

iMac 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo w/ 4 GB RAM, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Mac Pro :: Two Optical Drives - Eject Key Got Reversed?

Feb 24, 2009

i went back and looked and found i had swapped cables! EEK...odd though, that the raw command from the command line knew which drive was which?...Kept here for posterity just in case you were wondering what i wasted bandwidth on...Moderated please feel free to delete whole thing if you wish i hope someone can help me because i'm confused.i decided to salvage the old superdrive from my old G5 macpro and install it into the 2nd optical drive bay (lower) of my new mac pro.problem is, even though i don't think i swapped anything, the EJECT key now defaults to the lower optical drawer when it deafulted to the upper optical bay with the 2nd drive not installed.

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Mac Pro :: Unable To Eject Cd Drive / Machine Goes To Sleep With Disc In The Drive

Nov 11, 2009

I've got a PowerPC G5 running 10.4. After four years of dedicated service, my Superdrive gave out, so I bought a Sony drive (SONY DVD RW DRU-842A in profiler) to replace it. Here's the trouble:

Any time the machine goes to sleep with a disc in the drive, it won't eject when I wake it up. I have to restart, then eject. Other than that, the drive works beautifully. If this question has been answered elsewhere, please redirect me there, sorry for the repost.

Speaking of sleep, when I put the machine to sleep through the menu it goes fully to sleep (no fan/other noise). But when it goes to sleep on its own, I can still hear the machine churning away. Any ideas? My roomate has a newer Mac Pro that doesn't do this.

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Desktops :: Unable To Eject Disk Form Drive On Imac?

Sep 2, 2010

I'm using a desktop IMac 15" and have come up against a problem I can't solve. I selected the disk drive as the start-up drive. Put the wrong disk in the drive and it is unable to start the comp. Now I have a blank screen and cannot eject the disk.

This is the first MAC I've ever had that does not have manual ejection for the disk drive.

What can I do short of ripping the cases apart?

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MacBook Pro :: Flash Drive Wont Eject And Unable To Shut Down

Aug 25, 2010

I think my problem started when i couldn't eject my card reader, then later a separate flash drive...said it was in use. I just pulled them.

Computer won't shut down now, I just get the spinning disk icon.

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Unable To Eject External Hard Drive?

Sep 8, 2014

I am having problems ejecting the external hard drive that I use to back up my laptop.  It is a 2012 MacBook Pro running Mountain Lion OSX 10.8.5.  My external hard drive is a WD 2 TB My Book Studio.  I use it to back up my laptop with Time Machine.  Every time I try to eject my disk now I am told that "The disk (Diskname) wasn't ejected because one or more programs may be using it."  I have tried some solutions like to stop Spotlight from indexing the disk and to try and turn off TimeMachine, but neither of these worked.  The only thing that has worked so far is to log out of my user name and log back in with a guest user and eject it from there.  This takes up a lot of time and is ultimately not really a sustainable way of working on my computer. 

MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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Hardware :: Unable To Eject Flash Drive / Not Deleting Files From Trash?

Sep 7, 2009

I have a flash drive that I use a good bit, but recently it's started doing this thing where it won't eject. Even force ejects hang and I literally have to restart the computer to get the message to go away.

It also has issues deleting files. Perfect example, I just plugged it in, dragged one file to the trash, didn't do anything else, and when I try to empty the trash it says that file is in use when it definitely is not. Then, giving up on that I try to eject the drive and it won't.

I'd say it won't eject about 3/4 of the time. Other drives are fine, so it's not something I'm doing, and it does it on every computer I try, so it's not just my computer in particular.Any ideas what might be causing this?

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MacBook Aluminum :: Unable To Play Or Eject Dvd / A Valid DVD Drive Could Not Be Found

Feb 8, 2010

My MacBook was working OK until I was asked to update the Superdrive Firmware Update 3.0 which I did. But after that the drive does not work - cannot play DVD and cannot eject. When I go into Applications and chose DVD Player, I got this error message "There was an intialization error. A valid DVD drive could not be found. -70012" What does this mean?

I tried these:

(1) Press the eject button (at top right hand corner of keyboard)
(2) Rebooted and pressed eject button
(3) Rebooted and pressed TrackPad
(4) Connect a mouse and rebooted and pressed the left mouse key.

Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Applications :: Eject Button Eject External Hard Drives?

Jan 18, 2009

I rarely use my superdrive, so I thought it might be more practical to have the button eject my external hard drive(s). Is there a way to do this through OS X or a third party app?

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Software :: Can't Eject Disk Images And No Right Click Eject Option?

Mar 3, 2008

I've been having problem with either Firefox or Safari and I download something and the dmg extracts and I'm left with the white casing shell where the app is housed and it won't eject. I can't eject it from finder but dumping it to the trash from finder took it off the sidebar. I can't get them off my desktop unless I restart my Mac.

I've noticed now that along with disk images not mounting for me anymore. My external drive images or DVD's won't eject either.

When I use right click with Mighty Mouse I don't even see an option anymore to eject that image. Is there any solution out there to fix this glitch? The work around I'm using is unmounting or ejecting images or disks from Disk Utility.

Why is this happening and how do I fix it? I'm using Leopard 10.5.2 and am on an intel iMac.

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MacBook Pro :: How To Eject An Installation Disk, The Eject Button Won't Work

Mar 27, 2012

How to eject an installation disk, the eject button won't work?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)

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IMac :: Won't Eject Disc / Force Eject Not Working

Mar 24, 2007

My brothers friend's iMac won't eject the disc. It locked up the computer and now it won't boot. They have tried holding down the mouse on start up but with no luck. Any thoughts?

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ITunes :: How To Eject A Cd If I Can't Find An Eject Command Or Symbol

Jun 14, 2012

I am a new itunes user and can use your help.  I'm sure it is a simple solution.finding a way to eject a cd when there is no eject symbol showing in the usual place.


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