Hardware :: Macbook Case - Find Small Crack On The Lower Right Hand Corner About 2-3 Inches?
Jul 2, 2009
When i bought my macbook, it has a small crack on the lower right hand corner about 2-3 inches away from the trackpad, ive tried to find a new piece, i think its called a bottom bezzel? I may have that wrong, but does anyone know where i can get a new piece from? The crack isnt major or anything, just a little annoying. I dont need the bottom piece, just the gray part that goes over the keyboard If anyone knows where i can get one,
I'm on the Mac indicated on my signature and am running Snow Leopard. The 4 finger swipes up and down are so buggy in this release. When I swipe up, I get the desktop to show, I swipe down to have the current thing come back up, but right as I let go of my 4 fingers, it jumps back to showing the desktop. I can't get out of this cycle unless I click on the lower right hand corner or something. Video of what happens
Using 24 inch iMac (purchased a year and half ago). There seemed to be moisture forming in the lower right hand corner of the iMac screen (about 6 inches wide and 2 inches tall at worst). i have read that this seems to be a common problem. Had the iMac for about a year and half and never saw this issue though. Based on forum research, the recommendation was to turn on the AC to reduce humidity. Moisture definitely disappeared after 30 minutes, however I'm concerned it will happen again. I suppose I will bring it into Apple concered (although i would rather avoid dealing with it). Has anyone else experienced this?
I'm trying to use iphoto but when I put my cursor over a photo it has a small flag in the upper left hand corner and a downward arrow in the lower right corner.I've used it lots but it just started doing this. My events pull up just not a single photo.
I've had my mac for about three years now and everything was working fine. After I installed lion, I notice that this started to happen. I don't lose any of my information though when it does that. It just goes into a sleep mode I guess? Anyways, is this a feature from the lion update? Something standard?
when I open pages, numbers, etc. that when they open they open big? In other words whenever I open a file it always opens small and they I have to drag the lower corner to make it cover the scree,.
I just noticed this why my computer was booting up today because its only visible against a white background, but there is some grey textures in the lower right hand corner of my display that resemble the strands of a carpet, in that they are fine lines that do not go straight up, but curve. The other thing it kind of looks like is frost. Anyways, anyone know what this is and if I can do anything about it?
I have about 50 *.mp3's on my hard drive that have the file names in all upper case. When looking at them in itunes it drives me nuts....Is there a way to convert the uppercase file name to lowercase? I have googled but can't find anything. I do not want to do it manually, that would take a long time =( thanks, I'm crossing my fingers
When I added 2 gmail accounts to my new macbook air. The email program download thousands of emails and now I am getting notifications non stop on the top right hand corner from years ago it is non stop notification for the emails from like 2007 really old emails. why it is notifying me of old emails I know it is new just downloaded in the program but it should only notify me of recent emails shouldn't it?
Info: MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2), Mail Program
I have tried rebooting sevral times but then nothing happens, cursor still remains frozen in left hand corner I tried starting whiling holding shift key but screen went pink and no safe mode came up
Lower track pad functions will not work on my MBP...right / left click functions. All other areas work fine and wireless mouse works as substitution. This issue just start upon start up today. Track pad was working last night.
my Applecare finally expired in January '10. Just before it expired, I had the palmrest/keyboard/trackpad replaced (among other things) for the THIRD time due to the well-known cracking issue. Now that it's expired, I notice that yet again there's a chip missing out of the lower right corner of the palmrest. I know that the newer palmrest/keyboard/trackpad (with the iTunes controls on the F-keys) from the later Macbooks is backward-compatible with mine. Are they any more or less durable than the palmrest from the late 2006 models?
I have a broken lower case near the cd super drive entrance. My macbook pro is a early 2008 Peryn one. I was wondering if you guys know what kind of product I could use to make it stick right there. Would you guys just leave it alone, not try to glue it or something? Here are some pictures: [URL]
how much would the repair of this damage will cost? geesh i forgot to remove my iphone wire/connector that was resting in the keyboard of my mac, then suddenly i accidentally closed the screen of the laptop. then afterwards, i heard a cracking sound. plain carelessness. what should i do? will the replacement of this damaged glass costly? i do hope MacCenters in Manila can fix this. i'm heading tomorrow to the nearby MacCenter.
I spilt soda on the lower corner of my screen, which then dribbled down to the black plastic. The macbook pro 13" unibody imemediately turned off, I disconnected teh power cable. I will wait to let it dry out. any prospects?
I can't believe I'm even posting this question. I just opened iTunes and the window is so big the bottom is cut off so I can't resize the window from the bottom right-hand corner. Clicking the minus just gives me the player controls and "x" of course closes it. The "+" gives me just the player controls. I just want to resize the window so it's say, 1/4 my screen. How do I resize the window when I can't see the bottom corner?
I was just dragging some items around the desktop into some folders in the Finder and I guess something got messed up. When I was finished moving things around, a small square icon appeared in the left hand corner of the screen that cannot be dragged to another location or deleted. Whenever I click, it a small screen pops up momentarily, saying that it's going to open a file (I deleted the file) and nothing happens. After I deleted the file, the small square box just contains a picture of a question mark. I'm trying to get rid of it, but I don't know how to.
have been trying to print panoramas some are ok but some have exclamation mark in the upper right hand corner this is on the aperture print page have created a custom page size 297 x 900 no border also some have a border...
I have images on my desktop, that are also stored in iCloud. When I open them from my desktop, say in Photoshop, that have an annoying iCloud icon in the lower lefthand corner.. Why is this and how do I make it go away?
I'm sure this has been discussed before but... what are those four little symbols in the lower left of a Finder window? Clicking on them doesn't seem to do anything.
I just bought a brand new Nvidia Macbook White from Amazon. Love it so far. One problem,and I will post a pic, there is a small nick on the top left corner of the casing of the screen. Its noticeable but otherwise the computer is great,no keyboard flex that I can see or any other cosmetic issues. Would it be worth it to go through the whole Amazon exchange for just this issue with no guarantee that the replacement would be any better?
When I open the Finder and look at the "Shared" section in the Sidebar, I see the following: Dynamic Idyllic logic Xenophobic "logic" is a PC Server (specifically, a Windows 2003 SBS Server with Exchange 2003) on my network. My question is simple: How to get this item to show as "Logic", with a capital "L"? It bugs me that "logic" starts with a lower-case "l".
We have an old eMac but it works pretty well for our daughter's needs. We have a mysterious problem where the lower case 'r' won't work. I thought the keyboard was faulty and bought a new one but have the same problem with that so it's in the system somewhere. The uppercase R works.
I had problems with my G5 (2005) and the repair shop changed te mother board under warranty. The computer came back with a defect DVD/CD writer that was working before they change mother board. I sent back the computer and they repaired it again. Computer came back and now the letter H (lower case) is not working. I tried several keyboard and the letter H lower case does not work but upper case H works. The repair shop cannot find the problem. I reinstalled OSX, reformatted my a disk and nothing is working to correct the problem.
So today I noticed a small black bar on the corner of my screen. I tried to get a screen shot of it, but i couldn't, like it was off the screen. However, my mouse dissapears under it when i move it there.It is a little hard to distinguish because it is the 2.4 ghz macbook aluminum, glossy screen so it has the black surrounding it, but it is definably there. This all along the right hand edge of the screen.
Although there is a chance it may have always been there, I am not so sure. I think there are lines along the top and left hand sides, but they are much smaller. again it is hard to tell. I am fairly sure that there is none on the bottom of screen. Is this normal, or what? I have applecare, and I didn't do anything to my macbook. Although it is getting me a little OCDish, and is slightly annoying, and I know these things on the screen tend to expand.
my new wirless keyboard will only use repeat letter on caps !@£$%^&*()_+{}|":<>? but not on alphabet caps or lower case also how do you make it forward delete a letter in a word sorry completly new to macs
Since upgrading from Mountain Lion to Mavericks (10.9.4), I've noticed that I am no longer able to sort files by name and get one list in alphabetical order. I now get two, as Mavericks seems to be sorting out files beginning first with uppercase letters and then following with all lowercase letters:
Naturally, this makes it difficult to efficiently scan a directory for a file with a known name, as I'd have to look in two places. Terminal is showing file lists in the same manner. I have made sure that grouping is turned off, so as to not confuse the view while sorting. A related issue that I am dealing with is drop down menus in Apps or on websites where one can typically type the first few letters of an entry and snap right to it. However, typing "tim" will not bring up an entry in a font menu, for instance, if the thing I'm trying to get to is "Times New Roman" with an uppercase T. In this case, I would have to hold the shift key to get a capital letter and then let it go, so that the rest would be lowercase.
I don't remember any Mac operating system before this being so insistent on separating letter cases.
I have recently started to re-rip most of my music collection in flac but as a result I am ending up with many duplicates. I have found many programs such as MrClean that find duplicates of songs but I do not want to accidentally delete the high quality mp3's or flac files. Is there any program that can do this for me? I would prefer it free but I would be willing to pay 10 dollars or so if the program is legit.