When i bought my macbook, it has a small crack on the lower right hand corner about 2-3 inches away from the trackpad, ive tried to find a new piece, i think its called a bottom bezzel? I may have that wrong, but does anyone know where i can get a new piece from? The crack isnt major or anything, just a little annoying. I dont need the bottom piece, just the gray part that goes over the keyboard If anyone knows where i can get one,
I just bought a brand new Nvidia Macbook White from Amazon. Love it so far. One problem,and I will post a pic, there is a small nick on the top left corner of the casing of the screen. Its noticeable but otherwise the computer is great,no keyboard flex that I can see or any other cosmetic issues. Would it be worth it to go through the whole Amazon exchange for just this issue with no guarantee that the replacement would be any better?
I'm trying to use iphoto but when I put my cursor over a photo it has a small flag in the upper left hand corner and a downward arrow in the lower right corner.I've used it lots but it just started doing this. My events pull up just not a single photo.
Some weeks ago I dropped my MacBook Air (well, actually I couldn�t do anything, my bag was broken so it dropped) and got quite a noticeable dent in the bottom left corner on the screen (outside, you can see the dent while closed). I tried to live with it but with such an expensive machine I can barely do that. So I tried to find a replacement part, the display housing. But - I can�t. I can find replacement LCD displays, replacement housings f�r MacBooks, for MacBook Pros - but NOTHING like that for the Air. Seems like this is Murphys law, eh? This really sucks.
Ok so my bottom left corner of the trackpad doesn't like to register. It only happens when I want to click on it. It doesn't work however when i tap on it. Sometimes it works and other times it doesnt..
I just bought my macbook pro 13 inch about a 40 days ago and I have just noticed two small black dots on the on the bottom of the screen near the left side of my dock. I have done some research and they seem to be "dead pixels" They're really small but for the price I payed i didnt expect any problems. What are some suggestions to get rid of them or if i should contact tech support? Here are two pictures of the dots: They kinda change colour when i move my head around.. Not sure if theyre dead pixels or not.
I have trouble to right click on my Mac book pro trackpad. trackpad looks like got struck at the bottom right corner. However, left click is fine and rest of the operation is as well.
I own a 17" MacBook Pro i7. I have noticed a very buggy sound from the top left corner of my MBP. It sounds like the HDD rotating but when observed carefully, its a some mechanical sound from the logic board (left hand top corner). The sound is comparatively lesser when I switch to 330m gpu using gfxCardStatus. I want to know if this is an issue only with my machine or it a common problem found on the this series of MBP ? Should I contact Apple for a repair or its a normal behavior of Flash on OS X ?
So, I believe my Macbook Pro 2.4Ghz, late 2008 model may have an overheating problem. I'm not sure what specific part it may be, but the computer gets INCREDIBLY hot on the top left corner of the keyboard.
Basically, everything above and to the left of the D key.
I first noticed the problem when I started dual booting recently so that I could play Modern Warfare 2. The game runs gorgeously, but after for a bit (sometimes its 30 minutes, sometimes its two hours) the game will just immediately quit out on me, with Vista popping up with a message that an error occurred.
So, as it froze on me again just now for the same aforementioned reason, I immediately booted back into my Mac partition to check temperatures, and it said my processor was at around 87 degrees Celsius, which, if quick Google searches are to be trusted, is MUCH too high.
On a somewhat related note, I find that my fan will start going to its maximum power for no reason whatsoever at times, like when I'm writing an essay or just checking my email (which I'm pretty sure are tasks that don't require much power.
I have tried rebooting sevral times but then nothing happens, cursor still remains frozen in left hand corner I tried starting whiling holding shift key but screen went pink and no safe mode came up
On my i5 MBP, at times, when I move the mouse in the top left corner (next to the Apple Symbol) the machine flips out and goes in to restart. Sometimes I get a message about a unexpected error, sometimes not.
I seem to not be able to recreate the problem at will, nor does there seem to be a correlation between what programme is running at the time.
I did a combo install (10.9.3) but this did not solve the problem. Swopped the mouse (silly but, you never know).?
So today I noticed a small black bar on the corner of my screen. I tried to get a screen shot of it, but i couldn't, like it was off the screen. However, my mouse dissapears under it when i move it there.It is a little hard to distinguish because it is the 2.4 ghz macbook aluminum, glossy screen so it has the black surrounding it, but it is definably there. This all along the right hand edge of the screen.
Although there is a chance it may have always been there, I am not so sure. I think there are lines along the top and left hand sides, but they are much smaller. again it is hard to tell. I am fairly sure that there is none on the bottom of screen. Is this normal, or what? I have applecare, and I didn't do anything to my macbook. Although it is getting me a little OCDish, and is slightly annoying, and I know these things on the screen tend to expand.
when I open pages, numbers, etc. that when they open they open big? In other words whenever I open a file it always opens small and they I have to drag the lower corner to make it cover the scree,.
[URL] I have no idea what this is, but the icon will not go away. It seems to be trying to open a file, but that file is not on the computer. Expose notices it, but Force Quit does not.
I'm looking for a way to be able to resize a window from any side. I watch some TV on my laptop, and I want to be able to shrink the window down to JUST the video so I can save screen space for work.
I can't believe I'm even posting this question. I just opened iTunes and the window is so big the bottom is cut off so I can't resize the window from the bottom right-hand corner. Clicking the minus just gives me the player controls and "x" of course closes it. The "+" gives me just the player controls. I just want to resize the window so it's say, 1/4 my screen. How do I resize the window when I can't see the bottom corner?
For some reason itunes on my macbook pro doesnt have any of the tabs in the upper left corner like other itunes.The file, edit, view, controls, store, advnced,
I wanted to change the icon for my HD on the desktop but when I did the get info for the image i wanted to use it wouldnt work. The upper left corner simply shows a jpeg logo image on all my photos! so it wont let me change the icon. I don't know why they are missing. I got a new hard drive 2 days ago from the Apple store because they told me it was faulty.
The top left of my iMac Alu gets really, really hot. Much more then the rest of the body, alot of the time it hurts to touch the top left corner. So what's causing all this heat?
I just purchased a 13" MacBook Pro. It's the unibody one, from June. The Bottom panel, on the left side, under the wasd keys, for example, if I press under there, it makes a clicky noise, like the panel is loose. Does anyone else have this? Just want to make sure it isn't bad, that it's normal.
This might be a little hard to explain, but will be easier if you have an MBP to do this exercise. My touchpad/trackpad, is fine, except for that when tapped in the lower left quadrant (where you normally click) it makes a click noise (from the pad itself) tapping anywhere else yields no sound. I pushed hard on the pad, and kinda pressured it in every which way, and every time I do, the clicking stops for about a minute or so.
There appears to be what looks like a little window on the left corner of my PowerBook. It's almost as wide as the PC card slot, but not quite. What could this be? And is it supposed to be clear? PowerBook G4 Ti 800MHz DVI 15.2".
I see since several months some shadows and spots on the top left corner of the screen. I've read in many threads that this is a known issue (defect I would say, since I never misused my iMac).
My question is:
is this defect recognized by Apple and do they fix it for free?
I turned on my computer and the arrow is stuck in the upper left corner of the screen. I changed the batteries in the keyboard and touchpad but still nothing happens! What should I do?