Hardware :: Lacie Disk For Recovering Data?

Dec 19, 2010

After some warning signs in the last few weeks (not ejected properly, drive icon disappearing from desktop) my Lace BigDisk Extreme 1TB Drive is now seemingly gone forever. No backup.

Not ejected properly warnings were inappropriate as I never unplugged it ... icon disappearing - I simply pulled to power supply pin out of the back and re-inserted it and it came back. Now it-s gone. Lacie has sent a new power supply to me but it did not solve the problem ... the power supply brick light blinks very faintly .. when I pull the p/s pin out of the drive, the power supply brick lights up solid green.

This type of failure seems to be a common occurence. Anyways, I need to recover the data if possible. My options seem to be:

1. Pay a data recovery service $600.

2. Buy the current version of the Lacie that I have and swap out the disks, so that I can at least get to the data. I believe that the current version is the:
d2 Quadra Hard Disk 1 TB eSATA/FireWire800/FireWire400/USB 2.0 .. does anyone know for sure?

3. Buy some other lower priced enclosure with usb or firewire interface to get to the data (but I don't have a clue what to buy)

Does anyone know if either options 2 or 3 will work and which would be the least painful to deal with? I'm not a hardware guy

Lastly, I cannot get the screw off of the back of my dead Lacie drive .. it appears to be a small phillips head but it turns out it's not. What tool do I need to get it off? Or is it opened up some other way?

If anyone could guide me thru the steps to recovery it would be much appreciated!

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PowerPC :: Recovering Ibook Data?

Oct 2, 2007

My ibook g4 (1.42, 14") died recently - I tried a few fixes, they worked for 30minutes or so, then it died again. Seems to be one of these logic board/graphics cards solder problems. Anyway, while it annoyed me quite a bit, it was a couple of years old and allows me to justify buying a macbook (when apple get around to releasing leopard).

I had been making regular backups of my drive using carbon copy cloner, but the last time I did it was about 2 months ago. Not devastating, but ideally I'd like to get most recent stuff back as well.

Is there an easy way to get data from the ibook g4 or am I resigned to ripping open the case, removing the HD and buying a ATA/USB adaptor?

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PowerPC :: Recovering Data Back?

Feb 10, 2010

I have an ibook 10.4. Its my girlfriends she gave it to me to use since my PC broke. She has one of the newer ones. But a lot of her photos were saved in iphoto. So I'm not sure what happened but I restarted the computer and now itunes is reset and iphoto is reset, microsoft word isnt on the computer anymore. Most other files are still there. But I know she is going to kill me for losing all these photos! I bought this digitial picture frame from Brookstones I'm going to put pictures of us on it and send it to her for V-day. It came with a CD to load the software on it. It works with both mac and PC. It was working fine then I went out to the bar for a little bit. I had used the software fine and already uploaded a few photos before the bar. So I come home to reopen the software and its taking forever, the icon is just bouncing up and down. So I restart the computer. When it comes back the dock is larger, itunes and iphoto is reset. WTF happened?! and how can i change it back? I know PC's have that option where you can revert back to an earlier time.

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MacBook Pro :: Recovering Data After Formatting

Jun 21, 2014

I lost a hard drive with important personal data on a trip overseas. There is no way of getting that hard drive back. However I have an MacBook Pro which once had that same data stored. "Once" because I've reformatted it and installed OSX. I know this is a very tall order to recover data, but is there any computer forensics tricks or any way to get get that data back?

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OS X :: Unable To Access The Drive / App For Recovering Data?

Nov 5, 2010

I was partitioning an external storage drive with iPartition and ipartition stopped and said it couldn't complete its task and now I am stuck with a drive I cannot access, or rather I cannot access the data that is on it. Drive is greyed out in disk utility. It was not written over however, which I am hoping is a good thing.I have little to no experience with data recovery so some advice on what app to use would be swell.

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Recovering Data From One External HD To Another

Jun 20, 2014

I have a bad hard drive.  I am now booting up from an external HD(passport) and all seems to be going well.I have another external HD (G drive) connected running time machine.

Can take my backed up data from the time machine external HD (G drive), and send it to the Passport and get all my files and programs back?Or will an external Time Machine drive only back up to the macs internal drive?

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Applications :: Recovering Jpg Files From Erased Data Folder?

Sep 24, 2010

I recently installed ilife 09 into my imac but I cant take advantage of the face detection feature. I deleted my jpg files in the data folder because I thought it was a duplicate file. I didn't know when downloading pictures from a digital camera, iphoto creates two jpg files. One in data folder and other in original folder. I tried copying the jpg files from original folder into the data folder but I'm still having issues. Is there any way I can recover my jpg files from data folder?

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OS X :: Recovering Data From Daisy Chained Firewire External HDD?

Jun 14, 2010

I am looking into all sorts of backup options. Thinking of getting a Lacie 2big 2TB RAID1 (effectively 1TB) firewire external HDD for backup needs. I am not concerned about speed as it is meant for archival purposes only.

Almost ordered one when I found another way to do it is daisy chaining 2 separate 1TB Lacie firewire HDD in RAID1 configuration using Mac disk utility. The advantage being 1> Lacie 2big 2TB HDDs are notorious for being noisy but the Lacie 1TB HDDs are fanless hence super quiet. 2> having two separate DDs+enclosures gives me two independently failing systems for the non-HDD hardware; meaning for the 2big 2TB RAID1 disk if the power supply or the built-in RAID controller card fails then I will have to buy another similar setup to access my data.

My question is in the second senario of daisy chaining 2 X 1TB HDDs in RAID1; If one drive goes kaput will I be still able to mount the healthy drive and retrive my data simply by connecting it to the mac thru firewire? Or, do I need to mirror my data back to a new 1TB before getting access to my data?

Obviously I haven't had the chance to use any RAID setup before, so comments are welcome, or if anyone is using such a setup what could be the other drawbacks that I am not thinking of.

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Power Mac G5 :: LaCie External Drive - Slow Data Transfer Rate

Nov 5, 2007

I have used the disk for a number of years - all appeared to work fine - I am now backing up my data and only get Very slow transfer speed using firewire 800 - 2 hrs to transfer 1.36 Gb. Disk is connected to a Dual 1.8 Ghz Power PC G5 with firewire 800 - another d2 disk is connected to it with firewire 400 and I have just connected a Maxtor disk using firewire 400 to that. I have tried Updated the firmware (it did require it), tested the device alone on both 800 and 400 connections both slow. Restarted everything and used disk repair to check and repair the disks - repaired permissions on the startup disk.

Connected all the devices together again | LaCie 800 - LaCie 400 - and Maxtor 400. It sends data to all the other devices fast (~ 3 min for 1.6 Gb) through the LaCie 800 disk connection!, but does not send data to the LaCie 800 fast at all. Tested the other devices alone as well - they are all fast. Have also performed a TechTool Pro Ver 4 test on the the disk (Disk type ST325082 3A 232.89 Gb LaCie d2 External LUN0 revision 3.03) Passed the surface scan, disk controller and read write tests. Is the disk failing?

G5 Tower
Mac OS X (10.4.10)

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OS X :: Recovering Deleted DMG / Disk Images

Jul 10, 2010

I have accidentally deleted a couple of DMGs that I would like to get back. I dragged them to trash and emptied the trash, but notvia "secure empty". I have FileSalvage and a trial version of DataRescue, but I can't seem to get either to recover any DMG/Disk image files.

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Mac Pro :: Lacie Ethernet Disk Hacking Possible?

Oct 20, 2010

Does anyone here have personal hands-on experience with hacking a Lacie Ethernet disk? I heard it's possible to make them run as a extremely cheap server.

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Mac Pro :: Will Not Recognize Lacie Backup Disk

Jun 9, 2012

I connected Lacie Backup Disk and used Time Machine to select the disk.  But then a warning popped up telling me to eject the disk properly next time before disconnecting it, even though I never disconnected the device.  Now time machine does not even recognize it.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Windows On Mac :: File Exchange Mac/Pc Via LaCie Ext Disk

Jan 8, 2011

I want to exchange files between MacPro and Pc windows 7 64 bit. In Mac I have partitioned my LaCie 4big Quadro with 1 partition FAT32 DOS, GPT principle. Here Mac has no problem to copy my files to this partition, but my Pc cannot read this partition. The Pc recognizes the LaCie without problems in the Disk Utility, but cannot read it. I also cannot give this disk any name ((F: etc) in the pch disk utility.

I have seen en earlier thread on the seme topic, but not the problem when the pc cant read it.

suggest two partitions, one fpr Mac and one for Pc. OK - but how do I copy files from one to another.

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Hardware :: Lacie Disk Failure - How To Recover It

Sep 3, 2008

I have a 1T lacie "big disk" that makes a loud whirring noise, then a clack, over and over again. It never gets itself mounted. I am thinking about pulling the disks and plugging them into a another machine, or disk enclosure. Is there any point to trying this or is the fact that I have 4 250G disks tied together to show up as a single 1T drive preclude any heroics?

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OS X :: Unable To Mount LaCie Little Disk 320gb?

Mar 15, 2010

I bought the LaCie Little Disk 320gb about a year ago and it has been working fine till recently..

The problem that I have is that the laptop that I use (Powerbook G4) doesn't recognize the HD anymore..

I have tried all cables (both firewire's and the usb) but nothing works..

I did try it on multiple computers (macbook's / imacs and even some windows computers) not one did recognize it.

(well the windows computer I used it on did recognize it but it cant open it and Windows Explorer stops working till you pull out the HD).

The only think I can think of is that I pulled out the HD to many times without safely removing it first..

I got a lot of data on the HD and I'd (offcourse) like to get it back,

I haven't been to the store yet (going somewhere this week).

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Hardware :: LaCie Little Big Disk 200GB Options In My System

Jan 3, 2008

I purchased a LaCie Little Big Disk 200GB. It's an external HDD with two 2,5" 7200RPM hdd's paired as a raid 0 system.Great on paper, horribly risky in practice.So, *stupid me* started using this disk as a backup device for some important data. Of course the disk has started to malfunction. When I plug it in, there's this terrible clicking noise and it no longer mounts.I have already voided the warranty as I opened it up thinking/hoping it was a faulty connection.

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OS X :: LaCie Big Disk Extreme Failure Occurs In My System

Jul 6, 2009

I have a 1 TB LaCie Big Disk Extreme 2 that is actually made up of 2 500GB drives. It failed on me. I have most of it backed up but there are a few things I would like to recover. I tested another power cord and it didn't work. So I talked to a few people and they said that if I bought a new seagate controller board that matches my 500GB drives identically I would be able to get the data off one drive at a time. There is some good and some bad. When I tested the new controller board on each drive (one at a time only because I only have one new controller board) they both started up normally! Success I thought.. but no.. Both Leopard and XP said "drive needs to be formatted" or "initialized".

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Hardware :: Lacie Mini Disk Ethernet Configuration?

Dec 16, 2009

I recently replaced my Netgear router with Apple's Airport Extreme Station. I had the Lacie ethernet mini disk connected to the Netgear ethernet port and it worked just fine.

With Apple's station, however, it just cannot see the mini disk. The green lights on both ends of the ethernet cable port are on. System Pref's Network shows the mini disk not connected or cable unplugged. Fiddling with it one day (mostly on the System Pref side) the disk appeared as an SMB in the Finder (as before) and I was able to access it. But just that one time only. Can't access it since.

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Software :: Disk Utility Message/verify My Lacie Disc?

Sep 11, 2009

When I used Disk Utility to verify my LaCie disk, I received this message:

Disk Utility stopped verifying "LACIE" because the following error was encountered:
The underlying task reported failure on exit.

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IMac Intel :: Wipe Disk And Verify Backup On Lacie Drive?

May 18, 2009

I have to send my iMac 27 back to apple for replacement (flickering screen issue) and I would like to erase my personal information. How do I do that on a Mac? I have a Lacie Drive connected via Firewire 800 and have been using Time Machine for backups. I also want to make sure that I have a complete backup as well. I am new to Mac OS X

iMac 27 & MacBook Pro
Mac OS X (10.6.2)

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Hardware :: Lacie Big Disk Extreme Make A Repetitive Click Sound?

Jan 6, 2010

My Big Disk Extreme (1TB) was working great, until the other day, while on it started making a repetitive "Click" sound. Im assuming this is somehow related to the drive spinning and whatnot, but the problem is it wont mount on the desktop, nor can i find any way to "reset" the hdd.When on, the blue light works just fine, it does not turn Orange or anything. The drive just clicks and wont do anything...

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MacBook Pro :: Recovering Data From NTFS / Program To Read NTFS Formatted HDD?

Oct 12, 2009

I need to recover some deleted pictures from my friends PC. Is there any program that will be able to read the NTFS formatted HDD?

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OS X :: Recovering Data ... "Replace Folder" Dialog

May 8, 2006

I'm a really recent switcher, with a long history with PCs. So far, the experiences have been great, but tonight, my PC history became a liability. I'm pretty handy with a Windows-based, so I know my way around the system quite well. But I was working on my Mac tonight. Having made my G4 PM my server, I was starting to move a folder from one drive to another, when decided that I wanted to reconsider where I was putting the folder. The process cancelled successfully and I had about 1 MB at the destination, and 50 GB still left on the source.

Having canceled it, I wanted to remerge my folder back to the original folder. Simple, right? I dragged the smaller folder onto the 50 GB folder, and OS X prompted me to replace. There is a similar dialog on Windows - in fact, it is titled "Confirm Folder Replace" - that merges the folders together. I didn't think twice about it all and clicked yes... And OS X promptly deleted my 50 GB folder and left the 1 MB folder in its place. My bad. Having said that, what's the best way to recover my 50 GB worth of information? I haven't mucked with the machine so much, so I'm not afraid that the data's being overwritten. But how the heck do I get back to it?

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Hardware :: Obtain Data From Possibly "dead" Lacie Hard Drive?

Nov 18, 2009

Today I went to plug in my Lacie 250 GB USB external hard drive into my 13 in. MacBook to get a shirt template for a design I am making. I discovered that the hard drive just would not mount and show on the desktop, and I remembered that this happened a few days before, but all I did was unplug it and plug it back in, and it worked... except that today, that didn't work at all. I tried the other USB port, and the hard drive showed up on the desktop for about a second, and then disappeared. I kept on replugging it back into both USB ports, but nothing happened.

Then I tried to see if it would work on the PC beside me, and it was recognized as an external device; however, a message came up telling me the drive was malfunctioning. I am guessing this is from ejecting it incorrectly (because I am in a hurry to head to my next classes... I use this laptop at school), but I have incorrectly disconnected it before in the past and this problem never happened to me before. Every single project I have ever created for my design career is on that hard drive, and all I want now is to get my files back. All I need it to do is show up on the desktop for just the right amount of time for me to copy my files onto my computer. I read online to put it into the freezer for a while and it should mount, but that didn't work. I tried using Disk Warrior, Data Rescue 3, and Tech Tool Deluxe, but the hard drive did not show up on any of those apps. I tried plugging the hard drive into an iMac as well, but it did not show up either.

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IMac Intel :: Lacie External Hard Drive Doesn't Show Up - Sporadically Appears In Disk

Feb 19, 2009

Odd stufff, I have a 500 gig Lacie ext HD that my user uses on her Vista machine...

I am setting up a replacement for the Vi$ta machine, which is a 24 inch imac.

I plugged in the ext HD and nothing happened after I powered on the ext HD.

I checked disk utility and it showed up but as a 2TB size ext HD...

I unplugged the Lacie and plugged it back in and all the info showed up correctly.

But ALL the buttons under "First Aid" are greyed out so I cant verify permissions, disk, or repair disk or permissions.

imac 24 inch
Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X :: Best Third Party Disk Utility/disk Repair/data Recover Type Of App?

Aug 3, 2010

One of my drives is showing issues that Disk Utility isn't catching or can't find. I've heard about Diskwarrior, iDefrag, Drive Genius, etc... but which one is the most comprehensive, is there a "best of breed" disk app out there or one that does more than the others?

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Hardware :: Recover Data From Dead Lacie Hard Drive / Unable To Mount Hard Drive

Sep 6, 2009

Today I went to plug in my Lacie 250 GB USB external hard drive into my 13 in. MacBook to get a shirt template for a design I am making. I discovered that the hard drive just would not mount and show on the desktop, and I remembered that this happened a few days before, but all I did was unplug it and plug it back in, and it worked... except that today, that didn't work at all. I tried the other USB port, and the hard drive showed up on the desktop for about a second, and then disappeared. I kept on replugging it back into both USB ports, but nothing happened.

Then I tried to see if it would work on the PC beside me, and it was recognized as an external device; however, a message came up telling me the drive was malfunctioning. I am guessing this is from ejecting it incorrectly (because I am in a hurry to head to my next classes...I use this laptop at school), but I have incorrectly disconnected it before in the past and this problem never happened to me before.

Every single project I have ever created for my design career is on that hard drive, and all I want now is to get my files back. All I need it to do is show up on the desktop for just the right amount of time for me to copy my files onto my computer.

I read online to put it into the freezer for a while and it should mount, but that didn't work. I tried using Disk Warrior, Data Rescue 3, and Tech Tool Deluxe, but the hard drive did not show up on any of those apps.I tried plugging the hard drive into an iMac as well, but it did not show up either.

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IMac :: Why Is Writing Data To The Disk

Nov 24, 2010

so everyone knows the iMac hard drive can be a little noisy, but I just want to know what exactly is being "written" to the disk while doing normal tasks like web surfing.

I often use Safari and can hear the hard drive churning and Activity Monitor will show high red spikes of written data. What is this data being written? Is it normal?

Here's a screen shot of my Activity Monitor while web surfing and watching video with my EyeTV device. Does this look like normal activity to you?

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OS X :: Disk Utility Erased All Data?

May 22, 2009

I just bought a new WD hard disk and backed up all my data to it (80 GB). I then performed a clean install on my Macintosh HD.

Before I restored my data to the internal drive, I thought it would be a good idea to copy my fresh installation to a new partition on the external disk.

So I booted up disk utility to check if partitioning would affect my data. Using the partition tool, I clicked the plus sign (without applying changes). Disk utility said that if I add a partition, it would simply add a new volume and that the previous volume would not be erased. I clicked apply, and now there is nothing left of my data in the original partition.

Can I get it back? Undo the partition, or file recovery?

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OS X :: How To Use Disk Utility For Data Recovery

Feb 15, 2010

i have a hard drive i use mostly in Windows that i lost data and want to recover it. i've played with some of the free utilities on the internet but they either take too long or aren't very good.

since Tiger reads NTFS partitions i was going to try it on my Mac Mini.

i usually use a laptop and don't have time to leave the recover running for 10 hours or more. any good free utilities out there?

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