Hardware :: How To Get Disk Space Back In Time Capsule
Oct 2, 2009
I deleted some files that I don't need in Time Capsule by using "Delete All Backups of ..." inside "Enter Time Machine", but the disk space does not change. It stays the same as before.
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Mar 11, 2009
Is there an option for Time Capsule to back itself up to another disk? Is this automatic?It just seems dumb to store everything on Time Capsule if it has the same failure rate as a hard drive with no redundancy even though apple says its server grade.
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Dec 11, 2009
whenever I run Time Machine on my PowerBook G4 (1.5 Ghz / 1Gb RAM / OSX 10.5.8) it will eat up GB's of hard disk space while 'preparing the backup'. After that it finishes the backup, but I don't get the space back. I'm talking about the internal HD, not the external target disk of course. Does Time Machine use the space to generate some temporary files? Any ideas how I can get my disk space back
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Jun 14, 2012
I need to get more space on my start up disk. How do I free up space by transferring to one of my back up drives?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Aug 17, 2009
There are a gazillion Time Capsule threads and my question is probably answered in one of them. But I've been skimming them and can't find it. Also couldn't find it in the Apple support docs. So...Does anybody know how far back TC backups go? Does it just hold on to the latest backup or can you go back awhile to recover your files?For example, if a file was corrupted six months ago, will I be able to retrieve the prior uncorrupted version of it - or just the latest TC backup version of it (which would of course also be corrupted)?
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Jun 30, 2012
I have 125 GB to back up using Time Machine, using a 500 GB Time Capsule. It tells me there is not enough space on the disk. (But Time Machine is supposed to erase old backups as needed.)
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Apr 3, 2012
I called the help support and I told them that my back up is taking up all my disk space. They told me tolocate the time machine back up in hd and them delete the time machine and i did not know how to do this. how to get rid of this back up. I am trying omi sweep but I still cant find where all the back up data is coming from.
MacBook, iOS 5.1
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Oct 10, 2010
I each have a MB (mine=2009 white 13.5", hers=2010 white 13.5"), can we both back up to the same time capsule?
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Jun 16, 2009
Yesterday was a most joyous day for me as I got my new mac, a 15.4" MacBook Pro, I also bought a 500GB Time Capsule with it to keep everything backed up. Once I set the Time Capsule I went through all the set up stuff and the wireless network works fine as does the wireless printing. But as you can guess from the title of this thread the Time Capsule wont back up. It gives the following message when I try and get it to back up "Time Machine Error: The backup disk image could not be created."
I've tried reseting the Time Capsule, Tried all the different settings, Looked on the Apple website and it still isn't working.
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Feb 4, 2010
I've noticed in the last few days that I've been gradually, but steadily losing disk space.
I've not downloaded any files bigger than a few Kilobytes (that I've kept) and all my email is IMAP, not POP, so I'm not actually downloading any mails.
A couple of days ago, my disk space available at the bottom of the Finder window said 152.36GB. Today it says 151.45GB.
I've checked my Download directory and other areas for any new data that I might have absent-mindedly downloaded and kept that I don't need, but haven't found anything.
Is there something else I should be checking and clearing from time to time?
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Dec 27, 2010
Now that the new hard drive is installed, I've connected the MacBook to the Time Capsule, but it's not finding the October back up (or any back up). I'm worried that I have lost all of my pictures and music.
Before I lost the hard drive, I was running snow leopard. Now, I have only installed leopard so far. I left my snow leopard disk at work and have not had a chance to grab it. Maybe the different OS has something to do with this...
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Dec 11, 2008
Just invested in a TC as my MBP had to go in for repair. Got it all set up and backed up, and was working great.
However, having got the MBP back with new logic board, its stopped working.
Backups just fail, and if I open Time Machine, it doesn't see the back ups made before the MBP went for repair.
The Time Capsule shows up in the finder OK, as being connected, and with the .sparsebundle file visible. It also shows up in Airtport Utility OK.
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Feb 12, 2010
Im new to the Mac OS having just purchased my Macbook Pro 13 2.53 a few weeks ago. Im learning my way around and trying to figure out how to eventually switch everything over to the laptop. Currently, I use Mozy to back up my PC and all my files. It has worked well over the last few years and saved me a few times after hard drive crashes.
I need a new router so I like the idea of getting a time capsule and adding in an on site back up to my set up. I also want to use it as an archive of old photos and videos so that I dont have to fill up the hard drive on the lap top.
My question is: Can I just have Mozy back up the contents of time capsule thereby backing up time machine back up content and what ever other files I have stored on the time capsule hard drive. This way, if the time capsule hard drive dies, I can get a new one, and restore from Mozy. I understand the danger of backing up a back up. I just want to know if it will work and if anyone is doing this.I know mozy supports networked drives. I asked their customer support if this set up would work and they were evasive.
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Feb 3, 2012
I have all my movies backed up on my time capsule and want to free up space on my computer. How do I delete movies and still be able to stream the movies from the time capsule to apple tv.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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May 6, 2012
I just tried to back up my Mac Book Air and I use OS X 10.7.3.
I got a message which said that there was not enough space on my external hard drive. The message said that I needed 50 GB and the external drive only has 43 of space... Note, when I check out the hard drive, it says: ""Available 43.63 of 249.93".
The sole purpose of my hard drive is for back up purposes. So, there isn't anything other data or information on the drive..
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Mar 6, 2012
I have two computers...an iMac and a macbook. Can I use my single Time Capsule to back up both computers?
Info:MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 29, 2012
The backup disk image 'Volumes/Data/John's iMac.sparsebundle' could not be accessed(error-1).
Have tried remounting Time capsule in preferences. Have run Disc utility to verify 'Time Machine Backups'. Sparsebundle is greyed out in Disc Utility.
Time capsule has 1.37Gb free space and is connected via wireless and has a wireless express as a client. Would deleting the last back up be of assistance assuming corruption?
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Mar 5, 2009
Looking at Apple's site, they really promote the feature on the AE page, but it's not mentioned on the TC page....
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Oct 1, 2009
I have a 1st gen 500GB Time Capsule. The capacity was good when I bought it, but right now 500GB just wont do it for me. So I want to buy a 2TB bare drive and switch out the original 500GB drive. I have done some research on google, and it seems to be doable. But I find some people say that the 1st gen TC would not recognize drives that are bigger than 1TB.
Just want some feedback from people who have done this. Is 1TB really the cap for the 1st gen?
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Nov 18, 2009
I just got my new i5 iMac. I have migrated my data to the new computer. Can I erase my time capsule so as to start fresh? If I can, do I erase it with disk utility? Is this even a smart thing to do?
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Nov 19, 2008
how to have the Time Capsule disk automount on Startup?
What about a USB drive connected to it?
how to use the Time Capsule disk as a server?
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Sep 8, 2010
I just secure erased my Time Capsule disk through AirPort Utility to set it up with my new iMac. After erasing the 1TB disk, AirPort said that the disk capacity is only 931GB even though the Time Machine preferences displayed 998GB available prior to me initiating the first backup. Does anyone know why this discrepancy exists? It should be noted that the previous backup on the Time Capsule disk from my old Mac took up about 68GB so is AirPort Utility just struggling to show the new capacity after the secure erase?
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Mar 8, 2008
I recently purchased a MBP and a Time Capsule. Still waiting on the MBP, but went ahead and set up the TC as a router for my current Dell laptop. In theory, I don't really care since I will have my MBP w/in 2.5 weeks, but is it possible for my Windows machine to see the disk on the TC? I went into TC and set up the workgroup name to be the same as the workgroup on my PC, but I still don't see it. I doubt anyone has done it, but was curious if it's possible. I assume that the Windows client should be able to access that giant disk (or a Windows user would never buy the product). One question though, it shows the filesystem as FAT32. Is that right, or just how it's represented to the Windows client?
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Aug 10, 2008
Recently I haven't been able to backup. Why this is? Not too sure. I don't remember changing any settings or anything recently but within the last 2 weeks or so I haven't been able to backup at all. When I start backing up it says "preparing backup" then an error message pops up that says "The backup disk image could not be mounted".
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Mar 14, 2009
In trying to do my first backup with my new time capsule but keep getting this? The time capsule disk image is showing up in the desktop. How I can get this working?
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Dec 9, 2009
I bought a 1TB Time Capsule and setting up the wireless network was easy. I also added the printer and that works too. However, I am having problems sharing my External Seagate 500GB USB Hard drive. I have a USB hub and I connected it, and when I'm in Airport Utility, I click on Disks, it shows the 500GB Seagate!
However when I'm in Finder, I can't see the 500GB Seagate drive. And I launch Disk Utility, it doesn't show the drive.
How can I access the External USB Drive first of all? And enable it, for sharing via my Time Capsule's wireless network?
The thing is, Time Capsule detects my additional hard drive, but I believe it's not configured to enable using it.
Oh and yes, I checked the Enable File Sharing checkbox & secured it with a password. Airport Disk Guests Access is set to not allowed though. Should I change that? Share Disks over WAN is also unchecked.
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Dec 15, 2010
I'm having a pretty serious problem. I attempted to erase the free space on my HD, as I do from time to time, except this time it appeared to hang/freeze at the end, when it gets to the part where it creates a temporary file. I waited for several minutes and it didn't move. I tried clicking the skip button, but that did nothing either, so I force quit Disk Utility.
The problem is, it left the disk at "Zero KB" of free space, effectively making my computer inoperable. I was in the process of studying for a huge exam tomorrow, and am currently flipping out.
If it matters, I'm on a Macbook Pro 2.33 GHz Core 2 Duo, running 10.4.
I really don't want to have to reinstall the OS and import the old files, but my real fear is that I will have to do a fresh install of the OS.
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Dec 15, 2010
I'm having a pretty serious problem. I attempted to erase the free space on my HD, as I do from time to time, except this time it appeared to hang/freeze at the end, when it gets to the part where it creates a temporary file. I waited for several minutes and it didn't move. I tried clicking the skip button, but that did nothing either, so I force quit Disk Utility.
The problem is, it left the disk at "Zero KB" of free space, effectively making my computer inoperable. I was in the process of studying for a huge exam tomorrow, and am currently flipping out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If it matters, I'm on a Macbook Pro 2.33 GHz Core 2 Duo, running 10.4.
I really don't want to have to reinstall the OS and import the old files, but my real fear is that I will have to do a fresh install of the OS.
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Aug 30, 2008
I decided that I need to test my Hard Disk migration procedure today. I am going to put an Apple RAID card in and use 4 x VelociRaptors. I Have my current system booting from a RAID0 setup and as such it will be a pain (in the arse) when it comes to moving the partition to the RAID5 (not much room for disks inside etc). So I searched my cupboard for a 'spare' SATA drive, but alas all I found was an old Seagate Cheetah (15K SCSI) and some random IDE drives. Then it struck me - the Time Capsule has a 500GB SATAII disk in it.... mmmm my mind began to turn over.....and my hand reached for the screwdriver. So I googled for some pics (to help me disassemble the TC). I found this excellent set [URL]
1) remove the rubber base.
2) unscrew all the teeny screws.
3) invert the unit (so its on its top case).
4) lift the metal cover off (carefully as it has a fan mounted to it).
5) pull the foam cover from the heat sensor on the drive.
6) unplug the sensor from the clip on the base of the disk.
7) hand over the drive, invert again to make the disk 'fall' gently out of its casing.
8) un-invert and unplug the SATA data and power connectors.
9) re-assemble the unit.................
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Jul 10, 2009
I mainly use it as a network media disk, the the problem is that it spins down after just 2-3 mins when idle which will probably wear it out quicker. So was wondering if there's a script of other method to keep it running for longer?
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