OS X :: Time Capsule - Backup Disk Image Could Not Be Mounted

Aug 10, 2008

Recently I haven't been able to backup. Why this is? Not too sure. I don't remember changing any settings or anything recently but within the last 2 weeks or so I haven't been able to backup at all. When I start backing up it says "preparing backup" then an error message pops up that says "The backup disk image could not be mounted".

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Hardware :: Time Machine Error - Disk Image Cannot Be Mounted?

Oct 29, 2009

My files were backing up for about a day, had 75gb of 100gb done and then my power went out. It cancelled out, and then when it came back on I tried to resume it. It started to backup 25gb, which I'm assuming is just the last 25gb that it had to do. Anyway, it did that for a while then stopped, and now when I try to backup, it says: "Time Machine Error: The backup disk image could not be mounted."

How do I backup the rest of my stuff? Do I have to start over? And is there a way to make it transfer faster? I mean, there's no way to directly connect it to your computer, is there? Also, in the Time Machine settings thing, it says "Available: 839.8GB of 929.5GB. Does that mean it has 839gb of my 929gb backed up? What happened to the other 71gb? I just want my stuff to be backed up, why is this so complicated?

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Time Machine Backup Of Mounted Disk

Jun 13, 2012

For sharing my iPhoto Library among multiple users on a MacBook Pro running, currently 10.6.8, I have by a Apple Support guide created a disk image file, and mounted it for storing my pictures without permission issues.However, to account for future expansion, the disk image is made to be 100 GB, while current photo library size is approx 50 GB. Is there any way of getting Time Machine to backup the files within the mounted disk, rather than backing up the disk image file itself? So that the size of the backup at present would be the actual size of contents of the disk, rather than the whole disk image file itself? And furthermore, by copying a disk image file, will the actual files within also be backuped?

Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Software :: Unable To Backup Via Time Machine / Backup Disk Image Could Not Be Created

May 1, 2008

I was a PC user who recently moved to mac. I have a macbook (intel 2.2GHz, 2GB RAM, 250GB HDD). When I was using PC, I backed up all my data to a network storage device (Buffalo LinkStation 250 GB connected to a 802.11g netgear router which is supplied by Sky) using a program called SmartSync Pro, which worked very well. Although I can connect to and mount the Share folder on this drive when the macbook is connected to the network, Time Machine will not back up to it. It wouldnt even recognise the disk on the network.

So I went onto the trusty internet, and found that you can get time machine to recognise the Share folder. (This was obtained from: http://blog.imulus.com/george/software/using-leopard-time-machine-to-backup-of-a-network/)See my comment on their page at the bottom, number 66.

It recommended entering the following in to the Terminal: defaults write com.apple.systempreferences TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1

Before attempting backup I have to go into "Network" and select the Share folder by double clicking on it. This seems to mount the volume. After this, it can be seen in Time Machine as a potential backup destination.

However, this method does not work for me. Time Machine "prepares" for a while, then gives the following message: Time Machine error. The backup disk image could not be created.

More internet searching took me to macosxhints which suggests creating something called a sparsebundle image on my local system. (http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20080420211034137) Have not tried this yet as I thought it would be prudent to seek some help first.

Apple have deliberately disabled the ability for Time Machine to back up to network attached storage, (except of course to their proprietory Time Capsule):

Is this because time machine requires a network faster than 802.11g?

Is this because a time machine backup to a network attached storage device is unreliable and the data is corrupted?

I dont want to shell out more cash for a time capsule. I would prefer not to have to hardwire to an external drive (which I will also have to go out and buy). Any thoughts?

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OS X :: Time Capsule Disk Image Showing Up In Desktop

Mar 14, 2009

In trying to do my first backup with my new time capsule but keep getting this? The time capsule disk image is showing up in the desktop. How I can get this working?

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OS X :: Can Time Machine Backup Into Disk Image?

Mar 7, 2009

I want to use Time Machine, but I don't want to have all my data sitting in the open on an external drive that someone can just carry away. Can I make an encrypted disk image, and have Time Machine use that as the backup volume?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Backup Size Smaller Than Disk File?

Jun 20, 2009

I have been using time capsule for only a few weeks and I have noticed that the file it has created "Elliot Newman's MacBook Pro_001b63936847.sparsebundle" only reads a file size of 95GB, when the disk I am backing up has 148GB used. Does this mean the backup doesn't contain all my files? I have to say it concerns me a little that the backup shows only a single file, is there anyway to see the files that time capsule has backed up? I am updating my MacBook soon with a bigger internal drive and I want to make sure all my files are backed up before I do this.

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MacBook Air :: Moving Time Capsule Data - How To Restore Image From Time Capsule

Nov 29, 2010

I'm getting a new 13" MBA, upgrading from a 2006 macbook. I have it all backed up to time capsule. Can I just connect the MBA to my time capsule and restore the macbook image?

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Intel Mac :: Time Machine Error Message - Backup Disk Image Could Not Be Created

Jun 7, 2012

Error message "The backup disk image could not be created." I have tried everything I have found online in the community from TM full reset to changing my computers name. Anything else I can try? I am using a Seagate external HD with a connection through my router. I spent an hour on the phone with seagate and everything is ok on the HD end. TM sees it and it is mounted but cannot go any further

Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X :: Unable To Backup Data Via Time Machine / Volume Cannot Be Mounted

Jan 1, 2009

I've spent a good deal of time over three days trying to do something that I think is both doable and shouldn't be all that hard. I have a 750gb external HD attached to a Mini, and I'd like to use that drive to do TM backups for the Mini, as well as three MacBooks.

But I can't seem to get access to the backup drive from the laptops to either get going in the first place, or to remain available for TM. I get "volume can't be mounted" errors, "image can't be mounted errors", etc. I find that I can't ever eject the backup drive from the Mini (always told an application is using it...even if I've just booted up the Mini). And with one of the MacBooks, even a direct FW connection to the drive doesn't result in the drive showing up in Finder.

Isn't this a pretty straightforward thing to do? Is there a step by step somewhere that might help me figure out what I'm doing wrong, or what I need to fix? Should I reformat the drive again and start over (there are no important backups on it yet)? By the way, the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled).

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OS X :: Unable To Backup With Time Machine / External Volume Cannot Be Mounted

Mar 14, 2009

I'm having trouble backing up with Time Machine. Here's the setup:

1. Three, 1TB external hard drives in a concatenated software RAID. This means that they are treated as one large drive. There is no mirroring, no increased data rate, blah blah blah. It's just three hard drives in the place of one. I am aware that this means my backup is three times as likely to fail with the hardware, but that's OK.

2. These three are connected to a USB hub.

3. This hub is connected to a G5 tower. The G5 tower can back up to the concatenated drives (I'll call them just a RAID from here on), and also all additional external hard drives that I connect to the G5 tower have been backing up to the RAID no problem. This is great.

Here's the problem:

I'm trying to get two more computers to back up to the RAID wirelessly. I read a lot online about how this didn't used to be a supported feature (backing up to an external hard drive over a network with time machine), but that Apple has recently upgraded Time Machine to support this functionality.

The first computer I started with to try to backup over the network was a Macbook Pro, trying to get it to backup to this RAID. It can see the RAID over the network, mount it, copy files to it/read it, but CANNOT time machine backup to it. I select the network RAID as the backup device, hit "back up now," then get this message:

"The external volume cannot be mounted."

This is really bizzare, considering that it is mounted, and that I can copy to it. Just for your information, I have an airport extreme wireless network that has been working beautifully, no Keychain access issues, no 3rd party firewall, nothing. I've run through Applecare on this issue: the MacBook Pro has never done ANY time machine backup on the RAID, not even a partial one, so there's no dangling sparse bundle or backup folder or anything like that. All network permissions check out, etc. I've tried repairing the RAID with disk utility, as well as repairing permissions (although I have not done either of these things to the MacBookPro).

The latest thing I tried was plugging the RAID directly into the Macbook Pro. Here's where I got the first clue (at least I think so)...Plugged DIRECTLY into the MacBook Pro, the RAID will mount, but the MacBook Pro WILL NOT backup to the RAID. It gives me the same message: the selected volume cannot be mounted. Again, this is strange considering that, just like when I am viewing the RAID over the network, plugged directly into the MacBook Pro the RAID will mount, I can read it, copy files to it, etc.

I have considered plugging the RAID into the Airport extreme directly, but first of all this would mean much slower transfer speeds with the G5 tower, which is a big issue considering the files I am backing up every day, and two, since it seems that the RAID won't be recognized by the MacBook Pro even when plugged in directly, I'm thinking that this is a more fundamental issue.

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Hardware :: Time Capsule And Mounted "Data" Drive

Jan 19, 2010

I use my time capsule to store some shared files on my home network. When I access these file from the time capsule a mounted drive (share? I don�t know what it�s called) appears on my desktop. This has been working great. The problem is, if more then one user is logged in to the computer only the first user who accessed the mounted drive called �Data� can access it, the others get permission denied.

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Hardware :: Can Time Machine Backup External Drive Attached To Time Capsule?

Mar 11, 2009

I have an external 500gb drive plugged into my brand new Time Capsule. The 500gb drive basically stores my entire library of music and my iTunes points to this external drive.

Is it possible to have time machine backup all information on the 500gb drive to the time capsule, so encase the external drive takes a dump, I don't loose my entire music library? Maybe time machine is already doing this, I am not sure.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Time Capsule, Time Machine Is Asking To Make A Full Backup?

Mar 11, 2012

I have a MacBook Air and a Time Capsule - both from november 2011.Using Time Machine is givning me som problems.It works fine for some days, an is backing up as planned.But at least 5 times since I got the Time Capsule, Time Machine is asking to make a full Backup, and when I look in Time Machine, it says that there is no "old backup". It has been runing since november 2011.When I start a new backup, as it ask for, it takes at least 24 hours to finish - some times even longer.Is this normal? If not, what do I do?

Time Machine, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Time Machine Can't Complete Backup To Time Capsule

Jun 19, 2014

MacBook Pro mid-2012, 8GB RAM, 750GB hard drive, Mac OS X 10.8.5

One Time Capsule at home

One Time Capsule in vacation home 

MBP backs up everything on internal hard drive to Time Capsule at home, where we live during summer and spring. When moving to vacation home in fall and winter, MBP backs up everything to Time Capsule in vacation home. 

During the 6 months at each residence, the backups work great to the Time Capsule at that particular house. However, after some time (maybe a week?), Time Machine displays an error in Notification Center: "Time Machine can't complete backup to Home Time Capsule" (when in vacation home) or "Time Machine can't complete backup to Vacation Time Capsule" (when at home). 

It's obvious that this occurs because Time Machine was set to back up to 2 Time Capsules and expects both of them to be reachable. Is there a way to suppress these Time Machine errors for the time that we're away from one of the Time Capsules?

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OS X :: Unable To Mount Backup Disk Image?

Jan 6, 2009

for the past month or so my automated backups with time machine/time capsule have not been working. Every so often the following error message pops up:

"the backup disk image could not be mounted"

in troubleshooting, i have tried to mount the sparsebundle image directly but without success. from reading around a bit i can see that others have had this problem, and that one solution is to delete the sparsebundles and start again.

but that of course means losing all my archived backups, which i would rather avoid.

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OS X :: Encrypted Disk Image - Any Way To Verify Backup

Jun 23, 2010

So my current backup strategy uses two western digital external hard drives. The first I have permanently connected to my iMac using Time Machine. On the second I use CCC to backup to every week and keep it in the trunk of my car as an offsite backup.

Just had a couple of questions to make sure I'm prepared for the worse...
- What temperatures can hard drives survive at? Is there a risk of it overheating in my car?
- I've read about some issues with CCC's backups. I'm currently backing up to an encrypted disk image - is there any way to verify the backup? If I just cloned the drive instead so it was bootable is there any way to encrypt it? And is Super Duper more reliable?

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MacBook Pro :: Can Make A Disk Image Of It For Backup?

Apr 10, 2012

Can I make a disk image of my macbook pro for backup? I'm using Lion, have 8 g memory and 500 HDD.

MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Backup Disk Image...could Not Be Accessed

Apr 26, 2012

The following error message just popped up: "The backup disk image “/Volumes/Data/Robert's Office iMac (2).sparsebundle” could not be accessed (error -1)." I'm running a late 2009 iMac; upgraded to Lion about a week ago. It seems to have done the Time Machine backups fine for the last week.The only other recent change was to reset my iCloud account so I could sync with my iPhone. 

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.5)

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Windows On Mac :: Backup Strategy For Entire Disk Image?

Dec 31, 2009

I'm just curious as to what everyone's backup strategy for Windows is? I've been exploring the options of the Windows XP Backup utility, but I also like being able to have a entire disk image with Winclone. However there's no way to back up incrementally with Winclone. I'm sort of mum on both options, or would like to know if there's a better option? So what have the other Boot Camp participants been doing for a Windows backup?

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OS X V10.5 Leopard :: The Backup Disk Image Could Not Be Accessed (error - 1)

Mar 30, 2012

I get the following message when attempting backup - the backup disk image"/volumes/data/rod Henderer's computer (5).sparsebundle" could not be accessed (error - 1)

time capsule, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Applications :: Time Machine Backup To Time Capsule?

Apr 23, 2010

I started my backup over 24 hours ago and after it completed its 130GB backup, it has now continued backing up endlessly incrementing the xxGB of xxGB without end. I stopped the backup and it then began at 140.9MB to backup. Once it reached 149.9MB it continued; displaying 149.9 MB of 149.9 MB. It is currently at 502.4 MB of 502.4 MB. I am using Snow Leopard. Has anyone seen this happen before? Or know how to resolve?

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Applications :: Navigate To A Mounted Image In Terminal?

Sep 25, 2010

i'm trying to run Red alert on my mac using wine (just discovered the're giving it away for free ).

Problem is I've managed to install wine, download red alert but need to navigate to the iso to run the install program for red alert. This might be very basic but I don't know what directory to go to in terminal to get to a mounted iso...

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Applications :: Will Sparse Disk Image Backup Keep Deleted Files?

May 27, 2010

I use Carbon Copy Cleaner to backup. I've set it to backup to a sparse, rewritable disk image. If I, say, delete a file, then do another backup, will the file I deleted still be in the folder it was in, or will it disappear as if the backup was cleared and redone?

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Intel Mac :: Disk Utility Can't Repair HD - Possible To Create New Image To Backup?

Jun 7, 2012

Two days ago my computer died and I haven't been able to get past the Apple screen since. I've tried starting in Safe mode, etc. that did not work. I just started up using my installation disk and got into Disk Utility. It says it cannot repair the disk and that I should back up as many files as possible and reformat the disk. How am I supposed to back up if I can't start up? I am currently creating a new image of the HD to an external drive but my question is if Disk Utility couldn't repair the disk, with the external drive copy also be problematic? How can I tell before I reformat the whole thing and start over?

iMac (24-inch Mid 2007), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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Hardware :: How To Backup Time Capsule Itself

May 4, 2008

How would I actually go about go backing up the Time Capsule itself, to an external drive?

I usually have an "emergency" drive that I place in a secure location, in case I lose my principal backup drive. Now that I use a Time Capsule as my main backup drive, I'm not sure how to go about this.

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Hardware :: How To Backup 10.3.9 Mac Using Time Capsule

Jan 18, 2009

I've got a Time Capsule and an iMac G5 running 10.3.9 (panther) and all I want to do is create a full back up of the iMac onto the Time Capsule. I'd like to o this via ethernet cable if possible. Any other way is fine though.

Time Capsule, 1TB
iMac G5, no iSight, 10.3.9
iMac HDD, Capacity 74.4GB, Used 44.72GB

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Won't Backup?

Aug 26, 2009

I previously used my TC as my main router, connected via ethernet to my iMac and also to an AEBS to give me dual zone wifi (it's a 1st gen. TC without the built-in dual zone). I recently moved and now have a home ethernet network, so I reconfigured things slightly. The AEBS is now the router, connected to a 16-port switch that feeds all the outlets around the house. The TC is connected to this, in bridge mode to expand the network, and is still connected to the iMac directly via ethernet.

Well, the bridge networking works fine, as I have internet access on the iMac and I can stream iTunes content from there to either of my Apple TVs over my ethernet network. However, Time Machine backups now "fail", and I have no idea why or what to do about it. This is especially strange as the TC and iMac are connected directly to each other, exactly as they were before I reconfigured the set-up.

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OS X :: Time Capsule Backup Update?

May 11, 2010

Does anyone know if this updates impacts using sparsebundle file on an unsupported volume on a windows share?

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OS X :: Does Time Capsule Backup Offsite

Aug 10, 2010

I have a back up external HD and a backup of my back up external, but I want one more back up just in case my house burns down or is broken into.

I know Time Capsule is wireless, but does it back up off site like how Carbonite or Mozy do? Those products don't seem to be all they are cracked up to be, and would rather give Apple my business if I can.

Is Time Capsule what I'm looking for? Does it back up to a Cloud area in cyber space that I can access anywhere ala dropbox, or is it's thing that it only transfers back up data wireless but it's still in your house.

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