Hardware :: Time Capsule Share Disk Over Web Like AE?
Mar 5, 2009Looking at Apple's site, they really promote the feature on the AE page, but it's not mentioned on the TC page....
View 1 RepliesLooking at Apple's site, they really promote the feature on the AE page, but it's not mentioned on the TC page....
View 1 RepliesI've just hooked up my 2 Tb time capsule, which is supposed to be the destination for time machine and also have a share folder to share music on the network. Originally I wanted to partition the drive, but since that appears to be such a headache I'll probably make do with one partition.
if time machine will try to overwrite the share folder when it runs out of disc space?
I have a router in one room that sends out a wireless signal. I want my time capsule to join that network and share the internet connection through the ethernet ports on the back. This way, I can hook up a voip phone in another room. Is this possible and how would you go about setting it up.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI run a windows XP workgroup network in my office and plan to use a mac mini as a file server, coupled with a Time Capsule to use as back up and to provide wifi access to several PC laptops. My question is, will the Time Capsule allow the PC laptops wireless access shared files and printers hosted by other PCs in the workgroup, as opposed to printers connected to the Mac Mini/Time Capsule?
View 1 Replies View Relatedafter reading a lot manuals and threads I'm now completely lost and can't get it run.
This is what I'd like to do:
1. I have Linksys router set up as wifi hotspot
2. My iMac accesses internet via wifi via linksys
3. I'd like to hook time capsule via ethernet cable to my imac
4. i want time capsule to use my iMac's internet but extend at the same time the wifi internet access
a. Can I backup from iMac to time capsule via ethernet?
b. Which settings I have to do on my iMac and which on time capsule to get my scenario run ?
It has taken me a little bit to understand how this Time Capsule works. I don't mean the easy Time Machine, backup-only part. I mean that ideally, I'd like to repartition the 1TB hard drive that's inside of it and I'd also like to change the partition style from Apple's old(er) AFP which is mainly used in the PowerPC-based Mac's, to GUID, the current "default" style that every Intel-based Mac uses. Using the AirPort utility that came with the Time Capsule, I did configure every last part of the TC, including the hard drive sharing part, which I protected with a "disk password", one of the three choices given by the Manual Setup Guide. What I apparently can't wrap my mind around just yet is as to where exactly do I enter this password? How do I access the drive from a computer on the network? I apologize if some of these questions seem a bit n00b'ish, but I am officially still new to Mac's and I am most certainly brand new(!) to this Time Capsule! lol...I do love it, though. Some of the config settings are indeed very well thought out.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI want to be able to share my printer that is connected to my Time Capsule with my friends on my Guest Network. I have it connected to my personal network but can't seem to give them access without allowing them on my personal network.
Time Capsule 802.11n (4th Gen)
The goal: To have all computers in the house use the same itunes library. Now the new ReadyNAS by NetGear has the option to put all the itunes music on there, and it shows up on the network as a shared library. Is there a way for multiple computers to share the same library on a external hard drive, or in this case, time capsule. I can see where a networked itunes library (like a shared computer) would work just fine for playing music, but you run into problems when say, you want to transfer songs to a ipod, iphone, etc.
One option would be for one of the computers be the main music server, and have that computer be the one to do the music transfers, but what if that computer is off. Multiple computers on same network, sharing same itunes library, but still able to manipulate the files?
I'm sort of new to the Time Capsule and still trying to wrap my head around all the different services. Currently I've setup my Time Capsule via ethernet and have setup mobile me on it. I've been trying to setup 'back to my mac' with no luck, the time capsule never shows up in the mobile me account. I'm able to connect to the Time Capsule via AFP protocol, but I couldn't find any documentation detailing the level of security of this connection. So far all that I've found is that my documents are being sent as clear text, not even the slightest hope of SSL. I would hope that enforce SSL and deny clear text connection would be an option but I couldn't find it in the control panel.
My last question is regarding the Time Capsule network share option. Obviously the share works well, as it can be access by any computer, but how would one setup the Time Machine to back it up too? As of right now it seems that the general belief of having your network share on the device that backs up your mac, means that the network share itself is being backed up. This is obviously not true, unless it's setup. I may have been caught in the middle of apple commercial propaganda and therefore believe that the peripheral can do more than it physically can.
1. Dual networking. You can run N on 5.0 ghz and at the same time run A/B/G whatever on 2.4 ghz for legacy devices such as the iPhone. No speed hit.
2. Easy to use guest mode which will open up one of the frequencies for use as a password less (optionally you can add a password) access to the net but locking off your computers, printer etc. on the other encrypted frequency. Great for having friends over and getting them on your network without having to open it up to attack or having to give out huge passwords for them to enter.
3. If you have MobileMe then the new Time Capsule FILE SHARES EVERYTHING OFF THE ENTIRE DRIVE TO THE NET!
I have a 1st gen 500GB Time Capsule. The capacity was good when I bought it, but right now 500GB just wont do it for me. So I want to buy a 2TB bare drive and switch out the original 500GB drive. I have done some research on google, and it seems to be doable. But I find some people say that the 1st gen TC would not recognize drives that are bigger than 1TB.
Just want some feedback from people who have done this. Is 1TB really the cap for the 1st gen?
I just got my new i5 iMac. I have migrated my data to the new computer. Can I erase my time capsule so as to start fresh? If I can, do I erase it with disk utility? Is this even a smart thing to do?
View 11 Replies View Relatedhow to have the Time Capsule disk automount on Startup?
What about a USB drive connected to it?
how to use the Time Capsule disk as a server?
I just secure erased my Time Capsule disk through AirPort Utility to set it up with my new iMac. After erasing the 1TB disk, AirPort said that the disk capacity is only 931GB even though the Time Machine preferences displayed 998GB available prior to me initiating the first backup. Does anyone know why this discrepancy exists? It should be noted that the previous backup on the Time Capsule disk from my old Mac took up about 68GB so is AirPort Utility just struggling to show the new capacity after the secure erase?
View 18 Replies View RelatedI recently purchased a MBP and a Time Capsule. Still waiting on the MBP, but went ahead and set up the TC as a router for my current Dell laptop. In theory, I don't really care since I will have my MBP w/in 2.5 weeks, but is it possible for my Windows machine to see the disk on the TC? I went into TC and set up the workgroup name to be the same as the workgroup on my PC, but I still don't see it. I doubt anyone has done it, but was curious if it's possible. I assume that the Windows client should be able to access that giant disk (or a Windows user would never buy the product). One question though, it shows the filesystem as FAT32. Is that right, or just how it's represented to the Windows client?
View 19 Replies View RelatedRecently I haven't been able to backup. Why this is? Not too sure. I don't remember changing any settings or anything recently but within the last 2 weeks or so I haven't been able to backup at all. When I start backing up it says "preparing backup" then an error message pops up that says "The backup disk image could not be mounted".
View 24 Replies View RelatedIs there an option for Time Capsule to back itself up to another disk? Is this automatic?It just seems dumb to store everything on Time Capsule if it has the same failure rate as a hard drive with no redundancy even though apple says its server grade.
View 7 Replies View RelatedIn trying to do my first backup with my new time capsule but keep getting this? The time capsule disk image is showing up in the desktop. How I can get this working?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI deleted some files that I don't need in Time Capsule by using "Delete All Backups of ..." inside "Enter Time Machine", but the disk space does not change. It stays the same as before.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI bought a 1TB Time Capsule and setting up the wireless network was easy. I also added the printer and that works too. However, I am having problems sharing my External Seagate 500GB USB Hard drive. I have a USB hub and I connected it, and when I'm in Airport Utility, I click on Disks, it shows the 500GB Seagate!
However when I'm in Finder, I can't see the 500GB Seagate drive. And I launch Disk Utility, it doesn't show the drive.
How can I access the External USB Drive first of all? And enable it, for sharing via my Time Capsule's wireless network?
The thing is, Time Capsule detects my additional hard drive, but I believe it's not configured to enable using it.
Oh and yes, I checked the Enable File Sharing checkbox & secured it with a password. Airport Disk Guests Access is set to not allowed though. Should I change that? Share Disks over WAN is also unchecked.
I decided that I need to test my Hard Disk migration procedure today. I am going to put an Apple RAID card in and use 4 x VelociRaptors. I Have my current system booting from a RAID0 setup and as such it will be a pain (in the arse) when it comes to moving the partition to the RAID5 (not much room for disks inside etc). So I searched my cupboard for a 'spare' SATA drive, but alas all I found was an old Seagate Cheetah (15K SCSI) and some random IDE drives. Then it struck me - the Time Capsule has a 500GB SATAII disk in it.... mmmm my mind began to turn over.....and my hand reached for the screwdriver. So I googled for some pics (to help me disassemble the TC). I found this excellent set [URL]
1) remove the rubber base.
2) unscrew all the teeny screws.
3) invert the unit (so its on its top case).
4) lift the metal cover off (carefully as it has a fan mounted to it).
5) pull the foam cover from the heat sensor on the drive.
6) unplug the sensor from the clip on the base of the disk.
7) hand over the drive, invert again to make the disk 'fall' gently out of its casing.
8) un-invert and unplug the SATA data and power connectors.
9) re-assemble the unit.................
I mainly use it as a network media disk, the the problem is that it spins down after just 2-3 mins when idle which will probably wear it out quicker. So was wondering if there's a script of other method to keep it running for longer?
View 2 Replies View RelatedAnyone notice anything happening to their disk speed/transfer/access rates lately using a Time Capsule for a NAS?I currently use it to do two TM backups, and hold an iTunes store - been working amazingly well for over a year, and then a couple of weeks ago notice massive lags.The two Macs are using wireless, but internet speeds are as fast as ever... it just bogs down when you try to use a disk.So, couple other questions: Was there an airport firmware update lately that I installed incognito - and it's botched? Is there a way to install old firmware etc? Lastly, is there any way to run disk utility (or something like it) on a network drive like the Time Capsule? Maybe it's just clogged up or something?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI need to make space on my startup disk. I bought a Time Capsule. How do I move files from startup disk to my time capsule?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI bought a new 2TB Time Capsule, and had problems completing the initial backup. I finally sourced the problem to files that were buried deep in a stack of folders, which seemed to make the file name/path too long. Anyway before I realized that I tried to reformat the Time Machine, and this seemed to work ok. However Airport Utility is now reporting the Time Capsule Disk Size as being 1.8TB, rather than 2TB.
I think before I reformatted the disk it showed as being 2TB in this menu, but I cannot be sure. I am worried that I have somehow formatted it wrong and lost some data space? If I go into Disk Utility, it does say there that the Data partition is 2TB, so it seems strange that Airport Utility shows it at 1.8TB. Can someone else who has the 2TB Time Capsule let me know whether in Airport Utility it shows as being 2TB or 1.8TB?
I have been using time capsule for only a few weeks and I have noticed that the file it has created "Elliot Newman's MacBook Pro_001b63936847.sparsebundle" only reads a file size of 95GB, when the disk I am backing up has 148GB used. Does this mean the backup doesn't contain all my files? I have to say it concerns me a little that the backup shows only a single file, is there anyway to see the files that time capsule has backed up? I am updating my MacBook soon with a bigger internal drive and I want to make sure all my files are backed up before I do this.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI was using a Western Digital 1T hard drive connected to my Time Capsule USB port. It was set up as Allow file sharing with Time Capsule password. I would like to stop using it here and directly connect it to my Macbook Pro (by firewire). When I try to do this, I can see the drive but get a message that I do not have user permissions to access it. I can't seem to figure out a way around this. Is there something that I can change so that I can directly access the disk? Do I need to reformat the WD drive in Disk Utility to be able to use it directly again?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been having trouble backing up my MacBook Pro to my Time Capsule (hasn't backed up in months) so I ran Disk Utility and it gave the following error: Disk Utility stopped verifying "Hard Disk". This disk needs to be repaired. Start up your computer with another disk (such as your Mac OS X installation disc), and then use Disk Utility to repair this disk. So, if I do that, will I end up losing whatever is on my hard disk? And how do I start up the computer using the OS X disk? Just put it in and restart?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm getting a new 13" MBA, upgrading from a 2006 macbook. I have it all backed up to time capsule. Can I just connect the MBA to my time capsule and restore the macbook image?
View 6 Replies View RelatedQuestion - if I have a 500GB hard drive in my MacBook, but 80GB are partitioned separately for Windows via boot camp, can I use a 500GB Time Capsule?
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