OS X Mavericks :: How To Move Existing Time Machine Back Up To Network Drive

Jun 28, 2014

move my existent time machine back ups from a external USB hard drive to a WD MBLD network attached storage.  

What I have tried to far:   Created the a new time machine back up using the MBLDSelected the option to replace the existing time machine back up and selected the encrypt optionStarted a back upStopped it right after it started Turned the time machine offMounted the sparsebundleRemoved the backups.

backupdb folder from itAttached the old time machine disk to my macbook airCopied the backups.backupdb from there and tried to paste it on the NAS drive using Shift Option Command V.Got an error saying "the volume has the wrong case sensitivity for a backup" 

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OS X :: Move Existing Time Machine Backup To New Volume

Mar 4, 2009

I have been backing up my computers to an external HD with Time Machine for some time, but I just bought a 1Tb Time Capsule today. Is there a way to move/copy my existing TM backups to the new drive (in the Time Capsule), rather than starting a whole new backup, so that I can preserve my existing TM 'history'? I could just start a new backup, but it would only back up the 'current state', and I would lose all the prior data.

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OS X Mavericks :: Backup Contents Of External Drive To Network Location Using Time Machine?

Jun 26, 2014

I have just installed a Lacie Thunderbolt external drive as I want the speed to access large volumes of photographs.  If I configure it as RAID 0 I will need to back up the data on that drive.  I have a NAS drive which I already use for Time Machine and which works well.  Can Time Machine be configured to include the external drive in the backups to the NAS?

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OS X :: Move Time Machine To New Drive?

Nov 28, 2007

There have been a few threads about how to move a time machine backup to a new disk and maintain the existing backups. Some have done this with carbon copy cloner.

This also works with the built in disk utility in Leopard. I turned off time machine first. Then I booted with the Leopard install DVD and ran disk utility. I partitioned the new disk and gave it the same name as the old time machine drive (not sure if that's necessary). I then used the restore function to clone the old time machine disk to the new one. I rebooted, turned time machine back on and it picked up where it left off. The first backup with the new drive took a little longer than expected considering nothing had really changed but all the prior backup data is intact as if nothing had changed.

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OS X :: Move Time Machine Backup To New Drive?

Oct 31, 2007

Is it possible to move your existing full Time Machine backup to a new drive, so you don't have to create a new full backup? Specifically, I'd like to move a sparsebundle network backup from one drive to another.

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Applications :: Can Move Time Machine Backup To Smaller Drive

Mar 28, 2010

I'm trying to move my Time Machine backup from my Drobo to another disk, so I can reformat my Drobo, then copy back the TM back. The problem is that I don't have a disk that's bigger then the Drobo, so I need to copy it onto a smaller disk before copying it back to the Drobo.I've tried to do this the way that's described all over the web (using Disk Utility), but this always results in the error: Restore Failure, Not enough space on /dev/disk1s2 to restore. I believe this is because everyone is going to a *bigger* disk and I'm trying to go the other way.

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OS X :: Using Drive With Time Machine Over Network

Jan 29, 2010

I've been using a 500gb external usb drive with Time Machine for some time now. I recently bought an Airport Extreme router so I could move all of my external drives onto my network. The idea was to continue using the 500gb drive with TM, just over the network. But TM wanted to start all over like it had never used the drive before now that it was on the network. So I reformatted the drive and let TM do its thing but at the end of the 1st backup it said it had failed. Is there a way to get that 1st huge backup over with? Can I plug the usb drive into my computer and then move it over to the network and get it to pick up where it left off?

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OS X :: Can Time Capsule Be Used As A Repeater On An Existing Network

Jun 2, 2009

Can Time Capsule be used as a repeater on an existing network ? Is there a way to use speakers with it and use airtunes with it ?

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OS X :: Using Time Machine With Terastation Network Drive?

May 6, 2009

Anyone Uses Time Machine with there terastation network drive. I believe the terastation is. In xts file format or something like that, I found a terminal command to have time machine see the terastation - it wont by default.

1 Has any done this with a terastation. Or other backup device not defaultl seen by time machine.

2 Also lets say if I use the terastation, an I have a folder called enterprise (for all pc's), an one called "back up", if I choose backup, is it possible for time machine to delete enterprise folder? Or somehow mess up the folder, because time machine says "Note: Time Machine works best if you use your backup disk only for Time Machine backups. If you keep files on your backup disk, Time Machine won't back up those files, and the space available for Time Machine backups will be reduced."

3. Can you choose subfolders, like backup > Jons macbook.

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OS X :: Using Time Machine Or Other Program To Back Up Flash Drive?

Mar 10, 2009

Everyone seems to want to back up to a flash drive, but what about someone who is carrying around valuable files to work so he can work on them in various locations (home, lab, school computers etc) and wants to safeguard against possibly losing such a small object or some other file problem. I am missing something extremely obvious here? Time machine settings show my flash drive but does not allow me to include it in my back ups...seems strange.

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OS X :: Store Files On Same Drive As Time Machine Back Up?

Jun 15, 2009

When I ran TIME MACHINE for the first time, it reformatted my external hard drive. TIME MACHINE then backed up my system. Is it possible for me to store misc other files and what not on the same drive as the TIME MACHINE back up? Also, will these files be accessible from a PC also? I want to make sure I am not going to corrupt anything before trying this.

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OS X :: Ask Time Machine To Back Up External Hard Drive?

Dec 25, 2009

Time Machine is backing up my internal 1Mac hard drive fine to an external drive ("backup ext drive"). I have another external hard drive attached to the Mac that I would also like to back up to the back-up ext drive. I've looked around on Time Machine as best I can but can't find any place that lists drives to be backed up, so I can tell Time Machine to back it up, also. I have found a list in Time Machine of drives I can back up to. That list shows both external drives. But of course, I want to back this one up, not use it as a back up drive. Should be something simple I'm missing. I've seen a lot in the forum about issues backing up external ard drives via Airport Express (or Extreme), but though I have Airport Express, both external drives (back up ext drive and the one to be backed up) are directly connected to the iMac, so I'm not trying to use Airport for this.

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MacBook Pro :: Time Machine Does Not Back Up To External Drive?

Mar 17, 2012

I plug in my hard drive and it is working..click "back up now" and it starts, but stops within a few seconds?

macbook pro, Mac OS X (10.6.5)

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Hardware :: Time Machine Backup To A Network Drive?

Aug 28, 2009

I was wondering if it is possible to back up using time machine to a network drive such as [URL] If so could you tell me how to do so?

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Desktops :: Use Time Machine For Back Up My System Hard Drive?

Oct 27, 2009

I use Time Machine for backing up my iMac hard drive I am into photography and have a large number of photo files that take up a lot of space. The originals I burn to a DVD but the pictures I put on an external hard drive 1 tb so they are readily accessible. Is there any way I can use Time Machine to automatically back up this hard drive onto another external along with my iMac hard drive, or do I need to store the files in duplicate manually on 2 different external hard drives?

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MacBook Pro :: Can Time Machine Back Up Mu Current OS Into My External SSD Drive

Nov 4, 2010

I want to replace my current HDD with new SSD, here is the steps I will do, identify if this is feasible!!!

1. Put ssd in a external hard drive enclosure

2. Connect the external SSD drive to MBP

3. Back up the entire OS and files with time machine

4. Remove the enclosure, take out ssd

5. Put SSD in mu MBP, replacing HDD

Will this work?

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Mac Pro :: Setting Up RAID Zero Configuration / Use 3rd Drive For Time Machine Back Up

Sep 25, 2008

Is there any benefit to ordering the MAC Pro Raid card for setting up 2 x 500gig SATA drives in a Raid Zero configuration? Or..Is this accomplished just as well via software in leopard??

Apologies if this is a stupid question - but just wondering if I can save some $ by not having to order the RAID card without giving up anything.

I will use a 3rd 1TB drive for Time machine for back up.

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OS X :: Back Up Two Hard Drives To One External Drive With Time Machine?

Feb 27, 2009

If I have two hard drives in my Mac Pro, can I back them up to one external drive with Time Machine?

If I have a third drive that I DO NOT want to back up with Time Machine, can I specify that I want to back up the first two but not the third?

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OS X :: Wireless Time Machine Back Up To External Hard Drive

Aug 19, 2009

I had Time Machine making wireless backups from my MacBook to a LaCie hard drive plugged into an Airport Extreme Base Station. It's worked great for at least year. The 10.5.8 upgrade seems to have broken it. It's still not an Apple supported configuration.

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OS X :: External Hard Drive - Transfer All Time Machine Back Ups

Nov 4, 2009

1) I have a full external hard drive and would like to transfer all my time machine back-ups to a new larger one. How do I do this?

2) And when I'm ready to transfer all time machine data to my new iMac using external hard drive can I choose all dates so I'm including all pictures videos etc?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Back Up With Time Machine To A Previously Used Hard Drive?

Feb 24, 2012

I've just replaced an old MacBook Pro with a new one and used Time Machine to get the new MBP set up.  All is well and it looks like my new computer is a mirror of the old (tested for a week now).  If I turn on Time Machine with the new MBP using the same hardrive as the former, will the files remain and be accessible? Presently, I can only access the old files by going into the hard drive through Finder and even then, most are locked. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Time Machine Cannot Access My Back-up Drive

Jun 7, 2012

Time Machine cannot access my back-up drive (My Passport).  Haven't been able to run automatic back-ups for a long time.

Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Mountain Lion :: Time Machine Won't Back Up OWC External Drive

Aug 22, 2014

Mac Mini running 10.8.5.  Time Machine will not back up brand new OWC MiniStack external HD. I've trashed TM prefs, reformatted the TM drive, verified that there are no exclusions, but it won't back up the external HD which contains only data files -- no system, no applications.  TM does back up the internal HD.

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MacBook :: Need External Hard Drive To Back Up With Time Machine?

Jun 22, 2014

I probably have all kinds of misconceptions about Resetting to an earlier time for the computer I have. It's a 2009 macbook, running OS 10.8.5. I got it last week, previous to this machine I have been running a powerbook G4. It does not have a backup with Time Machine either.

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Software :: Unable To Set Up Time Machine / Network Drive Not Found

Apr 19, 2009

I have a new MacBook Pro (my first Apple!) that I have successfully integrated in my home network. My home network consists of Linksys WRT54G wireless Router; Iomega network hard drive (attached to router); Dlink DPR1260 wireless print server connected to Brother HL5140 printer & Epson RX680 printer; and numerous windows PCs (wireless).

My MBP recognizes the network hard drive folders. When I go to set up Time Machine, it keeps looking for a device hooked into it, but does not search for or see other potential back up locations. How do I set up Time Machine to regular back things up to a folder on my network storage drive?

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Hardware :: Time Capsule Connected Via Internet, And Existing Wireless Network Together?

Mar 17, 2009

I'm soon to start working from a shared office and my internet will be gained wirelessly from a shared router.As I cannot modify the wireless network as it will interfere with everyone else Can i simply attach my time capsule via ethernet direct to my macbook pro, so that it does all the backup goodness and yet still have my wireless internet conneection open.

MAC to TC wired with MAC to INTERNET Wireless Without interference.

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Hardware :: Adding Time Capsule And Airport Expresses To Existing Network?

Jul 9, 2009

I have a dual-band airport extreme router setup in a closet on the bottom floor of my 3-floor apartment, and I'm in need of some help figuring out how to go about adding some additional networking gear to my existing system

I have a 1TB Time Capsule which I'd like incorporate into my existing network. I have an available ethernet cable on the top floor of my apartment which I would like to connect the Time Capsule to so that I can quickly backup my MacPro (connected to network directly via ethernet), and so if possible I can extend the range of the Wireless-N network that my dual-band router is currently providing (because the signal on the top floor of my apartment isn't as great as I'd like it to be). I'd like to have the Time Capsule configured to only use the Wireless-N network so that my Macbook pro and my wife's Macbook Air will be backup to it via wireless-n speeds at all times.

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Hardware :: Time Capsule 1TB Connecting To Existing WiFi Network - Best Configuration?

May 14, 2010

I have a mixed Mac/PC environment - Macbook Pro (snow leopard); iMac 21 (leopard); 2 x Dell laptops (XP) - and an existing wifi network from a Belkin 8233-4 N modem/router. Also connected to the wifi network is a WHS for backing up the laptops; an HP printer; 2 iphones; an xbox 360; and a Wii.

I've just bought a 1TB Time Capsule to use to back up the Macs as my previous external time machine hard drive just died (which was connected via USB to the iMac).

At the moment, I've got the TC set up to join my existing wifi network (it's connected via an Ethernet cable from the Belkin wireless router), however I'm getting issues with the wifi network not working properly and being unable to connect to the internet. Every time you wake the Mac, you have to manually reconnect to the wifi (and sometimes even re-enter the password), and things work OK until the Mac goes back to sleep. When I go into the Airport utility, the settings say that the TC is set to create a new network, so I reset it back to join an existing network via ethernet, but then if I go back to these settings a little later (after having problems with the wifi connectivity), they have reverted back to create a new network !

What am I doing wrong ?

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OS X :: Can I Use Existing WD Mybook With Time Machine

Aug 29, 2009

Can I use my hard drive with Time Machine ? I got the drive in use already so my question is wether I can additionally use it as a backup disc without erasing its content? Do I just connect my drive and start Time Machine app and it will create Time Machine folder on its own ?

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OS X :: New MBP And Existing Time Machine Backup

Nov 16, 2009

So I've just got a new MBP to replace my three year old model. I have a full external HDD with Time Machine backups on it going back in time. WHat I'd like to do is to have the new machine use the same disk for Time Machine backups, and to just carry on appending data - so that I can enter Time Machine from the new MBP, and see all of my old backups. I haven't migrated a TM backup onto the new machine, as I wanted a 'clean' install. When I connect the existing TM drive to the new machine, it doesn't recognise that the machine is full of backups - is there a way around this?

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