I'm running a OS X 10.9.5 and just purchase Motion 5.1.2 at the APP Store and I cannot save any template in Motion 5. Every time I tried, I can hear a sound like "tunk" and I see the progressive bar very, very quickly. Doesn't seem to be normal. The project is on the respective Motion Templates file but when I open FCPX and look for the project I saved, I can see it as a thumbnail in the respective media browser but it is not available. I tried with different media and even without any media (just text) and the result is the same.
I just installed the motion 3 dvd from the final cut studio 2 but i can't locate it anywhere in the applications or elsewhere. can't find in with search. when i go through final cut pro it also isn't available in send to menu, while color is.
I'm not sure if i'm missing something here. the installation went fine with a reboot. I tried re installing which also seemed like it happened without any problems but no traces of motion.
i have no clue where it is, unless it changed it's name and is hiding somwhere.
Is NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256 MB of integrated video RAM sufficient to do video editing using Final Cut Studio as well a Motion 3 without getting hang ? The system requirement in Final Cut says it won't work on Intel Integrated graphics card. But this integrated card in the Mac Mine is not Intel, it is NVidia integrated card, so will it work ? I hope to use this new Mac Mini to learn Final Cut, Motion 3 and iMovie, so the last thing I want is for it to hang on me !
The problem is that it seems like Motion overrides the matte video filter, so that when I zoom into the photo, the photo expands but so does the Matte filter, which I don't want.I want the matte filter to stay put over the moving image
Info: Mac Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), FCP(6)
I animated a still image in Motion 4 but when it plays in FCP 7 it doesn't play smooth. I simply adds an image and then added a camera. I then added a move behavior and repositioned the image as well as have it zoom out. The problem is it looks very Jittery/choppy does anyone know why this would be happening and if so any ways to fix it?
I would like to capture my iPhone screen in action for purposes of demonstrating its usage to others (e.g. How do I create and send a text?). I want to be able to use this in a FinalCut video.
Is there a simple way to add a logo to scrolling credits in Motion 5, like there is in Premiere Pro CC. Like cut and paste the logo to the end of the scroll? Or do I have to set up a separate motion path to match the scroll rate?
When I try to open either of these 3 apps the system tells me they can't open because they are currently being updated. Software Update shows my system as needing no update. The last update that it shows was for ProApps Codecs v1.0.5. I am running a macbook pro / OS 10.9.3.
The manual download for that update, (ProApps Codecs v1.0.5), is a dead link, (URL....). I have one of the new black mac desktops with the exact same setup as my laptop. It's software updates list shows an update for the 3 apps I am having trouble opening on my laptop as having successfully installed. All 3 apps are working fine on the desktop system. How to either:
- trash my preferences on the laptop to force system update to reinstall the ProApps Codecs v1.0.5 update?
- fix the broken link at support.apple.com so I can manually install the ProApps Codecs v1.0.5 update?
- or perform some kind of Voodoo that will get my FCP, Motion, and Compressor opening again?
When I try to open either of these 3 apps the system tells me they can't open because they are currently being updated. Software Update shows my system as needing no update. The last update that it shows was for ProApps Codecs v1.0.5. I am running a macbook pro / OS 10.9.3.
The manual download for that update, (ProApps Codecs v1.0.5), is a dead link,[URL].
I have one of the new black mac desktops with the exact same setup as my laptop. It's software updates list shows an update for the 3 apps I am having trouble opening on my laptop as having successfully installed. All 3 apps are working fine on the desktop system.
- trash my preferences on the laptop to force system update to reinstall the ProApps Codecs v1.0.5 update?
- fix the broken link at support.apple.com so I can manually install the ProApps Codecs v1.0.5 update?
- or perform some kind of Voodoo that will get my FCP, Motion, and Compressor opening again?
[URL] Will this fit a PowerMac G5 1.6 ghz. I have a AGP port 8x. Do you think this is a good card if someone is running dual monitors with Motion and Final Cut
I recorded the show using Garage Band by plugging in an external sound card and getting the music that was send to the speakers in the room. Now I'm trying to edit the show but when I put my recorded music under the filmed video the doesn't seem to match... I'ts just like the audio is a little faster, which makes it unable to get the playing in sinc...
Info: Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)
I have some live footage of musical performance. I have footage from two cameras and the sound off the desk that I need to sync up. I had hoped I could sync the sound to both cameras, then put in which shots I chose at any given point, but I don't know if the system will do that.
I have tried to copy a consolidated library (156GB) to another drive. I have tried this twice and everything seems to be there, however when I play the project, the sound drops out in many places. (Both dialog and music tracks) Is there a way to copy the library to a new drive and not have problems? Should I "copy events to to a new library"?
I have a wav file that I've imported, which sounds completely fine on regular playback but becomes very poor quality when imported into the timeline. I know on FCP7 you had to convert to an AIFF but I've not had this issue before on X.
Info: Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)
I have Final Cut Express 4 running on an iMac with Leopard 10.3.5. The problem I have is I cannot hear a music track & the sound track on the film clip at the same time when I run the clip. I only hear the clip sound track until it finishes then the music track plays. If I drag the scrubber bar along the time line I can hear both the music & the Clip sound track together. This only happens when I logon to the Mac as an Administrator. (I have never managed to hear both sound tracks together whilst logged on as Administrator.)
In desperation I created a user account on my iMac. If I logon as a user Final Cut Express 4 works ok ? I hear both sound tracks together when I play the clip. Any ideas how I can make the Administrator account work as the User account does? As the iMac is only used by myself I don?t need any user accounts.
I am sending out resume's to many different people and they each have very minor adjustments. I thought I could just make a 'draft' and change the receiver's email address etc. but when ever I hit send even if it was saved as a draft it is then gone after the send. Is there a way to make a template so it will send but I will still have it saved in 'draft's after?
What exactly are Documents? Some things I write as word processing appear there, but not all. Many go to folder I designate, e.g. journal or directions. I know there is a place to check Document or Template and Document is checked. Probably not a big deal, but I'm curious. iMac OS 10.6.2, Intel Core 2 Duo, Processor: 3.06 GHz, Memory: 4 GB
Is there a way to insert a selected template after, for instance, the cover page of a document, or anywhere else for that matter?If not, can I merge the template with an already created document?
I'm trying to create a template consisting of two different pages.
I have created both pages, selected them individually in the Page Thumbnails bar and selected Format > Advanced > Capture Pages and they both appear in the Sections tab.
My problem however, is when I select the second of the sections (the one I wish to duplicate multiple times within a new document), it inserts two new pages - one reflecting the appropriate formatting I have created, and the other a seemingly blank page that carries on both the Header and Footer characteristics of the document.
When this happens, the newly added section appears in the Page Thumbnails bar as a group - that is to say that I am unable to delete the "blank" page by itself, I can only delete both pages.
Numbers 09 has started crashing when I try and open the "Event Planner" template.I've tried reinstalling and repairing permissions - any other ideas?When it crashes, the report says "Numbers quit unexpectedly when using the SFWordProcessing Plugin".I really need that Event Planner template asap - what can I do...??
I've just learned a good way of having my company logo entered in the header with a fair bit of customization. Also a footer, but after creating a new sheet from template it crashes. Using office for mac 2004 11.5.5, what I can do or a different way to quickly enter, macros look a bit complex for an amateur like me.
I want all of my videos to have the same transitions between slides with the same duration for the transitions and the same captions. How do I do this?
I want to insert a date in the header and save it as a template. Just as what the templates shipped with Pages. I have no difficulty in inserting the date( from the date menu), and I saved it as a template. The question is that when I use the template next time, the date is the date that I created the template. While apple's template has no this kind of problem.
Is there some way to make Pages documents update when their template(s) are updated? Basically, if I change a paragraph style in the template for documents A, B, C, & F, I'd like for those documents to update all instances of that style when I next open them.
How do I do this, scanning a document as a TIFF or using a text recognition program to create a template, then making a place were I can edit text, or add text to the document scanned?
steps I think? 1) scan document as TIFF 2) convert to PDF 3) use a PDF form filler? like [URL]