Applications :: Pages 09: Insert A Template Within A Document?
Aug 30, 2010
Is there a way to insert a selected template after, for instance, the cover page of a document, or anywhere else for that matter?If not, can I merge the template with an already created document?
Is there some way to make Pages documents update when their template(s) are updated? Basically, if I change a paragraph style in the template for documents A, B, C, & F, I'd like for those documents to update all instances of that style when I next open them.
How do I do this, scanning a document as a TIFF or using a text recognition program to create a template, then making a place were I can edit text, or add text to the document scanned?
steps I think? 1) scan document as TIFF 2) convert to PDF 3) use a PDF form filler? like [URL]
I'm trying to create a template consisting of two different pages.
I have created both pages, selected them individually in the Page Thumbnails bar and selected Format > Advanced > Capture Pages and they both appear in the Sections tab.
My problem however, is when I select the second of the sections (the one I wish to duplicate multiple times within a new document), it inserts two new pages - one reflecting the appropriate formatting I have created, and the other a seemingly blank page that carries on both the Header and Footer characteristics of the document.
When this happens, the newly added section appears in the Page Thumbnails bar as a group - that is to say that I am unable to delete the "blank" page by itself, I can only delete both pages.
I am using Pages '08. This task was pretty simple in MS Word but I can't duplicate it in pages.
I am trying to use bullets with long text. I want the additional lines of text with that bullet to be indented so that all of the text lines up vertically. Here's an example. (The line represents the empty space I would like to have.
On pages (Apples version of Microsoft office) how do you insert a venn diagram? I need to know asap because I have a big test tomorrow and it will help me study.
This is an issue w/ every word processor I've ever tried to replace Word w/- the only reason I still use it is because it has an easy way to start a new chapter w/ a page number other than one. I am very saddened to see that Pages is also incredibly complicated in what should be a simple task.
I write novels. I prefer to have my chapters as their own document. I am not interested in "master documents" or any of the Open Office "solutions" that were so annoying (and confusing). When starting a new chapter- let's say "Chapter Five"- if Chapter Four ended on page 126, obviously Five should start on 127. I have spent the last hour trying to figure out how to do this, on several different message boards. Can it be done or not? I can't believe MS is the only company in the world to make this an easy task- of all companies to make something "easy". Word is my last piece of ANY MS software- I'd love to be done w/ it, and Pages looks great and is very, very intuitive- but this issue has driven me nuts for years. Again, I am not interested in any solution other than what I'm asking about. If it can't be done, I will continue to use Word, although I've paid for Pages and really feel suckered by this.
What exactly are Documents? Some things I write as word processing appear there, but not all. Many go to folder I designate, e.g. journal or directions. I know there is a place to check Document or Template and Document is checked. Probably not a big deal, but I'm curious. iMac OS 10.6.2, Intel Core 2 Duo, Processor: 3.06 GHz, Memory: 4 GB
I want to insert numbered equations into pages that are centered with Mathtype. In pages there is only an insert Mathtype Equation command, not a full toolbar with different alignment and numbering options as in Word. There seems to be nowhere within Mathtype itself I can see where I can make the equation centered and numbered. Inside Pages I cant center the equation as the option is greyed out and no visible option for numbering.
If anyone can tell me how to open a Pages document that arrived as attachment in Mail? A fellow Mac user sent it. I don't have or plan to buy iWorks. I couldn't open it with the Appleworks that I have with OS X 4.9. Nor would Textedit and apps like that help.
I was recently working on a document on pages, and I had a kernel panic. After a restart, I started up Pages to continue working on the document, and it was gone! Does Pages have some kind of document recovery after a crash?
I've searched under 'spelling' and 'language' in the Help section of Pages, but I can't find anything that says how to spell check a piece of writing written in another language.
Is there any better way of exporting a Pages document to HTML, other than exporting to RTF then exporting again to HTML? This approach works, but it produces odd-looking output that needs some manual editing.
I've been working hard on this document in Pages which had 3 tables in. I have been saving it as I have gone on and just now I have scrolled up to realise one of the tables is missing.
does anybody know a way to save a Pages document as a Word DOC file with the used fonts embedded so that somebody on another (Windows) computer can see the document exactely the way I do even without having some used fonts? (PDF instead of DOC isn't possible as the text still needs to be editable for this other person.) I already searched the whole net and I am afraid this isn't possible, but just to be sure: If anybody knows a way, it would be nice if you could let me know.
Complete OS X freeze. Hard re-start, Went to re-open a pages document I was working on. It won't open: "not a valid Pages document". Thing is, I can view the document using QuickLook, no problem. Any way I can recover the text? (Tried TextEdit, Text Wrangler & BBedit, no joy). Why doesn't Pages keep backup / Autosave files?
I was wondering if there was a quick and easy way of converting a .pages or .doc or .docx to a html page. I cant seem to find anything in pages, although i may have just overlooked it. or if there is another program capable of doing something like that.
I've recently made the move from a PC to a Mac, and so far, everything gone very smoothly. I got iWork with my Mac, and there is one problem that's bugging me; every time I open a word (docx) document in pages, it asks me if I want to keep the changes or discard them, and that is for when I am just reading them. When I edit them, and I go to save it, it keeps bringing up the save as box instead of overwriting the present docx file.
I've already installed any missing fonts I have in my documents. So, to summarize, my two main problems are: If I read a docx file, Pages acts like I made changes to it, despite the fact that I did not. If I edit a docx file, Pages keeps bringing up the save as dialog box when I try to save, instead of overwriting the original docx file. The same thing happens with Numbers and Keynote. I just need a temporary fix 'til I can get a hold of Office 2011.
Is there a way to set part of the document to landscape? In Word I would select the section and it allowed the option of setting the selected section to landscape. I don't see that option Pages. I was playing around with the different section breaks and margins, but couldn't figure out how to make it work. I want some tables in landscape and the rest of the document in portrait. This document will be going back and forth from Word on a PC to me. I have not had any problems so far, but I have only had my mac for a month.
just a short question: Can anybody tell me a program/way to export my PAGES document to a PDF with all the used fonts and graphics embedded? I want that it looks exactely the same on e.g. a Windows computer on which the used fonts aren't installed. Unfortunately, even the Word exporting fuction of Pages doesn't seem very reliable - or do I do something wrong? I sometimes even lose bold/italic format etc. Very strange ... Anyway, I need a way to send somebody this text either as a Word or PDF file which won't make problems and look the same.
Is there some way to insert a PDF as a text link (click link >> open document) in a Pages document? Pages defaults to an image of the PDF (which is relatively useless). If there is some way to change this default behaviour (or some other way to hyperlink to a PDF that doesn't result in an image.
My wife has lots of documents in old pages format in many folders. I would like to come up with a script of some sort to batch open and close them using pages 09. The script i have in automator says the script is fine when ran but has no output.on open theFiles tell application "Pages".