Final Cut Pro X :: Phantom Libraries - Unable To Delete

Jun 2, 2014

So, I did some archving (simply dragging old libraries and projects over to a different storage drive.) 

However, some of the libraries STILL appeared in my browser. ...but WITHOUT the purple library symbol. And... no contents appear when you click the arrow... AND... I can't delete them? (They do NOT show up on the HD, thus I can't delete them in the finder, either.) What gives? 

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.1), 32GB RAM 3.4Ghz i7 FCPX 10.1.1

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Final Cut Pro X :: Copying Files Between Libraries / Drives?

Dec 11, 2014

I have two drives open.  I've created different Libraries, one for each drive.  I want to move a 'project' or a 'clip' from one Library/drive to another.  I drag and drop.  Will the project/clip moving from one Library/drive to another bring in the relevant original media?  (And I believe I have to recreate any Proxy files, is that right?)  And will the original media (copied) now be found in the importing Library?  Or in the folders I've set up for THAT Library.  I've been trying to keep my media in separate folders so my Libraries open fast. 

That would be a related question perhaps?  I'm trying to keep my Libraries small, so they open and close fast; and can be backed up on another 'small' drive; and my assumption has been that if I put my original media, project backups etc., assigned to designated folders (NOT in the Library file) that this will be the case - faster working with the Libraries, smaller Library files I can back up on other drives.

MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Upgraded To 10.1.3 - Loads Libraries Then Crashes

Aug 28, 2014

I upgraded to FCPX 10.1.3 with no issues. Libraries loaded and all was well. I drag and dropped a video on the timeline and FCPX stalled, then crashed. Now, when I attempt to open it up it loads the libraries, sits for a few minutes and then crashes. 

I have repaired permissions.

Trashed FCPX preferences.

Ran a maintenance program (Onyx) 

I have a Time Machine backup that I accessed and brought 10.1.2 back into my apps folder (so now I have both). When opening 10.1.2 it asks to import my libraries. If I do this will I lose data or will it ruined my libraries. My only backup of the FCPX libraries is an online backup (backblaze) and will take years to restore.  

2 Questions: 

1. How do I troubleshoot my issue with 10.1.3?

2. Can I downgrade (already on my system) to 10.1.2 and when I import libraries that have been imported to 10.1.3 into 10.1.2 will Iose data? 

Processor: 2.93 GHz Intel Core i7
Memory: 24GB
Storage: 1TB internal, 9 TB external (FCPX scratch disk is a 4TB GRaid)
OS: Mavericks 10.9.4 

Here is the crash report:

Process:         Final Cut Pro [1967]
Path:            /Applications/Final Cut Cut Pro
Version:         10.1.3 (251130)

[Code] ....

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Final Cut Pro X :: How To Get Drives ( Internal And External) Visible In Libraries

Jun 3, 2014

first time working with fcpx; how to get my drives ( internal & external) visable in libraries?

iMac, iOS 7.1.1

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Final Cut Pro X :: Warning Symbol Next To Item Listed In Libraries

Dec 2, 2014

I have a "warning" symbol next to an item listed in my Libraries. What it means or how to get rid of it.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Final Cut Pro X :: How To Save All Libraries Into External Hard Drive

Nov 30, 2014

I recently purchased an external hard drive to store my Final Cut Pro projects, and what I would like to happen is that I see projects stored on my computer when the drive is not plugged in I would like to see the projects stored on my computer. If this is not possible I would at least like to be able to see the project stored on my drive and edit them Final Cut Pro. I only see the projects on my computer in Final Cut Pro even when the hard drive is plugged in and it has projects on it. I basically want to store my Final Cut Pro projects and be able to edit them on my external drive. (final cut pro 10.1.3 latest build of Yosemite)

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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MacBook Pro :: Have 3 System Libraries - Can Delete Any Of Them

Jul 19, 2009

I am running out of space on my powerbook g4, and noticed that the libraries take up most of the space (other than my media). I have one library folder, Macintosh/Library, also one under Macintosh/System/Library, and lastly one under Macintosh/Users/(My user name)/Library. That seems like it's a little much, but I don't know, maybe I do need it. Is there a way to delete any of them, or maybe I can use an external hard drive along with my powerbook. I have a 500GB MyBook external hard drive, with a usb plug-in. Can I use that to use applications from and stuff like that? I don't know what I should do.

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Final Cut Pro X :: How To Delete Render Files

Jul 1, 2014

So every time I got to edit my movie in FCP i lose 3 GBS of space... I have multiple render files for my project. Do i only need one? Can I delete all of them and create a render file after that so I only have one. Does it auto create render files? Does it delete stuff in the project if you delete it?

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Final Cut Pro X :: Delete All Filters From A Selection Of Clips?

Jun 17, 2014

Is there an easy way to simple delete all filters from a selection of clips? 

If I select multiple clips and then delete the filter, it only deletes it from the one single clip where the playhead is, the others are untouched. 

If I make a cog standard clip, and then copy those attributes and paste it to the other clips as suggested it doesn't 'reset' those it merely dumps more filters on top or leaves the current ones untouched? 

Do I really have to go in and select and delete one single filter off every single clip?  There's a bunch of about 65 still frames I need to do this from and I can't bear the though of that. 

iMac (27-inch, Late 2012), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)

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Applications :: Safe To Delete Final Cut Pro Cache Folders?

Dec 1, 2008

So I have created a video presentation for a project I am working on using Final Cut Pro. I noticed Final Cut Pro creates a default folder in Documents called "Final Cut Pro Documents." This folder contains six additional folders:

1. Audio Render Files
2. Autosave Vault
3. Capture Scratch
4. Render Files
5. Thumbnail Cache Files
6. Waveform Cache Files

Is it safe to delete these six folders? I wouldn't otherwise care, but collectively they are taking up 25 GB on my HD. I'm not planning to delete the actual FCP project files and their attached media, but rather the above six folders which appear to be cache? Do I run any risk of losing my entire presentation if I delete these six folders, or is it simply a matter of just re rendering my project if I delete them?

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Final Cut Pro X :: Delete Rejected Video Completely From Library?

Dec 11, 2014

Need instructions for deleting unwanted (or rather unused) video completely from FCPX library?  

I have always been a bit timid about deleting the unused portions of my clips. 

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Final Cut Pro X :: Cannot Delete Event File - Not Moving To Trash

Jun 23, 2014

i am trying to delete this event file, but i cant move it to trash, no matter what.

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Final Cut Pro X :: Imported Media With Folders As Keywords - Option To Delete Keyword?

Jun 1, 2014

I imported media with "Folders as Keywords" and now I find I don't really need that. I'm trying to delete those keywords, but of course, I don't want to lose the media associated with them. I tried Control-Click the keyword hoping it would give me the option to delete the keyword but no luck. What else can I try? These are some very big files and a lot of them, so I don't want to screw anything up.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.5), MacPro2,1 Quad-Core Intel Xeon

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OS X :: Phantom Files Keep Appearing In Trash...

Feb 10, 2009

I've been having this weird issue for a few weeks. In my main user account I get 9 0 byte files that show up in my trash. If I open trash and click delete files it goes through the motions (makes empty trash sound, closes trash window) but the files remain. The only way to remove them is to do a get info on all of them which pops up the get info window for a fraction of a second, closes it and the file disappears. Trash lists the file type as alias. I can't drag them to the desktop or anywhere outside of trash. I tried doing a secure erase just in case they were remnants of old files or something. The file names are seemingly random symbols. The file names seem to be the same each time, although they seem to move in different locations (higher, lower in list). The creation date is the same for all, December 31, 1904 4:00 pm. I have a screen shot attached. This issue is only happening in my main non-admin account. My other admin account this isn't happening.

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OS X :: Phantom HD Space On My Time Machine?

Jul 11, 2010

I just bought a new HD 500gb to put my time machine on, and it has 34 GB of phantom space. I have 84GB being used for my files, but yet 34GB of unknown space. Is that for the program itself?

Or did I do something wrong in setup.

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Intel Mac :: Can't Eject Phantom Drive?

May 2, 2012

I have a portable drive  that I plugged into my imac (2010, OS 10.6.8) and as it was starting up and being found by the imac, the usb cable slipped out so the drive was not properly dismounted, but a file remained on my desktop. I cannot delete or eject this 0Kb file. I tried to rename the file and got an error code -8058. I cannot move the file.   

fyi, I replugged in the portable drive and it shows up separately (I've since renamed it) and works fine.When I eject it, the other file still remains.

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ITunes :: Phantom CD Shown In The Finder?

Jun 1, 2012

I click on a Play List or Shuffle and the first song plays over and over.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), The phantom CD shown in the Finder

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Software :: Phantom Weather Updates Keep Popping Up?

Jul 24, 2009

I'm not sure where they're coming from. I run OS 10.5.7, so perhaps it is in my OS? I also run Flock, and sometimes Firefox; both are usually open all the time. How can I remove or control these pop-ups?

I took this screenshot in the upper right-hand corner of my screen.

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Mac Pro :: How To Eject A Phantom Shared Disk Drive

Apr 11, 2012

I had a shared disk mounted on my Mac Pro.This drive was removed from the network without dismounting. Now the missing drive shows up under the DEVICES/SHARED tab on the Finder screen. It can't be moved to the trash. Rebooting doesn't help.

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp, Left A Phantom Partition - How To Format

Mar 7, 2010

boot camp assistent to add a Windows partition on my Macbook pro hard drive, about 40 gb, I installed windows 7, I couldn't manage to restarte the computer in MacOSX (i didn't had internet access) and I din't know that you just have to press option at start up, so I did a "format c:", the day later I found out what to do and I used again Bootcamp assistent to erase the partition, but even if I removed the partition, my hard drive still "see" only 460 gb instead of 500 (by looking at finder and tech tool deluxe), my hard drive shoud be 500gb.

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Intel Mac :: Phantom Folder Appeared In Finder - Cannot Be Deleted

Feb 5, 2012

A phantom folder with the name of a folder that held photos has appeared in my finders>places list. I can't choose it to delete it. It won't move. It can't be found in a search. How can I choose it and delete it?

imac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Can't Find A 'phantom' Unread Mail Or Mark It As Being Read

May 2, 2012

I'm using mail on various machines to access an Exchange server account. It generally works with no problems, but on my work MacPro (and only on this computer not the iMac at home, various laptops, iPad, iPhone etc) mail tells me there is an unread message. However, I can't find this message and it's not there when I use a webmail interface to access the same account. No problem, I figured I could just right click on the mailbox and 'mark all messages as read', but this doesn't work! I like to keep a clear inbox with no unread messages

Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Unable To Create New Library

Aug 22, 2014

We have ordered and installed FCP X .....except on 2 machines we are unable to create new libraries.  When I click on File, it only gives us options to create a New Project or New Event. 

Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Unable To Burn DVD Or Blue-ray?

Jun 23, 2014

Unable to burn dvd or blueray in FCPX. Message Video bitrate too high. Have burned successfully in past. Problem began after rendering project.

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Mac Pro :: Unable To Boot Disk, Raid, And Final Cut

Jul 7, 2008

i would like to reserve my 4th bay for windows only drive and a software raid will be used for these.

what would you think is a better set-up,

3x internal drives (all of the same model, probably WD 640's) set in raid 0 (both serve as boot drive and scratch disk) occupying bays 1, 2, and 3. In this set-up, everything (DVD's, music, photos, final cut media) would be stored on this array.

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MacBook Pro :: Final Cut Pro Won't Install - Unable To Recognize

Apr 29, 2012

I just bought the newest 13 inch MacBook Pro. I've read over all my specs and stuff it looks to be compatible with my macbook but every time I try to install it as a trial it just comes back with a message "unable to recognize" so does that mean its not compatible?

MacBook Pro

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Final Cut Pro X :: Unable To Create Camera Archive

Aug 24, 2014

When I try to create a camera archive from the card a videographer gave me I see that the archive grows to the expected size but then I get a message saying "Unable to create camera archive". Here is what the card looks like with all its folders open:

Here is the Inspector from one of the files on the card:

Here is how Final Cut sees the card from the import window:

I also imported the files without making a camera archive. In that case Final Cut copied all of the files, not letting me choose the option to leave the files in place. I am able to use the files so copied, except the audio is missing in the final frame of each clip, an example of which you can see below. There is a video image in the final frame and it is different from the one before it and the one after it.

I've also tried to process the files with ClipWrap but ClipWrap does not allow me to drag anything from the card onto its clip window. Why does Final Cut fail to create an archive? 

Is there any better way to import the files than the way that led to the missing frame of audio on the end of each clip?

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Unable To Share / Options Are Greyed Out

Dec 7, 2014

I have created a project, but when I chose "Share," all of the options are greyed out.   

I have the project active in the timeline, but it still isn't allowing any "Share" option. 

Other projects in the browser allow me to share with all of the choices seemingly available. 

iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2014), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1), OWC 1 TB 800 FW Drive, OWC 3 TB 800

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Final Cut Pro X :: Unable To Share A Project - Various Error Messages?

Dec 9, 2014

I cannot share in any way shape or form - on the share to DVD option I get a compressor -1 error message.  This is for someone else who is desperate to have the project on DVD

iMac OS x, Mac OS X (10.6.2)

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Final Cut Pro X :: Unable To Access Different Project And Event Folders

Sep 6, 2014

When I click the FPCX library icon on my hard drive, it doesn't access to the different project and event folders. How do I access those folders as directly as possible ?

Final Cut Pro X, Mac OS X (10.7.5)

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