Final Cut Pro X :: Unable To Share A Project - Various Error Messages?
Dec 9, 2014
I cannot share in any way shape or form - on the share to DVD option I get a compressor -1 error message. This is for someone else who is desperate to have the project on DVD
How do i share just part of my project? I selected the clips I want to share but when I go to share it wants to share the whole project. I just want to share half of it?
So i finished my first ten-minute long short film, i'm really proud of it. I wanted to share the whole thing in 1080p HD and then import it into after effects for some finishing touches. I did sharing < media sharing < 1080p hd.
1. Where did my movie go? it doesn't show up in iMovie anymore, and I found a big file over 1GB which appears to be my movie (but no way is it in 1080p, and I filmed with a sony HDR xr520v). I cant put that back into iMovie nor after effects.
2. Can I import this file into after effects cs4 and then re-export it in an equal quality?
When I click the FPCX library icon on my hard drive, it doesn't access to the different project and event folders. How do I access those folders as directly as possible ?
So ive been having alot of trouble with rendering a 6 minute video on Final Cut Pro X.
I go to file, share, and use HD 1080p, the video gets about 25% through when this error comes ups:
and then when i click on 'details' this comes up:
Ive looked up this problem and I cannot find a solution, I've tried doing whatever i can think of like copy and pasting it all into a different project and trying that, creating a new event and pasting it into a project there, ive tried turning off App Nap too.
Also, all throughout editing this actual video i kept running out of disk space and alot of errors would come up, so when this error came up i thought it might be that and i deleted alot of things i didnt need and cleared out my trash but it hasnt made a difference.
I have just finished editing a video that I made and when I go to click to Export literally nothing happens and when I try to share to youtube an error message pops up. This isn't my first time as I have exported videos before.
I am having weird problems with Final Cut Pro 5.1.4 and it's functionality with Snow Leopard.
Based on feedback I found online, I am being told to delete the Preferences and the /User Data folder. Still, I have to do that repeatedly. Whenever I open the Project file externally , FCP jams. Afterwards, it won't start up again.
Also, it is claiming not to recognize an DVCPro HD 1080i60 connection ; although, this is the same camera on my G5 Mac with FCP 5.1.4 and OSX Tiger
I've been working on avery complicated project all day with multiple layered clips with key frame animations, colour effects etc. All was fine until I opened a new project in the same event which I was going to use to create some effects sequences for the main project. When I went back to the original project it was empty. Tried the Undo function in case I had done anything stupid but it was greyed out. Went to the FCPX backups and the last file was almost 2 hours old but did not have any sign of this project. The only thing I have left is all the imported media.Â
Using FCPX 10.1.3. This is really annoying as all I have left is an h264 file of the almost complete project and it will be almost impossible to start from scratch.Â
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9), Mid 2012 i7
Alright so I was making this video that was really really really difficult to do and I got to like 3:00 of it today and I've been saving, then it just freezes and refuses to do anything. I then realise my external drive somehow turned off for a random reason, so I plugged it back in and it started working again, but then I reopened my project and I get this error
I click on ignore all and it's all in the trash, and what really pisses me off about this is that it took me weeks and weeks and weeks of time to do, there's no way I can redo this all over again. What can I do to get rid of the skipped message and make it all work again�
I'm sorry if this has already been posted. I looked for the answer on here and couldn't find it. I NEED HELP...BAD! I have Leopard and I was working in iMovie on a project and when i finished i went to save it and then the color wheel came up for over 5 minutes and then it automatically shut down imovie! i lost the whole project that took me over 5 hours to do! i still have the DV files that i imported, but not the editing that i did! i havent used TIME MACHINE due to the fact that i dont have a external HD. I wanted to know if there was anyway i could get that back! i know windows had a setting that you could go back to a certain time and date on your computer, but im not sure if mac does or if there is anyway i can retrieve the edited version of my movie project that i created! someone please! help me!!! i am in need of assistance and this project is due tommorow! if you can help, please send me a direct email to i would be in your DEBT! thanks!
I was making a mix and I was almost done, and iMovie '09 crashed on me. I see it in the iMovie projects folder, but when I click on it, it loads up iMovie, shows the clip for a second, then disappears.How can I get my mix back??
I created a movie project for school, it is 3 minutes long. When I press the watch full screen the screen turns black and the mouse turns to a rainbow circle and then the application itself shuts off and asks me to reopen it. The same thing happens when i try to share the movie into itunes
I have created a FCPX project with a frame rate that does not work well with the frame rate in the events I have taken clips from. I see that I cannot change the frame rate in this project. Can I copy the events on the timeline in this project to a new one with the correct frame rate?
I'm working on an iMovie project. How do I share the relevant clips and project with another user on the same computer? I recently upgraded from leopard to lion.
I have just made a teaser trailer in Final Cut Pro X. I have everything on my timeline completed but am a little unsure as to what to do next. i want to save it so i can use it on youtube and website.
I was editing a music video last night and finished the edit. I then began to do my color grading. I use Magic Bullet Looks and was using Neat Video Noise Reducer as well. Nothing out of the norm as far as my workflow goes. I got about half way finished with color and turned my computer off when i went to bed. This morning when i reopened fcpx the project loaded but showed a few spots of the timeline that needed to render (the orange bars). BUt once i clicked inside my timeline fcpx froze and i would have to force quit the program.. I have tried uplugging the drive that the events and projects are saved on and opening fcpx that works and other projects from other drives are working fine but when i plug the drive with the corrupted project it loads the project in the timeline but still freezes every single time i click in the timeline and the render percentage is stuck at 0%....Every once in a while when i try it will render about 9 to 30 % then freeze again..
I have a new Mac Pro running Maverick bought when my IMac running Leopard died on me. The reason I never upgraded the old IMac was because of FCP 6 which I did not want to lose. I backed up regularly onto Time Machine and kept my FCP project files on an external hard driveÂ
I was part way through editing a project when my IMac died. I bought 7toX thinking I would be able to import it but now find that I can't because you have to have FCP 6 or 7 already installed to do so, which you can't with OS 10.9.4.Â
FCPX 10.1.2 gets stuck while loading a project: the status bar on top of the window saying "Loading xxx project" shows the task is completed with a full blue bar but nothing happens and the panel doesn't go away. Only a few commands are available (not greyed out) in the menus; the Quit Final Cut Pro is available but I get a beep and nothing happens when I select this command. Only way to exit is to Force quit (opt-cmd-esc).Â
The strange thing is that I did not try to open that xxx project in the timeline. I was just trying to copy a range from a compound clip in the timeline into another compound clip already open in (another level of) timeline: just after selecting the range (R) FCP X decided to load project xxx and it got stuck.
Another weird thing is that while the Loading panel was visible and I had no control on FCPX, FCPX started to render the compound clip in the timeline. So I waited hoping that at its end (not the usual behavior... but ok) I could continue working. No way: rendering finishes, but the Loading panel is still there.Â
Info: iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), FCP X - Canon HF M56 PAL
I'm using Final Cut Pro X 10.1.3 and I can't find how to transfer my project. I want to do this because my laptop is slower than my Desktop iMac and I want to continue editing it on there. "Duplicate Project" no longer works the way it used to, and "Move Project" only moves it between libraries on the computer.
I have MAC Book Pro 2.8 GhZ intel core i7 with 16 GB Ram OS X 10.9.3 . Working on my Final Cut Pro X 10.1.1 but I can't seem to make a Duplicate on external HD to be shared on my iMac late 2013 model...
It only copies it on the same HD.... I would like to work my project on both MAC if I could.. I have WD Passport 2 TB on USB 3
I'm opening my new project/event in 10.1.2. It upgrades successfully, but stalls (pinwheel and top-gray loading bar stating "Loading "X" Project into the timeline") when trying to load the project into the timeline.
Running latest OS/software, all on a mid-2012 MBP.
I made a movie on FCPX 10.1 and exported it to iTunes. A few days later I try to play it from iTunes and it doesn't work. The original project in FCP is now missing.
I also shared my video with some friends but it doesn't play on thier macs either.
I have an event that's not showing up in FCPX, but it is there in the Finder, along with a CurrentVersion.fcpevent file..The media from this event is not showing as 'missing' (red) in the project, but simply as blank (black) clips, so re-connecting does not work.
How do i get these files back into the project?I've tried removing the CurrentVersion.fcpevent and re-starting , but no change...