When I click the little triangle next to the event in the library, it spins downward and no video files show. It's my second project for a new company and on a brand new computer with a new install of final cut pro X and glitches are already starting to show.
I am unable to open a FCPX library (containing at least 10 projects and events).
Final Cut attempts to load the events and projects in the library but after about 5 minutes the program shuts down and I get an Apple message giving me the option to report the problem.
All other libraries appear to work fine. I am guessing that the last project created within the affected library is corrupt.
I have tried removing the render files in that last project and I have copied the library to another drive and neither worked.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Processor - 2.2 ghz intel core i7
Can i create my own FCP X Projects file? I'm new to FCP and the training I'm on said i should have a project and events folder but I've only seen the FCP X Events file. I'm afraid that these folders may not be able to communicate properly? From what i understand i need two specific folders to manage all raw event and smaller project files separate but able to reference one another.
So I'm running FCPX version 10.1.1. I just imported a lot of video (almost 1TB). All of it is in 1080p. I did not copy anything in and left it in its original folders. So I am having two problems:
1. I wanted to transcode all of the video to work better with FCPX. Part of the original media is ProRes 422, but part of it was AVCHD. So after converting the AVCHD to Quicktime (.MOV) files, I went to transcode all of the footage to optimized media during import, but it was painfully slow. It would take 15 minutes to transcode a 10 second clip. My computer would also get very hot during this process (90*C). After multiple attempts, I decided to forgo that and just transcode when I export.
Now problem #2.
2. I am just viewing the media in the events browser to put keywords on the videos. All I am doing is viewing the videos. I have not even created a project or anything. When I'm viewing it, a lot of the clips won't load or play back, and my computer gets really hot (90*C). I can't even scrub over the videos in the event browser because they will be blacked out or blank and won't load. And this fluctuates. Sometimes I will be able to view the media,I have reset the PRAM and the SMC and neither of those have worked.
System Specifications:
Mavericks OSX 10.9.3 Macbook Pro Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013 16 GB of Ram Intel i7 Quad Core - 2.6 GHz Intel Iris Pro with Nvidia GeForce GT 750M 500 GB SSD - 202.44 Free Secondary Drive (with all of my video files): WD My Passport Ultra HD 2TB - 1.1TB Free
This may be a complete bone head question, but whenever I duplicate a project in a library, whatever I do to one is done to the other. I want the two projects to be distinct. How do I disconnect the editing from one project to another?
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 8 GB Memory; 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5
Experiment Results: Temporarily removing Events and Projects from library
REASON: I wanted to test removing events and especially ram-hungry projects from FCPX 10.1 to unclog the app a bit. I've been getting lots of spinning wheel time and dropdown windows saying projects unopened and unneeded were being loaded.
METHOD: I copied a library to another drive and experimented by manually removing some events made up entirely of projects. Why not remove them? There seems to be hysteria about manually touching the library but no one relates an actual incident that highlights how things can go wrong.
I copied a library to another drive and experimented by manually removing some events made up entirely of projects. The projects are early versions of segments of feature length doc I most likely will never need to bring back in. After removing an Event that had only Projects, FCPX opened no problem and a lot quicker.
ODDITY: Removed Events names still appeared with the twirly triangle beside them tho the event icon didn't appear and the Events were empty. I tried trashing them but couldn’t. I then closed fcpx and removed media. Reopened no problem. Closed.
Returned Event folders and media to their proper place, reopened no problem. The projects were all there tho their icons were blank at first but then after a couple minutes pics started appearing in them and pretty soon all seemed normal. I opened projects, they worked, no problem.
Moving projects & media manually between events—This may be where things get dicey, but you could do this manually with earlier versions of FCPX. It's not something I would do normally since ti's too easy to do in FCPX. But since I have this copy I might try it just to see what happens. If you don't experiment it's not science it's religion.
10.1.3 freezing issue. When editing a project, fcpx tries to 'load' a series of unrelated events and freezes, requiring me to shut down the computer and restart. The events are in my same G-drive library but not being accessed and there are no common files. It's doing it every few minutes.
Trying to backup my library in fcp x, followed the instructions on how to do so, but then I get an error saying There isn’t enough disk space to Consolidate Library Files. How much space do I need?
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
I inadvertently changed the Library name of an FCP X file in the Finder Window and now FCP X won't open. I immediately changed it back to the original name, and FCP X still won't open. The FCP X logo comes up, and then the app seems to freeze and not open.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am unable to open a FCPX library (containing at least 10 projects and events). Final Cut attempts to load the events and projects in the library but after about 5 minutes the program shuts down and I get an Apple message giving me the option to report the problem.
All other libraries appear to work fine. I am guessing that the last project created within the affected library is corrupt. i have tried removing the render files in that last p and I have copied the library to another drive and neither worked.
Info: MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Processor - 2.2 ghz intel core i7
We have ordered and installed FCP X .....except on 2 machines we are unable to create new libraries. When I click on File, it only gives us options to create a New Project or New Event.
I have a lot of storage space on my computer, but i still can't start a new project. I do command N or File --> New Project and it just makes a sad little bloop and doesn't do anything. It doesn't give me message or anything on why i can't start a new project.
I have one library that I am unable to open. It worked fine yesterday but now it just hangs with a message 'Loading "XYZ" event'. Even its backups in the Movies folder won't open. All the other libraries I've tried to open do so without any problem, so it seems the trouble is restricted to this one library and its backups.
I have a strange thing happening when I attempt to update a Final Cut Project and Event from FCPX 10.9. I'm choosing to update manually. When I tell FCPX to go ahead and update, everything looks like it is happening as planned - except that inside of Final Cut the Project files are no where to be found. I know Final Cut is supposed to put them into an Event created especially for the old Projects. But when I look for it there are no project files. When I look at what actually took place at the finder level I find that all the Events have been moved just fine but the old Project Folder is left alone and still intact. 
Some clips became unlinked. I go to link them ... and am stopped dead by the NEW Library Icon (with all it's internal folders no longer seemingly accessible). I know the file is in there - if I do a search in Finder for the missing media, it takes me right to where it is.
When I do a relink, stopped dead in my tracks by the new format. How do I access the folders hidden in the new Project Library to relink my clips with their original media?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Working on an iMac with a FCX library that links to an external media folder which has all my video. I'm not using managed media, but external links to the video source footage.
I make an exact duplicate copy of my FCX library on a USB drive, including the external media folder with all my video clips -- using the same folder structure and everything, But when I move that to another computer (MacBook Pro), open the exact same FCX library, open the same project -- I get missing links on every clip on my timeline. The library doesn't connect to the external media folder.
Re-linking causes an error and doesn't work either. The FCX library just won't take my "external media" folder which it links to fine on my iMac. All my projects on my MacBook Pro, have red "missing file" icons instead of the clips.
FCPX says media is missing, but "show package contents" on the library file shows all of the media where it is supposed to be. How do I make FCPX see the media?
I have tried to copy a consolidated library (156GB) to another drive. I have tried this twice and everything seems to be there, however when I play the project, the sound drops out in many places. (Both dialog and music tracks) Is there a way to copy the library to a new drive and not have problems? Should I "copy events to to a new library"?
I opened up fcpx and out of nowhere one of the projects I was working on is missing and there is an explanation point next to the event name. But when I go into the actual library folder inside finder I can see the project name in there. I also see inside fcpx at the bottom is a "no data (1)" portion where the media or projects go.
I have a new 27" iMac with 32GB Ram, Fusion Drive. OSX 10.9, FCP 10.1.3. Compressor and motion both installed. I used time machine to import everything from my old machine. Everything seems to work except for FCP. When I start it I get the choose library dialog. No matter if I choose use existing or new I get the Final Cut Pro has quit unexpectedly message.
FCP seems to work on other logins, old and newly created ones, just not this user. I'd really like to keep this user instead of starting over as this is a lab profile with a lot of settings to configure. So far have tried
-Deleting prefs -Uninstalling FCP and reinstalling FCP per Apples support doc. -Creating new user - FCP works here -Repair Disk permissions -Running Digital Rebellion's Crash Analyzer - said it was the user interface and to run Housekeeping which did not work.
Just updated to 10.1.3 from 10.1.2 and video files import without audio into library. Audio shows and plays in media import window. Everything from before update is fine.
I store all my libraries on an external hard drive and today my dad unplugged it without ejecting it. When I went to reopen it it said it was corrupted and will no longer open in final cut. in fact, it just crashes final cut. I have a video editing business and have hours worth of work in the library.
On Final Cut Pro 7, I would have my computer with an external hard drive with footage and I would edit on that. I would then email the small project file to a co-editor who would pick up where I left off. It was a very fast baton pass because he had his own computer with a clone of my external hard drive with the footage. We would pass the baton back and forth all the time.
I am trying to figure out how I can do this in Final Cut Pro X. I understand you can transfer/copy the library, but that would involve copying 100s of GBs at a time. Possibly TBs. And please note that I'm not just looking to copy sequences alone (or "projects" as they're now called in FCP X). In FCP7, the project file would contain all organization, labeling, tagging, etc of all clips, as well as all sequences.
Is there a way two pass the baton in the way I am looking for? This is imperative to my workflow.