Final Cut Pro X :: Can Copy Events But Not Move To Different Library
Jun 28, 2014i can copy events but not move events in fcpx to a different library (archive) why?
View 1 Repliesi can copy events but not move events in fcpx to a different library (archive) why?
View 1 RepliesWhen I click the little triangle next to the event in the library, it spins downward and no video files show. It's my second project for a new company and on a brand new computer with a new install of final cut pro X and glitches are already starting to show.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am unable to open a FCPX library (containing at least 10 projects and events).
Final Cut attempts to load the events and projects in the library but after about 5 minutes the program shuts down and I get an Apple message giving me the option to report the problem.
All other libraries appear to work fine. I am guessing that the last project created within the affected library is corrupt.
I have tried removing the render files in that last project and I have copied the library to another drive and neither worked.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Processor - 2.2 ghz intel core i7
Removing either Events or Projects from the Library manually (deleting from package contents on drive)?
Any reason there could be a problem?
I have foolishly allowed a Library to build up on my boot disk and wish to move it to an external.
I know I can shutdown FCP X and copy it across manually but I would like to use the "Move Library" control in the File Menu.
For some reason it's greyed out in spite of me selecting the Library.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I've noticed that my main hard drive is filling up fast with videos, and I'd like to move my libraries on to a separate hard drive. Is this possible without losing any links or preferences? Is it as simple as moving the libraries in the finder, and if so will all the links follow the library to the new location?
OS X Yosemite (10.10), 2009 Mac Pro quad 2.66, iphone 6+
Can i create my own FCP X Projects file? I'm new to FCP and the training I'm on said i should have a project and events folder but I've only seen the FCP X Events file. I'm afraid that these folders may not be able to communicate properly? From what i understand i need two specific folders to manage all raw event and smaller project files separate but able to reference one another.
So I'm running FCPX version 10.1.1. I just imported a lot of video (almost 1TB). All of it is in 1080p. I did not copy anything in and left it in its original folders. So I am having two problems:
1. I wanted to transcode all of the video to work better with FCPX. Part of the original media is ProRes 422, but part of it was AVCHD. So after converting the AVCHD to Quicktime (.MOV) files, I went to transcode all of the footage to optimized media during import, but it was painfully slow. It would take 15 minutes to transcode a 10 second clip. My computer would also get very hot during this process (90*C). After multiple attempts, I decided to forgo that and just transcode when I export.
Now problem #2.
2. I am just viewing the media in the events browser to put keywords on the videos. All I am doing is viewing the videos. I have not even created a project or anything. When I'm viewing it, a lot of the clips won't load or play back, and my computer gets really hot (90*C). I can't even scrub over the videos in the event browser because they will be blacked out or blank and won't load. And this fluctuates. Sometimes I will be able to view the media,I have reset the PRAM and the SMC and neither of those have worked.
System Specifications:
Mavericks OSX 10.9.3
Macbook Pro Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013
16 GB of Ram
Intel i7 Quad Core - 2.6 GHz
Intel Iris Pro with Nvidia GeForce GT 750M
500 GB SSD - 202.44 Free
Secondary Drive (with all of my video files):
WD My Passport Ultra HD 2TB - 1.1TB Free
This may be a complete bone head question, but whenever I duplicate a project in a library, whatever I do to one is done to the other. I want the two projects to be distinct. How do I disconnect the editing from one project to another?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 8 GB Memory; 2.5 GHz Intel Core i5
Experiment Results: Temporarily removing Events and Projects from library
REASON: I wanted to test removing events and especially ram-hungry projects from FCPX 10.1 to unclog the app a bit. I've been getting lots of spinning wheel time and dropdown windows saying projects unopened and unneeded were being loaded.
METHOD: I copied a library to another drive and experimented by manually removing some events made up entirely of projects. Why not remove them? There seems to be hysteria about manually touching the library but no one relates an actual incident that highlights how things can go wrong.
I copied a library to another drive and experimented by manually removing some events made up entirely of projects. The projects are early versions of segments of feature length doc I most likely will never need to bring back in. After removing an Event that had only Projects, FCPX opened no problem and a lot quicker.
ODDITY: Removed Events names still appeared with the twirly triangle beside them tho the event icon didn't appear and the Events were empty. I tried trashing them but couldn’t. I then closed fcpx and removed media. Reopened no problem. Closed.
Returned Event folders and media to their proper place, reopened no problem. The projects were all there tho their icons were blank at first but then after a couple minutes pics started appearing in them and pretty soon all seemed normal. I opened projects, they worked, no problem.
Moving projects & media manually between events—This may be where things get dicey, but you could do this manually with earlier versions of FCPX. It's not something I would do normally since ti's too easy to do in FCPX. But since I have this copy I might try it just to see what happens. If you don't experiment it's not science it's religion.
10.1.3 freezing issue. When editing a project, fcpx tries to 'load' a series of unrelated events and freezes, requiring me to shut down the computer and restart. The events are in my same G-drive library but not being accessed and there are no common files. It's doing it every few minutes.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have manually backed up all my files under User folder without using any of system backup tool(due to technical issue, i have no other option rather than copying manually). I have erased all hard disk and would like to copy everything back to Macintosh. Then the problem is when I tried to copy old Library folder to Macintosh HD user folder, it is saying I need to input password to continue, then I entered password and it still says i don't have permission.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I was wondering if there's a way to move files instead of copy them via dragging with the mouse, or even a keyboard shortcut? I mostly run into this problem when I'm trying to move stuff to and from the Firewire External Drive I have connected to my Mac. It's kind of frustrating since I have to delete all the original ones, since I simply don't need them anymore.
View 23 Replies View RelatedRecently started using SD cards and Mem Stick ProDUo cards.
Problem is I cannot seem to get the files that I wish to move or copy onto the cards
I get this error message :
The Finder can�t complete the operation because some data in �Inimaker.gpe� can�t be read or written.
(Error code -36)
The files can be moved or copied withing my Mac absolutley fine, just happens when trying to move to the mem cards.
There is nothing wrong with the files by the way....
NOTE: I am doing this with Tiger. I have read complaints about how Windows Explorer is better than OS X Finder. One popular complaint is that it is impossible to copy/move a file from one folder to another folder outside the current one without two windows as Finder doesn't have a split window setup like Explorer. This simply isn't true. Mac OS X simply handles this differently than Windows. Heres how...
1. Open a window and go to the folder that you want to copy/move files to.
2. Drag that folder to your sidebar (+T)
3. Navigate to the folder that contains what you want to copy/move.
4. Drag your file(s) to the folder you just put in your sidebar to move them or hold 'option' and drag to copy them.
5. If you don't want the folder you copied to permanently in your sidebar just drag it out.
If your needs are more robust and you want to copy/move between many folders you can drag as many folders to your sidebar as you can fit. Plus your folders will be just as you left them when you go back to them (with the exception of the view). The sidebar doesn't have to be permanent and is your friend .
In FCP 7 I'd just hold down the Shift key when moving clips up or down (on tracks). What would be the keystroke to do that in FCP X? So I can move audio clips up and down, but not sideways?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
An issue arose today with our new MacPro/FCPX/SNS EVO SAN combo.
When importing media from a portable drive using FCPX in “copy files” mode, with the Library’s media folder residing on the SAN, FCPX imports but does not copy the media. The clip appearing in the browser is still linked to the original file.
If the clip is of a codec that can be optimized and the option in the import window is ticked, only the optimized media is copied to the SAN volume.
Renders work, writing to a dedicated NAS volume, Exports work too, writing to another dedicated Exports NAS volume.
I am stumped. I have never seen FCPX behave this way. The strange thing is that at no time does it indicate any problem with the copying process not succeeding…
Because the optimized media is created on the volume I would imagine this is probably more of an OS/FCPX issue but I don’t know enough about the processes in the mac to be sure of that.
OBTW: Trashed the prefs, with both Pref Manager and alt+cmd at launch.
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 64 GB RAM Dual 700s gfx cards
I have filmed using a Canon XF300 camera which produces MPEG -2 files on CF cards. I have used the highest quality setting - 1920x1080 i50 : this is broadcast standard.
I use FCP version 7.03 to log and transfer the material. I have edited a half hour project with various effects and that too has worked. BUT now I cannot find a way of EXPORTING this as a QT movie to copy onto a 4Gb DVD. I have tried various settings - Apple Pro Res 422 is the favourite but it produces huge files. I find the digital domain hasn't been covered well enough in the FCP version I have.
Imac PPC, Mac OS X (10.4.8)
I'm doing a quick promo. I recorded a rough script VO, organised my clips and music.
I then had the professional voiceover artist record a revised script.
However, I can't simply replace my original script as we have added a couple of things. What I would have done under 7 is lock the background music and video clips in place, remove the VO timeline, and then replace each bit separately. However, I can't do that because the video clips have connected themselves to each other.
I also have shuffled a couple of things around so need to keep the video the same, but move the audio to a different part. I can move the video without moving the audio, but I can't move the audio without moving or deleting the video.
I can't copy/move files from one volume (DVD-ROMs or USB drives) to another (my iMac's drive or external drive).
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI have alot of long clips that I want to edit down in events. When I reject a segment of a clip, I move the rejected to trash but it takes the whole clip with it and not just the segment. Is this normal? Is there a way around it? MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Looking for the way to install my purchased copy of final cut pro x onto another Imac that I have at home. The app is not showing up in my account to access. Shows that I purchased it and the date, but no app. It is currently installed on my Mac Book Pro. No problems there.
Final Cut Pro X, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Trying to backup my library in fcp x, followed the instructions on how to do so, but then I get an error saying There isn’t enough disk space to Consolidate Library Files. How much space do I need?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
I'm using Mac OS X 10.6. After copying some folders from external hard drive to PC these folders are now locked on Mac. There is no pencil in the Finder's lower left corner and there are no messages appear. I just simply can't open these folders.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
At times I would like to gather all files of a certain extension (aif or jpg or xlsx or) in one location. By adding the extension parameter to the finder's FIND command, I can easily see them all, but that's only the first half. How do I now move, or copy them all into a single folder, say, on the desktop?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
Using migration assistant (via ethernet) to transfer files, some apps, and most importantly my itunes music library. Old system is 2010 MacBook with SL, new MBA with Lion. All transferred that I wanted except no itunes library. Support help says (after long discussion and level up person got involved) if I have ripped music from CDs library will not transfer using migration assistant.
View 8 Replies View RelatedDoing a sound mix. Lots of tracks.
Talking about wild audio tracks not directly related to video clips.
I find I want to attach a particular audio clip to a different video clip (given that without tracks it has to be attached to SOMETHING). Is there a way to move an audio clips affiliation to an alternate video clip? Especially without having to drag it out of place to do so?
Which leads to another question: is there any way to freeze an audio clip in place?
MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Could I move my "movies" folder in OSX 10.9.3 to another internal sata disk?
Unfortunately, my SSD disk has been full from the media of FCPX.
Also, I do not want to move my whole "user" folder.
I currently have my Itunes library on an external hard drive. This hard drive (Maxtor) has been giving me problems. I bought another external hard drive and I want to copy my library onto that. My operating system is Vista. When I hook up the new hard drive can I just do the normal procedure that I used to put the library on the first external hard drive? Is it a totally different procedure?
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