Final Cut Pro X :: Sharing Library On Two Machines / Two Hard Drives?
Sep 3, 2014
On Final Cut Pro 7, I would have my computer with an external hard drive with footage and I would edit on that. I would then email the small project file to a co-editor who would pick up where I left off. It was a very fast baton pass because he had his own computer with a clone of my external hard drive with the footage. We would pass the baton back and forth all the time.
I am trying to figure out how I can do this in Final Cut Pro X. I understand you can transfer/copy the library, but that would involve copying 100s of GBs at a time. Possibly TBs. And please note that I'm not just looking to copy sequences alone (or "projects" as they're now called in FCP X). In FCP7, the project file would contain all organization, labeling, tagging, etc of all clips, as well as all sequences.
Is there a way two pass the baton in the way I am looking for? This is imperative to my workflow.
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Sep 2, 2010
i have two exact same 17 inch MBPs i am thinking on selling one , one has a lot of stickers and marks on it and the data on that is not at all important (i can format the hard drive no problem). the other one body has very clean and data on that is important lots and lots of photos and videos. i want to sell the one which has clean body so i can get better $ for it. it is possible to just swap hard drives between these two identical MBPs and sell ? would that make any different in performance and also the serial number on ABOUT THIS MAC is that written on hard drive or some place else?
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Oct 29, 2006
I am relatively new to Macs, have been using it for 5-6 months. I already know how to do everything but share folders and drives using my network connection. I have an iMac and a Macbook Pro. I have a 120GB Hard Drive hooked up to the iMac via Firewire. How can I share that Firewire External Hard Drive with my Macbook Pro? What are the steps I have to follow to connect both macs? Is there a way that I could also share my iMac's desktop files with my Macbook Pro? I already have a wi-fi connection between both computers, I just don't know how to share that hard drive between both simultaneously..
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Dec 10, 2014
Just bought new version of Final Cut and it will not recognize the external hard drive that I plug into my usb or the extra hard drive that I had installed into my laptop to do video work on for more space.
Final Cut Pro X, Mac OS X (10.7.5)
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Feb 6, 2010
I successfully have my mac mini's external hard drives showing up on my macbook pro, however I have run into into a problem. When bringing up programs like ITunes I get a very slow response or application not responding, I songs and videos show up in ITunes after hours upon hours of loading them in. In Plex t also has this problem. It is hit and miss when I try to play a video that is on the hard drive. This is only happens with video and music. Other files I have no problem. I am using an apple extreme router and an apple express router as a booster.
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Jun 25, 2012
I am busy ripping my huge movie collection into an iTunes library, so I can play through my new Apple TV to my HDTV. Trouble is, it looks like I'll probably need at least 4TB's of HD space before I'm all finished. What I would like to do is to buy an external HD unit with two 3TB drives, and split my iTunes library across them, while still being able to view all of the movies on both drives all of the time, and give me lots of extra room for future expansion.
Is this possible? If not, does anyone know of an aftermarket Thunderbolt 4TB external HD? I found a 4TB drive, but not with Thunderbolt.
Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), iPod Classic, Macbook, Apple TV2
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Jun 29, 2014
I recently was editing a project and this message popped up: "The hard disk where your library is located may be fullor unavailable or permissions may have changed.To avoid losing your work, quit Final Cut Pro." I proceeded to quite Final Cut Pro, but when I re-opened it moments later the project was no longer listed under the Projects tab. I had been working on this project for several months and it had been saving without a problem until today, where now it appears to be completely gone.
I looked in my finder and the project still exists under the "Backups" folder, but for some reason it is just not showing up in Final Cut Pro. I've recently updated final cut to the latest version so I wasn't sure if that had something to do with it.
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Apr 27, 2009
My original 1st iMac (3.06 ATI) has a "OPTIARC DVD RW AD-5670s" dvd drive. My identical replacement has a "PIONEER DVD RW DVRTS08. Is this the norm across the range? I'm assuming both are similar?
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Jun 7, 2012
My iMac is running out of hard drive space as its the central computer we use to run Apple TV from. I woudl like to add an external hard drive and woudl prefer to plug it into one of the RJ45 ports on the time machine and save all large movie, audio and image files onto the hard drive -
Info:Time Machine, iOS 5.1.1
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Feb 18, 2007
I have a powerbook with an airport card currently connected to my belkin network with broadband! Is there anyway I can share this with my ibook via ethernet to update some things?
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Sep 3, 2009
I own a 24" iMac, as well as my newly purchased MacBook Pro. How can I keep my contacts, files, music, pictures, etc. up to date and the same between the two?
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Dec 7, 2014
I've noticed that my main hard drive is filling up fast with videos, and I'd like to move my libraries on to a separate hard drive. Is this possible without losing any links or preferences? Is it as simple as moving the libraries in the finder, and if so will all the links follow the library to the new location?
OS X Yosemite (10.10), 2009 Mac Pro quad 2.66, iphone 6+
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Feb 4, 2010
I've just started to use ARD and have it installed on my Admin computer running 10.6.2. I'm aiming to control macs on different OS'. I seem to be able to work ok with machines running tiger but leopard and panther aren't working correctly.
I'm not sure if its because I need to create a new account on the machines to use in conjunction with ARD, I've seen this done before in apple tutorial videos. Does anyone know if this is the best way to implement the system or can I check the ARD box in the sharing preference of my machines?
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Dec 11, 2014
When I attempt to share my project to a DVD, it gives me the option of 'Next' rather than 'Share' - why? Then it says that the DVD Sharing was successful - but it hasn't! It saves a disk image to the destination. I don't know why the 'Share' option has suddenly changed!! I was burning DVDs just fine a few days ago!
Also, what is the most effective / quick way of burning DVDs using the MacBook, without purchasing other software?
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Sep 13, 2009
I'm looking at the specs page for the MacBook Pro and it reads this...
Your MacBook Pro comes standard with a 5400-rpm Serial ATA hard drive. Choose a hard drive with a faster speed for greater performance. Or you can choose a solid-state drive that offers enhanced durability.
Basically suggesting that the HDD option has a performance advantage over the SSD, but is this the case? I always thought SSDs could read & write quicker because they use solid-state flash memory as opposed to hard disks.
I want to go with the 256GB SSD but I want to know how it ranks in speed.
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Sep 9, 2014
In the current FCP-X, I see in the Background Tasks window how to CANCEL a sharing operation (in this case exporting out to a Master File), but can't figure out how to simply PAUSE it, so I can begin another Master File export from a different Project, one that's suddenly become much more Time-Urgent and needs to happen ASAP.
I'd prefer not to lose the 2-3 hours of heavy pixel-lifting FinalCut's already put in to the first export, but it looks like that's what I'll now have to do in order to start this new more important one, and make sure it gets full priority in terms of system resources -- unless find any way to put one Share task on hold while a new one gets all the attention until it's done.
Mac Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), 8-core 2.8GHz; 24 GB; GeForce 8800
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Dec 11, 2014
I have two drives open. I've created different Libraries, one for each drive. I want to move a 'project' or a 'clip' from one Library/drive to another. I drag and drop. Will the project/clip moving from one Library/drive to another bring in the relevant original media? (And I believe I have to recreate any Proxy files, is that right?) And will the original media (copied) now be found in the importing Library? Or in the folders I've set up for THAT Library. I've been trying to keep my media in separate folders so my Libraries open fast.
That would be a related question perhaps? I'm trying to keep my Libraries small, so they open and close fast; and can be backed up on another 'small' drive; and my assumption has been that if I put my original media, project backups etc., assigned to designated folders (NOT in the Library file) that this will be the case - faster working with the Libraries, smaller Library files I can back up on other drives.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Glossy), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 26, 2012
I am trying to setup a Mac Pro with Lion Server that will allow us to access our videos and images via the local network.
I have created a group and populated it with the names/accounts of those that will be using the server.
I have added both installed drives as share points, the smaller one is the system/boot drive and the larger one contains the video and images (both drives are internally-mounted). I've also enabled the group's permission to read/write.
We are able to login to the server via afp but we only see our individual home directories on the system/boot drive.
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Jun 3, 2014
first time working with fcpx; how to get my drives ( internal & external) visable in libraries?
iMac, iOS 7.1.1
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Dec 4, 2014
When sharing, if we have the project to work with proxies (assuming I transcoded clips in both the formats) is better to change it before or whatever is my setting the render quality depends on setting in my share options.
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Jun 2, 2014
The "sharing' facility to create a DVD from FCPX has no parametrs I can adjust. namely, the poor sound quality and levels. In DVD Pro I could adjust the parametrs for optimum quality, and save that setting for all music video's.Now that DVD Pro is no longer available my only option is to use Compressor and to tweak my settings, but how do I burn the DVD from compressor?The files that Copmpressor and FXPX build will not be imported by iDVD, and I don't actually want to use iDVD and it's templates.
Final Cut Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Jan 3, 2011
I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to share my itunes library to a friend in New York and vice versa. Maybe a tweak in the home share thing?
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May 21, 2009
i have a huge itunes library, and i like to share it between family and friends.
is there a fast way to send a list of my library?
i used to do it by printing my library as a pdf, but the pdf would range in size from 500mb to over a gig in size and its impossible to send by email.
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Oct 15, 2009
Is it possible to listen to the music on my OSX partition while on my Windows 7 one? I don't want bring my music files over to my Windows 7 partition, so is there anyway to share my itunes library between partitions?
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Jan 20, 2010
I cant get my speakers to work with my Mac Pro so since I have my macbook pro on my desk also I want to share Itunes with my macbook pro since I can use my speakers through that. Is there any way I can have the itunes on my macbook pro use the library from my Mac Pro?
Mac Pro (Snow Leopard)
Macbook Pro (Leopard)
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Mar 31, 2010
He has a Mac and a PC on his network and would like to share his library between these machines. Now sharing the music is easy through the home sharing feature of iTunes, but he would like to take it a step further and also use and edit his playlists on both of the machines and keep them synchronized. Is there anyone who can give me some pointers on how we can set up his system so he can do this?
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Mar 5, 2012
I recently purchased a 27" iMAC running OS X 10.7.3. This iMac is now connected to my home network/workgroup.
- I want to build a new iTunes Library on my 1TB internal Mac HD.
- I want my 3 non Mac Machines (1 XP Prof and 2 Windows 7 Home) to be able to view the contents of my new (not yet built) iTunes Library resident on my iMac and of course be able to
- play that content.
- have play counts from my Windows-based be saved back to my iTunes Library.
- be able to rate a song from any computer (Mac or Windows) within this iTunes Library and have that rating saved back to this iTunes Library.
I don't want to have to rely on iTunes "Shared Library" function. In other words I want all PCs to be able to read/write to the same iTunes Library file.Before I purchased my iMac, my iTunes Library existed on one of my Windows-file system external drives. The pre-requisites for allowing multiple Windows PCs to access/share/write to the same iTunes Library was to:
- share the Windows folder on the external drive in which the iTunes Library file was stored (allowing network users to be able to change the files), and
- make sure all Windows-based PCs ran the same iTunes software version.
I don't want to change the version of Windows iTunes software from the currently installed 10.5.0 version.Can my Windows PCs access and utilize the same iTunes library file that I plan to build on my iMac hard drive? What older version of Mac iTunes software should I install on my iMac in order to allow the Windows PCs to access and use the iMacs iTunes library file?
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Apr 12, 2012
I'm suspecting the answer is NO. I have pictures that are shared via Photostream, appearing on both my iPhone and my iPad. My wife has her own iPhone & ID. and it would be really nice if our photos could all be part of one big happy family, with my photos appearing on her iPhone and vice-versa.
As I said...even though I never used MobileMe, looks like something I really wish could happen.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.0.1
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Jan 25, 2009
I have a Imac 20 with a small 3.5 hard drive and I have bought a bigger 360 gig 3.5 hard drive to replace the old one. I have the new one in an external case with USB 2.0 right now. Is there some way I can transfer the entire contents of the old hard drive on to the new one and then swap out the old drive with the new drive and not miss a beat?
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Sep 5, 2010
I have to hard drives in my powermac. And I am running out of space with the one that has the OS on it.
I want to make the 2 internal hard drives i have appear as one so i can still install and use things that say "must have mac OS installed on this drive to use" or whatever.
i've heard of people using RAID to join them, but i want details on how i could do this.
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